Exercise 8. Answer the questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

ü What advice do you find the most important one?

ü Did you have some negative experience with your roommates?

ü What is the best way to handle conflicts?

ü Would you like to have a chance to choose your roommate?

ü What criteria you would pay attention to?


Exercise 9. Make a short summary of the text II.


Exercise 10.  Read the Roommate Questionnaire fill in the gaps with the words given. Give your answers to the questionnaire.


Homework / clean / questions /    nook /       loud / typically / roommates / prohibited /    prefer /   include   / dirty dishes   / disappointed     /soft music / light sleeper / friends


The first step in your roommate search is to complete the roommate questionnaire on your application through the housing portal. It’s very important that you are the one answering your (1)__________and that you’re honest when responding to the questions.


While smoking is (2) ___________on campus, some students may be allergic or sensitive to smoke that another student may carry on their clothes after smoking off campus. Answer this question about how often you smoke:

· Never – this means you literally never smoke.

· Occasionally - while you do not typically smoke, you may have a cigarette once in a while.

· Frequently – you smoke on a regular basis such as daily or weekly.


This question asks you to rate how important keeping your room neat and (3) ______is to you:

· Not important – a messy room may not bother you. You may tend to clean up laundry piles and (4) ____________when you have time. You may not take the trash out every day.

· Somewhat important – in general, you may prefer a tidy and clean room but sometimes you may not get around to cleaning up right away.

· Very important – you may like to have everything in its place, clothes put away and trash thrown out each day. Messes, dirty dishes, laundry piles or clutter may bother you if not taken care of that day.


While you may go to sleep at different times, answer this question based on when you (5)  _____________ go to bed. This question asks you when you tend to go to sleep:.

· Before 11 p.m.

· Between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m.

· After 2 a.m.

Free Time

This question asks how you typically spend your free time:

· Spend it on my own

· Spend it with one or two of my close friends

· Socialize with many people

All people will spend their free time in a variety of ways – sometimes alone and sometimes with others. However for this question think about how you mostly (6) ________to spend that time.


How often do you typically study?

· A few days of the week

· Most days of the week

· Every day of the week

Studying can (7) ­__________homework, reading, preparing for quizzes or tests, writing papers, etc. Note that this may change as you transition from high school to college. Many of our students who are used to getting high grades without much effort typically find that they have to spend more time studying and doing­­ (8) _______________.

Background Noise

This question refers to how (9)  _______the background noise can be in your room when you sleep:

· Low – may mean you are a light sleeper, and anything more than a white noise machine, fan or low lighting may likely disrupt you

· Moderate – may mean that (10) __________, lights, TV or computer game in the background will likely not disrupt you

· High – may mean you are a deep sleeper and music, talking, TV, computer use and lights will not likely disrupt you

Some people can only sleep when it is very quiet, while others prefer to have a radio or fan while they sleep. For this question, think about your immediate room. Are you a (11)__________or a heavy sleeper? Keep in mind noise, light, guests, and other possible distractions during sleep. What do you like the background noise level to be?

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 356.