The Present Continuous Tense употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, происходящих в данный момент.
Случаи употребления The Present Continuous Tense :
1. Действия, которые происходят сейчас, в момент речи.
He is talking on the phone now.
2. Меняющихся и развивающихся ситуациях.
Her English is improving .
3. Запланированные действия в будущем, особенно если известно время и место действия.
Student is passing exams tomorrow.
Слова-сигналы: now – сейчас, at the moment – в данный момент, at present – в настоящее время, today – сегодня.
Формообразование: глагол “to be” в Present Simple (am, is, are) + основная форма глагола с окончанием –ing–.
Cadets are writing in their notebooks at the moment – Курсанты пишут в своих тетрадях в данный момент.
Утвердительное предложение
Как и в любом английском предложении, на первом месте будет подлежащее, на втором – сказуемое. Сказуемое в Present Continuous состоит из вспомогательного глагола «to be» и основного глагола. To be в Present Continuous изменяется, поэтому нам необходимо вспомнить его формы: am, is, are. У основного глагола уходит частица to и появляется окончание -ing.
I am + глагол-ing | He/She/It is + глагол -ing | We/You/They are + глагол -ing |
I am singing. – Я пою. | He is smiling. – Он улыбается. She is lying. – Она лежит. It is shining. – Оно светит. | We are listening. – Мы слушаем. You are dancing. – Вы танцуете. They are swimming. – Они плавают. |
Отрицательное предложение
Отрицательное предложение отличается от утвердительного только тем, что между вспомогательным глаголом и основным появляется частица not. То есть сказуемое выглядит так: сначала to be, после него частица not и затем основной глагол.
I am not + глагол -ing | He/She/It is not + глагол -ing | We/You/They are not + глагол -ing |
I am not singing. – Я не пою. | He is not smiling. – Он не улыбается. She is not lying. – Она не лежит. It is not shining. – Оно не светит. | We are not listening. – Мы не слушаем. You are not dancing. – Вы не танцуете. They are not swimming. – Они не плавают. |
Вопросительное предложение
Для того чтобы задать вопрос в Present Continuous, мы выносим to be на первое место, затем ставим подлежащее и после него основной глагол.
Am I + глагол-ing | Is he/she/it + глагол -ing | Are we/you/they + глагол -ing |
Am I singing? – Я пою? | Is he smiling? – Он улыбается? Is she lying? – Она лежит? Is it shining? – Оно светит? | Are we going? – Мы идем? Are you dancing? – Вы танцуете? Are they swimming? – Они плавают? |
1) У глаголов, заканчивающихся на -e, уходит конечная гласная: come – coming (приходить)make – making (делать), write – writing (писать).
2) У глаголов, заканчивающихся на - ie, гласные -ie заменяются на - y: lie –lying (лежать), tie – tying (завязывать), die – dying (умирать).
3) Если короткий глагол заканчивается на гласную с согласной, тогда эта согласная удваивается: swim – swimming (плавать), stop – stopping (останавливаться), get – getting (получать).
Задание № 9 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Continuous.
1. Не (to read) a book now. 2. She (to do) her home work. 3. My mother (to sit) at the table now. 4. I still (to write) a letter. 5. They (to play) football. 6. It (to snow) now. 7. She (to explain) a grammar rule. 8. We (to have) dinner now. 9. Who (to speak) with you? 10. It still (to rain). 11. Why you (to talk)? 12. They (to eat) soup. 13. The girl (to draw) a picture. 14. My son (to swim) to the shore. 15. Her daughter (to play) chess at the moment.
Задание № 1 0. Перепишите предложения, используя Present Continuous Tense.
Например : We study Civil Law at the Academy. – We are studying Civil Law now.
1. The judge read the verdict of guilty. 2. Policeman controls the district. 3. The cadets pass the exam on Administrative Law. 4. The duty officer interviews the witness of the accident. 5. Customs officer checks the luggage of tourists. 6. Investigator detects crimes. 7. I study the Theory of State and Law. 8. We pass the exam on Criminal Law. 9. Students translate the text into English. 10. I read a book on Administrative Law.
Задание № 1 1 . Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.
The students The cadets The police officer The duty officer I The sergeant The criminals The custom officers | Am Is Are | Marching on the drill ground Checking the luggage Doing my homework Writing an report Giving an order Committing crimes Patrolling the district Reading an interesting book |
PART 2. Reading tasks.
