Exercise 4 . Read, translate and retell the Text. Name the Text
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

II University life


A university should be a place of light, of liberty and of learning.

Benjamin Disraeli


Exercise 1. Look through the vocabulary. Learn the following words and phrases:

to be established - быть основанным; splendid - прекрасный; supplied - оснащенный; hostel - общежитие; volume - том; publishing - редакционно-издательский; to train - обучать; issue - номер; improve - улучшить; master - овладевать; staff- штат; participation - участие; campus - учебный комплекс; well-equipped-хорошо оборудованный; equipment - оборудование; at the disposal - в распоряжении; chair - кафедра; to be worth reading - стоит почитать; fundamentals - основы; to give (deliver) lectures - читать лекции; term – семестр training appliance – учебное пособие successful– успешный polytechnical - политехнический academic year – учебный год associate professor – доцент to carry out – выполнять, проводить   to design – конструировать dormitory– общежитие education – образование, обучение full-time education – очное обучение extra-mural education – заочное обучение to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение) to equip – оборудовать facilities – благоприятные условия, оборудование to graduate from– оканчивать учебное заведение graduate– выпускник undergraduate – студент последнего курса post-graduate – аспирант humanities– гуманитарные дисциплины to investigate – исследовать necessary – необходимый scholarship – стипендия science – наука society – общество to study – учиться subject – учебный предмет  

For more information about Education vocabulary:


Exercise 2. Read the international words, guess their meaning:

audio-visual; automation; bureau; candidate ; career ; centre ; certificate ; computer; consultation; course; culture; department; diploma; economics; experimental; faculty; final; information ; institute; laboratory; lecture; management; problem; project; qualified; region; seminar; specialist; status; technical


Exercise 3 . Read and translate groups of single-root words:

design – designer – designing;

educate – education – educational;

equip – equipment;

experiment – experimentalize – experimentally – experimentation – experimenter; graduate – graduation;

investigate – investigation – investigator – investigative;

manage – manager – management;

practice – practical – practically – practice;

science – scientific – scientist;

success – successful – succeed;

supervise – supervisor – supervision.


Exercise 4 . Read, translate and retell the Text. Name the Text.

Text I

Yugra State University (YUSU) is one of the largest institutions of higher professional education in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug — Ugra. It was established on the initiative of the Government of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug – Ugra in 2001 and it comprised the local branches of three educational institutions: Nizhnevartovsk State Pedagogical Institute; Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy; Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. At present, our University is one of the youngest state universities in Russia and its mission is to train high-skilled specialists for industrial purposes in the region.

The first academic year began on September 1, 2002.

At present about 2842-day students study at the University. During the period of study, the students master the fundamentals of theoretical and practical disciplines.

The University is housed in 6 buildings. In the main building there are different administrative departments such as accounting, personnel offices for lecturers and students, publishing house and etc. Also, the Students’ Board is located on the 9th floor. If you have some important questions to be answered by the Chancellor or Vice –Chancellors, you can find their offices there.

In 2002 the Students' Board was formed. Its main task is to organize and carry out the students' participation in the social life of the university and the town. The same year the first issue of the newspaper "The Students of Ugra" was published. It is really worth reading.

The students can improve their sports skills in Culture-Sports Complex with up-to-date sports equipment. There they can swim in the swimming pool and play games of volleyball, football and go in for other sports activities.

The Institute of Environmental Management, located in the Building 1, was established on September 1, 2002. The five departments of the Institute offer Bachelors', Masters' and PhD programs. The study process is organized in accordance with the requirements of the state standards, by highly qualified lecturers and specialists, in equipped classrooms.

The Institute of Humanities is situated in the Building 2 and provides education in the following areas: Journalism, Philology, Linguistics, Social work, Psychology and Pedagogics, History, Art, Theory and methodology of TFL and cultures.

IT Scientific and Study Centre of our university, situated in the Building 3, was established on the basis of the Engineering faculty, and it comprises chairs, study and scientific labs. Different departments of the Institute perform training of specialists in accordance with our region's needs in the following areas: qualified specialists in IT, transport and transportation systems, construction, techno sphere safety, physical-chemical studies, materials science, implementation of the system of electronic public and state services (creation and support of the region's information services) and many more.

The Building 4 is occupied by The Institute of Management and Economics and Law. The students have a very interesting extracurricular life and are rewarded for their participation in scientific, social and sports events. The level of education complies with the state standards. The institute provides education for the following majors: Economics, Finance and credit, Taxation, Accounting and auditing, Management, State and municipal administration, Tourism, Economics and management:

Socio-cultural service and tourism;

Economic security (judicial economic examination)

Hotel industry;

The university is staffed by highly qualified lecturers, Associate Professors and Professors. Among them there are Doctors of Science and PhDs as scientific supervisors of post-graduate students. They deliver lectures and practical classes to their students.

Students' work in different labs (motor vehicles, construction, life safety, physic-chemistry of processes and materials, electrical power engineering, physics, electronic engineering, geodesics) is included into the study process in accordance with the programs. The students have an opportunity to take their work experience internship at the industry leaders of the region. The students of the institute are renowned with their active participation in scientific work, conferences and contests.

The course of training includes various activities. During the academic year our students attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and get consultations from the teachers. At the end of each term they take examinations. The students who make good progress in their studies are entitled to scholarships.

    The students study general subjects (mathematics, physics) and some humanities (History, Philosophy, Foreign languages, etc.). It gives a solid basis of general education to future specialists. Much attention is paid to practical instruction. Students gain practical experience at plants, research institutes and design bureaus of the city. During the final term undergraduates carry out their graduation projects. At the end of the university course they receive graduation diplomas and go to work to different branches of industry.

It is interesting but difficult to study at our University, especially for the first-year students as they do not know yet how to organize their work and time.

Text II

It feels like it was yesterday. I flew over from Prague, was picked up by bus with some of the incoming international students by the University and that was it. I was standing with just one suitcase in my new room at University’s halls and I finally realized this all was not a dream.

I am now completing my placement year at the University and have come to a conclusion: University life has changed my life significantly.

Looking back, I realize how much I have grown as a person and in a couple of years’ time, when I graduate, I will leave the Worcester cathedral not just with a degree in my hand, but also with fantastic experiences and valuable skills – a better and stronger person.

Talking about change, here are some things that I’ve experienced at University:

You’ll learn a lot of things at University – not only the theory and practice in your specific degree, but also important life lessons. Certainly, your first year will be all about experiencing and trying. If something doesn’t work out the first time, try it again. You will eventually come to the desired outcome, sooner or later.

Work experience is crucial while at the University. You only have lectures a few times a week, so you have enough free time to work as long as you manage your time effectively. Make sure you balance your study life with work life and social life and I can assure you, you’re making the most of your student life.

Getting working experience will help you once you finish university as every extra thing you do can be added to your CV and boost your employability.

You can say that being at university is like being in a bubble; it’s quite a special environment. And many students believe that the real life after graduation is what makes them truly independent and mature.

I think independence comes with moving to university – you’re doing your laundry, you live on your own, no help from your parent anymore – these are valuable lessons that they can’t prepare us for, unless we leave the nest.

I personally learnt a lot from moving away from my parents’ home – yes, I know how to do my laundry – (that woolen sweater should not go in the dryer!), how to cook a proper meal (frozen pizza thrown in the oven is not a proper meal!), how to do chores (ok, that random sock wasn’t supposed to be on the floor for the past 3 weeks, but you know…I was busy with assignments!)

I’ve learnt all of that, but also how to organize my time, how to make decisions, how to have initiative, how to lead a team, etc. I bet all this is important and useful in the adult life…

They say you will find the lifelong friends while at the university. I am grateful for the people that I have met – in my lectures, on campus or when working.

Everyone is so nice here, which makes it extremely easy to make friends, socialize and be a part of a group.

Undoubtedly, taking part in activities organized either by the students or the University increases your chances to find amazing company and friends.

There is honestly nothing better than to have “a partner in crime” when it comes to writing that annoying assignment. I’ve spent loads of hours in Peirson with my friends trying to motivate each other to finish and submit our projects.

Your friendships get stronger; the bonds get deeper when you go through difficult times together.


    So find reliable, trustworthy and nice friends that you can have a laugh with, but also share problems with!

And in the end, just a piece of advice from someone who has experienced University in multiple ways – as a student, as an Erasmus student and as a work-placement student:

Text III

The first universities were not actually degree-granting institutions. The original Latin word universities, first used in time of renewed interest in Classical Greek and Roman tradition, tried to reflect this feature of the Academy of Plato. The choice for the oldest institution of higher learning is usually among Nalanda, Constantinople, Al Karoline or Al-Azhar. Nalanda University, founded in Bihar, India around the fifth century B.C.E. conferred academic degree titles to its graduates, while also offering post-graduate courses. Another Indian university whose ruins were only recently excavated was Ratnagiri University in Orissa. Chinese institutions of higher learning were the semi-legendary Shang Hsiang, and later Taixue and Guozijian serve as the highest level of educational establishment while academies became very popular as non-governmental establishments teaching Confucianism and Chinese literature among other things. Also the academy of Gundishapour is one of the oldest universities in the world, made around the fourth century C.E. in Iran.

Al-Azhar University, founded in Cairo, Egypt in the tenth century, offered a variety of post-graduate degrees, and is often regarded as the first full-fledged university. The University of Constantinople, founded in 849, by the regent Bardas of emperor Michael III, is generally considered the first institution of higher learning with the characteristics we associate today with a university (research and teaching, auto-administration, academic independence, etc.). The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes the University of Al Karaouine in Fez, Morocco as the oldest university in the world with its founding in 859.

Byzantine university refers to higher education during the era of the Byzantine empire. The medieval Greek world had no autonomous and continuing institutions of higher learning comparable to the universities of the later Middle Ages in Western Europe, but higher education was provided by private teachers, professional groups and state appointed teachers.

In the early period Rome, Athens, and Alexandria were the main centers of learning, but were overtaken in the fifth century by the Queen of cities, Constantinople. After the closing of the Academy in Athens in 529 due to its pagan teachings, and the conquest of Alexandria and Beirut by the Arabs in the mid seventh century, the focus of all higher learning moved to Constantinople.

After the foundation of Constantinople in 330 teachers were drawn to the new city and various steps were taken for official state support and supervision, however nothing lastingly formal in the way of state funded education emerged. However in 425 Theodosius II established a clear distinction between teachers who were private, and those who were public and paid from imperial funds. These official teachers enjoyed privilege and prestige. There were a total of 31 teachers: ten each for Greek and Latin grammar; five for Greek rhetoric; three for Latin rhetoric; two for law; one for philosophy. This system lasted with various degrees of official support until the seventh century.

In the seventh and eighth centuries Byzantine life went through a difficult period (sometimes called the Byzantine Dark Age). Continued Arab pressure from the south and the Slavs, Avars and Bulgars to the north led to dramatic economic decline and transformation of Byzantine life. However during this period higher education continued to receive some official funding, the details of which are not well known to scholars, but it is assumed the quality of the education was probably low.

With improving stability in the ninth century came measures to improve the quality of higher education. In 863 chairs of grammar, rhetoric and philosophy (includes mathematics, astronomy, and music) were founded and given a permanent location in the imperial palace. These chairs continued to receive official state support for the next century-and-a-half, after which the leading role in the provision of higher education was taken up the Church. During the twelfth century the Patriarchal School was the leading center of education which included men of letters such as Theodore Prodromos and Eustathius of Thessalonica.

The capture of Constantinople in 1204 by Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade ended all support for higher education, although the government in exile in Nicaea gave some support to individual private teachers. After the restoration in 1261 attempts were made to restore the old system, but it never fully recovered and most teaching fell to private teachers and professions. Some of these private teachers include the diplomat and monk Maximos Planudes (1260-1310), the historian Nikephoros Gregoras (1291-1360), and the man of letters Manuel Chrysoloras, who taught in Florence and influence the early Italian humanists on Greek studies. In the fifteenth century many more teachers from Constantinople would follow in Chrysoloras' footsteps.


Exercise 24. Vocabulary. Study following words and expressions.

1. degree-granting institutions

2. to confer

3. post-graduate courses

4. non-governmental

5. full-fledged university

6. pagan

7. conquest

8. supervision

9. to emerge

10.  economic decline

11.  chair

12.  men of letters

13.  capture

14.  Crusade


Exercise 25. Find the rest of the sentences in the text:

  1. The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes …
  1. . However during this period higher education continued to receive some official…
  1. attempts were made to restore the old system, but it never fully recovered and most teaching fell to private teachers and professions.


Education is a social process, education is growth,

education is not preparation for life. It’s life itself. John Dewey

Study the vocabulary:

to focus on – сосредоточиться, сфокусироваться на

arctic engineering – арктический инжениринг

 applied ecology – прикладная экология

 the research of the North – исследование севера

to be highly and technologically developed – быть высоко и технологически развитым

to hold conferences – проводить конференции

scientific schools – научные школы

in cooperation with – во взаимодействии с

post-graduate students – студент-аспирант

take part in international programs – принимать участие в международных программах

the main biosphere functions – основные функции биосферы

 to support ecological condition – поддерживать экологическое состояние

scientific trends – научные течения

continue their education – продолжить их образование

Civil Law – гражданское право

Criminal Law – уголовное право

Energetics - энергетика

Tourism Development –развитие туризма

Information Technologies –информационные технологии

Practical Management – практический менеджмент

Applied Math – прикладная математика

International Activity – международная деятельность

agreements on cooperation – соглашения о взаимодействии

exchange programs – программы обмена



Our university is focused on making the region of Ugra, a northern and arctic region of Russia, to be highly and technologically developed. And at the same time it’s aim is to preserve the main biosphere functions. So the main fields of study are arctic engineering, applied ecology and the research of the North.

There are 8 scientific schools, that hold their activity here. Their spheres of study are Law, Regional Development, Linguistics, Ecology, Social Life and Professional Education.

There are many conferences held on international and regional level by the teachers and students of our university.

