Dialogue 2. (With a traffic warden)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Traffic warden: Good morning, sir! Inspector Petrov. Do you know why I’ve pulled you over?

Driver: Good morning! Sorry, I have no idea. What’s the problem? Was I speeding?

Traffic warden:  Yes. You were driving 80 km per hour in a 40 km per hour zone.

Driver: Yes, officer. I’m in such a hurry. I’m terribly late for a very important meeting. Sorry for the traffic violation.

Traffic warden:  Can I see your driver’s license and passport, please?

Driver: Sure. Here you are.

Traffic warden:  Mr. Lopez, do you know that your license expired?

Driver: Oh, really? When?

Traffic warden:  One month ago. Is your address correct?

Driver: Yes, sir. The point is that I’ve been away on business for a long time and didn’t have a chance to renew the license.

Traffic warden:  I see. Another thing is that one of your tail-lights is out of order.

Driver: A taillight? I have just picked up my car from the mechanic!

Traffic warden:  Go back then and have it fixed.

Driver: Thank you, sir.

Traffic warden:  OK. I’ll let you go with a warning for an expired license. And here is your traffic ticket for speeding. Make sure you renew the license and fix the taillight as soon as possible. Please drive carefully.

Vocabulary: pulled somebody over – приказать прижаться к обочине, speeding – превышение скорости, traffic violation – нарушение ПДД,  driver’s license – водительские права, expired – срок истек, to renew the license – продлить лицензию,  tail-lights – задние фары, to be out of order – быть не в рабочем состоянии, warning – предупреждение, traffic ticket – штраф.

PART 3. Self - assignment .

Тестовые задания для самоконтроля

по грамматическим темам Future Simple; Future Continuous.

Задание №1.  Выберите правильный ответ.

1. There ... be less pollution in 40 years.

a) won't; b) don't; c) will; d) will not

2. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным переводом предложения: «Когда я вернусь, они будут ужинать».

a) When I will be coming back, they will be having supper. b) When I come back, they will be having supper.

c) When I will be coming back, they have supper. d) When I come back, they will being have supper.

3. They ... travel around the world one day.

a) don't; b) are going to; c) won't; d) will

4. С каким из ниже перечисленных обозначений времени не употребляется Future Continuous?

a) all day long; b) at midnight; c) at that moment; d) last year

5. Simon and Emma ____ going to get married.

a) are; b) don't; c) is; d) will

6. It .. be rainy tomorrow, so don't forget to take your umbrella.

a) don't; b) won't; c) isn't going to; d) will

7. you still … at six o'clock?

a) Will / working be; b) Working / will be; c) Be / will working; d) Will / be working

8. We haven't got any tomatoes. I ... buy some.

a) don't; b) am going to; c) won't; d) will

9. I … my grandparents.

a) am not going to visit; b) not going to visit; c) is not going to visit; d) are going to visit

10. Hurry up or we ... miss the train.

a) won't; b) don't; c) will; d) doesn't

11. Don't forget to take your jacket. It ... be cold tomorrow.

a) will; b) is going to; c) won't; d) will not

12. He ... at midnight.

a) be will sleep; b) be will sleeping; c) will be sleeping; d) will be sleep

13. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным переводом предложения: «I will be reading a book at five o'clock».

a) Я читаю книгу в пять часов. b) Я прочитаю книгу в пять часов.

c) Я буду читать книгу в пять часов. d) Я читал книгу в пять часов.

14. Let's go to our favourite restaurant. Great! I ... cook then.

a) won't; b) don't; c) will; d) am not

15. The phone is ringing. I ... answer it.

a) will; b) won't; c) don't; d) am going to



Лексическая тема : Travelling and transport. «Путешествия и транспорт».

Грамматическая тема:  Adjectives: Degree of Comparison. «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

Текст для чтения: At the Customs.

Цели занятия:

1. Развивать навыки чтения со словарем текстов профессионально-ориентированной направленности.

2. Сформировать умение правильно образовывать степени сравнения имен прилагательных. отработать навыки образования степеней сравнения имён прилагательных;   

3. Понимать на слух монологическое либо диалогическое высказывание по теме занятия.


Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 489.