Задание №1 . Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Baxter Slate’s working day.
Baxter Slate is a policeman. He is 23 years old. He was born in California. Now Baxter works at Los Angeles Police Department as a patrol office. His duty is to make uniform patrol in the district and to help detectives with their follow-up investigations. Sometimes Baxter works on the day watch and other times on the night watch. Baxter likes to do police work. He wants to become a captain, so he takes police science classes at evening school twice a week.
Baxter is married. His wife Clara is 2 years younger than her husband. She doesn’t work at present. She looks after their children: a boy of 3 and a girl of 1. Clara thinks that in future she will get a job and work as an economist.
Baxter's father was also a policeman, but after twenty years of service he retired. When Baxter finishes his tour of duty, he returns home where he helps his wife, plays with his children and has a rest. On his day off Baxter and his wife often go to the cinema or visit their parents.
Задание №2. Найдите в тексте перевод слов и фраз.
Полицейское управление, патрульный, осуществлять патрулирование в районе, дальнейшее расследование, работать в дневную смену, стать капитаном, в вечерней школе, после 20 лет службы, заканчивать обход, возвращаться домой, быть занятым учебой, в выходные дни.
Задание № 3. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Who is Baxter Slate?
2. Where does Baxter work?
3. What is his duty?
4. What does he do in order to become a captain?
5. What does Baxter do in his free time?
Задание №4. Причитайте и переведите диалоги в парах.
Dialogue 1.
Teacher: - Are you going to be an investigator?
Cadet: - Yes, I’d like to.
Teacher: - And what must the investigator know?
Cadet:- A lot. For example, conduct the investigation, make a record of the crime inspection and do many other things. Then, he must know how to interrogate criminals, interview witnesses properly.
Teacher: - Of course the work of an investigator includes so many duties.
Dialogue 2.
Teacher: - I say, what’s your main duty as a future officer of the C1D?
Cadet: - Crime prevention and crime solution.
Teacher: - And what does quick and accurate solution of a crime depend on?
Cadet: - It depends on training, education, practical skills of an officer and many other factors.
PART 3. Self-assignment.
Задания для самоконтроля по теме My working day. My hobbies. «Мой рабочий день. Мир моих увлечений».
Задание №1. Определите лицо и число глагола, а также тип предложения. Переведите письменно на русский язык.
a) A lawyer is consulting a client now. b) My father doesn't smoke. c) Look! A child is dancing! d) The cadets don't usually go home at the weekends. e) A police officer is helping an old lady to cross the street. f) Open your copybooks and write down the date g) We are meeting our boss at the airport at 10 o'clock tomorrow. h) A criminal violates the law. i) He is a detective. He looks for the lawbreakers. j) She is always complaining about her studies. k) The curfew in the DPR finished at 5 o'clock in the morning. l) It is autumn. The days are getting shorter and shorter. m) Each country has its own laws. n) She is working as a mentor police officer these days. o) Listen! The cadets are marching on a drill ground.
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля
по грамматической теме The Present Simple Tense; The Present Continuous Tense
Задание 2. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. I … now.
a) am reading; b) is reading; c) are reading
2. The cadets … on the drill ground now.
a) am marching; b) is marching; c) are marching
3. I .... Spanish with my sister everyday in the evening.
a) study b) studies c) studying
4. My friend … for the seminar now.
a) am preparing; b) are preparing; c) is preparing
5. My mother … to work every day.
a) go b) going c) goes
6. … you …. to music in a hostel now?
a) am listening; b) is listening; c) are listening
7. They often .... TV at night.
a) watch b) watches c) watching
8. The students … to the lecturer at the moment.
a) am not listening; b) isn’t listening; c) aren’t listening
9. What … you … now?
a) am doing; b) is doing; c) are doing
10 … you usually go to this theatre?
a) does b) doing c) do
11. The police officer … a car now.
a) am driving; b) driving; c) is driving
12. … the cadets … to the hostel now?
a) are go; b) are going; c) is gong
13. We … watch TV very often.
a) don’t b) doesn’t c) doing
14. They …. their homework now.
a) aren’t do; b) aren’t doing; c) not doing
15. What … he … about?
a) am talk; b) is talking; c) is talking
16. We usually … a bus or a taxi early in the morning to get to work.
a) took b) take c) taken
Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 320.