Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

  1) What does describe the conceptual foundations of an approach being tested by the World Bank staff to better estimate the potential for mineral resources?  

  2) Estimates of the potential contribution across time can better inform development policies‚ can’t they?

  3) Is the approach holistic in employing a landscape planning approach or not?

  4) What  does  typically  require  large   investment   requirements


relating to physical infrastructure?

  5) Does a percentage of the mineral endowment economically translate into commercially viable mines?

Find the English equivalent s of the following Russian

Phrases in the text .

  1) Минеральные ресурсы;  

  2) концептуальная основа; 

  3) общественные учреждения;   

  4) планировка ландшафта;   

  5) разработка недр.

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Each word can be used only once.

approach mineral current markets translation hydrogeologic mining stream infrastructure conditions


1) Countries have widely cited the need for __________ to link more remote regions to __________, social services, and security.

  2) The __________ is holistic in employing a landscape planning approach to consider the impacts of __________.

3) __________ resource assessments that include __________ flow, water quality, precipitation and recharge.

4) The prospective __________ resources undergo an economic __________ to commercially viable mines under more favorable prices.

5) The resulting mineral resource potential given __________ economic __________.


Circle the Odd Word Out.

1) Describes‚ foundations, services;

2) availability‚ commercially‚ quality;

3) of, the‚ under;

4) investment‚ mine‚ time;  

5) earth, landscape‚ stream.


Translate the sentences into English

using conjunctive mood of verb.

1) Если бы эксперты выявили недостаток раньше, всё могло бы обойтись без недоразумения.

2) Мы непременно договорились бы с местным управлением, если бы встреча состоялась в назначенное время.

3) Если бы в положенные сроки проект был сдан, вы бы получили премию.

4) У комиссии не было бы претензий к стажёрам, если бы оценка минеральных ресурсов проводилась более тщательно.

5) Если бы инфраструктура нашего города была более развитой, его экономика возросла бы за считанные месяцы.

Section 7



Town-Planning Documentation

Documents of town-planning include schemes of town planning of the country, constituent entities of the country, municipal entities, and general plans of settlements and urban districts.

 Town planning is an instrument with the help of which stable development of territories, development of engineering, transport, and social infrastructures for long term is provided.
Town-planning Code imposes ban for power authorities on taking decisions about reservation, transition, and withdrawal of lands without approved documents of town planning.
Documents of town planning shall be operatively developed in order to  realize  powers  of  authorities, and to achieve complex economical


development of territories and increase of their investment attractiveness.
      Preparation of drafts of the documents for land use planning are is carried out on the base of: 1) results of engineer research; 2) federal, regional and local programs in sphere of state, economic, ecologic, social, cultural and national development; 3) documents for land use planning for other levels; 4) proposals of interested persons.

Basic services

• Development of projects of schemes for land use planning of the country  in the sphere of federal transport development, lines of communication, information and telecommunication, national defense and security, energetic development, development of Special Protected Natural Areas, protection of land,  which is subject of risk of

emergency situations, development of space activities.
      • Development of separate parts of projects of schemes for land use planning and general plans for settlement (urban districts), including: 1) carrying out of the complex analysis of all factors, which influence the development of the territory (economy, investment and resource potential, demography, ecology, social conditions, risk of emergency situations), making forecasts concerning territory development for long-term, medium-term and short-term prospects; 2) preparation of concept of town-planning development on the base of development forecast for economic, investment, and demographic potential; 3) preparation of the economic and/or investment concept of territory development; 4) development of a system of activities directed on protection and safe-keeping of the natural environment; 5) development of the statement of the land use planning, including goals and tasks of the land use planning and also the list of activities directed on the land use planning with an indication of order of their execution; 6) development of the plan of the scheme realization for land use planning, including prior activities, their costs, terms, and proposals concerning possible source of funds; 7) development of maps (schemes) as a part of the scheme of land use planning.
     • Preparation of land use recommendations and of city and village property development.
     • Development of general plans for city and village settlement.




Дата: 2019-02-24, просмотров: 259.