There are several events that take place during the year. They are Science Festival, an event called the City of Professions, the Russian public holiday devoted to the Russian Science, annual conference after A.Dunin-Gorkavich devoted to regional studies.

There are also some conferences held between YuSU and the universities of Russia. They are “Lomonosov” (supported by Moscow State University), “Oil and Gas” (held by Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas), “A Student and the Scientific Progress” (Novosibirsk State University).

Our university has several scientific publications. They are Yugra State University Bulletin(Academic journal) and the Energy of Science.

Students of our university can get Bachelor’s, Specialist, Master’s Degree and become post-graduate students. They can not only get different grants and scientific rewards but also they can take part in international programs that are provided by our universities in cooperation with others.

Text vocabulary

international and regional level – международный и региональный уровень

annual conference – ежегодная конференция

post-graduate students – студент-аспирант

to hold conferences – проводить конференции

scientific publications – научные публикации

to get Bachelor’s Degree – получить диплом бакалавра

to get Specialist’s Degree – получить диплом специалиста

to get Master’s Degree – получить диплом магистра

 Regional Development – региональное развитие

 Linguistics – лингвистика

 Ecology – экология

 Social Life – общественная жизнь

 Professional Education – профессиональное образование


Exercise 7. As you know only people with high IQ level are able to fulfill scientific work. Check if your IQ is proper according to the following qualities. Speak about yourself and say what kind of qualities you have.

1. You have a high ability to concentrate.

2. You go to bed late and wake up late.

3. You easily adapt in a new situation.

4.  You are able to understand that there are many things that are unknown for you.

5. You are very curious.

6. You are open for new ideas and opportunities.

7. You feel very comfortable when you are alone.

8. You are a self-controlled and well-organized person.

9. You are empathic.

10.  You obtain self-control.

11. You have an ability to see parallels and connections.

12. You postpone important things. In reality you are thinking about these important things. This is the key to innovation.

13. You are dreamy and creative.

14. You like to think about global problems.


Who do you think has the highest IQ results? Can you name someone in particular? Study the following resource https://listovative.com/top-12-people-highest-iq-world/. Say whom you would add to this list if you had a chance . Add 10 more people.

Text II

The Goals

The scientific activity of YuSU is held according to the Federal State Development Program of Ugorski State University (2017-2021). The aim of our university is to make the region of Ugra to be highly and technologically developed.


Scientific schools

There are 8 scientific schools, that hold their activity here. The results are displayed at Scopus and Web of Science and Russian and international grants involvement. The themes of these schools are Scientific Approach in Criminal Policy, Regional Peculiarities of the Northern Regional Development, Regional Linguistic Research, Arctic Nano materials, Dynamics of the Environment and Climatic Change, Social Activity in Education, Innovations in Further Professional Education.



    There are several events that take place during the year. One of them is a Science Festival. This is a day when school pupils and students can take part in educational shows, games, exhibitions, excursions, competitions and experiments like putting on old costumes, modeling accidents, watching scientific documentaries. 

Here one can find a lot of useful information. We invite the Regional Museum of Nature and Man, the Museum of Oil and Gas Geology, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Folk Art Center to participate in the event.

Another interesting and useful event is called the City of Professions. This is the time when many pupils come to see how many professions are represented in our university. The spheres we specialize in. The teachers describe professions and the students are involved in different role plays and activities connected with them.

The Russian public holiday devoted to the Russian Science is celebrated by our students, post-graduates and scientists. Here they can demonstrate their scientific potential and share experience. The program includes the following competitions: “The Best Post-graduate Student of YuSU”, “The Best Student’s Report”, “The Technical Ideas of Pupils and Students”.


Annual conferences


Another important scientific event is the annual conference. Forestry specialist and a regional studies specialist.

A.Dunin-Gorkavich, contributed so much into the study of Ugra that now each year we hold a conference devoted to ecological problems named after him. In 2017 the conference was held for the 13th time.



Each year more and more specialists from the region and the whole Russia join the conference. Its sections are “The Regional Studies”, “The Finno-Ugric world”, “Agriculture”. The conference promotes new researchers of nature, following the example of a famous scientist.

The young specialists that investigate the usage of subsoil plots at the territory of Khanty-Mansiiski Region hold a conference of their own.


Publishing Activity


Ugra State University Bulletin has been published since 2005. This is a periodical which includes articles on applied and fundamental science, containing the results of scientific work that have not been issued before.


       The full versions are placed at the university site and at elibrary.ru. The journal is included into a list of RISC. It’s topics are IT-technology and Management, Economics, Earth Science. It is issued 4 times a year.

       It’s main goal is to inform the readers on such topics as “Environmental Dynamics”, “Global Climate Change”.


There are also two main goals. Firstly, investigations supported by grants must present their results in the articles of the journal. Secondly, there are spheres of global ecology and climate studies that do not present good Russian reviews. So their task is to fill this gap.

International Activity

During the years YuSU has signed more than 30 agreements on cooperation with foreign universities. Exchange programs, research programs and projects are organized within this sphere. We have worked with European, Chinese, American universities as well as the universities of the former soviet union republics. These countries are Finland, Hungary, Check Republic, Spain, Netherlands, France. The Republics are Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan, Belorussia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine.

Text vocabulary

to preserve the main biosphere functions – сохранить основные функции биосферы

to take part in international programs – принимать участие в международных программах

to be displayed at – быть представленным на

Dynamics of the Environment – динамика окружающей среды

Institutional Partnership for Sustainable and Transboundary Water Use – Институциональное партнерство для устойчивого и межграничного использования воды

to participate in the event – принимать участие в событии

to be represented in – быть представленным в

to promote new researchers – продвигать новых исследователей

renovation of Russian economy – реновация Российской экономики

the Associate Professor – доцент

to be issued before – быть изданным ранее

view of the modern world – взгляд на современный мир

Factors affecting the Development of Agriculture – факторы, влияющие на развитие сельского хозяйства

a post-graduate school- аспирантура

the promotion of professional scientific growth – продвижение профессионального научного роста


Exercise 11. Study the following site of the University of Sheffield -. https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/faculty/science/news. First readabout the scientific events and then tell the class what has happened for the last 5 months of the year.


On the simplest level, science is knowledge of the world of nature. There are many regularities in nature that humankind has had to recognize for survival since the emergence of Homo sapiens as a species. The Sun and the Moon periodically repeat their movements. Some motions, like the daily “motion” of the Sun, are simple to observe, while others, like the annual “motion” of the Sun, are far more difficult. Both motions correlate with important terrestrial events. Day and night provide the basic rhythm of human existence. The seasons determine the migration of animals upon which humans have depended for millennia for survival. With the invention of agriculture, the seasons became even more crucial, for failure to recognize the proper time for planting could lead to starvation. Science defined simply as knowledge of natural processes is universal among humankind, and it has existed since the dawn of human existence.

The mere recognition of regularities does not exhaust the full meaning of science, however. In the first place, regularities may be simply constructs of the human mind. Humans leap to conclusions. The mind cannot tolerate chaos, so it constructs regularities even when none objectively exists. Thus, for example, one of the astronomical “laws” of the Middle Ages was that the appearance of comets presaged a great upheaval, as the Norman Conquest of Britain followed the comet of 1066. True regularities must be established by detached examination of data. Science, therefore, must employ a certain degree of skepticism to prevent premature generalization.

Regularities, even when expressed mathematically as laws of nature, are not fully satisfactory to everyone. Some insist that genuine understanding demands explanations of the causes of the laws, but it is in the realm of causation that there is the greatest disagreement. Modern quantum mechanics, for example, has given up the quest for causation and today rests only on mathematical description. Modern biology, on the other hand, thrives on causal chains that permit the understanding of physiological and evolutionary processes in terms of the physical activities of entities such as molecules, cells, and organisms.

But even if causation and explanation are admitted as necessary, there is little agreement on the kinds of causes that are permissible, or possible, in science. If the history of science is to make any sense whatsoever, it is necessary to deal with the past on its own terms, and the fact is that for most of the history of science natural philosophers appealed to causes that would be summarily rejected by modern scientists. Spiritual and divine forces were accepted as both real and necessary until the end of the 18th century and, in areas such as biology, deep into the 19th century as well.

Certain conventions governed the appeal to God or the gods or to spirits. Gods and spirits, it was held, could not be completely arbitrary in their actions. Otherwise, the proper response would be propitiation, not rational investigation. But, since the deity or deities were themselves rational or bound by rational principles, it was possible for humans to uncover the rational order of the world. Faith in the ultimate rationality of the creator or governor of the world could actually stimulate original scientific work. Kepler’s laws, Newton’s absolute space, and Einstein’s rejection of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics were all based on theological, not scientific, assumptions.


For sensitive interpreters of phenomena, the ultimate intelligibility of nature has seemed to demand some rational guiding spirit. A notable expression of this idea is Einstein’s statement that the wonder is not that humankind comprehends the world but that the world is comprehensible.


Table 2

Major Project Components& conditions Expectations
Example: from Alchemy to Chemistry Extraction gold from gold-bearing rock Gold-bearing rock, equipment, laboratory, appropriate knowledge, reactive chemicals Experience, skills, mine industry development, career rise




Some books leave us free, and some books make us free.


Text vocabulary

to scale up – расширяться, наращивать мощность

to establish - устанавливать, создавать

library stock – библиотечное хранилище

to merge - объединять

incorporated – включенный

Library and Information System – библиотечно-информационная система

to comprise – состоять из, охватывать

industrial college – промышленный колледж

research activity – исследовательская деятельность

to train specialists – обучать специалистов

to grant - предоставлять

free access – свободный доступ

to serve - обслуживать

guideline – методическое пособие (методичка)

tutorial – учебное пособие

free subscription – бесплатная подписка

the electronic theses and dissertations collection – электронная библиотека диссертаций



The Scientific Library of Yugra State University has been scaling up since 2001, the year when the university was established. The library stock merged the collections of the institutes incorporated into the university structure. Nowadays, YUSU enjoys the LIS – Library and Information System, managed by the Scientific Library, which is a methodology center comprising the 6 library stocks of the oil technical schools and the industrial college, the university's regional branches.

The library sees its mission in supporting the educational process and research activity followed by training specialists through granting free access to the world's knowledge. The library serves 10,000 users yearly from its 400,000 units in stock covering students and staff demands for studies, guidelines, tutorials and scientific literature. Along with printed issues, electronic resources are also available – e-library systems 'Lan' and 'Znanium', e-libraries 'Oil and Gas', 'Grebennikov Publishing House', with Viniti Database, Britannica Online Electronic Encyclopedia and other helpful resources. Every year the Scientific Library grants free subscription to the electronic theses and dissertations collection powered by the Russian National State Library.

The YUSU library is actively involved in the university's academic life co-organizing and hosting regular events like Departments Days, Alumni Days, thematic exhibitions and presentations of the faculty research works, online contests, and the Literature Hall. Annually the staff implements projects to attract new readership among the youth. It also issues 'University Milestones and Memory Dates Calendar' and the series of professorship reference books 'Scientists of Yugra State University'.

The Scientific Library is a party to the ELNIT – International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies; the Russian Library Association; the Regional Library Consortiums Association; the University Libraries Methodology Union of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Yugra State University enjoys an exclusive free of charge access to a variety of online academic resources – international and national e-library systems – available for YUSU students and staff. The resources can be reached after registering in the university corporate network granting personal access to research, scientific, educational and job-specific electronic editions published online across the world.

The Internal resources section provides links to the university scientific library collection available both in electronic and printed versions, and to the in-house academic publications collection comprising authentic full-text teaching guides, textbooks and workbooks developed by the YUSU faculty.



Definition of academic work. Academic work is a

· well-planned

· systematic

· and methodical approach to questions or problems with a learning and epistemological objective.


Principles of academic work

1. Academic work cannot be a mere reproduction of facts, but is analytical and problem-oriented work.

2. The goal is to convey your individual academic point of view.

3. Academic work is active creative work.

4. Academic papers meet generally applicable formal requirements.

5. Copying others’ works is considered theft - it is plagiarism!

Plagiarism is theft of intellectual property and will not be tolerated. It will be prosecuted.

Common forms of plagiarism are:

· Texts are copied from the internet, no sources indicated and the result is claimed entirely or partially as a personal academic effort.

· Passages are copied from books, journals, etc., without quoting or indicating sources.

· Essays are downloaded from the internet, and presented as original and individual work.

· Term papers, essays, etc. written by other students of the institute are re-submitted as separate work. All these forms of plagiarism are illegitimate and will be punished. If there is any doubt, instructors will check sources and will be able to prove whether or not it is plagiarism.

Academic research must be thorough, and even more so for a larger written assignment. Certain standards apply to the information one wishes to process:

 · The information should be true. It is, therefore, essential for students to examine the source (plausibility, consistency with familiar data, overall credibility).

· It must be verifiable, thus it is necessary to reference the source. Using information from “Wikipedia” is therefore not acceptable!

· It should be clear and understandable. Students should not use sources they do not understand themselves.

What sources of information are there? The most important ones in social sciences are:

· Literature: books, journals, so-called “grey literature” (e.g. working papers), newspapers

· Data: your own inquiries/surveys, databases, statistics, laws and documents

· Internet sources, but no Wikipedia! (a source can only be used for academic work if a proper author is indicated, either an institution or a person).

The objective of a term paper is to show that you can present an issue critically within a given time frame, and are familiar with the academic theories and research positions on the topic. You have to research, process and critically assess the relevant literature.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you use any resources of the library? What kind of?

2. What resources do you prefer more? Explain why.

3. Have you ever tried yourself as a librarian?

4. Do you know what catalogs are for?

5. What is plagiarism?

6. What are rules for a term paper?

7. Name the main principals of academic work.

8. What are certain standards for academic research?

9. The most important sources of information are…

10. When can you use Wikipedia as a source?



The Great Library of Alexandria was one of the most famous libraries in history, but it was by no means the only one. History is full of great libraries.

