Exercise 5. Read words and phrases from the text vocabulary and learn them by heart. Make up your own sentences using these words and word combinations
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

annals – летописи, исторические хроники; amazing – удивительный; to be represented – быть представленным; snow-covered mountain tops – покрытые снегом вершины гор, boundless – безграничный, бескрайний; harsh – суровый; deer antler – рог оленя; faraway – далекий, отдаленный; deserted – пустынный, безлюдный; to impress – произвести впечатление; developed infrastructure – развитая инфраструктура

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

1. Where is Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra situated? 2. What is the administrative centre of the okrug? 3. What does «blue» symbolize in the flag? 4. What does «green» symbolize in the flag? 5. What does «white» symbolize in the flag? 6. What does «crown» represent in the flag? 7. What indigenous peoples of Ugra do you know? 8. How can Ugra impress visitors?

Exercise 7. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Khanty                                    a) a large natural stream of water

2. Mansi                                      b) coniferous forest

3. Khanty-Mansiysk                   c) formerly called Ostyak

4. N. Komarova                          d) historical records

5. river                                        e) the administrative centre

6. taiga                                   f) the Governor of the okrug

7. annals                                     g) formerly called Vogul

Exercise 8. Read numbers and dates. Don’t forget that:

1) 'and' should be used between hundreds and tens: 943 = nine hundred and forty-three;

2) If there are thousands, but no hundreds, AND mustn't be forgotten.

* 3,052 =Three thousand and fifty-two;

3) After ‘millions', ‘thousands'  there must be a comma.

Numbers: 7; 17; 75; 763; 7,453; 5,671; 5,082; 42,325,896

Dates: 1600 = sixteen hundred; 1605 = sixteen and / o five; 2018 = Two thousand and eighteen / Twenty eighteen.

1882; 1917; 1941; 1945; 1980; 2003; 2015

Find in the text numbers and dates and read them correctly.

Exercise 9. 1) Look through the text. Name the paragraphs of the text: Economy. Tourism. History. Population. Administrative-territorial division. Climate. Sport. Geography. 2) Read and translate the text.

Text II

1. The okrug was established in December 10, 1930, as Ostyak–Vogul National Okrug because the people native to the region are the Khanty (Ostyak) and the Mansi (Vogul). In October 1940, it was renamed into the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug. The underlying purpose of establishing the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug was protection of traditional culture and facilitation of social and economic growth of indigenous peoples of the North. In 1977, it became an autonomous okrug. In 2003, “Ugra” was officially appended to the okrug’s name.

2. Its territory stretches from west to east for almost 1,400 km; from north to south for 900 km. Total area is 534,801 square kilometers. The region's territory is comparable in size to the territory of France or Ukraine.  From the west, the region is protected by the Ural Mountains. The highest points of the region are Mount Narodnaya (1,895 m) in the Polar Urals and Mount Pedy (1,010 m) in the Northern Urals. Two major rivers are the Ob and its tributary the Irtysh. About 30% of the territory is covered by swamps. There are more than 300,000 lakes surrounded by marshes and forests.

3. The climate is temperate continental characterized by rapid change of weather especially in spring and autumn. Winters are long, snowy and cold with frosts below minus 30 degrees Celsius. Summers are short and warm.

4. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the Russian Federation's leaders in terms of industrial output, power generation, oil and gas production, and equity investment. The region is rich in oil and natural gas. 475 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the territory of Ugra. About 60% of Russian oil is produced in this region. The climate is not favorable for agriculture. Most of the agricultural products and foodstuffs are brought from other Russian regions.

5. Population is 1,532,243 according to the 2010 Census. The indigenous population (Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets) is only 2.2% of the total population in the okrug. Half of them live in the traditional way. The exploitation of natural gas in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has attracted immigrants from all over the former Soviet Union. The 2010 Census counted more than one hundred ethnic groups though the majority of the present population are Russians.

6. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra consists of 9 districts, 13 municipalities, 26 urban and 57 rural communities. The largest cities are Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Kogalym and Nyagan.

7. Ugra is widely known as the host of major international and Russian national sports events. Annual sports events agenda of the Okrug covers about 400 events of regional, national and international scale. More than 50 types of sport are developing in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. The main ones are cross-country skiing, biathlon, athletics, snowboarding, ice-hockey, sledge-hockey, water polo, chess and mini football.

8. Ugra has unique natural, cultural and historical resources for the development of tourism. There are cultural and historical monuments, theatres, archeological complexes and monuments, and also modern infrastructure for lovers of cultural, educational, recreational tourism, and outdoor activities. International events (sports competitions, festivals and forums) open Ugra for the foreigners as an amazing corner of the globe.

(For more information: https://admhmao.ru/en/about/general/)

Text vocabulary:

to be established – быть созданным

Ostyak – остяки, употреблявшееся в прошлом название хантов

Vogul – вогулы, употреблявшееся в прошлом название манси

underlying purpose – основная цель

to be appended – быть добавленным

total area – общая площадь

to be comparable to… –  быть сопоставимым с…

to be covered by – быть покрытым…

surrounded by – окруженный…

temperate continental – умеренно континентальный

industrial output – промышленное производство

power generation – производство электроэнергии

equity investment – инвестиции в основной капитал

outdoor activities – мероприятие на свежем воздухе; активный отдых на природе

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 386.