Officer: Good morning, madam. Could you answer some questions?
Victim: Sure, officer.
Officer: Good. It won't take a lot of time. So, the first question is what exactly happened yesterday?
Victim: I was going home when a thief stole my bag. I called for help but no one cared.
Officer: I need to know where the accident happened.
Victim: It happened on the 1st Avenue Street, not far from the Natwest Bank.
Officer: What time was it?
Victim: I guess it was about 7 pm.
Officer: Okay. Can you remember what did the criminal look like?
Victim: I'm afraid not, I was a little bit shocked. But I can say that he was dressed in dark jeans or pants and a blue jacket. And he was pretty tall.
Officer: Well, the last question. Was there something important in your bag?
Female: Of cousre! My driving license was there!
Officer: Okay, that's it. We'll inform you immediatly when we find out something new.
Female: Thanks, you too. See you!
Vocabulary: thief – вор, steal – воровать, accident – происшествие, criminal - преступник, driving license – водительские права.
PART 3. Self - assignment .
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля по грамматической теме
Zero and First Conditional
Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. If world is a stage, then life ____ a game.
a) is; b) will be; c) aren’t; d) will
2. If you want to be with me, ____ me that you love me.
a) tell; b) will tell; c) don’t tell; d) tells
3. I ____ you any alcohol, unless you ____ over 18.
a) will sell / are; b) won’t sell / aren’t; c) won’t sell / are; d) sell / will be
4. Unless the weather _____ better, I _____.
a) gets / will arrive; b) gets / won’t arrive; c) doesn’t get / won’t arrive; d) will get / arrive
5. I ____ grateful if you ____ what I said to yourself.
a) will be / will keep; b) am / keep; c) will be / keep; d) am / will keep
6 Unless she ____ her results, she ____ to the concert.
a) improves / won't go; b) improves / will go; c) doesn't improve / will go; d) will improve / goes
7. If you heat water to 100 C, it _____ .
a) boils; b) boil; c) will boil d) won’t boil
8. Peter _____ wet if he _____ an umbrella.
a) gets / won’t take; b) get / will take c) will get / takes; d) will get / doesn’t take
9 If your parents come, I _______ dinner.
a) will cook; b) won’t not cook; c) cook; d) cooks
10. When I ______ my work, I_______ to the cinema.
a) finish / go; b) finish / will go; c) will finish / go; d) will finish /will go
Лексическая тема: Police techniques. «Методы полицейской работы»
Грамматическая тема : Modal Verbs can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to (Использование модальных глаголов).
Текст для чтения : Aspect of Police Work.
Цели занятия:
1. Развивать навыки чтения со словарем текстов профессионально-ориентированной направленности.
2. Развивать навыки построения монологического высказывания и ведения диалога по теме «Police techniques».
3. Знать значение модальних глаголов can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to и уметь использовать их в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
4. Понимать на слух монологическое либо диалогическое высказывание по теме занятия.
Modal verbs.
Модальные глаголы в английском языке отличаются от остальных глаголов тем, что они не используются самостоятельно и не обозначают конкретного действия или состояния, они отражают его модальность, то есть отношение к нему говорящего.
Использование модальных глаголов:
1. Сan – может переводиться, как «умею, могу» (а также «можно») и выражает физическую или умственную способность, умение выполнить определенное действие.
Can you help me to get to the center? – Вы можете мне помочь добраться до центра?
I can run 100 metres. – Я могу пробежать 100 метров.
Can употребляется для вопроса и утверждения о разрешении, в то время как can't для запрета.
You can’t take my car without my permission – Ты не можешь брать мою машину без моего разрешения.
2. Could – используется, чтобы сделать просьбу более вежливой, вместо ‘can ’ говорим ‘could ’ «мог бы». Также является прошедшей формой глагола «can».
Could you help me, please? – Могли бы вы мне помочь, пожалуйста?
I could catch a criminal without support – Я смог поймать преступника без поддержки.
3. Must - выражает необходимость, моральную обязанность и переводится как «должен, обязан, нужно».
A policeman must be tolerant to the people – Полицейский должен быть толерантным с людьми.
4. Mustn’t - употребляется для выражения запретов;
You must not break the law – Тебе запрещается нарушать закон.
5. Have to - Должен, приходится, вынужден из-за обстоятельств.
You have to study crime scenes to search for clues – Сначала вы должны обследовать место преступления чтобы найти зацепки.
Cadet has to be on duty today – Сегодня курсанту придется заступить в наряд.
6. Should – выражает рекомендации по совершению действия, совет «следует, рекомендуется».
You should study Criminal Law . – Тебе следует изучить уголовное право (совет).
Задание № 1. Расскажите, что вы умеете и не умеете делать. Используйте can или can’t.
1) I __ speak Chinese. 2) I __ fly to the moon. 3) I __ run 2 kilometers. 4) I __ ride a bicycle. 5) I __ read a detective book.6) I __ explain the system of court. 7) I __ speak to the President. 8) I catch a criminal. 9) I __ translate a difficult text without dictionary. 10) I __ vote at the age of seventeen.