The first concerted effort to build a library is thought to have been that of King Ashurbanipal of Assyria.

An ancient library of sorts can be found at the remains of the Villa of the Payri, a private house in Herculaneum, one of the Roman cities engulfed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. The owner of the villa was Lucius Calpurnius Piso, the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Piso was quite a collector. His villa had more than 80 sculptures, some quite large. The grounds were extensive, containing a large swimming bath and a large area of both covered and uncovered gardens. The furnishings in the villa were lavish. But the villa is most famous for its library, the contents of which give the villa its name.

Piso was a collector of writings as well. Archaeologists digging in the 1750s found a collection of nearly 1,800 papyrus scrolls. The scrolls were sealed in portable cases and were discovered in tunnels underneath the villa, leading archaeologists to surmise that the owner had attempted to spirit the scrolls away while the volcano was raging.

Like an amazing amount of other people, animals, and things in both Pompeii and Herculaneum, the scrolls were largely preserved by being overrun with volcanic ash. As a result, historians have been able to read what is written on some of the scrolls. The main writings so far discovered are by Philodemus of Gadara, a student of Epicureanism, one of antiquity's dueling philosophical traditions. Among Epicureanism's main tenets was the importance of living a happy and pleasurable life.

The main excavations at the Villa of the Papyri took place between 1750 and 1765, under the direction of Swiss engineer and archaeologist Karl Web. Not all of the land in or under the villa has been excavated.

Another famous ancient library was in Pergamum, in what is now Bergama, Turkey. The Library of Pergamum was established during the rule of King Eumenes II, during the 2nd Century B.C. At its largest, the Pergamum library is thought to have more than 200,000 scrolls.

The library was a quite large building, with a large reading room filled with benches and a great number of shelves. Works stored in the library were written on parchment and stored, rolled up, on shelves. Space was left between the shelves and the outer walls to accommodate air circulation, in an early attempt at preservation (given the humid climate of the area). The library was part of a temple complex dedicated to the goddess Athena, and a large statue of her was in the reading room. Also onsite were study facilities, and this attracted some of the great minds of the time, including several scientists from the famed Great Library of Alexandria.

The Roman Empire assumed control of the Library of Pergamum in 133 B.C. Although the library continued as a source of information and study, its best years proved to be behind it as the centuries passed. The Ottoman Empire took over the library after the fall of Constantinople, in 1453.



Vocabulary. Study following words and expressions. effort

1. ancient

2. remains

3. engulfed

4. eruption

5. quite

6. ground

7. furnishing

8. papyrus scrolls

9. to surmise

10. to spirit

11. to overrun

12. tenet

13. excavation

14. parchment

15. onsite

Exercise 13. Find an appropriate answer in the text:

Table 3

4. The main excavations took place in 18th century.
5. Parchments were scrolled and stored carefully.
6. The writings were about philosophical traditions.


One of the most interesting departments of Yugra State University is the Department of Foreign Languages. Its basic educational program is 45.03.02, Linguistics. The students are trained here full-time getting Bachelor’s degree.

The duration of study is 4 years.

The Department of Foreign Languages provides teaching of 150 theoretical and practical disciplines, realizing educational activity.



Currently, the training of future professionals is conducted in English, French and German.

The staff of the department includes 26 people, including 12 Associate Professors, 12 senior lecturers, 1 specialist in Education and Methodology. All teachers of the department take language training courses on the basis of Russian universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Vocational and Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Tomsk National Research University, National Research Tomsk State Politechnical University). Participation in international programs and projects allowed a number of teachers to take foreign courses at universities of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, China, the USA, Finland.  



The structure of the department is composed of three methodological associations that work in the following areas:

1. Linguistics as a field of vocational training;

2. Humanitarian field;

3. Engineering and science.

Scientific interests of teachers are focused on problems of linguistics, linguodidactics, intercultural communication and translation.

Scientific theme of the department can be formulated the following way: “Intercultural communication as a social and linguistic space for the solution of ethnic, social and professional (linguistic, pedagogical, translation) problems”. Its main theme of study makes it solve the following tasks:

1. Study of the processes of intercultural communication, strategies for solving ethnic, social and professional (linguistic, translational) problems.

2. Research of the effectiveness of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages and translation.

3. Formation of communicative competence among students in the process of mastering a foreign-language picture of the world.

4. Increase students' motivation for personal and professional development.

The main disciplines of the department are Audio Translation, Introduction to the Theory of Intercultural Communication, Business Foreign Language, Information Technology in Linguistics, Lexicology, Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and others, Second Foreign Language, English, German.

Objects of professional activity of the graduates:

• the theory of foreign languages studied;

• theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures;

• translation and translation studies;

• the theory of intercultural communication;

• linguistic components of electronic information systems;

• foreign languages and cultures of the countries of the languages studied.

Our graduates can potentially work as managers in international companies or in Russian companies that have close ties with foreign partners; teachers of foreign languages in schools, colleges and universities; employees of international departments and services in organizations and enterprises; employees of public relations services, interpreters, advertising and PR specialists, etc.

Our partners are the Department of Public and External Economic Relations of KhMAO-Ugra (Department for Coordination of Foreign Economic Relations), KBC International, Linguistic Center "New Sight", Schools No. 1, 3, Gymnasium No. 1.

    Our teachers publish books for the students of the university, take part in conferences, work on scientific articles and studies. They organize language competitions for the school pupils and for the students (for example, “Language Battle”). Future linguists participate in scientific conferences and publish their articles in journals. Each year at the end of September we celebrate professional holiday of translators (Translator’s Day). There are creative laboratories and performances held during this day.


Text II

“Are You an active, young and purposeful person?! Do You love travelling and learning something new?! Then welcome to the language center «Clever» that gives unique opportunities to make new friends, discover other countries, and the most importantly – to learn a variety of languages!”

(From the Language Centre webpage)

The Language Centre "Clever" was opened in September 25, 2014 on the initiative of Tatyana Karminskaya, the Rector of Yugra State University. In connection with the growing importance of foreign languages, the role of the center is providing the language courses not only for students and university staff but also for all residents of Khanty-Mansiysk.

Its primary purpose is to offer foreign language courses. English, Chinese, Czech, Korean, French are taught now in the Language Centre but you can also choose studying German, Hungarian and Finish languages if you want to. Each separate course will start as soon as the necessary number of people for the group is collected.

The teachers of the Centre are people with higher education in Linguistics and International Studies, fluent in one of the languages offered for studying. They frequently increase their level abroad and know how the language of a country is developing and changing. The current teaching staff consists of seven people, including foreign teachers (native speakers): Ivana Vrajova (the Czech language), Marjorie Tolsdorf (Spoken English).

In addition to educational activities, the Language Center regularly hosts cultural events. For example, the Centre organizes parties devoted to studying different countries and cultures. Students take an active part in celebrating national holidays of different countries: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Year according to the Eastern calendar, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, etc.


The Language Centre is making plans to create more language environment at the university by presenting the English versions of the menu in the café, nameplates, signposts, organizing “English Week”, Open lectures, etc.

Besides the educational purpose, the "Clever" advertises and gives necessary information about international student exchange programs; helps students prepare for travelling abroad, improving language skills to the required basic level. Students can choose one of the partner universities in Finland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Latvia, China, South Korea and the near abroad countries: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine.

YuSU students take an active part in international exchange programs (China, Korea, the USA) and in English Language Summer Schools (Malta).

The center is planning to get a license to administer international exams, for example, TOEFL. Currently, the nearest test center is in Surgut where the TOEFL test is administered twice a year.

According to the head of the center, Elena Zakirova, “the best way to learn a language is to go to the country where the language is spoken: to live there, to study, to communicate; and what is even more important, to do it alone. It will help you overcome the language and psychological barriers”. Therefore, the priority focus of the Center's work is the participation of YuSU students in exchange programs: students will receive initial academic knowledge within the walls of their home university, and then study at courses in another country.

The Language Center "Clever" has an official page on the website of the YuSU (http://lingua.ugrasu.ru/). The web page provides information about the Centre, its teaching staff, schedules, prices, etc. You can even apply online. Besides, you can find the Language Center on social networks VKontakte (http://vk.com/lingua.ugrasu) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/clever_ugrasu/). Since 2018, “Clever” has been releasing informative and educational videos, which you can watch on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N00l0mJjl38).


Text III


International cooperation is an essential part of the university’s activity, and it is aimed at the university’s integration into the international scientific and educational systems, as well as guaranteeing quality of education and its correspondence with the international standards.

Our university has 35 valid agreements with universities and scientific and educational centers worldwide (Germany, Hungary, the USA, China, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Ukraine, Canada, Spain, Belarus, South Korea and others), which makes it possible for the university to operate across the borders and bring economic benefit connected with the cost of educational services in the international market.

Yugra State University develops cooperation with granting organizations such as German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM). Each year our students undertake Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes in two universities of Czech Republic - Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University. Close cooperation with Czech Republic is supported with mutual visits of the universities’ representatives aimed to discuss the opportunities of implementation of collective scientific projects and participation in grant programmes.

Our university is a current member of the International Association of Universities and Colleges of the Arctic (UArctic). In 2009 the University hosted the Third Forum of UArctic rectors, and every year it participate in the Sixth Forum of Rectors of UArctic (Winnipeg, Canada) devote to the issues of international cooperation in the Arctic region.

Integration is taking its crucial place in the whole international community and all spheres of human life, touching the system of higher education as well. Academic mobility is an important part of this process, enabling the creation of a principally new kind of human resources that can occupy the world labour market.

Academic mobility is transferring a student or an educational staff member for a certain period to another educational institution (in their country or abroad) with the purpose of studying, teaching, conducting research or continuing professional development, and their return to the primary place of employment. It is not connected with a long (over 1 year) period of work or study abroad.

You can find detailed information on exchange and mobility events at the Study in Russia web site, the governmental project run by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Academic mobility can be sponsored by funds based in a country of your citizenship. Our students are always welcome to ask our International Cooperation Office about the funds.

Text vocabulary:

essential part – неотъемлемая, существенная часть

correspondence - соответствие

across borders – в разных странах

mutual – взаимный, обоюдный, совместный

crucial  - решающий, ключевой, значимый


Exercise 17. Study the information at:





I don’t know anything that builds  the will

  to win better  than competitive sports.

Richard M. Nixon

Exercise 1. Translate and study the following phrases and words:

to compete

to lose

to practice

to take part

to involve in

physical strength

to have a busy schedule

physical culture



to be a Merited Master of Sports

to have a grade

to win


Exercise 2.See more from

https://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/sport.html and study the vocabulary

Exercise 3. Find synonyms :

a) take part                        1) trainer

b) go in for sports                       2) participate

c) athletics                         3) take exercise

d)  enjoy                            4) to take pleasure

 e) compete (with, in)        5) gymnasium,

 f) gym                               6) contest

i) coach                              7) track and field

j) competition                    8)  be engaged in competition (with)

 k) athlete                          9) sportsman


Text I

Sports at our university are very popular. There are a lot of reasons for it. First of all we have talented students, modern and well equipped Sports & Health Center, professional stuff. Three teachers of our university are Masters of Sports. They are Mosina Natalya Valeryevna, Aksarina Irina Yuryevna, Maksimova Taniana Alekseyevna.

Students of all departments go in for sports at least two times a week. They practice swimming, aerobics, skiing, body building, track and field, etc. So we train indoor and outdoor. It is wonderful to have physical culture lessons in Samarovskiy Chugas. At this park we enjoy ancient cedars, fresh air, birds, squirrels, chipmunks and the nature as it is.

University organizes competitions between students of all our institutes. It is so called intramural sports. Students of Yugra State University compete in different kinds of sports. Winners take part in intercollegiate sports event. The level of competition could be: city, regional, national or international.

 We have the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and the Department of Physical Training at Yugra State University, which provide education for the qualification in Physical Education. The university is proud of its graduates. Among the top-class athletes are Svetlana Sleptsova (biathlete, Olympic Champion, World Champion, Merited Master of Sports), Andrew Kovalchuk (boxer, Master of Sports of International level), Olga Kozydub (marathon swimmer, Master of Sports of International level.), Konstantin Shihov (sledge hockey player, Merited Master of Sports), Kristina Vershinina (swimmer, Master of Sports of International level).

Sports play a great part in everyone’s busy life. It is necessary especially for students. Everyone should involve themselves in the sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sport is necessary because it brings physical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular basis. People who have busy schedule in their life get tired very easily. As we all know that, living a relaxed and comfort life we need a sound mind and a sound body. Education is very necessary to get name, fame and money. In the same way, getting a sound mind and body, everyone must be involved in some type of physical activities for which sports is the best way.

Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It does not provide only physical strength however it increases mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, running, etc helps in improving physical health and mental fitness. However, some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess improve mental power and concentration level.

Text vocabulary:

team sports — командные виды спорта

to go in for sports — заниматься спортом

indoor sports — виды спорта для закрытых помещений

outdoor sports - — виды спорта для занятий  вне помещений

aquatic / water sports — водные виды спорта

 athletic sports — атлетика

intercollegiate sports — межуниверситетские соревнования, состязания intramural sports — внутриуниверситетские соревнования, состязания

physical health – физическое здоровье

to need a sound mind and body – нуждаться в хорошей физической и умственной форме


Exercise 5. :Watch the video at   


 Answer the questions:

a) What is her/his kind of sport?

b) When does he/she have training sessions?

c) Where does he/ she study?

d) Tell additional information about him/her.


Exercise 6. Read information from the site

http: //en.ugrasu.ru/Social Students/Sport.php

Tell your fellow students about all kinds of sports at Yugra State University


Exercise7. Read information about Sports & Health Centre at Yugra State University and write a short essay about it. Before writing see information from the site


Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

a) When did Sports club start operating?

b) What sports did our Sports club offer?

c) When did Sports & Health centre start operating at Yugra State University?

d) What does Sports & Health centre include?

e) What opportunities have our students at sports activities nowadays?

