К вопросу о концентрации средств массовой информации
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Этот аналитический материал – не академическое исследование, а попытка осмыслить логику процесса концентрации в сфере СМИ. В России это явление особенно актуально, поскольку здесь медиа-среда в последние годы находится в состоянии постоянной трансформации. Причем информационный пейзаж меняется так стремительно, что общество, ученые, а нередко и сами участники процесса не успевают осознавать в каком направлении движется развитие российских СМИ и теоретически осмысливать происходящие здесь изменения. Тем временем, за последнее десятилетие в сфере СМИ произошли кардинальные изменения экономического и организационного характера: ранее подчиненная государству система СМИ постепенно ушла из-под тотального контроля, у государства по отношении к ней осталась лишь одна функция – регулятивная. Приступая к этому исследованию, мы отдавали себе отчет в том, что процесс концентрации СМИ носит объективный характер. Становясь элементом рыночной системы, отдельные СМИ начинают подчиняться законам ее функционирования и стремятся к завоеванию господствующего положения среди себе подобных. Логика такого стремления к укреплению своих позиций на рынке информационных услуг приводит отдельные, наиболее успешно функционирующие медиа-структуры к сосредоточению в своих руках все большей массы финансовых, организационных, технических и т.п. факторов производства. Это происходит в зависимости от двух условий: с одной стороны, за счет слияния нескольких изданий или телерадиокомпаний в одно более крупное, с другой – за счет капитализации прибыли отдельных предприятий СМИ. Естественно, “слабый” при этом вытесняется с рынка – таков закон конкуренции, – а “сильный” получает за счет концентрации капитала дополнительные преимущества.


19. Translate the following questions and give the answers in English.


1. Почему данная статья не является академическим исследованием?

2. Чему посвящено исследование, о котором идет речь в статье?

3. Чем объясняется актуальность описываемого явления?

4. Почему трудно определить направление развития российских СМИ?

5. Какие изменения произошли за последнее десятилетие с сфере СМИ?

6. Какой функцией по отношению к СМИ обладает государство?

7. Какой характер носит процесс концентрации масс-медия?

8. Каким образом происходит вышеупомянутый процесс?

9. К чему приводит стремление к господству на рынке СМИ?

10. Что собой представляет закон конкуренции по мнению автора статьи?

11. Что необходимо сделать средствам массовой информации, чтобы выжить?

12. Чему способствует структура новейшей технологии в области средств массовой информации?

13. В чем преимущества и недостатки плюрализма современных российских СМИ?


20. Give the summary of the text in English.



Unit 8

Communication and human relationships

1. Before you read answer the following questions.


1. How many times have you been asked, “What do you mean by that?” What do you do trying to answer the question?

2. When you hear someone say something that you don’t understand, how do you go about discovering what he means?

3. How do you find the meaning of anything?


2. Read and translate the text.


Meaning inside people


    Meaning is not inherent in a word or phrase. The word is not the thing it represents. The word “automobile”, for example, performs a function of identifying a certain class of objects – to persons who have had some experience with vehicles labeled “automobile”. Other words, like “pickup”, “hardtop”, “sports car”, “limousine” are more specific. But these words are groups of letters from the alphabet; they are sounds – no more. For meanings, we must look inside ourselves.

    For all of us, the term “automobile” had different referents; that is, it brings different images into our system of recall. Even the existence of an image does not establish meaning. If some pointed to a fire-engine red Rolls Royce and “automobile”, what would it mean to each of us? Would we get the same meaning? We would be looking at the same object but the meaning of that object to each of us would be highly personal because the meaning of anything is inside the persons who have experienced it. That Rolls Royce may mean luxury to me and speed to you – and to someone else, subconsciously, the power of sexuality.

    Furthermore, the meanings are bound to differ from one person to another because the object or event will have different potentialities for different people.

    That meaning is in people is one of the most significant concepts in all communication theory. When we communicate we are dealing in meanings; and effective communication requires that we know ourselves and those with whom we speak in order to develop meanings. If you and I were both present when that “automobile” was pointed out we both may identify it as “the Red Rolls Royce”. When we refer to the “Red Rolls Royce in after-the-event communication with each other, each of us would be able to visualize the particular object about which we were speaking. An “overlapping” of visualizations makes possible a certain level of communication between us. We could not communicate without these areas of overlap in our visualizations and representations of things. If there were no overlap or commonality of experience with or perception of the referent we would have no basis for understanding each other.

    Experience and meaning are closely related. Meaning is experience and is also derived from experience. Thus, we might say that each of us has a storehouse of meanings gathered from our experiences. These meanings are subject to change through addition, alteration, reorganization and repetition of experiences.

    A response to a stimulus represents what we know as an experience. No one else responds to a stimulus exactly as you do; you are unique and so is each response you make. No two persons have the same responses to a given stimulus; therefore. Even a “shared experience” is not exactly the same experience for the participants. We would expect obvious differences among four men viewing a rural acreage, if one were a real estate salesman, another 80 highway engineer, a third a priest, and the other a well-driller. The experience of each in response to the view would differ from the experiences of the others.

    Human patterns of response to words as well as to other experiences seem to arise from the nature of the verbal stimulation itself; that is, the hierarchy of associations stimulated be a given word; the needs, drives, and perceived self of the person responding; the social-personal demands of the moment; and the degree of intrusion of diverting marginal or irrelevant stimuli.

