Любовь и другие человеческие отношения
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


    Слово «любовь» вызывает больше лирические, нежели научные ассоциации, а тема любви гораздо больше проработана в литературе и искусстве. Возможно, именно искусство ближе сегодня к пониманию природы любви, чем наука.

    Не в последнюю очередь это связано с широкой трактовкой понятия «любовь», что делает ее сложным объектом для исследования.

    Несмотря на общие источники социокультурного происхождения (мифы, книги, средства массовой коммуникации) единого, конвенционального понятия любви нет. Выработка точного определения этого понятия, несомненно, имеет большое значение. На сегодня понятие «любовь» является чаще всего синонимом любого рода благополучных межличностных отношений. Эта неясность порождает противоречивые, а иногда и нереалистические ожидания между партнерами. В результате таких ожиданий рождаются неверные представления и неадекватные расчеты во взаимоотношениях, что является одной из существенных причин кризиса в семье, увеличения уровня одиночества, невротизации, количества суицидальных попыток.

    Зачастую наши хорошие отношения строятся не на любви, а лишь на совпадении наших представлений о ней. А если они отличаются друг от друга, что тогда? Ссоры не избежать. Конфликт может длиться годами, так ничем и не завершиться. И борьба друг с другом идет не за любовь, а за отстаивание своей концепции любви как единственной верной. Эта концепция любви активно навязывается нам через средства массовой информации, но какое отношение она имеет к реальности?

    На самом деле, концепция любви связана с характером человека, зависит от его личностных качеств, и в соответствии с этими качествами предполагает определенный сценарий отношений.


19. Translate the following questions and give the answers in English.

1. Почему, как вы считаете, тема любви больше проработана в литературе и искусстве, чем в науке?

2. Какие факторы делают любовь сложным объектом для научного исследования?

3. Как кино, телевидение, книги воздействуют на наше восприятие понятия любви?

4. Какие ассоциации вызывает у вас слово «любовь»?

5. На чем часто основываются нереалистические ожидания и неадекватные расчеты партнеров?

6. Может ли несовпадение представлений о любви явиться причиной конфликтов?

7. Как вы считаете, какие концепции любви сегодня активно навязываются средствами массовой информации?

8. Какая концепция любви, на ваш взгляд, стоит ближе всего к пониманию природы любви?

9. Можно ли любовь выразить словами? Если да, то какие слова вы бы использовали?

10. Можете ли вы назвать образы, которые возникают у вас в процессе визуализации любви?


20. Give the summary of the text in English.


Unit 9

Understanding the self

1. Before you read answer the questions.


1. Are you who you think you are, who someone else thinks you are, or who you think someone else thinks you are? Why?

2. How do other people help shape your image of yourself?

3. How do they serve to enhance or belittle your own sense of self?


2. Read and translate the text.




We vary the masks we wear and the roles we perform a number of times each day. The language we use, the attitudes we display, and the appearances we present constantly change. In effect, we become different selves as we move from one set of conditions to another. The more we attempt to be ourselves, the more selves we find there are to be. We should recognize that conditions and circumstances affect the nature of the self. In every situation, how we see ourselves and how we think about ourselves in relation to others directs and modifies our behavior. Our self-concept and demeanor are affected by our perceptions of others and how we think they will respond to us. Thus, the roles we choose to play are in part a result of the values held by the members of our society.

Clues to self-understanding come to you continually as you interact with others and your environment. And if you are to understand yourself well, you need to be open to information that other people give you about yourself. Just as we tend to categorize ourselves and others, so others also tend to categorize themselves and us. For better or worse, the categorization process is a basic part of interpersonal communication. We classify people according to their roles, their status and material possessions, their personality traits, their physical and vocal qualities, and their skills and accomplishments.

Thus far we have established that your self-image is composed of information and feelings drawn from past experiences and from your interactions with others. There are at least two other important sources that affect your opinion of who you are: television and film. We are all influenced by television and film characters and their life styles to a greater extent than we may realize. Subtly but effectively, these two media shape our views of ourselves and our relationship to our world.

Let's consider some actual ways that media affect the picture you have of yourself. Through the media we come face to face with standards of living few of us can emulate or expect to achieve.

Thus, our evaluations of ourselves as providers – or even whether we view ourselves as successful – can be seriously colored by what we see. Television and film can also affect the ways in which parents and children perceive themselves and each other. After all, both parents and children are exposed to a steady diet of media counterparts who are either so perfect that even their mistakes become the raw material of a closer relationship or so absurd that their foibles can only constitute charming comedy.

Finally, the visual media can fill a need to have a bigger, better, smarter, prettier, stronger personal image. When we were younger, it was easy and fun to "try on" television and film images. As we mature, however, the emulation process becomes a bit more subtle. Today, we attempt to become like popular idols or heroes by imitating the fashion trends they set, by adopting their speech mannerisms, and by copying their movements and gestures.

Thus, we communicate part of the picture we have, or would like to have, of ourselves through the way we dress, move, speak, and arrange ourselves. When you put on a certain outfit, comb your hair in a new style, walk or speak in a particular way, or choose to wear a certain artifact, you are telling other people something about who you think you are, who you would like to resemble, and how you would like to be treated. Programs and films offered by the media can support us or deflate us. They can cause us to feel good, adequate, or inferior.


3. Answer the questions.


1. Do you think that people wear masks?

2. Do people undergo any changes with every passing day? If so, what kind of changes are they?

3. What affects the nature of the self?

4. What is people’s behaviour modified by?

5. What do the roles people choose to play result from?

6. How do you classify people?

7. Which of these categories are most important to you?

8. Which of them do you think are most important to the people who are significant in your life?

9. If you could trade places with any television or film star or character, who would you be?

10. Would you like to be more like the media image or would you like the image to be more like you?


4. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.


