Exercise 1. Study and remember the following words and phrases
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

evergreen – вечнозеленый

exciting – оживленный, волнующий, захватывающий

spectacular – производящий глубокое впечатление, впечатляющий,   эффектный

architecture - архитектура

mixture – смешивание, смесь, перемешивание

multinational - многонациональный

infrastructure - инфраструктура

considerable – значительный

to consider - считать

to develop – развивать

to grow – расти

Exercise2. Watch photos.

a) Write down in your copybook all worlds which are connected with the headline “ CAPITALS”.

b)  Write down in your copybook all worlds which are associated with the word Khanty-Mansiysk.


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text .Choose the most suitable title for the text:

a) Brief information about Khanty-Mansiysk;

b) KhM (Khanty-Mansiysk) ;

c) About KhM;

d) Capital city;

e) Capital town.

Text I

I like to live in Khanty-Mansiysk. It is small but very comfortable. The great part of the territory is covered with woods. The town stands on the seven hills. On one of the hills there is a beautiful cathedral which can be seen from many parts of the town. If you look down from hill on the city, the view is spectacular. Unique identity of modern architecture combined with the unique ancient nature. All these facts attract tourists and visitors to Khanty-Mansiysk every year.

 Khanty-Mansiysk is the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug - Ugra. It is one of the most beautiful and unusual towns of Western Siberia. The population of Khanty-Mansiysk is about 95,300 (2015), the area - 338 sq. km. Khanty-Mansiysk is one of the few Russian administrative centers which is smaller than the other cities of the region. It is only the fourth largest town in the Khanty-Mansiysk okrug after Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. There is always something to see and to do for business people in our town because it is a centre of Okrug, which is rich in natural resources such as oil and gas. The town's economy is more than 2500 companies and organizations. Khanty-Mansiysk is formed not only as center of the oil region, but is increasingly becoming a center of business activity, sport and national culture.

The town is located in the central part of Western Siberia, on the bank of the Irtysh River, just 20 km from the place of confluence of the Ob and the Irtysh. Khanty-Mansiysk is considered to be a scientific center, and has a considerable number of schools, universities, colleges and high schools. It is a young town because of colleges, university and medical academy. Our town is multinational. People here are friendly.

 Successful people live and work here, effective companies operate, great ideas and grandiose projects appear and implement, the guests and new business partners are always welcomed. Khanty-Mansiysk is the town, which is worthy of love and discovery!

Text vocabulary:

the territory is covered with – территория покрыта

the town stands on – город стоит / расположен на…

the unique ancient nature – уникальная многовековая природа

to attract tourists and visitors – привлекать туристов и гостей

the place of confluence – место слияния

 to appear - появляться

to implement - осуществлять

a center of business activity, sport and national culture- центр деловой активности, спорта и национальной культуры

to attract – привлекать, манить


Exercise 4. Read more information about KhM at:


b) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khanty-Mansiysk

c) Tell your fellow students additional information about KhM (Khanty-Mansiysk).

Exercise 5. Phrase match

1) the town stands                                        a) combined with the unique nature

2)   there is beautiful                                      b)on the hills                 

3) unique identity of modern architecture c) cathedral

4) unusual cities                                         d) than the other cities                         

  5) smaller                                                  e)of Western Siberia

6) something to see                                    f) center of the oil region                  

7) only as                                                  i) and to do for business people

8) on the bank                                            j) railway station is Demyanka

9) the nearest                                                 k) of the Irtysh River

10) is considered to be                                l) are friendly

11) people here                                          m) appear and implement                             

12) grandiose projects                                n) a scientific center

Exercise6. Answer the questions and tell your partner about KhM:

1) What kind of town is Khanty-Mansiysk?

2) Where does the town stand on?

3) Is there any beautiful cathedral on one of the hills?

4) What is the architecture in Khanty-Mansiysk?

5)  Is Khanty-Mansiysk the capital of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug-Ugra?

6) What is the population of Khanty-Mansiysk?

7) Where is Khanty-Mansiysk situated?

8) Is it just a center of the oil region?

9) Is it a young town and why?

10) What is the KhM's economy?

11) What are the nearest railway stations?

12) Why do successful people live and work in Khanty-Mansiysk?

Exercise 7. Divide the following words into three groups (Moscow, St. Petersburg, New York, Washington, Khanty-Mansiysk, Perm, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Helsinki, Turku, Krasnodar, Nyagan, Surgut, Hamburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Kazan, Ivanovo, Petrozavodsk, Kursk): a) town b) city c) capital city.

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 435.