Text II

1. If we look back for a while in the history or put some light on the life of any successful person, we see that name, fame and money never come easily. It needs a dedication, continuity and most importantly some physical activities. It means physical and mental health of a person for a healthy survival and success. Sport is the best way to get involved in the continuous physical activities. Success of any person depends on mental and physical energy. History reveals that only supremacy has power to rule the nation or person.

2. Sports are given much importance in many countries as they know it’s real benefits and need in the personal and professional life of a person. Sports are physical activities of much importance for any athlete or a professional sportsperson. It means a lot for them and their life. Sports have a nice scope for the sportspersons nationally as well as internationally. In some countries, sports and games activities are arranged in the celebration of some events or festivals, for example; Olympic Games are organized to pay honor to the Olympiads of the ancient Greece.

3. Sports are nice physical activities that provide freedom from the stress and worries. It has nice scope and professional career for the sports persons. It has ability to give sportspersons their required name, fame and money. So, we can say that, sports can be played for personal benefits as well as professional benefits. In both ways, it benefits our body, mind and soul. Some people play it daily for their body and mind fitness, enjoyment, etc. However some play it to get valuable status in their life. No one can ignore its values in the personal and professional life. First Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens which is now held continuously every four years in different countries. It involves both, outdoor and indoor games in which sportsperson of many countries take part.

Some of the outdoor sports and games are like football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, cricket, tennis etc., which require a playground to be played. Indoor games are like carom, cards, chess, table tennis, puzzle, indoor basketball can be played at home without any playground. Some sports and games like badminton and table tennis can be enjoyed both indoor and outdoor.


Sports and games are very beneficial to us as they teach us punctuality, discipline, teamwork and dedication. Playing sports help us in building and improving confidence level. If we practice sports on regular basis, we can be more active and healthy. Being involved in the sports activities help us in getting protected with numerous diseases such as arthritis, obesity, obese, heart problems, diabetes, etc. It makes us more disciplined, patient, punctual, and courteous in life. It teaches us to go ahead in life by removing all the weaknesses. It makes us bold and gives the feeling of happiness by reducing the occurrence of anxiety and angry. It makes us physically fit and gives mental comfort. Due to these characteristics we can easily deal with all the problems.

More information see from:



Text vocabulary:

to make (smb.) bold – придает смелость, отвагу

to deal with all the problems – справится со всеми проблемами

to reduce the occurrence of anxiety – понизить состояние тревожности

to play sports- заниматься игровыми видами спорта

obesity – тучность, ожирение

obese – тучный, страдающий ожирением

courteous – вежливый, любезный

to protect – защитить, предотвратить

scope – масштаб, размах, предел (возможностей)

  to arrange – устраивать, организовывать



Exercise 10 . Read information at


a) Study the following words and expressions:

air rifles– пневматическя винтовка

under the direction – под руководством

aheаd – впереди

under the sensitive guidance – под чутким руководством

to suffer a severe loss – испытать/понести тяжелую потерю

World Cup – Кубок Мира

Pursuit – гонки

test correction process – процесс коррекции теста

to announce retirement – объявить об уходе из спорта

 to cope (whith) - справиться, выдержать, совладать

b) Tell your fellow students about the titles of this athlete.

Exercise 11. Find synonyms

1. changed               a.strengthened

2. evade                    b. associations

3. indicate                 c. globally

4. connotations          d. stay away from

5. engage                    e. attention

6. emphasis                f. amended

7. worldwide               g. privilege

8. honor                       h. capture

9. reinforced                   i. area

10. fied                             j. signal    


Exercise 12.  Listen to https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1706/170627-wtf.html 3 times in different speed

a) Study the following words and expressions:

to avoid confusion- избежать недоразумения

rude meaning – грубый смысл

spinning kicks – вращающиеся удары

to reinforce position – усилить позиции


Exercise 13. Answer the questions after doing ex. 12:

1. What is the new name of the World Taekwondo Federation?

2. Where is the slang term 'WTF' widely used?

3. What kind of disbelief did the article say 'WTF' indicated?

4. In what age did the president say the acronym could be negative?

5. What kind of audiences does the president want to appeal to?

6. Where is taekwondo from?

7. When did the name World Taekwondo Federation start being used?

8. How many national taekwondo federations are there in the world?

9. When will taekwondo be in the Paralympic Games?

10. Into what area has taekwondo gone beyond that of sport?


Exercise 14. Role Play

Role A – Taekwondo

You think taekwondo is the most exciting combat sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sports. Also, tell the others which is the least exciting of these (and why): wrestling, boxing or fencing.

Role B – Wrestling

You think wrestling is the most exciting combat sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sports. Also, tell the others which is the least exciting of these (and why): taekwondo, boxing or fencing.

Role C – Boxing

You think boxing is the most exciting combat sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sports. Also, tell the others which is the least exciting of these (and why): wrestling, taekwondo or fencing.

Role D – Fencing

You think fencing is the most exciting combat sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sports. Also, tell the others which is the least exciting of these (and why): wrestling, boxing or taekwondo


Exercise 15. Read information and listen to https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1706/170613-2020-olympics.html


Exercise 16. Answer the questions: Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

1. What do you think of when you hear the city name 'Tokyo'?

2. What do you think about what you read?

3. Is the Olympics the world's best sporting event?

4. Should every sport in the world be at the Olympics?

5. What do you think of urban sports like skateboarding?

6. How can the IOC get more young people to watch the Olympics?

7. What do you think of traditional sports like wrestling?

8. How will having more women athletes change the Olympics?

Exercise 17. Read the text and translate. Be ready to answer questions and give the most suitable title for the text.


In the sports world, Russia is a country known for its continued strength and success. During the Soviet era, the USSR national team placed first in the total medals won at 14 of its 18 Olympic appearances. Carrying on the Soviet legacy, the Russian national team has never dropped below the third place in those rankings. Discover the strong cultural background and rigorous traditions that form the powerhouse known as Russian sports.

Ice Hockey

Abroad, about 30 Russians play in the American NHL, and the Russian team consistently dominates the International Ice Hockey Federation's (IIHF) men's world championship. At home, the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) is a Eurasian international professional ice hockey league founded in 2008, a successor to the Russian Super League. The KHL began its operations with 24 teams, 21 of which are based in the Russian Federation with the remaining 3 located in Belarus, Latvia and Kazakhstan.

The vigorous training of Russian athletes has bred some of the best hockey players of all time. Among them are Viacheslav Fetisov and Vladislav Tretyak. Fetisov was the heart and soul of the great Soviet teams of the 1980s and a huge advocate that Russian players gain the freedom to play outside the Soviet Union, namely in the NHL. Tretyak is a legendary goalie, a 10-time World Champion, 3-time Olympic champion and 1-time Canada Cup champion. He is also the only modern-era non-NHL player in the Hockey Hall of Fame - one of only two Russian players honored that way.

Figure Skating

Figure skating in Russia has a long history filled with national and world titles. In 1908, Nikolai Panin-Kolomensky won gold at the London Olympics. In the 1950s, after the Soviet Union had developed into a political and athletic world power, figure skating boomed. In 1964, 56 years after Nikolai Panin-Kolomensky's gold, Soviet figure skaters Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov won the pairs title at the Innsbruck Olympics; a legacy had been born.

In every Winter Olympics since 1964, a Soviet or Russian pair has won gold - one of the longest winning streaks in the history of modern sports. One of the most famous couples in pairs skaters are Russians Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin, who have won four European championships, two World Championships and gold at the 2006 Winter Olympics. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze are another favorite Russian couple awarded the Olympic gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Artistic Gymnastics

Originating in Greece as an organized sport more than 2,000 years ago, the current form of gymnastics evolved in Germany and the former Czechoslovakia in the early 19th century. Gymnastics burst onto the Olympic scene in 1896 - men's only, women had to wait until 1928.

Before the breakup of the Soviet Union, Soviet gymnasts dominated both men's and women's gymnastics. From 1952 to 1992, the Soviet women's squad won almost every single team title in World Championship competition, including the Summer Olympics. The only exceptions being the 1984 Olympics, which Russia did not attend and the 1966, 1979 and 1987 World Championships, where Russia came second. This Soviet legacy remains the strongest in the history of Artistic Gymnastics, and the Russian team continues to perform strongly medaling at every World and Olympic competition in the men's and women's disciplines.

Famous Russian gymnasts include Nikolai Andrianov, men's record holder for most Olympic medals and more recently the most decorated women's gymnast, Svetlana Khorkina.

Yes, you read right, chess. Russians, along with many others, consider chess to be a physically demanding experience as well as an intellectual exercise. In fact, chess is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The winner of the 1948 Chess Championship, Russian Mikhail Botvinnik, began an era of Soviet dominance in the Chess world. Russians continue to dominate in the post-war era. The Russian school of traditional Chess distinguishes itself through rigorous use of scientific methods of experimentation and systematic analysis.

Russian Garry Kasparov is widely considered one of the best chess players of all time, revered for his superiority in difficult situations. Russian Vladimir Kramnik, an international grandmaster, defeated Kasparov and currently carries on Russia's strong presence in the chess world.

Read more at: https://www.travelchannel.com/interests/sports/articles/russian-sports


“College was especially sweet because of the positive, hopeful atmosphere of a college campus”.

Jerry Kramer

Exercise 1. Vocabulary: translate and study the following words and phrases








to participate


to avoid





to handle


to enhance

to establish

to be bound


to engage

to compromise




Exercise 2. Match words with their definitions

1. Workshop      a) a person who offers to do sth without being forced or paid to do


2. Opportunity             b) a place in a school/office where people who work there get meals;

3. Volunteer        c) happening or said at the beginning to give a general idea;

4. Premises         d) fight or an argument;

5. Canteen          e) a place where things are made or repaired;

6. Random          f) to say what is bad or wrong with sb/sth;

7. Conflict           g) a building and the land that surrounds it;

8. Introductory   h) chosen by a chance;

9. Criticize          i) to praise sb or tell sb that you are pleased about sth he has done;

10. Congratulate   j) a student who is in his/her first year at college/ university;

11. Freshman        k) a chance to do sth that you would like to do;


While smoking is (2) ___________on campus, some students may be allergic or sensitive to smoke that another student may carry on their clothes after smoking off campus. Answer this question about how often you smoke:

· Never – this means you literally never smoke.

· Occasionally - while you do not typically smoke, you may have a cigarette once in a while.

· Frequently – you smoke on a regular basis such as daily or weekly.


This question asks you to rate how important keeping your room neat and (3) ______is to you:

· Not important – a messy room may not bother you. You may tend to clean up laundry piles and (4) ____________when you have time. You may not take the trash out every day.

· Somewhat important – in general, you may prefer a tidy and clean room but sometimes you may not get around to cleaning up right away.

· Very important – you may like to have everything in its place, clothes put away and trash thrown out each day. Messes, dirty dishes, laundry piles or clutter may bother you if not taken care of that day.


While you may go to sleep at different times, answer this question based on when you (5)  _____________ go to bed. This question asks you when you tend to go to sleep:.

· Before 11 p.m.

· Between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m.

· After 2 a.m.

Free Time

This question asks how you typically spend your free time:

· Spend it on my own

· Spend it with one or two of my close friends

· Socialize with many people

All people will spend their free time in a variety of ways – sometimes alone and sometimes with others. However for this question think about how you mostly (6) ________to spend that time.


How often do you typically study?

· A few days of the week

· Most days of the week

· Every day of the week

Studying can (7) ­__________homework, reading, preparing for quizzes or tests, writing papers, etc. Note that this may change as you transition from high school to college. Many of our students who are used to getting high grades without much effort typically find that they have to spend more time studying and doing­­ (8) _______________.

Background Noise

This question refers to how (9)  _______the background noise can be in your room when you sleep:

· Low – may mean you are a light sleeper, and anything more than a white noise machine, fan or low lighting may likely disrupt you

· Moderate – may mean that (10) __________, lights, TV or computer game in the background will likely not disrupt you

· High – may mean you are a deep sleeper and music, talking, TV, computer use and lights will not likely disrupt you

Some people can only sleep when it is very quiet, while others prefer to have a radio or fan while they sleep. For this question, think about your immediate room. Are you a (11)__________or a heavy sleeper? Keep in mind noise, light, guests, and other possible distractions during sleep. What do you like the background noise level to be?

Roommate Friendship

This question asks about the importance of having your roommate become a close friend. While some roommates become lifelong friends and like to hang out together, others can be excellent (14) ­­­­______________while not becoming close friends.

· Not important – while you would like to establish and maintain a respectful environment, you prefer to hang out with other people to provide some space and balance; you do not expect to become close friends but want to be good roommates

· Somewhat important – you are open to developing a good friendship if it happens, but do not want it to be forced; you will not be upset if you do not become close friends but still want to be good roommates

· Very important – you envision an ideal roommate situation where you become close friends and spend a lot of time together; while you do not want to have to force a friendship, you would likely be (15) ______________if one did not develop

Exercise 11. Here you can find more examples of roommate questioners:




If you had a chance to choose your roommate, what questions would you ask him \ her?

Make your own “Roommate questioner”

O Campus

o Tradition of a campus

o The campus of Princeton university

o European universities

A campus is traditionally the land on which a college or university and related institutional buildings are situated. Usually a college campus includes libraries, lecture halls, residence halls, student centers or dining halls, and park-like settings.

A modern campus is a collection of buildings and grounds that belong to a given institution, either academic or non-academic.

The word derives from a Latin word for "field" and was first used to describe the large field adjacent Nassau Hall of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) in 1774. The field separated Princeton from the small nearby town.

Some other American colleges later adopted the word to describe individual fields at their own institutions, but "campus" did not yet describe the whole university property. A school might have one space called a campus, one called a field, and another called a yard.

The tradition of a campus began with the medieval European universities where the students and teachers lived and worked together in a cloistered environment, the notion of the importance of the setting to academic life later migrated to America, and early colonial educational institutions were based on the Scottish and English collegiate system.