1. to vary         a) one’s own personality

2. mask            b) belief or judgment not founded on complete knowledge

3. attitude        c) a way of looking at life; of thinking, feeling or behaving

4. in effect       d) covering for all or part of face, worn as disguise or for


5. self              e) to become or make different

6. demeanour   f) the way one acts

7. clue             g) a person or thing corresponding closely to another

8. opinion        h) something that is wrong

9. counterpart  i) in fact

10.mistake       j) something that helps to solve a problem or a mystery


5. Find antonyms of the following words and word combinations in the text.


1. to lose                   6. unstable

2. worthlessness                  7. defective

3. to produce no effect        8. reasonable

4. to fail to grasp                 9. tragedy

5. neither … nor                 10.superiour


6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


1. Суть культурно-исторической концепции заключается в том, что развитие мира человека рассматривается органично вписанным в культуру, способом существования которой является эволюция различных форм общественно-исторической деятельности.

2. И какими бы дорогами ни шли в своих поисках ученые, к каким бы конкретным объектам изучения они ни обращались, эта концепция пронизывала любые их исследования.

3. Занимались ли они изучением природы человеческих конфликтов или анализом исторического развития познавательных процессов, они оставались верны исходной историко-культурной методологической установке.

4. Не случайно поэтому то, что в большинстве исследований ученые неизменно обращаются к разработке проблем природы общения, роли речи и общения в становлении высших психических форм поведения личности.

5. Ведь процесс общения – это магический кристалл, через который с особой очевидностью просматривается историко-эволюционное происхождение личности.



7. Look through the text and suggest a headline.

Actually, we wear many different masks throughout our lives. We wear happy and sad masks, peaceful and angry masks, bored and excited masks, sorry and vengeful masks. Besides the masks we wear to display our innumerable feelings, we also wear those which are associated with the roles we play – student, brother, spouse, sister, boss, or whatever. A man has as many social selves as there are individuals who recognize him and carry an image of him in their mind. No matter what your age or position, it is important that you spend some time considering who you are and what you intend to do with the rest of your life. It is important that you use each available opportunity to find out about yourself, since who you think you are to a large extent determines what you choose to do, how you choose to act, whom you choose to communicate with, and even whether you choose to communicate at all. Unquestionably, you are the center of your communication system.

If someone were to ask you separately 10 times "Who are you?" Chances are, your responses would fall into some categories. For example, would you see yourself in reference to your feelings (happy, sad)? Your attitudes (optimistic, insecure)? Your physical attributes (tall, short)? Your intellectual attributes (capable, slow)? Your occupation (student, salesperson)? Your role relationships with others (brother, father, sister, mother, son, boss, employee)? But more important, what would your answers tell you about your self-concept?

Your self-concept is everything that you think and feel about yourself. It is the entire collection of attitudes and beliefs you hold about who and what you are. This theory or picture you have of yourself is fairly stable and difficult to change. Our opinions about ourselves grow more and more resistant to change as we become older and "wiser." To a large extent your self-concept is shaped by your environment and by those around you, including your parents, relatives, teachers, supervisors, friends, and co-workers. If people who are important to you have "sent you messages" that have made you feel accepted, valued, worthwhile, lovable, and significant, you have probably developed a positive self-concept. On the other hand, if those who are important to you have made you feel left out, small, worthless, unloved, or insignificant, you have probably developed a negative self-concept. It is not difficult to see how people we value influence the picture we have of ourselves and help determine the ways we behave.

Self-concept, besides being your own theory of who and what you are, is the mental picture you have of yourself. This mental image is easily translated into the faces, or masks, that you wear, the roles you play, and the ways you behave.

We know that if you feel you have little worth, you probably expect to be taken advantage of, stepped on, or otherwise demeaned by otters. When you expect the worst, you usually get the worst. Similarly, if you feel you have significant worth, you probably expect to be treated fairly, supported, and otherwise held in esteem by others. When you expect to succeed, you usually find success.

We can conclude that the nature of the self at any given moment is a composite of all the factors that interact in a particular environment. Thus, how you look at yourself is affected by how you look at people, how people actually look at you, and how you imagine or perceive that people look at you. In effect, we might say that self-concept is derived from experience and projected into future behavior. As for a self-fulfilling prophecy, it occurs when your expectations of an event help create the very conditions that will permit that event to happen. In other words, your predictions can cause you and others to behave in ways that will increase the likelihood of an unlikely occurrence. It should be recognized that the self-fulfilling prophecy has many important implications for one's education as well as one's personal life. Far too frequently we make assumptions about how others will behave and then act as if they had already behaved that way. For example, if you view yourself as a failure in school or in a particular subject, it is likely that you will begin to act the part. Poor study habits, lack of participation in class, and poor grades will help to reinforce your feelings. In this way a growing negative image can mushroom into a vicious, all-consuming spiral.


8. Find the key-words in each paragraph of the text and translate them into Russia.


9. Find the English equivalents of the following word-combinations in the text and translate the sentences with them into Russian in writing.


1. носить маску

2. проявлять бесчисленные чувства

3. использовать имеющуюся в распоряжении возможность

4. определять в большой степени

5. бесспорно

6. представление о самом себе, самооценка

7. мысленный образ

8. пользоваться уважением, признанием

9. прийти к заключению, сделать вывод

10. что касается


10. Give the summary of the text in Russian, using the key-words and word-combinations from exercises 8 and 9.


11. Read the following text.


Дата: 2019-04-23, просмотров: 268.