Задание № 2. Составьте предложения, употребляя модальный глагол should или shouldn’t.
1) The sun is really strong. He __ put on some sun cream. 2) If Martha’s got a really bad cold, she __ go to school. 3) Families __ be together at Christmas. 4) We __ eat in the classroom. 5) Mothers__ shout at their children. 6) If she's got a headache, she __take an aspirin. 7) The weather's very hot. You __ wear a coat. 8) They've found some money. They __ take it to the police. 9) You __ speak with your mouth full. 10) Sally __ work more as she’s missed some lessons.
Задание № 3. Составьте предложения, употребляя must (+) или mustn’t (–).
1. You __ listen carefully. (+). 2. You __ use your mobile phones. (-). 3. You __ touch the snakes. (-). 4. You __ tell us about any problems. (+). 5. You __ drop litter. (-). 6. You __ be careful. (+) 7. You __ help your parents. (+) 8. You __ smoke in bed. (-) 9. You __ do sport. (+) 10. You __ clean teeth every day (+). 11. You __ be rude (-).
Задание № 4. Составьте предложения о законах в вашей стране. Используйте have to или don’t have to.
In my country:
1) Children ______ start school when they are four.
2) At the age of twenty young people _______ finish school.
3) Men ______ do military service.
4) You ______ break the law.
5) You ______ have your parents’ permission to get married before you are eighteen.
6) You ______ be eighteen to vote.
7) All people with a job ______ pay taxes.
8) You ______ have a license to ride a bicycle.
PART 2. Reading tasks .
Задание №1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.
Aspect of Police Work
The basic responsibility of the police is to fight crime, maintain order, and provide miscellaneous services to the public. Patrol remains the basic manner in which police services are delivered to the public.
Criminal investigation is the most important aspect of policing. Most police officers regard detective work as “real” police work. Detective work has a specific mission: apprehending the offender. The quality of work can also be measured in terms of the number of arrests. This contrasts sharply with patrol duty, which largely involves peace-keeping. Good detectives are believed to be able to solve most crimes, so the citizen-victim becomes angry when the police fail to solve the crime he or she suffered from.
The process of investigating a crime involves several different steps performed by at least three different units within the police department: patrol officers, detectives. The two major stages of the investigation process are the preliminary investigation and the follow-up investigation.
The preliminary investigation is normally the responsibility o f the patrol officer who is the first to arrive at the scene of the crime. The five major responsibilities include:
1) arresting suspects
2) providing aid to any victims
3) securing the crime scene to prevent loss of evidence
4) collecting all relevant physical evidence
5) preparing report
Задание № 2. Find English translation in the text below.
Бороться с преступностью, поддерживать порядок, расследование преступлений, количество арестов, поддержание мира, патрульная служба, раскрывать преступления, подразделения полицейского управления, “расследование по холодным следам”, приехать на место преступление, подготовить рапорт.
Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги в парах.
Dialogue 1. Pulling over drivers.
Police: Can I see your driver's license please?
Man: I think it's in my pocket
Police: Do you know how fast you were driving?
Man: No, sorry. It's a rental car. Speedometer does not work.
Police: Have you been drinking tonight, Mr. Davidson?
Man: I had one drink. But I'm okay to drive.
Police: How long have you been in Japan?
Man: A few weeks, why?
Police: It seems you are unaware of our zero tolerance for drinking and driving.
Man: I'm not drunk. I'll blow into a breathalizer.
Police: In Japan you cannot operate a vehicle after consuming any alcohol.
Man: Oh, I didn't know that.
Police: You were also going over the speed limit, Mr. Davidson. I'm going to have to ask you to step out of your vehicle and get into my car.
Vocabulary: driver's license – водительские права; rental car – арендованный автомобиль; unaware – неосведомленный; breathalyzer – алкотестер; operate a vehicle [ˈviːɪk(ə)l] – управлять транспортным средством.
PART 3. Self-assignment.
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля по грамматической теме
Modal Verbscan/can’t, should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to.
Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. Ann is cold. She ____ close the window.
A) Can B) Mustn’t C) Can’t D) Should
2 I'm sorry, I can't come to the cinema with you because I ________ study.
A) Must B) Have C) Has D) Can
3. You _____ drink too much coffee before you go to bed.
A) Should B) Should to C) Shouldn’t D) Shouldn’t to
4. You ______ visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most beautiful city in America.
A) Have to B) Can C) Mustn’t D) Should
5. We _________ forget to close all the windows.
A) Have to B) Mustn’t C) Don’t have to D) Must
6. You _______ swim there. It’s dangerous.
A) Must B) Don’t have to C) Mustn’t D) Shouldn’t
7. You ________ tidy your room. It’s a mess.
A) Mustn’t B) Don’t have to C) Must D) Can
8. I _______ do my homework. It’s Saturday.
A) Shouldn’t B) Have to C) Don’t have to D) Can’t
9 She _______ practice the piano tonight. She’s not very good.
A) Must B) Can C) Mustn’t D) Shouldn’t
10. They _______ be at home early. They’re very young.
A) Have to B) Don’t have to C) Can’t D) Can
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 612.