The campus evolved from the cloistered model in Europe to a diverse set of independent styles in the United States. Early colonial colleges were all built in proprietary styles, with some contained in single buildings, such as the campus of Princeton University or arranged in a version of the cloister reflecting American values, such as Harvard's. Both the campus designs and the architecture of colleges throughout the country have evolved in response to trends in the broader world, with most representing several different contemporary and historical styles and arrangements.

The meaning expanded to include the whole institutional property during the 20th century, with the old meaning persisting into the 1950s in some places.

Sometimes the lands on which company office buildings sit, along with the buildings, are called campuses, the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington is a good example. Hospitals and even airports sometimes use the term to describe the territory of their facilities.

The word "campus" has also been applied to European universities, although most such institutions are characterized by ownership of individual buildings in urban settings rather than park-like lawns in which buildings are placed.


Text vocabulary

derive - происходить

adjacent – расположенный рядом, прилежащий

medieval - средневековый

cloister – монастырь, уединенное место



«One should eat to live, not live to eat»

Benjamin Franklin

Exercise 1. Find the transcription and translation of these words and word combinations in the dictionary and write them down:

food                                            meal

breakfast                                     light breakfast

lunch                                           brunch

dinner                                         (afternoon) tea

supper                                        snack

three-course dinner                     course

for the first course                                for a main course

dessert                                        cheap

cuisine                                         delicious

disgusting                                   to serve

For more Food and Drink Vocabulary see:






Exercise 2. Insert the missing words: afternoon tea, starter, lunch, main, breakfast, supper, dessert, courses, elevenses, dinner, snacks,

The meals of the day can be split into early, afternoon and evening meals. In English, we generally call these _____, _____ and ______. Small meals in between main meals are called ‘_____’. A late evening meal is called ‘_____’. A mid-morning snack is called ‘______’. A late afternoon meal is called ‘____’ and traditionally this is when sandwiches or cake and a pot of tea is served. A main meal can be split into _____, _____ and _____. The different parts of a meal are called ‘_____’.

Exercise 3. Put these words into two lists: beans, pineapple, grapes, onions, apple, carrot, garlic, pear, mushrooms. Add your own three words to each category.



Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. Choose the best title for the text:

1. University café.

2. Food and Drink at Yugra State University.

3. In the canteen.

Text I

When you want to have a nice meal between classes or just have a cup of coffee with friends, you can find somewhere to enjoy drinks, snacks, and meals in the University buildings.

To provide hot meals for the students and staff, the university includes the café Bolshaya Peremena. It is a separate building. You can get there through the corridor from Building 4 or there is an entrance from the outside. The café can serve 364 people at once. It is open from 8 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday. The café offers a wide range of hot and cold options for breakfast and lunch, as well as snacks and drinks. Comfortable environment, various menu and affordable prices create an attractive atmosphere for students and staff. There are TV sets in the café which often show music channels. You can not only eat but also meet friends, discuss student life or just have a rest between classes. You can also take your lunch in the container and heat food in the microwave that you can find in the café.

Café also boasts a bar where you can have fresh coffee with delicious pancakes and other snacks and drinks.

A new network of canteens and buffets Ot Dushi (“from the soul”) in Khanty-Mansiysk opened a canteen in the dormitory №5 and a buffet in the University building № 1. The buffet is opened from 8.30 till 19.00 from Monday to Friday and from 8.30 to 14.00 on Saturday. Great selection of salads, meat or fish with garnish (mashed potato, pasta, buckwheat, vegetables), different bakery products, cakes, other tasty treats, hot and cold drinks are available there.


Not far from the university, there’s a SUBWAY restaurant where students can also have a meal. In its dishes SUBWAY offers vegetables, a variety of meat toppings, sauces and bread baked right in the restaurant.

There is also the café Good Food situated not far from the university. It serves a wide range of meals, salads and dessert, hot and cold drinks for reasonable prices.

Exercise 5. Look through the text vocabulary and think of your own seven sentences using them:

staff – персонал

accessible – доступный

outside – снаружи

to serve – обслуживать

at once – немедленно, сразу

wide range – широкий спектр

option – выбор, предмет выбора

affordable – доступный

to heat – нагревать

to boast – хвастаться, славиться

convenience – удобство

available – доступный

throughout – все время, на всем протяжении какого-либо периода

tasty treats – вкусные угощения

to bake – печь

right – зд. прямо

reasonable – приемлемый, умеренный, разумный

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1) Where can you have a meal or a snack at the university?

2) Where can you have a meal outside but not far from the university?

3) The café Good Food is situated in the university building, isn’t it?

4) Where do you usually have lunch? Why?

5) What do you usually have for lunch?

6) What is your favourite café in Khanty-Mansiysk?

Exercise 7. Read the sentences, find the words and word phrases from the vocabulary notes. Translate the sentences. Make up your own 8 sentences with other words and word phrases from the text vocabulary.

1. We're not allowed to serve alcohol to anyone under 18. 2. I knew at once that I would like it here. 3. We don't have many options. 4. I wish she would stop boasting about her exam results. 5. Fortunately, the house has a very modern convenience. 6. He yawned throughout the performance. 7. I'd say her work is of a reasonable standard. 8. The company has a staff of over 500 employees.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the dialogue:

Viktor: Hello, Svetlana! I haven’t seen you for ages. I’m very glad to see you again.

Svetlana: Hi, Viktor! I’m very glad to see you too. What are you going to do during the break? I will be happy to talk to you.

V: I wanted to have lunch. Let’s go to the café, we can eat and have a talk there.

S: OK, let’s go. I like our café. You can have both a quick snack there and a substantial meal if you want.

Oh, no! What a queue! It is always full at lunch time! It seems that students come here not only to eat, but to discuss their student life. Do you usually have lunch here?

V: Yes, I do not have time to cook myself. Here I may choose what I like. And the prices are reasonable.

S: I also often have lunch in this café if I have many classes.

V: What would you like to eat?

S: Hm! That vegetable salad looks good, and I’ll have mashed potatoes with fish.

V: As for me, I prefer a big lunch. For the first course I’ll have borsch and for the second course chops with mashed potatoes! I’ll also have salad. What about dessert? Would you like anything?

S: Oh, I try not to eat sweaty things, but today I think I’ll take a piece of cake.

V: Very good choice. Their cake is always delicious. But I need something with meat. I think that I’ll take kurnik or belyash. Would you like tea or juice?

S: I’ll have a cup of tea with lemon.

V: I’ll have the same. Oh, look, there is a free table over there. Let’s go there.

S: Do you have other meals here?

V: Oh, no, it will be very expensive for the student. I try to cook at home because it’s cheaper and there are very good conditions in the dormitory kitchen.

S: Yes, I know. I lived there for three months but now I live with my relatives and my aunt always cooks. She is a great cook. I often help her. Of course, I agree with you that eating at home is cheaper than eating in a café or at a restaurant. But if we have many classes we have no choice and we have to go to the university cafés or to the Subway.

V: Yes, you are absolutely right. Oh, here is the bell. The break is over. I was very glad to see and talk to you.

S: Me too. Bye.

V: Bye.

Text vocabulary:

I haven’t seen you for ages. – Я не видел тебя целую вечность.

substantial – существенный, значительный

queue – очередь


Text II

The survey was conducted among Yugra State University students. Most of the students have two or three meals a day on weekdays. Their meals as a rule are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Most of the students usually have breakfast at home / dormitory. They usually have a cup of tea (maybe coffee) with sandwiches or porridge. Some students do not have breakfast at all. Breakfast may vary widely: cereals, boiled eggs, fried eggs, sausages, toast, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, tea, coffee or fruit juice.

Most of the students have lunch at the university cafés Bolshaya Peremena or Ot Dushi.


Some students have lunch at home / dormitory or go to other cafes like Subway or Good Food. They may have some soup for the first course and side dish for pork, chicken, beef or fish. The most popular side dishes are mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetables, buckwheat and rice.

Most of the students have dinner at home / dormitory. As a rule they have side dish with tea or fruit juice. Dinner may also consist of cottage cheese, sausages, chicken, salad, sausages. Some students do not have dinner at all, just a cup of tea with sweets or sandwiches before going to bed.

During a day, they may also have snacks: some fresh fruit, biscuits, yoghurt, cottage cheese, chocolate. One of the most popular students’ foods is shawarma (shawurma) which they usually name as “shavuha.

Some of the answers:

Nastya: I usually have three meals a day. I have breakfast at home: sandwiches with a cup of black tea. I have lunch at the university buffet Ot dushi which is located in the building № 1. Though it is small in space, I like its atmosphere and I think that the food is tasty there. As a rule I have pasta with fish or vegetable salad and something from bakery. I have dinner at home: buckwheat with meat, biscuits with a cup of black tea.

Polina: I am a very active student; I try to take part in all spheres of university life so as a rule I eat at the cafes, because I’m very short of time: I always have something else to do instead of cooking. I don’t have breakfast. I have lunch (or maybe we can say it dinner, because it’s my main meal of a day) at the university café. It consists of the first (some soup) and second course (some side dish with a piece of chicken). I usually have supper in the Subway or the café Good Food, or just have a snack: biscuits or a bar of chocolate with juice.

Sasha: I usually have two meals a day. It’s very difficult for me to get up early so I'm always in a rush in the morning. There's never enough time for a relaxed breakfast. That’s why I have only a cup of coffee with biscuits. At lunch time I have shawarma which I usually buy at the market Lukoshko or in the city centre. I know that it’s actually not healthy but my biggest meal of the day is my evening meal, which I eat around eight or nine. It may consist of different types of food but it should always include meat. I believe that meat is an excellent source of protein and provides many important vitamins and minerals, which our body needs to grow and work. As a rule I have my evening meal at home but if I don’t have any desire to cook or I have no time for it, there is a great opportunity to have a meal at the canteen which is situated exactly in my dormitory. It’s tasty and not very expensive.

Text Vocabulary

survey – обзор, исследование

to be conducted – был проведен

side dish – гарнир

buckwheat – гречиха

to be in a rush – спешить

Exercise 13. Work in small groups (5 – 6 students). Conduct a survey asking the questions from the previous exercise to each other. Write down your answers and show the results to the rest of your group.

Exercise 14. Watch the video “Talking about food” (http://www.australiaplus.com/international/learn-english/talking-about-food/7528810 ) and answer the questions:

1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

2. What is the main meal of the day?

3. What is the staple for Russia?

4. Are you a vegetarian?

5. What is healthy food?

6. Is junk food bad for you and why?

7. Do you prefer to eat sushi with chopsticks or a fork?

8. What do you usually eat?

9. Who do you usually eat with?

10. Who does the cooking where you live?

Exercise 15. Look though the vocabulary of the Lesson, text II, the video “Talking about food” again and be ready to talk about what you usually eat every day. You should say: what and where you eat; who you eat with; who does the cooking where you live.

Exercise 16. Study the information on the page http://tv.australiaplus.com/learn-english/series-3/study-notes/s3023_notes.pdf and be ready to answer the questions:


What is a healthy diet?


Do you cook or eat out a lot?

Who does the cooking where you live?

Should we be taught cooking at school?

Fast Food:

What’s the different between take-away, fast food and junk food?

Is take-away food always unhealthy?

Will people depend on fast food more in the future?

What are some advantages of fast food?

Eating habits:

Do you eat on the run – grabbing something or running for the bus or to a meeting?

Do you eat alone, or always with a group – your family, with your groupmates or workmates at lunch time?

Do you prefer to eat alone or with a group?

When do you eat, how do you eat – with a knife or fork, with chopsticks, with your hand?

Eating disorders:

Why do you think some people are allergic or intolerant to certain foods?

How can we better manage our weight?

Do you think some people take dieting too far?

Are some people becoming obsessed with what they eat?

How important is exercise?

Do you think it is better to have three regular meals through the day or one large main meal?

Text III


Etiquette at the table is not a product of modern times. Ever since eating utensils were made, they were used in daily eating rituals that constantly changed and were adapted in countless civilizations around the world. The written code of etiquette was first introduced in the behavior code called "The Instruction of Ptahhotep" which was created during the reign of Ancient Egypt's Pharaoh DjedkareIsesi in 2414-2375 BC. After that many cultures started developing their own rules of conduct during meal, position of utensils at the table and appropriate ways of using them. Empire of Ancient Rome and enforced their rules (sitting on the pillows around small table, beverages laid near the pillows, and food was consumed either by fingers or two kind of spoons) which were adapted over the centuries with various addition from their neighbors from Greece, Egypt and other regions.

European Middle Ages had very distinctive differences between table manners of three classes of people - commoners had little or no rules of eating, clergy held some structure to their communal meals, and nobility enjoyed extravagant diets and access to finer foods. As the middle class merchants and traders started acquiring higher tastes, nobility even tried to constrain them by issuing laws that put a cap on lavishness of their banquets.

During the Age of Renaissance, Baroque, and Enlightenment, table etiquette reached new heights with the introduction of spoon, fork and table knife to majority of homes in Europe and America. Changes in eating diets and customs, rise of the middle class, and overall introduction of advancing technologies into life of every man soon created the look of eating etiquette that is in many ways preserved in our modern societies. One of the first books that defined the acceptable social norms was created in early 1520s, but the pillar of modern etiquette was defined in the 16th century book "The Courtier" by Baldassare Castiglione, which became the golden standard of behavior of men and women of high and middle classes all up to World War I.

Modern day etiquette received many changes over the last half a century, and many countries around the world have their own specific tradition regarding behavior of people in public events, and especially for eating. Here are only few of the most notable dining etiquettes that are enforced today around the world:

United States

Because arrival of eating utensils such as fork and spoon came very late to this young nation, the most used type of dining etiquette demands usage of all utensils in right hand. You hold steady the meat in left hand with fork and cut with knife with right, but when it comes to eating, fork must be transferred to right hand. This rule does not allow left-handed people to eat with the left hand.

United Kingdom

UK style is today known as more efficient and lenient to the left-handed persons, who can eat food even with their left hand if they prefer so. Another difference from American style is ability to use knife or piece of bread to force the food to be captured on the fork.


