1. Time is god in meetings. Don’t let a discussion run on unnecessarily. If an issue can’t be resolved in this meeting, cut the discussion off and continue it in a later meeting. But if you and be honest your colleagues have to reach a decision today, and tell them that they’ll have to sit there until the job is done.
2. Meetings are for business, not socializing. A certain amount of small talk at the beginning and end of a meeting definitely helps to create a friendly atmosphere and build team spirit. But time is money. Make sure that participants get down to business after a few minutes of pleasantries. Also make sure that business is concluded before someone changes the subject to football again.
3. Give people enough time to prepare for a meeting. It’s surprising how many chairpeople call meetings at short notice and then complain that the participants haven’t prepared properly. With advance notice, participants will come to your meeting having thought about agenda, read through the background papers, prepared presentations, and come up with solutions to problems.
4. Meetings should be democratic in approach and spirit. The only point in bringing people together for a meeting is to let them discuss an issue. If you want to announce decisions that have been made, don’t do it in a meeting but find another way of communicating it. Your meetings should have a creative and open atmosphere so that your people can make interesting contributions to the discussion.
2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы после текста.
1) What should the chairman do the participants if have to reach a decision today?
2) What does small talk help to create before the meeting?
3) Why should the chairman tell the participants about the meeting in advance?
4) Should the chairman have a meeting to announce decisions that have been made?
Какие предложения являются верными ?
1) If an issue can’t be resolved in this meeting, cut the discussion off and continue it in a later meeting.
2) A certain amount of football at the beginning and end of a meeting definitely helps to create a friendly atmosphere and build team spirit.
3) With advance notice, participants will come to your meeting having thought about agenda, read through the background papers, prepared presentations, and come up with solutions to problems.
4) Meetings should never be democratic in approach and spirit.
Дополните предложения .
1) If you want to announce _________ that have been made, don’t do it in a meeting but find another way of communicating it.
2) A certain amount of small talk at the beginning and end of a meeting definitely helps to create a ____________ atmosphere and build team spirit.
3) It’s surprising how many chairpeople call meetings at short notice and then __________ that the participants haven’t prepared properly.
4) If an issue can’t be resolved in this meeting, cut the ___________ off and continue it in a later meeting.
5. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:
командный дух, принять решение, участники, повестка дня, делать вклад в обсуждение.
Вариант 4
Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4 абзацы. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы.
What Makes a Good Leader
1. It goes without saying that good leadership is crucial to any successful business. But, what makes a good leader and how can someone develop himself or herself into a good leader if they are not one to begin with? The answer is that there are many factors that contribute to good leadership. And, whether someone is naturally a good leader or not, anyone can become a good leader.
2. One of those factors of good leadership is communication. Communication is one of the most key elements of leadership. Good communication skills need to be learned to effectively become a good leader or manager. When communication occurs, as a leader, you will be able to accurately convey your ideas and thoughts to those that work for you. In fact, simply being able to convey these things in the first place, much less accurately, puts you in the right direction for leadership.
3. Motivation is another variable that plays into good leadership. Employees tend to stagnate when motivation decreases…and it will decrease, without proper motivation. Many leaders try to motivate the old-fashioned way…through fear. This is not advisable, since it tends to only deliver short-term results and cause even less competent work in the long run, due to resentment resulting from the fear tactics. Instead, try adding challenges for employees. A fresh challenge always adds excitement and spawns creativity.
4. Teamwork is always something to consider when striving to become a good leader. This means not only teaching your employees to work together but to become part of the team yourself. Use others’ potential. Many times, employees’ potential is wasted. A good leader recognizes that his or her employees are more than just employees, they are people too.
2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы после текста.
1) What factors contribute to good leadership?
2) What happens when motivation decreases?
3) Why does a leader need good communication skills?
4) What is “old-fashioned” way of motivation?
Дата: 2019-02-25, просмотров: 353.