Make your own sentences using these phrases.
educational institutions
collegiate system
cloistered model
individual buildings
urban settings
park-like lawns
Exercise 16. Watch the videos about “My favorite place on campus”.
Which place is more popular than the others?
What is Your Favorite place on campus?
Exercise 17. Ask your group mates and make your own ranking of “favorite places” of the students at Yugra State University.
Make a short report on your investigation.
«One should eat to live, not live to eat»
Benjamin Franklin
Exercise 1. Find the transcription and translation of these words and word combinations in the dictionary and write them down:
food meal
breakfast light breakfast
lunch brunch
dinner (afternoon) tea
supper snack
three-course dinner course
for the first course for a main course
dessert cheap
cuisine delicious
disgusting to serve
For more Food and Drink Vocabulary see:;;;
Exercise 2. Insert the missing words: afternoon tea, starter, lunch, main, breakfast, supper, dessert, courses, elevenses, dinner, snacks,
The meals of the day can be split into early, afternoon and evening meals. In English, we generally call these _____, _____ and ______. Small meals in between main meals are called ‘_____’. A late evening meal is called ‘_____’. A mid-morning snack is called ‘______’. A late afternoon meal is called ‘____’ and traditionally this is when sandwiches or cake and a pot of tea is served. A main meal can be split into _____, _____ and _____. The different parts of a meal are called ‘_____’.
Exercise 3. Put these words into two lists: beans, pineapple, grapes, onions, apple, carrot, garlic, pear, mushrooms. Add your own three words to each category.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. Choose the best title for the text:
1. University café.
2. Food and Drink at Yugra State University.
3. In the canteen.
Text I
When you want to have a nice meal between classes or just have a cup of coffee with friends, you can find somewhere to enjoy drinks, snacks, and meals in the University buildings.
To provide hot meals for the students and staff, the university includes the café Bolshaya Peremena. It is a separate building. You can get there through the corridor from Building 4 or there is an entrance from the outside. The café can serve 364 people at once. It is open from 8 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday. The café offers a wide range of hot and cold options for breakfast and lunch, as well as snacks and drinks. Comfortable environment, various menu and affordable prices create an attractive atmosphere for students and staff. There are TV sets in the café which often show music channels. You can not only eat but also meet friends, discuss student life or just have a rest between classes. You can also take your lunch in the container and heat food in the microwave that you can find in the café.
Café also boasts a bar where you can have fresh coffee with delicious pancakes and other snacks and drinks.
A new network of canteens and buffets Ot Dushi (“from the soul”) in Khanty-Mansiysk opened a canteen in the dormitory №5 and a buffet in the University building № 1. The buffet is opened from 8.30 till 19.00 from Monday to Friday and from 8.30 to 14.00 on Saturday. Great selection of salads, meat or fish with garnish (mashed potato, pasta, buckwheat, vegetables), different bakery products, cakes, other tasty treats, hot and cold drinks are available there.
Not far from the university, there’s a SUBWAY restaurant where students can also have a meal. In its dishes SUBWAY offers vegetables, a variety of meat toppings, sauces and bread baked right in the restaurant.
There is also the café Good Food situated not far from the university. It serves a wide range of meals, salads and dessert, hot and cold drinks for reasonable prices.
Exercise 5. Look through the text vocabulary and think of your own seven sentences using them:
staff – персонал
accessible – доступный
outside – снаружи
to serve – обслуживать
at once – немедленно, сразу
wide range – широкий спектр
option – выбор, предмет выбора
affordable – доступный
to heat – нагревать
to boast – хвастаться, славиться
convenience – удобство
available – доступный
throughout – все время, на всем протяжении какого-либо периода
tasty treats – вкусные угощения
to bake – печь
right – зд. прямо
reasonable – приемлемый, умеренный, разумный
Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1) Where can you have a meal or a snack at the university?
2) Where can you have a meal outside but not far from the university?
3) The café Good Food is situated in the university building, isn’t it?
4) Where do you usually have lunch? Why?
5) What do you usually have for lunch?
6) What is your favourite café in Khanty-Mansiysk?
Exercise 7. Read the sentences, find the words and word phrases from the vocabulary notes. Translate the sentences. Make up your own 8 sentences with other words and word phrases from the text vocabulary.
1. We're not allowed to serve alcohol to anyone under 18. 2. I knew at once that I would like it here. 3. We don't have many options. 4. I wish she would stop boasting about her exam results. 5. Fortunately, the house has a very modern convenience. 6. He yawned throughout the performance. 7. I'd say her work is of a reasonable standard. 8. The company has a staff of over 500 employees.
Exercise 8. Read and translate the dialogue:
Viktor: Hello, Svetlana! I haven’t seen you for ages. I’m very glad to see you again.
Svetlana: Hi, Viktor! I’m very glad to see you too. What are you going to do during the break? I will be happy to talk to you.
V: I wanted to have lunch. Let’s go to the café, we can eat and have a talk there.
S: OK, let’s go. I like our café. You can have both a quick snack there and a substantial meal if you want.
Oh, no! What a queue! It is always full at lunch time! It seems that students come here not only to eat, but to discuss their student life. Do you usually have lunch here?
V: Yes, I do not have time to cook myself. Here I may choose what I like. And the prices are reasonable.
S: I also often have lunch in this café if I have many classes.
V: What would you like to eat?
S: Hm! That vegetable salad looks good, and I’ll have mashed potatoes with fish.
V: As for me, I prefer a big lunch. For the first course I’ll have borsch and for the second course chops with mashed potatoes! I’ll also have salad. What about dessert? Would you like anything?
S: Oh, I try not to eat sweaty things, but today I think I’ll take a piece of cake.
V: Very good choice. Their cake is always delicious. But I need something with meat. I think that I’ll take kurnik or belyash. Would you like tea or juice?
S: I’ll have a cup of tea with lemon.
V: I’ll have the same. Oh, look, there is a free table over there. Let’s go there.
S: Do you have other meals here?
V: Oh, no, it will be very expensive for the student. I try to cook at home because it’s cheaper and there are very good conditions in the dormitory kitchen.
S: Yes, I know. I lived there for three months but now I live with my relatives and my aunt always cooks. She is a great cook. I often help her. Of course, I agree with you that eating at home is cheaper than eating in a café or at a restaurant. But if we have many classes we have no choice and we have to go to the university cafés or to the Subway.
V: Yes, you are absolutely right. Oh, here is the bell. The break is over. I was very glad to see and talk to you.
S: Me too. Bye.
V: Bye.
Text vocabulary:
I haven’t seen you for ages. – Я не видел тебя целую вечность.
substantial – существенный, значительный
queue – очередь
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 369.