Do males and females see themselves in different ways?
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1. Research tells us that others do treat us differently because of our sex. For example, we dress babies in different colors and styles, and we even tend to give them different toys to play with. For the most part, our prevalent male/female conceptions are reinforced in the television shows we view, the films we watch, and the books we read. Unfortunately, studies reveal that women tend to develop a less positive view of themselves than men do. Why? In our society men are expected to exhibit the following personality characteristics to a greater degree than are women: aggressiveness, arrogance, assertiveness, autocratic style, conceit, confidence, cynicism, deliberateness, dominance, enterprising spirit, forcefulness, fore-sightedness, frankness, handsomeness,, hardheadedness, industriousness, ingeniousness, inventiveness, masculinity, opportunism, outspokenness, self-confidence, sharpwittedness, shrewdness, sternness, strongness, toughness, and vindictiveness.

2. In contrast, women are more apt to be perceived to possess the following traits than are men: appreciativeness, considerateness, contentment, cooperativeness, dependence, emotionality, excitability, fearfulness, femininity, fickleness, forgiving nature, friendliness, frivolity, helpfulness, joviality, modesty, praise giving, sensitivity, sentimentality, sincerity, submissiveness, sympathy, talkativeness, timidity, warmth, and the tendency to worry. What is noteworthy for the development of our self-worth is that the male characteristics are valued more highly overall than are the female characteristics, rewards being given out accordingly. Hence, more men rise to positions of leadership than do women. But this is changing, and education and the media are beginning to help accomplish these changes. Whereas women used to be underrepresented in television programming, their numbers are on the rise; whereas men were typically depicted in professional roles, women are now joining them and are permitted to have similar occupations.

3. What we know today is that both men and women can change their self-concepts. And each of us can function in such a way as to make that change a positive one.


12. Combine the following sentences to make one complete statement. Make any changes you think necessary, but do not change the sense of the original. Refer to the passage when you have finished the exercise.


The femare characteristics are valued very highly. But the male characteristics are valued more highly. It is noteworthy for the development of our self-worth. Rewards are given out accordingly. (paragraph 2)


13. Find sentences with a) the verb “to do”; b) the verb “to use”; c) attributive clauses. Analyze them and suggest ways of their translation.


14. Translate the text in writing.


15. Before reading the text translate the following words into Russian.


1. activity; act; actor; action; active; activate; activation; activator; activist

2. approach; approachability; approachable; approachless

3. correction; correct; correctional; corrective; correctness

4. personality; person; personal; personally; personify; personification

5. indifferent; indifference; indifferently

6. reliance; rely; reliability; reliable; reliably; reliant

7. consequence; consequent; consequently

8. verbal; non-verbal; verb; verbalism; verbalize; verbally

9. nature; natural; naturally; naturalize; naturalization

10. method; methodological; methodologically; methodical; methodology


16. Match word-combination on the left with their equivalents on the right.


1. с позиций концепции                      a) non-verbal communication

2. невербальное общение                     b) to lead to (to result in) understanding

3. накапливать факты                           c) from the point of view of the


4. привести к пониманию                     d) to deserve special attention

5. выявить общий принцип                  e) to accumulate data

6. быть обусловленным изменением     f) including

7. порождать что-либо                          g) to reveal the general principle

8. в том числе                                       h) applied psychology

9. заслуживать особого внимания         i) to give rise to something

10.прикладная психология                   j) to be conditioned by a change



17. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Тщательный анализ в русле культурно-исторической психологии приемов и методов невербальной коммуникации, являющейся зримым языком передачи личностных смыслов, открывает широкие возможности для понимания мира индивидуальности личности.

2. В современном искусстве сегодня, пожалуй, два вида деятельности строятся с наибольшей опорой на несущую личностный смысл невербальную коммуникацию – пантомима и балет.

3. Как в драматической борьбе немого и звукового кино, так и в соотношении вербальной и невербальной коммуникации выигрыш коммуникации на уровне значений оборачивается порой проигрышем коммуникации на уровне смысла.

4. Не укладывающиеся в представление о речевой природе невербальной коммуникации факты могут быть рассмотрены в контексте деятельного подхода к анализу общения.

5. Именно в психологических орудиях и знаках культуры корень формирования высших психологических функций и самостроительства личности.


18. Translate the text into English.


Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 265.