Употребление неправильных глаголов
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

2) Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных английских глаголов, которые образуют форму прошедшего времени не по общим правилам, для них форму прошедшего времени нужно просто запомнить. (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов стр. 63)

We saw the criminal’s face – Мы видели лицо преступника .

Detective caught the suspected – Следователь задержал подозреваемого.

Вопросительные предложения:

В вопросительном предложении перед подлежащим нужно использовать вспомогательный глагол do в прошедшем времени – did, а после подлежащего поставить основной, значимый глагол в начальной форме:

Did I / You / He / She / It / They / We work?

Did the judge announce the verdict? – Судья вынес приговор ?

Did you know about the accident? – Ты знал о происшествии?

Отрицательные предложения

В отрицательных предложениях перед глаголом нужно поставить вспомогательный глагол “did ” и отрицательную частицу not:

I / You / He / She / It / They / We did not work.

(Did not = didn’t)  сокращенная форма.

We did not (didn’t) find any witness – Мы не нашли ни одного свидетеля .

Experts didn’t examine the crime scene – Эксперты не осмотрели место преступления.

NB! Здесь следует обратить внимание на следующий нюанс: вспомогательный глагол “did” «лишает» основного глагола права употребляться в прошедшем времени, так как в предложении может только один глагол стоять в Past Simple.

Утвердительные предложения

Отрицательные предложения

Вопросительные предложения





Did not









You   You   You He   He   He She   She   She It   It   It We   We   We They   They   They

Задание № 1 . Образуйте прошедшую форму правильных и неправильных глаголов.

1) Help, want, call, ask, interview, work, wash, carry, permit, play.

2) see, know, take, drive, go, give, have, get, come, cost, find, make.

Задание №2. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Прокомментируйте употребление правильных и неправильных глаголов в Past Simple.

1. A judge announced a verdict. 2. Did you know the last news? – Yes, I did. 3. The policeman helped the old lady. 4. I didn’t want to be a barrister. 5. The girl asked the policeman for help. 6. Barrister was responsible for helping people in court procedures. 7. Tourist gave his passport to immigration control. 8. Witness told everything that he knew about that accident. 9. Prime Minister signed the agreement with the British delegation. 10. I didn’t know about that man. 11. Detective proposed true version on crime committing. 12. The prosecutor spoke angrily. 13. Did you speak to the judge yesterday? – No, I didn’t. 14. In the Courtroom was judge and jurymen. 15. He received an upgrade to lieutenant.

Задание №3. Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени Past Simple.

On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I get dressed, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don't work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at horne. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we go to bed.

Задание № 4. Образуйте утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple.

Например : I saw an interesting film yesterday.

Did you see an interesting film yesterday?

I didn’t see an interesting film yesterday.

1. A lawyer took legal action. 2. I played computer games yesterday. 3. He passed an exam last Monday. 4. My brother went to London last summer. 5. A driver paid a traffic ticket. 6. The police caught the criminal. 7. It was a terrible accident. 8. It happened last night. 9. Tom decided to sell his car. 10. I liked yesterday’s concert.


Задание № 5 . Прочтите рассказ и вставьте данные глаголы в Past Simple.

“I … (to keep) my secret for five long years,” the old woman … (to say) to the newspaper reporter. The woman’s name … (to be) Phoebe Hessel. When she … (to be) 15, she … (to fall) in love with a young soldier, William Golding. Golding’s regiment … (to go) to the West Indies. Phoebe … (not, to want) to be separated from him, and there … (to be) only one way she … (can) follow him. She … (to dress) in men’s clothing and … (to join) another regiment which she … (to know) was also going to the West Indies.

We’ll never know how she … (to keep) her secret for so long. She … (to stay) in the West Indies for five years. However, in 1733, her lover’s regiment … (to go) back to Europe. There … (to be) only one way she … (can) follow him again; somehow she … (to have to) get out of the army. Phoebe … (to go) to an officer’s wife and … (to tell) her the truth. By the time Phoebe … (to come) back to England, her lover … (to be) also there. He had been wounded and … (to be) in a military hospital, close to death. She … (to return) him back to life. They … (to get) married shortly afterwards. They … (to be) very happy together and … (to live) in Brighton for almost fifty years, until Golding … (to die) in 1783.

Глагол to be в Past Simple

Вспомогательный глагол “did” не спрягаются по лицам и числам за исключением глагола “to be” (быть), в прошедшем времени (был, являлся, приходился).

Глагол “to be”, в свою очередь, имеет две формы прошедшего времени:

was – для 1-го и 3-го лица в единственном числе и

were – для множественного числа.

I was — я был                        It was – Он/она/оно был / была / было

you were — ты /вы был(и)           We were – Мы были

he was — он был                   They were – Они были

she was — она была

I was at work two hours ago – Я был на работе два часа назад.

Policeman was in Department yesterday – Полицейский был в участке вчера .

В отрицательной форме добавляется частица not: was not (wasn’t) и were not (weren’t).

Case was not ( wasn ’ t ) – Дело не было серьезным.

All barristers were in Court – Все адвокаты были в суде .

В вопросительной форме глагол “to be” в соответствующей форме выносится на первое место после которого следует подлежащее.

Were you at home yesterday? – Ты был вчера дома ?

Was the film interesting? – Фильм был интересный ?

Задание № 3 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол to be в форме Past Simple.

1. Не ... а police officer. 2. She ... not a doctor, she ... a lawyer. 3. They ... diligent cadets. 4. … there many people at the court session? 5. We ... at home on Sunday. 6. The weather ... not cold yesterday. It ... fine. 7. It …. proved that he … guilty of a crime. 8. ... they students last year? No, they ... pupils. 9. We … present at the time of the accident. 10. The suspected … brought into the police station. 11. The court … responsible for punishing criminals. 12. Why ... not you at work last Friday? 14. … the verdict announced yesterday? 15. The exam on the theory of state and law … very difficult.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 457.