Exercise 9. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Student A: You are a freshman. It is your first day at the university. It’s a long break. You are hungry but you don’t know where to go to have lunch. You see your old friend who is in his second year of study at the university. Ask him for advice: where it is better to have lunch.

Student B: You are in your second year at the university. In the beginning of a long break you meet your old friend who is a freshman. He doesn’t know where to have lunch. Invite him to the university café and tell him all places where he can have lunch.

It’s interesting: University students

(US): Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

(UK): First-year student, Second-year student, Third-year student, Fourth/final-year student

Exercise 10. Read and translate the text. Choose the best title for the text:

1. A day in the life of YuSU student (survey).

2. Students’ favourite food (survey).

3. Where and what Yugra State University students eat and drink during a day (survey)

Text II

The survey was conducted among Yugra State University students. Most of the students have two or three meals a day on weekdays. Their meals as a rule are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Most of the students usually have breakfast at home / dormitory. They usually have a cup of tea (maybe coffee) with sandwiches or porridge. Some students do not have breakfast at all. Breakfast may vary widely: cereals, boiled eggs, fried eggs, sausages, toast, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, tea, coffee or fruit juice.

Most of the students have lunch at the university cafés Bolshaya Peremena or Ot Dushi.


Some students have lunch at home / dormitory or go to other cafes like Subway or Good Food. They may have some soup for the first course and side dish for pork, chicken, beef or fish. The most popular side dishes are mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetables, buckwheat and rice.

Most of the students have dinner at home / dormitory. As a rule they have side dish with tea or fruit juice. Dinner may also consist of cottage cheese, sausages, chicken, salad, sausages. Some students do not have dinner at all, just a cup of tea with sweets or sandwiches before going to bed.

During a day, they may also have snacks: some fresh fruit, biscuits, yoghurt, cottage cheese, chocolate. One of the most popular students’ foods is shawarma (shawurma) which they usually name as “shavuha.

Some of the answers:

Nastya: I usually have three meals a day. I have breakfast at home: sandwiches with a cup of black tea. I have lunch at the university buffet Ot dushi which is located in the building № 1. Though it is small in space, I like its atmosphere and I think that the food is tasty there. As a rule I have pasta with fish or vegetable salad and something from bakery. I have dinner at home: buckwheat with meat, biscuits with a cup of black tea.

Polina: I am a very active student; I try to take part in all spheres of university life so as a rule I eat at the cafes, because I’m very short of time: I always have something else to do instead of cooking. I don’t have breakfast. I have lunch (or maybe we can say it dinner, because it’s my main meal of a day) at the university café. It consists of the first (some soup) and second course (some side dish with a piece of chicken). I usually have supper in the Subway or the café Good Food, or just have a snack: biscuits or a bar of chocolate with juice.

Sasha: I usually have two meals a day. It’s very difficult for me to get up early so I'm always in a rush in the morning. There's never enough time for a relaxed breakfast. That’s why I have only a cup of coffee with biscuits. At lunch time I have shawarma which I usually buy at the market Lukoshko or in the city centre. I know that it’s actually not healthy but my biggest meal of the day is my evening meal, which I eat around eight or nine. It may consist of different types of food but it should always include meat. I believe that meat is an excellent source of protein and provides many important vitamins and minerals, which our body needs to grow and work. As a rule I have my evening meal at home but if I don’t have any desire to cook or I have no time for it, there is a great opportunity to have a meal at the canteen which is situated exactly in my dormitory. It’s tasty and not very expensive.

Text Vocabulary

survey – обзор, исследование

to be conducted – был проведен

side dish – гарнир

buckwheat – гречиха

to be in a rush – спешить

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 330.