1. King John signed a document known as “Magna Carta” or the Great Charter in:
a) 1295 b) 1264 c) 1215 d) 1066
2. Scandinavian raids began in:
a) 5 th c. b) 8 th c. c) 11 th c. d) 15 th c.
3. The flag of which country features a dragon?
a) Scotland b) England c) Wales d) Northern Ireland
4. The British flag is often called
a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) the Maple Leaf d) the Beaver
5. Christianity was introduced into England by
a) the Celts b) the Romans c) the Anglo-Saxons d) the Scandinavians
6. Who was declared The Supreme head of The English Church?
a) Henry VII b) Charles I c) James I d) Henry VIII
7. Extreme Protestants are known as
a) Presbyterianists b) Baptists c) Methodists d) Puritants
8. What port is the terminal for the Channel Tunnel?
a) Hastings; b) Dartmouth; c) Dover; d) Plymouth.
9. The Reformation took place during the reign of
a) Henry VIII b) Henry VII c) Charles I d) Charles II
10. What language does not belong to the Germanic group?
a) Africaans b) Greek c) Gothic d) Flemish
11. What river is the Mississippi’s principal western tributary?
a) the Colorado b) the Ohio c) the Rio Grand d) the Yukon
12. The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from …
a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland d) England
13. Scandinavian Vikings were stopped by:
a) king Alfred b) king Arthur c) king Ecgberth d) king William I
14. Long straight roads were probably first built by the
a) Vikings b) Normans c) Romans d) Celts
15. Ben Nevis is …
a) a famous footballer b) a sort of juice c) a mountain d) a sort of cheese
16. Which of the following is not the patron saint of the UK country?
a) St.Harry b) St.George c) St.Andrew d) St.David
17. Christianity spread all over England
a) in the 5th c. b) in the 7th c. c) in the 8th c. d) in the 11th c.
18. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 6
19. What language does not belong to the American Indian languages?
a) Eskimo-Aleut b) Faroese c) Athabaskan d) Siouan
20. Where was the legendary Titanic built?
a) in Londonderry b) in Belfast c) in Liverpool d) in Cardiff
21. The Britain’s largest fresh-water lake Lough Neagh is in
a) Northern Ireland b) Wales c) Scotland d) England
22. The ancient Scottish universities were founded
a) in the 13th – 14th cc; b) in the 15th – 16th cc; c) in the 17th – 18th cc; d) in the 19th c.
23. What colour is the woolsack, a traditional seat of the Lord Chancellor?
a) dark-red b) light-green c) golden d) dark-blue
24. The Grave of the Unknown Soldier is in the territory of
a) the Tower of London b) the House of Parliament c) Westminster Abbey d) Trafalgar Square
25. How many stripes are there on the national flag of the USA?
a) 9 b) 11 c) 13 d) 15
26. Christopher Columbus discovered America
a) on September,6 1492 b) on October,12 1492 c) on November,10 1491 d) on October,12 1490
27. Under which President were Louisiana & New Orleans bought for 15 mln. $ from Napoleon?
a) George Washington b)John Adams c) Thomas Jefferson d) Andrew Jackson
28. Which name of the state borrowed from Indians is not connected with the word “water”?
a) Arizona b) Kansas c) Michigan d) Nebraska
29. What city is Europe’s offshore oil capital?
a) Glasgow b) Newcastle c) Bristol d) Aberdeen
30. The east of the USA is bounded by
a) Hawaii b) the Atlantic Ocean c) the Pacific Ocean d) the Gult of Mexico
31. What flag flies over the White House?
a) the Stars and Stripes b) the Union Jack c) the Navy Jack d) the Jack Stars
32. Who was elected to be the American President in 1801?
a) George Washington b) John Adams c) Thomas Jefferson d) Andrew Jackson
33. Druids are the priests of
a) the Celts b) the Anglo-Saxons c) the Vikings d) the Romans
34. The Baptist religion is mostly
a) in the South b) in the North c) in the Midwest c) in the Southwest
35. What type of American English pronunciation is the most difficult for understanding?
a) Southern American b) Common American c) Eastern American d) Northern American
36 .What color are the walls of the Pentagon on the 3-rd floor?
a) grey b) green c) blue d) red
37. Which name of the state means in Spanish “covered with snow”?
a) Alaska b) Nevada c) Rhode Island d) California
38. What river is the Mississippi’s principal eastern tributary?
a) the Colorado b) the Columbia c) the Tennessee d) the Potomac
39. Whose reign is called the Golden Age of English History?
a) of Victoria b) of Elizatheth II c) of Elizatheth I d) of James I
40. The Anglo-Saxon name of the England country-Essex means:
a)”river” b) “land of the south folk” c) “lands of East Saxons” d) “lands of South Saxons”
41. The capital of Northern Ireland is …
a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast d) Blackpool
42. The first settlers on the British Isles were:
a) Anglo-Saxons b) Romans c) Iberians d) Celts
43. When did the American Revolution begin?
a) in 1775; b) in 1776; c) in 1779; d) in 1774
44. In the USA the Catholic religion is mostly
a) in the Midwest b) in Utah c) in the Southwest d) in the Northwest
45. What region of the USA contains major industrial cities?
a) the Rocky Mountains states
b) the Midwest states
c) the Southwest states
d) the Northwest states
46. Which name of the state means in Spanish “mountain country”?
a) Vermont b) Nevada c) Montana d) Puerto Rico
47. According to a legend without whom the Tower of London will fall and the Kingdom with it?
a) kings; b) black – red tunics; c) ravens; d) the Yomen Warders.
48. What holiday in the USA honors the servicemen who gave their lives in past wars?
a) Veteran’s Day b) Memorial Day c) Father’s Day d) Thanksgiving Day
49. The Roman period in British history continued between:
a) 900 - 55 BC b) 55 BC – 450 AD c) 450 AD – 1066 d) 8Tth – 11Tth centuries
50. The Vikings is another name for:
a) The Northmen b) The Normans c) The Celts d) The Britons
51. The element –chester in Glouchester, Manchester, etc. is of:
a) Norman origin b) Roman origin c) Viking origin d) American origin
52. Cardiff is the capital of
a) Scotland b) Wales c) Northern Ireland d) New Zealand
53. When England became a trilingual country, English was used by
a) common people b) French nobility c)church d) the government
54. The capital of Northern Ireland is
a) Belfast b) Dublin c) Manchester d) Canberra
55. William the Conqueror was crowned in Westminster in:
a) 1366 b) 1266 c) 1166 d) 1066
56. The UK Parliament consists of:
a) the House of Commons and the House of Representatives
b) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
c) the House of Lords only
d) the sovereign, the House of Commons and the House of Lords
57. The poetic name Albion is applied to:
a) England b) New Zealand c) New York d) Ireland
58. The name The Big Apple is used of
a) England b) New Zealand c) New York d) Ireland
59. What is the national flower of England?
a) Dahlia b) Daffodil c) Tulip d) Rose
60. Administrative areas in England are
a) states
b) states and territories
c) territories and provinces
d) counties and shires
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 252.