Traditional Indian meal is consumed only with fingers, and only from those from the right hand (left is superstitiously conserved for cleaning yourself). In more northern regions and tourist restaurants throughout the country, use of forks and spoons is more common.


Thailand adopted very unique eating etiquette. Noodle soups are eaten with chopsticks, but all other meals are consumed with fork and spoon. Fork is used for cutting and shoving food onto spoon, from where you transfer food to mouth.

Chopstick etiquette

There are many obligation and forbidden techniques while eating which chopsticks in Asian lands. Generally, it is forbidden to use chopsticks in gestures while talking, sticking them into food, offering other to eat from your chopsticks, licking and biting food from chopsticks and more.




Exercise 17. Find the transcription and translation of these words and word combinations in dictionary and write them down:

eating utensils                             code

pillow                                         beverage

consume                                      commoner

clergy                                                   nobility

lavishness                                   cap on

pillar                                           lenient



Exercise 18. Find an appropriate answer in the text:

1. The first written reference of earing etiquette is...

2. The golden standard of pre-modern behaviour was established…

3. You are welcome to help yourself with a piece of bread….


Exercise 19. Imagine your family dinner. What rules and etiquette does your family use or prefer? Fill the table below:

Eating utensils Official dinner Holiday dinner Dinner with close friends Birthday party  
dessert spoon        
salad knife        
paper tissue        
dessert bowl        
gravy boat        
disposable cutlery        


Exercise 20. Describe a perfect official breakfast for 3 individuals with your favorite celebrity from the point of view:

a. Host

b. Guest visitor

c. Servant

d. Security

It is allowed to make a little theatrical performance involving your groupmates. Pay attention to etiquette, small talks and rules introduction and good buy.


Exercise 3. Look through the vocabulary again and insert the following missing words in sentences: was established; growth; exploiting; was renamed; protection; indigenous; south; unique; stretched; amazing.

1). This coat doesn't provide any _____ against the rain. 2) We are not fully ______ all the resources that we have. 3) Birds fly _____ in winter. 4) The fields ______ away into the distance. 6) Siam _____Thailand in 1939. 7) Everyone's fingerprints are _____. 7) The town _____ in 1822. 8) My sister has an ____ talent for languages. 9) The government is trying to limit population _____. 10) Protecting the rights of ____ people in education is important to maintain their cultural identity.

Text I

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra is a federal subject of the Russian Federation situated in the central part of the Western Siberian Plain and the Ob-Irtysh river basin. Its administrative centre is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. The Governor of the Okrug is Natalya Komarova.

Sometimes the official name of the okrug is shortened into Ugra (Yugra). From the historical point of view Ugra was a name for lands and peoples between the Pechora River and the Urals in the Russian annals of the 12th–17th centuries.

Ugra is an amazing unique natural territory with thousands of rivers and lakes, snow-covered mountain tops of the Pre-Polar Urals, and taiga forests which are represented in the official flag of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.

It's not hard to guess that «blue» in the flag symbolizes the water resources of the autonomous okrug. There are about 30 thousand rivers and 290 thousand lakes. «Green» symbolizes the boundless Siberian taiga. «White» reminds of the harsh winter, northern snows covering the territory of the autonomous okrug during seven months of the year, from October till April. The Siberian Crown is in the form of a deer antler which is a traditional element of the national ornament of the Khanty and Mansi, the indigenous peoples of Ugra.

Many people consider Ugra as a faraway and deserted land famous for it oil production. However, this land can impress visitors by developed infrastructure, the great number of hotels, entertainment, sports and cultural centers, ultramodern architecture, the network of roads in a good condition, 10 airports including international ones, railways and river transport.

Text II

1. The okrug was established in December 10, 1930, as Ostyak–Vogul National Okrug because the people native to the region are the Khanty (Ostyak) and the Mansi (Vogul). In October 1940, it was renamed into the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug. The underlying purpose of establishing the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug was protection of traditional culture and facilitation of social and economic growth of indigenous peoples of the North. In 1977, it became an autonomous okrug. In 2003, “Ugra” was officially appended to the okrug’s name.

2. Its territory stretches from west to east for almost 1,400 km; from north to south for 900 km. Total area is 534,801 square kilometers. The region's territory is comparable in size to the territory of France or Ukraine.  From the west, the region is protected by the Ural Mountains. The highest points of the region are Mount Narodnaya (1,895 m) in the Polar Urals and Mount Pedy (1,010 m) in the Northern Urals. Two major rivers are the Ob and its tributary the Irtysh. About 30% of the territory is covered by swamps. There are more than 300,000 lakes surrounded by marshes and forests.

3. The climate is temperate continental characterized by rapid change of weather especially in spring and autumn. Winters are long, snowy and cold with frosts below minus 30 degrees Celsius. Summers are short and warm.

4. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the Russian Federation's leaders in terms of industrial output, power generation, oil and gas production, and equity investment. The region is rich in oil and natural gas. 475 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the territory of Ugra. About 60% of Russian oil is produced in this region. The climate is not favorable for agriculture. Most of the agricultural products and foodstuffs are brought from other Russian regions.

5. Population is 1,532,243 according to the 2010 Census. The indigenous population (Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets) is only 2.2% of the total population in the okrug. Half of them live in the traditional way. The exploitation of natural gas in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has attracted immigrants from all over the former Soviet Union. The 2010 Census counted more than one hundred ethnic groups though the majority of the present population are Russians.

6. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra consists of 9 districts, 13 municipalities, 26 urban and 57 rural communities. The largest cities are Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Kogalym and Nyagan.

7. Ugra is widely known as the host of major international and Russian national sports events. Annual sports events agenda of the Okrug covers about 400 events of regional, national and international scale. More than 50 types of sport are developing in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. The main ones are cross-country skiing, biathlon, athletics, snowboarding, ice-hockey, sledge-hockey, water polo, chess and mini football.

8. Ugra has unique natural, cultural and historical resources for the development of tourism. There are cultural and historical monuments, theatres, archeological complexes and monuments, and also modern infrastructure for lovers of cultural, educational, recreational tourism, and outdoor activities. International events (sports competitions, festivals and forums) open Ugra for the foreigners as an amazing corner of the globe.

(For more information: https://admhmao.ru/en/about/general/)

Text vocabulary:

to be established – быть созданным

Ostyak – остяки, употреблявшееся в прошлом название хантов

Vogul – вогулы, употреблявшееся в прошлом название манси

underlying purpose – основная цель

to be appended – быть добавленным

total area – общая площадь

to be comparable to… –  быть сопоставимым с…

to be covered by – быть покрытым…

surrounded by – окруженный…

temperate continental – умеренно континентальный

industrial output – промышленное производство

power generation – производство электроэнергии

equity investment – инвестиции в основной капитал

outdoor activities – мероприятие на свежем воздухе; активный отдых на природе

Text III

The Tyumen Oblast (Region) is located in the southwestern part of the West Siberian lowland plain and divides Russia into two large parts: to the west – the Urals and the European part of the country, to the east – the Asian part.

The Tyumen Oblast is the third largest federal subject by area. More than 80 percent of its’ territory is occupied by the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs. This land has unique natural resources potential and can be called “energy heart” of the country. Tyumen is the largest city and administrative centre of the region.

Until the 1960s economic activity was confined to timber working, fur trapping, and reindeer herding, and communications were extremely sparse; only in the forest-steppe south agriculture was important. Nowadays the Tyumen Oblast is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the country. The rapid growth of the fuel industry has made the oblast by far the richest federal subject of Russia. Major oil deposits were opened in the 1960s along the Ob, with Surgut and Nadym as the main centres.

The population of the region exceeds 3 million people (3,395,755 according to 2010 Census). More than a hundred nationalities live in the region. It is the region of sustained economic growth and social protection, active housing construction and increased income of the population. According to the sociologists’ poll, it is Tyumen people who feel the happiest all over Russia. The Tyumen region is rightly the "land of happy people".

Tyumen and Tobolsk, the oldest cities founded during the beginning of the development of Siberia, have a number of architectural monuments of the times of the Russian Empire. Tyumen is sometimes called the mother of the Siberian cities. Being an administrative and business center of the largest oil- and natural gas-extracting region of the country, Tyumen is informally called the oil and gas capital of Russia. It is full of new and old buildings and so much history.

The region around Tyumen is the heart of historic Siberia, with Tobolsk being the former capital of "Western Siberia”. Tobolsk is one of the Russian miracles. It is sometimes called as a “pearl in the necklace of ancient Siberian cities”. Tobolsk was founded in 1587 at place of junction of two big Siberian rivers the Tobol and the Irtysh. Tobolsk is actually an open-air museum where almost every building possesses a true historical value. The Tobolsk Kremlin is a unique ensemble of historical architectural monuments, which was constructed during the 17-20th centuries. It is the sole stone Kremlin in Siberia. There are over 200 architectural monuments, precious museum collections and exhibitions. Tobolsk is rightly called the father of the Siberian cities.

Text Vocabulary:

timber working – деревообработка

fur trapping – пушной промысел

reindeer herding – оленеводство

sustained – устойчивый

open-air museum – музей под открытым небом

sole – единственный

Exercise 16. Bob is a foreign student from Australia. He came to Tyumen to study the Russian language and culture for six months. Sveta is asking him about his impressions about Russia and Tyumen. Read the dialogue between them and act it:

Sveta: Bob, why did you decide to visit Russia?

Bob: I wanted to know more about Russia, its culture and people.

S: What did you know about the Tyumen region?

B: Not much, I know that it’s situated in the Western Siberia and produces the majority of Russia’s oil and gas. And it has very cold winters.

S: So why did you choose this region?

B: Well, I’m going to get the profession of engineer in oil industry. That’s why I decided to know more about this region and its educational institutions.

S: Did you like Russia?

B: Oh, yes, I did. Russia is very beautiful. I fell in love with your country, its nature and people. I really liked the original rich culture of Russia. I think that the Russian culture is one of the most interesting in the world. People are open, kind, hospitable and cheerful.

S: What impressed you most of all?

B: I arrived in Tyumen in March and there was a lot of snow. It’s something incredible. You know I saw snow for the first time.

S: What do you think about the Tyumen region?

B: Most of the time I spent in Tyumen studying the Russian language and culture. This is a beautiful, interesting, and quiet city. I really liked it. I liked to visit museums, cinemas and cafes. I liked its old wooden houses and modern beautiful buildings.

S: Did you visit other places in the region?

B: Yes, I visited a lot of places. First of all I went to Tobolsk, which is known for its old architectural monuments and stone Kremlin. Then I visited Abalak which is a village located about 20 km from Tobolsk. It is a wooden fortress built in the style of the times of the conquest of Siberia.

S: Have you been to Yalutorovsk?

B: No, unfortunately, I haven’t been there. Can you tell me about this place?

S: Sure, it is an old town with a unique wooden fort, where you can feel the atmosphere of the 17th-18th centuries (watchtowers, craft workshops, recreational zones). It seems that the time slowed down its pace in this place letting us feel the connection with the history of Siberia. Yalutorovsk is located in 75 km away from Tyumen. It was established as a burg in 1659 in the place of the Tatarian town Yavlu-Tura. In the 19th century, the town became the exile place of the Decembrists. Yalutorovsk is the native town of the famous philanthropist S.I. Mamontov.

B: How interesting! I haven’t been in Yalutorovsk but I visited village Pokrovskoye in summer. It is the birthplace of Grigory Rasputin, the favourite of the last Russian royal family. Then we went to the Uvat region which is the northernmost municipality of the Tyumen region. It’s far away from Tyumen, 400 kilometers, and I was impressed by beautiful lakes and tributaries of the Irtysh river where I could try fishing – whitefish and starlet. I saw taiga for the first time. So I spent three admirable days in Uvat hunting, fishing and just enjoying the beauty of the nature.

S: That’s great. You saw a lot of places of interest, but there are many more. Would you like to visit our region again?

B: Yes, sure. As I said I fell in love with your country and I’m going to continue my education there. So I think that I can see and visit more places.

S: Thank you very much for your answers, Bob.

Exercise 17. Write down a short essay about your favourite place in the Tyumen region. First write some facts about it: where is it? What does it have? What can you do there? Then write some personal opinions: Why do you like it? Write 150 – 200 words. Tell about your favourite place for your groupmates. Show photos if you have some.



The people make the town

Greek Proverb

Exercise2. Watch photos.

a) Write down in your copybook all worlds which are connected with the headline “ CAPITALS”.

b)  Write down in your copybook all worlds which are associated with the word Khanty-Mansiysk.


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text .Choose the most suitable title for the text:

a) Brief information about Khanty-Mansiysk;

b) KhM (Khanty-Mansiysk) ;

c) About KhM;

d) Capital city;

e) Capital town.

Text I

I like to live in Khanty-Mansiysk. It is small but very comfortable. The great part of the territory is covered with woods. The town stands on the seven hills. On one of the hills there is a beautiful cathedral which can be seen from many parts of the town. If you look down from hill on the city, the view is spectacular. Unique identity of modern architecture combined with the unique ancient nature. All these facts attract tourists and visitors to Khanty-Mansiysk every year.

 Khanty-Mansiysk is the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug - Ugra. It is one of the most beautiful and unusual towns of Western Siberia. The population of Khanty-Mansiysk is about 95,300 (2015), the area - 338 sq. km. Khanty-Mansiysk is one of the few Russian administrative centers which is smaller than the other cities of the region. It is only the fourth largest town in the Khanty-Mansiysk okrug after Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. There is always something to see and to do for business people in our town because it is a centre of Okrug, which is rich in natural resources such as oil and gas. The town's economy is more than 2500 companies and organizations. Khanty-Mansiysk is formed not only as center of the oil region, but is increasingly becoming a center of business activity, sport and national culture.

