Probably no more important problem faces our total society today than the inability of people to communicate. The Tower of Babel still exists, and those who seek to the babbling are too few. When you are at odds with yourself, you have difficulty dealing with other people. One of the most exciting challenges of our time is the exploration of the nature of me and of you and the invention and discovery of ways in which we can be opened up to each other, can become tolerant of each other, and can be ourselves freely and openly.
What we basically fear today is the destructive impulses that lie within our own hearts. In the final analysis, our present emergency will be successfully met only if individual men and women in sufficient numbers the world over once again use love to conquer hate in their personal lives.
Love has often been extolled and glorified as a way to peace and security. Yet the essence of love has been forgotten, and in its place a kind of sham love, which centers entirely on self-gratification, is concocted and sold in the marketplace.
Most of us spend a lifetime finding out what love really is. It is surely little wonder that many people reach adult life without the faintest conception of what it is, or of what it might be for them. Companionship, group membership, infatuation, dominance or submission, and especially unselective sexual desire are all commonly mistaken for and called love.
There is not one love but the infinite magnitude of human responses to the experience of being in love. The challenge of love differs according to age and also in man and woman. Each individual expresses his love in his own way. The great number of marriage failures is a certain testimony to the failure not only of communication but also of the fundamental love relationship, which must be co requisite to the communication experience. The love of one’s fellowmen coupled with an understanding of the sorry state in which most find themselves could lead to a better communication between us.
12. Combine the following sentences to make one complete statement. Make any changes you think necessary, but do not change the sense of the original. Refer to the passage when you have finished the exercise.
The essence of love has been forgotten. In its place a kind of sham love is concocted and sold in the marketplace. It centers entirely on self-gratification. (paragraph 3).
13. Find in the text sentences with: a) passive voice; b) relative clauses with “which” and “that” as subject; c) Modals expressing ability and possibility. Analyse them and suggest different ways of their translation.
14. Translate the text in writing.
15. Before translating the text from Russian into English translate the following words.
1. associate (n), associate (v), association
2. interpret, interpretation, interpreter
3. convene, convention, conventional, conventionality
4. relate, relation, relationship, relative
5. expect, expectancy, expectant, expectation
6. coincide, coincidence, coincidental, coincident
7. impose (v), imposing (adj), imposition (n)
8. argue (v), argument (n), argumentation (n), argumentative (adj)
9. predict, predictable, prediction
10. vague (adj), vagueness (n)
16. Match word combinations on the left with the English equivalents on the right.
1. вызывать ассоциации a) inadequate considerations
2. не в последнюю очередь b) unrealistic expectations
3. благополучные взаимоотношения c) suicide attempts
4. нереалистические ожидания d) not least
5. неадекватные расчеты e) evoke associations
6. строить отношения f) happy relationships
7. общие представления g) to build relationships
8. отстаивать свою позицию h) overlapping representations
9. предполагать определенный сценарий i) stand up for one’s conception
10.попытки самоубийства j) presuppose a certain scenario
17. Translate the following sentences into English using structure with “it is” and “there is”.
1. Именно любовь помогает людям строить благополучные взаимоотношения в семье.
2. Существует ли идеальная модель взаимодействия мужчины и женщины, если исходить из того, что они разные?
3. Возможно ли избежать противоречий, которые возникают между партнерами?
4. Не требуется сколько-нибудь длительного времени, чтобы определить, насколько человек физически привлекателен для вас.
5. Что касается женского начала, то его часто ассоциируют с хаосом.
18. Translate the text in writing.
Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 263.