    If meaning is a private affair, so that my experience in a situation cannot be the same as your experience in that situation, by what magic can we ever get meaning from one to the other of us? We must accept the disheartening probability that neither of us can ever completely grasp a meaning, as the other has experienced it. The commonality, however limited, of some experiences provided us with a beginning of understanding. When we explore our common experience, we find bases for agreement to use certain words that will stimulate recall of certain experiences in our response systems.


3 . Answer the questions.


1. Why should we look for meaning inside ourselves?

2. Why does a word have different referents?

3. Why are skills in speech-communication associated with a useful and realistic perception of the self?

4. If there were no overlap of experience, would communication be possible?

5. How are experience and meaning related?

6. What does a response to a stimulus represent?

7. Can you identify responses which make you unique?

8. Can you list several experiences shared by members of your class?

9. What meanings are stimulated in you (and other people) by different words (for example, “democracy”)? Compare the meanings stimulated by this word in different people.

10. Why do you think that only a beginning of understanding is possible?


4. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.


1. stimulus                         a) to come from a particular source

2. inherent                          b) something that incites to action

3. referent                           c) the act or result of perceiving (apprehension)

4. subconscious                  d) an intrinsic element

5. to visualize          f) a reply, reaction (also a result of stimulation)

6. to overlap                       g) something referred to a word, person, or concept

7. perception                           h) to extend, cover, coincide with

8. to derive                         i) the change made

9. alternative                          j) to form a mental image

10.response                         k) the part of the mental process which is not in the

realm of consciousness


5. Find synonyms to the following words in the text.


1. recognize                        6. single in its kind

2. conveyance                     7. undergo change

3. indicate the position        8. easily seen

4. rapidity                        9. model

5. warehouse                      10.come into being


6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using Simple Tenses, Passive Voice.


1. Значение слова обычно понимают как устойчивую связь между звучанием слова и отображением предмета или явления в нашем сознании.

2. Слова воспринимаются по-разному в зависимости от мировоззрения человека, его возраста, пола, образования, вида деятельности и т.д.

3. Выделяют различные компоненты в значении слов.

4. В ходе эволюции складываются все более сложные представления о мире, что отражено в лексике того или иного языка.

5. Каждое понятие всегда ассоциируется с определенным набором признаков, характерных для данного понятия.



7. Look through the text and suggest a headline.


    Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. One day long ago the Martians, looking through their telescopes, discovered the Venusians. They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus.

    The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical. They delighted in being together, doing things together, and sharing together. One of the secrets of their success was good communication.

    Ironically, they communicated well because they spoke different languages. When they had problems, they would just go to a translator for assistance. You see the Martian and Venusian languages had the same words, but the way they were used gave different meanings. Their expressions were similar, but they had different connotations or emotional emphasis.

    Even today we still need translators. Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. To fully express their feelings women assume poetic license and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. Men mistakenly take these expressions literally. Because they misunderstand the intended meaning, they commonly react in an unsupportive manner.

    For example, when a woman says “I feel like you never listen”, she does not expect the word never to be taken literally. Using the word never is just a way of expressing the frustration she is feeling at the moment. It is not to be taken as if it were factual information.

    You can see how a “literal” translation of a woman’s words could easily mislead a man who is used to using speech as a means of conveying only facts and information. Unclear and unloving communication is the biggest problem in relationships. When men and women are on the verge of arguing, they are generally misunderstanding each other. At such times, it is important to rethink or translate what they have heard.

    Because many men don’t understand that women express feelings differently they inappropriately judge or invalidate their partner’s feelings. This leads to arguments. So one of the big challenges for men is correctly to interpret and support a woman when she is talking about her feelings. The biggest challenge for women is correctly to interpret and support a man when he isn’t talking. Silence is most easily misinterpreted by women.

    Quite often a man will suddenly stop communicating and become silent. This was unheard of on Venus. At first a woman thinks the man is deaf. She thinks that maybe he doesn’t hear what’s being said and that is why he is not responding.

    You see men and women think and process information very differently. Women think out loud, sharing their process of inner discovery with an interested listener. Even today, a woman often discovers what she wants to say through the process of just talking. But men process information very differently. They first formulate it inside and then express it. This process could take from minutes to hours. And to make matters even more confusing for women, if he does not have enough information to process an answer, a man may not respond at all.

    To initiate a conversation the wise woman learns not to demand that a man talk but asks that he truly listen to her. She learns to open up and share her feelings without demanding that he do the same.

    She trusts that he will gradually open up more as he feels accepted and listens to her feelings. She does not punish him or chase after him. The wise woman does not give up. She patiently and lovingly persists with a knowing that few women have.


8. Find the key words in each paragraph of the text and translate them into Russian.


9. Find the English equivalents of the Russian word combinations.


1. находить большое удовольствие в

2. парадоксально, но факт

3. поэтическая вольность

4. воспринимать буквально

5. средство передачи информации

6. находиться на грани скандала

7. приводить к ссоре

8. неслыханно

9. обработать информацию

10. чтобы больше запутать дело


10. Give the summary of the text in Russian using the key words and word combinations from exercises 8 and 9.


11. Read the following text.


Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 269.