The town is located in the central part of Western Siberia, on the bank of the Irtysh River, just 20 km from the place of confluence of the Ob and the Irtysh. Khanty-Mansiysk is considered to be a scientific center, and has a considerable number of schools, universities, colleges and high schools. It is a young town because of colleges, university and medical academy. Our town is multinational. People here are friendly.

 Successful people live and work here, effective companies operate, great ideas and grandiose projects appear and implement, the guests and new business partners are always welcomed. Khanty-Mansiysk is the town, which is worthy of love and discovery!

Text vocabulary:

the territory is covered with – территория покрыта

the town stands on – город стоит / расположен на…

the unique ancient nature – уникальная многовековая природа

to attract tourists and visitors – привлекать туристов и гостей

the place of confluence – место слияния

 to appear - появляться

to implement - осуществлять

a center of business activity, sport and national culture- центр деловой активности, спорта и национальной культуры

to attract – привлекать, манить


Exercise 4. Read more information about KhM at:


b) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khanty-Mansiysk

c) Tell your fellow students additional information about KhM (Khanty-Mansiysk).

Exercise 5. Phrase match

1) the town stands                                        a) combined with the unique nature

2)   there is beautiful                                      b)on the hills                 

3) unique identity of modern architecture c) cathedral

4) unusual cities                                         d) than the other cities                         

  5) smaller                                                  e)of Western Siberia

6) something to see                                    f) center of the oil region                  

7) only as                                                  i) and to do for business people

8) on the bank                                            j) railway station is Demyanka

9) the nearest                                                 k) of the Irtysh River

10) is considered to be                                l) are friendly

11) people here                                          m) appear and implement                             

12) grandiose projects                                n) a scientific center

Exercise6. Answer the questions and tell your partner about KhM:

1) What kind of town is Khanty-Mansiysk?

2) Where does the town stand on?

3) Is there any beautiful cathedral on one of the hills?

4) What is the architecture in Khanty-Mansiysk?

5)  Is Khanty-Mansiysk the capital of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug-Ugra?

6) What is the population of Khanty-Mansiysk?

7) Where is Khanty-Mansiysk situated?

8) Is it just a center of the oil region?

9) Is it a young town and why?

10) What is the KhM's economy?

11) What are the nearest railway stations?

12) Why do successful people live and work in Khanty-Mansiysk?

Exercise 7. Divide the following words into three groups (Moscow, St. Petersburg, New York, Washington, Khanty-Mansiysk, Perm, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Helsinki, Turku, Krasnodar, Nyagan, Surgut, Hamburg, Nizhnevartovsk, Kazan, Ivanovo, Petrozavodsk, Kursk): a) town b) city c) capital city.

Text III.

Tyumen is the administrative center of Tyumen Region, which divides Russia into the European and Asian parts. The city is located in the south of Western Siberia, on the banks of the Tura River, 2,200 km away from Moscow.

It was Tyumen in 1586 that started Siberia's integration into Russia. Mikhail Lomonosov once famously said, "Russia's power will become stronger with Siberia." A part of this phrase is now written on the coat of arms of Tyumen Oblast.

Though many people think that Tyumen was founded by the Siberia conqueror Yermak, in fact, the founders were Vassily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoy – Russian warlords. They came to Siberia to establish Russian rule after Yermak's death and built a fortress at the site of the current Tyumen. Earlier, there was a town here called Chingi-Tura, the capital of the Siberian Khanate.

Tyumen is the oil and gas capital of Russia. In the 1960s, major oil deposits were discovered here, and development of the Yugra and Yamal lands began. In record time, large enterprises and modern cities appeared in the midst of the empty and marshy spaces of Siberia. Tyumen soon became the administrative center of the region, managing the oil and gas enterprises.


Tyumen has everything to satisfy your cultural needs. Since 1858, the city has had the Drama Theater, the oldest in Russia, and in 2008 a large new building was constructed for it. Recently, the Tyumen Circus was re-launched in the restored building. The residents are rightfully proud of their modern S.I. Mendeleev Library, equipped with the most modern equipment.

Oil and gas production in Tyumen Oblast stimulated the opening of many scientific institutes in the city. By the late 80s, the number of scientific workers in Tyumen was approximately 18,000 (roughly 10% of the population). Now, there are scores of R&D (research and development) institutes in the city and its suburbs.

Tyumen has many restaurants offering the unique Northern cuisine. When asked about the most interesting dining sites, locals often name the Chum restaurant. There you can eat delicious meals and learn the history of the region. Waiters also serve as guides, telling captivating stories about geologists of the 1960s who came to conquer this wild region. Also, the restaurant displays exhibits provided by the Tyumen Local History Museum. The most popular dishes are sliced frozen whitefish and venison salad. Besides, the restaurant was sanctified by a real Siberian shaman, so people believe that if you make a wish there, it will certainly come true.

tyumen 12 cats

The most popular place for strolling is the Tura River embankment and Lovers' Bridge connecting its banks. One more pedestrian area in the center of the city is Tsvetnoy Boulevard, with several squares with fountains, museums, and the circus. You can visit the Siberian Cat Park, at which monuments to 12 Siberian cats are erected to memorize that they once saved the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg from a rat invasion.


© shutterstock.com


Tyumen is populated by adherents of varying religions. The city hosts the Orthodox and Catholic churches, mosques, a synagogue, and other religious facilities. The St. Trinity Monastery built in the early 17th century still operates in the city.

In winter, you can leave the city, jump into a sleigh with Siberian huskies harnessed, and drive across the snowy forest. After driving, you can visit the Verkhny Bor Recreation Center and swim in the outdoor pool with therapeutic water supplied from the hot spring Eldorado. You can also visit the birthplace of the famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev – Tobolsk, 200 km away from Tyumen. The Tobolsk Kremlin, a unique masterpiece of Siberian architecture, is also located there.

Text vocabulary:


сonqueror - завоеватель

warlords - местные военачальники

fortress - крепость

sleigh - сани

adherents - приверженцы

venison salad – салат из оленины

to erect – возводить

        R&D (research and development) - научно-       исследовательские работы и опытно-конструкторские разработки



Divine Nature gave the fields, human art built the cities.

Marcus Terentius Varro, De Re Rustica

Exercise 1. Vocabulary: translate and study the following words.





to originate



to fascinate













Exercise 2. It’s Interesting! Answer the questions, read and translate the paragraph.

1) Do you believe in legends?

2) How do you understand the meaning of the phrase “sacred place?”

3) What special features do sacred places have?

4) Read the legend, do you consider these reasons to be convincing for you?

There is a legend that Khanty-Mansiysk is the city which is located in the sacred place. There are three reasons for this.

v First of all, two great rivers the Ob and the Irtysh mingle their waters near the city.

v Secondly, the city is situated on seven hills and this number has ritual meaning.

v Thirdly, a lot of sacred cedars grow in the territory of the city.


Exercise 3. Read more information, fill in the gaps with words from the box:

peoples / sacral / hills / separated / cedar /  residents  / courage / Siberian / considered /  Rome  / miracle


The Ob and the Irtysh

These rivers cannot be ­­­__________ from each other exactly here, in Khanty-Mansiysk, because not far from the city there is a unique place – confluence of these great ­­________rivers. Now you can see one more ________ there – a floating chapel devoted to Saint Nicholas, a patron of all river workers.

Seven hills

The ___________of the capital of Ugra are proud of the fact that Khanty-Mansiysk is a city of seven________ like Moscow or _________. By the way, the number «seven» has a _________ meaning for Ugra indigenous peoples; so the city on seven hills is ____________to be a sacred one.


From the earliest times Khanty and Mansi  ____________ considered this tree to be a sacred one; it was forbidden to cut it. Khanty people considered cedar to be a symbol of _________ and eternity. Mansi people believed that the god of heavens created ________ earlier than other trees.


Origin of Khanty-Mansiysk


From the small settlement on the bank of the Irtysh River Khanty-Mansiysk turned to be one of the most economically successful regions of Russia and its citizens saved their unique culture originated more than five thousand years ago.

Modern history of Khanty-Mansiysk started in 1930. It was founded as a work settlement of Ostyako-Vogulsk (Остяко-Вогульск) after the obsolete names of Ostyaks and Voguls for the Khanty and Mansi peoples. Ostyako-Vogulsk was founded 5 kilometers from ancient Siberian settlement - Samarovo. The first mentioning of Samarovo settlement is related to 1582. The new settlement and Samarovo were connected by a road in 1937.

In 1940, it was renamed Khanty-Mansiysk, and it was granted town status in 1950, merging with the village of Samarovo along the way.

Homeland of ancient Khanty and Mansi peoples – Khanty – Mansiysk has a remarkable history and fascinates tourists with its cultural uniqueness.

Citizens of the town led a steady life until 1953, when a natural gas field was discovered near the village of Beryozovo. Seven years later, the first oil field was found on the banks of the Konda River, near the village of Shaim. Since that time, the new history of Khanty-Mansiysk began. Thousands of people came here to develop this oil and gas region. The town began to rise at rapid rates. Airport, schools, kindergartens, libraries, dwelling houses and cultural center were built here.

The beginning of the 90s was the time of drastic changes for Khany-Mansiysk and its citizens. In 1993, the Khanty-Mansiysk region became the subject of the Russian Federation, and received the right to form its own budget. Significant funds were allocated for the development of transport and municipal infrastructure, the preservation of traditional culture of indigenous peoples.

In 1996, the federal highway connected Khanty-Mansiysk with Surgut, Nefteyugansk and Tyumen.

In 2004, a unique bridge was built over the Irtysh River. The highway through the village of Gornopravdinsk, opened in 2010, reduced the distance from Khanty-Mansiysk to Tyumen by 300 km.

The first decade of the 21th century was marked by the establishment of educational and scientific centers, unique cultural and sports facilities: the ski complex “Coniferous Urman”, Ice Palace, the stadium “Ugra-Athletics”, Tennis Center, the cultural and tourist complex “Archeopark”, the equestrian club “Mustang”, Ugra Chess Academy and  many others.

On July 26-27, 2008, the summit Russia - European Union took place here, and afterwards - the 5th All-World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples on June 27-30, 2008.

 Khanty-Mansiysk is home to lots of sporting competitions and events.

Fifteen hotels offer their services to tourists since 2005. All of them are fully booked during Biathlon World Cups, regional and All-Russia conferences, etc., so it is practically impossible to book a room in a hotel during these events.

Gradually, Khanty-Mansiysk is becoming more accessible, convenient, and interesting for citizens of Russia and foreigners. It is gaining popularity at the international level, demonstrating its capabilities in holding international sports competitions and cultural events.

Text vocabulary:

first mentioning – первое упоминание

to be founded – быть основанным

merging – слияние, объединение

to lead a steady life - вести размеренную жизнь

natural gas field – месторождение природного газа

rapid rates – высокая скорость, быстрый темп

drastic changes – резкая, (радикальная, значительная) перемена (изменение)

to receive the right – получить право

federal highway – федеральная трасса, федеральная автомобильная дорога


Make up a plan of the text.

Text I

Nature has generously endowed this region. Khanty-Mansiysk is surrounded with taiga cedar, fir, birch and aspen groves. Each season the forest puts on its new dress.

When bird cherry trees begin to blossom in spring, the air is filled with the intoxicating fragrance of flowers. The fragrance is followed by the blossom of the rowan trees and then by the dog-roses.

In autumn the streets take on red and golden colors. And in winter the nature falls asleep under the sparkling snow-white covering. Winter is the longest time of the year. The snow covers the ground about 7 months a year. The average temperature in winter is about 24 degrees Celsius below zero. The lowest temperature this year was 34 degrees below zero. Winters here are characterized by the sudden leaps of temperatures.

Summer is short. The growing period lasts a little bit more than 2 months. But the local dwellers manage to grow potatoes, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables. They even grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the green houses. The green summer meets you with lots of mosquitoes.

In summer the locals like to spend time in the forest gathering mushrooms and berries which are in a great variety in our region.

Among the forest mammals there are: squirrels, sables, martens, elks, bears, reindeer. Each animal adapted to these severe northern conditions in its own way: some of them hibernate, others store food for winter.

Rivers and lakes of this region are rich in valuable species of fish. Sturgeon is the most valuable. It is found in the Ob and Irtysh basins. The biggest species may reach the size of 3 meters and weigh about 100 kilograms. Another fish which is loved by locals is nelma. Nevertheless, it is the representative of the salmon family it has the white meat and very tender. The biggest species weigh about 60 kilograms.  

Exercise 6. Find English equivalents in Text I:

березовые и осиновые рощи, новый наряд, дурманящий аромат цветов, множество комаров, сверкающее белоснежное покрывало, резкие перепады температуры, местные жители, запасать пищу на зиму, в парниках, большое разнообразие, суровые условия севера, впадать в спячку, ценная рыба, крупные особи, представитель лососевой породы;

Text II

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug – Ugra is located in the forest natural zone. The main part of the okrug’s territory takes waterlogged taiga. There are about 30 thousand rivers in Ugra. The okrug is one of the richest with the mineral resources region of the country. The unique oil and gas province is opened here. There are large amounts of the hard coal and brown coal, iron ore and nonferrous metal ores are concentrated in the Ugra territory. There are large amounts of turf, also large amounts of wood and predominantly soft wood concentrated in the region.

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug – Ugra with its huge natural resources potential is a major Russian oil and gas province and one of the largest global oil producing regions. Natural capital is one of the main components of the territory's sustainable development, laid a solid foundation for economic growth and wealth of the population.

However, the region's resource structure specifics, its geographic and climatic characteristics, as well as the manufacturing sector development are at the same time the source of its major environmental hazards: atmospheric pollution, water and soil contamination, waste placement and utilization, deterioration of flora and fauna natural habitats.

All these factors have a pronounced negative effect on the environment and pose continuous threats of damaging both the environment and vital interests of the population.

In order to protect the environment and ensure ecological safety in the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug – Ugra the government works on implementation of a dedicated program "Environmental Safety of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Okrug – Ugra 2014-2020". The program consists of 4 sub-programs:

- environment quality management;

- preservation of bio-diversity;

- development of industrial and household waste management system;

- development of hydro economic system.

