Exercise 9. Divide the text into logical parts and name each of them
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Exercise10 Answer the questions and tell your partner about KhM:

1) How far is HM from Tyumen, Moscow and St. Petersburg?

2) Where is the nearest railway station located?

3) What is the area of Khanty-Mansiysk?

4) Who gave the name to the Okrug capital?

5) How do local people call Roznina Street?

6) What fact are the residents of the capital of Ugra proud of?

7) What kind of town is KhM at present?

8) What kind of town is KhM in winter?

9) What kind of town is KhM in summer?

10) What are unique features of KhM?

Exercise 11. Read more information about KhM at: http://visit-hm.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Eng_azbuka_turista_2015-02-18.pdf

What is new?

Exercise12. Describe one of the pictures from the lesson.

Exercise13. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ханты-Мансийск является одним из самых современных и динамично развивающихся городов округа.

2. Сейчас это центр деловой активности, большого спорта и национальной культуры.

3. Это не большой город с великой историей и большими перспективами.

4. Расстояние от Ханты-Мансийска до Москвы составляет более чем 2600 км.

5. В столице Округа нет крупных индустриальных предприятий.

6. Летней ночью в Ханты-Мансийске почти так же светло, как и днем.

7. Многочисленное освещение превращает зимний Ханты-Мансийск в очаровательный и сияющий светом город.

8. Ханты-Мансийск – многонациональный город.

9. Жители столицы Округа гордятся тем, что Ханты-Мансийск- это город на семи холмах.

10.  Число семь имеет сакральное значение.

11.  Местные жители называют улицу Рознина «Перековкой».


Exercise14. Insert missing words.

Nowadays, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk is________ of the region and the district. Khanty-Mansiysk is formed not only as center____________, but is increasingly becoming a center of________________________________. Modern houses, ____________________and squares have little resemblance to those distant times, since the founding of the city. It develops, as an administrative, financial and cultural center of the district, there are more than ______________and organizations, educational and sports facilities as well cultural institutions are built.

a) 190 construction companies; b) business activity, sport and national culture; c) of the oil region; d) the mass center.

Exercise15. Watch the video at: https://yandex.ru/video/search?text=.%20khanty-mansiysk%20video%20english&path=wizard&noreask=1&filmId=17631165654885733430&reqid=1522568857026078-40967718961867976410914-sas1-1453-V

Discuss the video with your partner.

Exercise16. Read information about Sandwich from the site Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plan on The Sandwich

What information have you got about Sandwich as a town?

Exercise17. Read and translate the text. Give the most suitable title for the text.

Text III.

Tyumen is the administrative center of Tyumen Region, which divides Russia into the European and Asian parts. The city is located in the south of Western Siberia, on the banks of the Tura River, 2,200 km away from Moscow.

It was Tyumen in 1586 that started Siberia's integration into Russia. Mikhail Lomonosov once famously said, "Russia's power will become stronger with Siberia." A part of this phrase is now written on the coat of arms of Tyumen Oblast.

Though many people think that Tyumen was founded by the Siberia conqueror Yermak, in fact, the founders were Vassily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoy – Russian warlords. They came to Siberia to establish Russian rule after Yermak's death and built a fortress at the site of the current Tyumen. Earlier, there was a town here called Chingi-Tura, the capital of the Siberian Khanate.

Tyumen is the oil and gas capital of Russia. In the 1960s, major oil deposits were discovered here, and development of the Yugra and Yamal lands began. In record time, large enterprises and modern cities appeared in the midst of the empty and marshy spaces of Siberia. Tyumen soon became the administrative center of the region, managing the oil and gas enterprises.


Tyumen has everything to satisfy your cultural needs. Since 1858, the city has had the Drama Theater, the oldest in Russia, and in 2008 a large new building was constructed for it. Recently, the Tyumen Circus was re-launched in the restored building. The residents are rightfully proud of their modern S.I. Mendeleev Library, equipped with the most modern equipment.

Oil and gas production in Tyumen Oblast stimulated the opening of many scientific institutes in the city. By the late 80s, the number of scientific workers in Tyumen was approximately 18,000 (roughly 10% of the population). Now, there are scores of R&D (research and development) institutes in the city and its suburbs.

Tyumen has many restaurants offering the unique Northern cuisine. When asked about the most interesting dining sites, locals often name the Chum restaurant. There you can eat delicious meals and learn the history of the region. Waiters also serve as guides, telling captivating stories about geologists of the 1960s who came to conquer this wild region. Also, the restaurant displays exhibits provided by the Tyumen Local History Museum. The most popular dishes are sliced frozen whitefish and venison salad. Besides, the restaurant was sanctified by a real Siberian shaman, so people believe that if you make a wish there, it will certainly come true.

tyumen 12 cats

The most popular place for strolling is the Tura River embankment and Lovers' Bridge connecting its banks. One more pedestrian area in the center of the city is Tsvetnoy Boulevard, with several squares with fountains, museums, and the circus. You can visit the Siberian Cat Park, at which monuments to 12 Siberian cats are erected to memorize that they once saved the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg from a rat invasion.


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Tyumen is populated by adherents of varying religions. The city hosts the Orthodox and Catholic churches, mosques, a synagogue, and other religious facilities. The St. Trinity Monastery built in the early 17th century still operates in the city.

In winter, you can leave the city, jump into a sleigh with Siberian huskies harnessed, and drive across the snowy forest. After driving, you can visit the Verkhny Bor Recreation Center and swim in the outdoor pool with therapeutic water supplied from the hot spring Eldorado. You can also visit the birthplace of the famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev – Tobolsk, 200 km away from Tyumen. The Tobolsk Kremlin, a unique masterpiece of Siberian architecture, is also located there.

Text vocabulary:


сonqueror - завоеватель

warlords - местные военачальники

fortress - крепость

sleigh - сани

adherents - приверженцы

venison salad – салат из оленины

to erect – возводить

        R&D (research and development) - научно-       исследовательские работы и опытно-конструкторские разработки


Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 402.