The government of our Okrug signed socio-economic agreements with all major oil companies providing for accidents prevention and incident rate reduction (worn pipes replacement), as well as accumulated environmental damage recovery (remediation works) and APG utilization programs.

Implementation of measures stipulated by the government program will reduce negative environmental effect, improve ecological damage prevention rate, and provide better protection for the population and economic assets.

Core element of the territorial environment protection work in our Okrug is the system of specially protected nature reserve territories (SPNR) of the Okrug. SPNR make possible protection of the typical and unique natural landscapes, flora and fauna diversity, natural and cultural heritage objects. Ugra has 24 specially protected nature reserve territories with the total area over 2.7 million hectares, i.e. 5.2% of the total okrug's territory. In addition, there are two waterlogged areas of international significance: Upper and Lower Dvuobje with the total area over 1 million hectares, main purpose of which is supporting waterfowl habitats, spawning areas and forage reserves.

The Red Book of Ugra contains 48 animal species, 150 plants and 38 fungi species.

The okrug has plenty of wonderful noteworthy natural sites: 2 nature reserves - "Malaya Sosva" and "Ugansky"; 8 wildlife sanctuaries; and 4 natural parks: "Samarovsky Chugas”, "Sibirskiye Uvaly", "Numto", and "Konda Lakes"; 10 nature sanctuaries; archaeological complexes "Barsova Gora", "Saigatino", Sherkaly hillfort.

To raise the environmental awareness of the population the region developed a system of ecological education embracing a wide range of educational institutions: public associations, sports and culture facilities, mass media, library systems.

One of important components of improving ecological culture in the Okrug is the International Environmental Action “Save And Preserve” - a large scale socially oriented project which has been implemented in the okrug since 2003. Annual agenda of the Action covers about 7 thousand events of the Okrug, national and international scale: conferences, forums, round table discussions, etc. Over 30% of the Okrug's population traditionally take part in the events.

For more information about Environment Vocabulary, watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keGgDTJI02g


Exercise 12. Give English equivalents from the text II to the following Russian phrases. Compose your own sentences with these words :

естественная зона, полезные ископаемые, нефтегазоносная провинция, природный капитал, устойчивое развитие, специфические особенности, экологическая опасность, атмосферное загрязнение, загрязнение почвы, ухудшение флоры, естественная среда обитания, отрицательный эффект, угроза повреждения, экологическая безопасность, качественное управление, развитие отходов, социально-экономическое соглашение, заповедник, объект естественного и культурного наследия, среда обитания, водоплавающая птица, экологическая осведомленность

Text vocabulary

the historical part - исторический район

to be engaged in charity work - заниматься благотворительностью

to trace - проследить

trading peasants - торговля крестьянами

to own land - владеть землей

the descendant - потомок

the first mention of the family - первое упоминание о семье

to correspond with - соответствовать

the appearance of the dwellings - внешний вид жилища

an innovator - новатор

to use technical innovations in business - использовать технические инновации в бизнесе

to exist - иметь место, быть, существовать

the field of Byzantine studies – сфера исследований, связанная с Византией

advocate and devotee of science - защитник и приверженец науки

to head the Department - управлять кафедрой

an award winner - лауреат премии

a multiple world champion - многократный чемпион мира

to be success at adult competitions - быть успешным на взрослых соревнованиях

to have a poor performance – слабо выступить на соревнованиях

to continue to occupy a leading position - продолжать занимать лидирующие позиции

to have an advantage of 17 seconds - иметь преимущество в 17 секунд

to coach the men's biathlon team - тренировать мужскую сборную по биатлону

Honorary citizen of Khanty-Mansiysk - Почетный гражданин Ханты-Мансийска

an Honored Master of Sports – Почетный мастер спорта

at international competitions –на международных соревнованиях

a host of the program – ведущий(ая) программы

sensationally won a gold medal – сенсационно завоевал золотую медаль

to be part of the national team – входить в состав национальной сборной

a journalist by education – журналист по образованию

to graduate from – окончить университет

Executive Committee of the district Council of people's deputies – исполнительный комитет окружного совета народных депутатов

public awards – общественные награды

under his supervision – под его руководством

fundamental – фундаментальный

scientific articles – научные статьи

the main factor of energy state independence – основной фактор энергетической независимости государства

Text I

Ancient Ugra families are the Sheymins and the Soskins. The famous fishermen of the North lived in the village of Samarovo, which is now the historical part of Khanty-Mansiysk. They helped to develop the economy of the village and were engaged in charity work.

Historians have traced the Sheymins family from the early 18th century. These people are known as coachmen and trading peasants of the village of Samarovo.

The elder, the fishery Manager Nicholas Sheymin, along with trade supported Samarovski the rural school. His children owned land Krivoshapkina fishing on the Ob and helped to develop the economy of the village. In the early 20th century, one of the descendants of Sheymin was the first to introduce a hay mower, a motor boat and a steam boat.

The first mention of the Soskin family belong to the household of the census of 1710. The most famous personality of the genus was Fedor Soskin, a merchant of the second Guild of Tobolsk province. The Sheymins and the Soskins intermarried. The fate of one of these couples ended tragically. They were shot during the peasant uprising in the early 20-ies.

Bells - the distinguishing sign of the people living in Samarovo. The Sheymins  corresponded with the famous ethnographer Chrysanth Loparev. Thanks to his works in one of the city libraries the appearance of the dwellings of wealthy people of those times was restored.

In memory of the meeting of the descendants Chrysanth took a group photo for the archives of the next generation of the Sheymins and the Soskins.

In 1710 the household census of residents of Samarskii region contains three  sons of coachmen families Semen Soskin: Kozma, Andrew and Basil. All three brothers left a large amount of descendants. The most famous person of this family is the son of Konstantin Efimovich and Alexandra Yefimovna Soskin - Fedor.

Fedor Konstantinovich Soskin (a descendant of a merchant from Samarovo) was born in 1848 in the village of Samarovo, a hereditary farmer, died on May 8, 1915 from stomach cancer. Fedor Konstantinovich was not only an enterprising person and an excellent specialist in fishing and trade, but also an innovator. He constantly used technical innovations in business. Fedor Konstantinovich was elected as a volost foreman (elder).  

In 1901 he was granted a medal for service by the Spiritual Department. On the silver medal it was written “For Zeal”. It was worn on

In the same year, 1901, Fyodor Soskin joined the Tobolsk branch of the Imperial Society of Shipping. Membership in society and considerable capital allowed him to have class status of the merchant of II Guild. Fedor Konstantinovich was an active member of Tobolsk Provincial Museum. The Soskins family had a big beautiful house in Samarovo, as well as a good, solid house in Tobolsk. In 1870, on April 19, Fedor Konstantinovich got married with Paraskovia Avramova Oleneva.

    Chrysanth Loparev . (1862-1918) was a scientist in the field of Byzantine studies, ancient literature and was a  local historian.

He was a member of the society of Siberian studies which existed at the Museum of Etnograthy and Anthropology of Academy of Science. Since December 29th 1907 he was a member of the Russian Geografic Society. Since 1886 he was a member of Orthodox Palestinian Society.


Text vocabulary

fishermen of the North – рыбаки севера

to develop the economy of the village – развивать экономику севера

along with trade – вместе с торговлей

a  local historian – местный историк

to exist at the Museum of Etnograthy and Anthropology of Academy of Science – существовать в музее этнографии и антропологии академии наук

a scientist - ученый

to join the branch of the Society – присоединиться к представительству общества

a scientist in the field of Byzantine studies – ученый в сфере византийских исследований

considerable capital – значительный капитал

to wear on the neck – носить на шее

a large amount of descendants – большое количество потомков

an excellent specialist in – отличный специалист в сфере

Text II


Vitaly Bugrov is a soviet science fiction critic.

One of the brightest and most consistent advocates and devotees of science fiction in the Soviet Union. For many years he headed the Department of Science Fiction in the magazine "Ural Pathfinder", he was one of the main organizers of the festival and award "Aelita". Together with B. Lyapunov was one of the first popularizers of the Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet pre-war fiction. Numerous articles and notes of Bugrov were united in the book "In search of tomorrow. About fiction seriously and with smile" (1981) and "1,000 faces dreams”. He was actively engaged in the bibliography of science fiction, his studies are "Soviet science fiction: Books 1917-1975" (1979)," Buried in the periodicals (1945-1976) "(1980), as well as annotated pointers, compiled in collaboration with I. Khalymbadzha.


He was an award winner of the Great Race (1981) and other soviet prizes.

He died in 1994. He was buried at Shirokorechenskiy cemetery.


Yuri Kashkarov was born in 1963. He was a Soviet biathlete, Olympic champion in 1984 in the relay. He was a multiple world champion in the relay 4×7,5 km(1983, 1985, 1986), in the individual 20km race(1985) and in team 10km race (1989). He was an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984).

In Sverdlovsk he began to study biathlon. He played for "Dynamo" (Sverdlovsk) in the composition of the youth team on biathlon. In 1983 for the first time he was success at adult competitions. He got a golden medal in a relay.


At the games in Sarajevo, the whole team had a poor performance in the individual race. The final start was the relay. The 1st stage was run by Dmitry Vasiliev. He broke away from his pursuers for a minute and seven seconds. Yuri Kashkarov ran the 2nd stage and ran overall successfully, he continued to occupy a leading position. Algimantas Shalna on the way to the 1st firing line managed to increase the handicap to 40 seconds, and after the shooting lying down left with a break from the GDR team in 47 seconds. However, shooting standing, he made 2 misses. The final stage went Bulygin, having a delay of 18 seconds from the German biathlete Frank Ulrich. Before the first firing line, he overtook the German. On both lines he shot clean and went to the finish line, he had an advantage of 17 seconds. However, closer to the finish line, he saw that the opponents are close, but the last effort made it first.

At the Olympics in Calgary in 1988 he ran the individual race at 20 km and he took 5-th place.

In 1992-93 he played for the national team of Belarus at international competitions.

After graduating from his sports career, he worked for some time in Khanty-Mansiysk — Intersport JSC. Later he moved to Moscow, coached the men's biathlon team (1998-2000) and worked as the head coach of the all-Russian society "Dynamo". In 2010 he was a head coach of the Moscow region biathlon.

He is an Honorary citizen of Khanty-Mansiysk (1992). In December 2013 the outstanding sportsman held his 50 year anniversary.



Konkova Anna Mitrofanovna

Anna Mitrofanovna is an honorary citizen of Khanty –Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, an Honored worker of Culture in the District, a Member of the Union of Writers, she finished 7-year school and Khanty-Mansy pedagogical school (in 1937). She worked for more than 30 years as a teacher at the schools of Berezovsky, Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk Districts. For almost 20 years she worked at pre-school in Khanty-Mansiysk. Since 1967 she began writing her first books.

Her works were translated into English, Hungarian, Polish and Czech. In her books she recreates the rhythm, the style of life of several generations, she connects tradition with social realities of the country. Her book “The Stories of Grandma Ann” became the symbol of the continuity of spiritual history. The stories “The Leader of Ever”, “The Legend” are also very popular among the readers.

Text III

Another pride of the city is Evgeny Redkin (born 1970). He is Russian and Belarusian biathlete, Olympic champion and world champion.




In 1992, at the Olympics in Albertville, the 22-year-old Redkin sensationally won a gold medal in the race for 20 km. After shooting at zero and 6.4 seconds ahead of the German Mark Kirchner, missed thrice. This was the debut and the only race Redkin in that Olimpiad in the sprint, he did not participate in the relay race. In the same 1992 at the World Championships in Novosibirsk he was part of the national team.

He used to be director of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.


Irina Pudova (born 1982) is a Russian TV host.

She is a journalist by education. She worked on channels RBK, Stolitsa, TVTS, MUZ-TV(in the programs “Nastroika”, “Dvizhok”). From 2006 until 2008 she was a tv-host of the weekly program “Vokrug Sveta”(“Around the World”) on channel “Russia”. From 2008 until 2010 she was a host of the program “We Travel around the World” on the radio station “My Family”. From 2009 she was a host on Russian Travel Guide channel.

Salmanov Farman Kurban

Salmanov was born on 28th of July 1931 in a village of Morul which is in Shamkor region of Azerbaigan Repulic of the Soviet Union. After graduating from Azerbaigan Industrial Institute he worked as a geologist until 1970. He was the head of party in the region, the leader of oil exploration and expedition.

    He is a legendary man and the greatest specialist in geology. He is one of the most world-known scientists and practical geologists. He was very authoritative and knew a lot about oil and gas West-Siberian oil and gas fields including the coastal ones hidden under the sea water. He’s been working in the Western Siberia for more than 30 years. He’s the discoverer and participant of explorating more than 130 deposits of “black gold” and “blue fuel”. Among them are the unique, outstanding and huge ones: Samotlorskoe, Mamontovskoye, Megionskoye, Pravdinskoye, Surgutskoye, Fedorovskoye and many others that became a foundation of our oil complex, our national pride, the main factor of energetic state independence.

    Due to Siberian oil and impact of a geologist Salmanov who discovered the oil notwithstanding the opinion of many scientists who considered the Western Siberia to be non-perspective in this sphere our country overcomes crisis, its golden resource grows and Gross Domestic Product doubles.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 4, 1966 for outstanding achievements in the implementation of the seven-year plan for the development of exploration, discovery and prospecting of mineral deposits to Salmanov Farman Kurban ogly has been awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle". In 1970 he was appointed a chief geologist for oil and gas, Deputy chief of the Tyumen production and geological Department, and in 1978 he became the Head of "Glavtyumengeologiya". Salmanov worked in Western Siberia for more than 30 years.

Under his supervision Prospan International finished investigations and Achimov’s reservoirs of oil formations with the lower Cretaceous sediments with gas, condensate and oil of Novo-Urengoiski and East-Urengoiski deposits were found. The roads, bridges and places for new oil wells were prepared for new deposits.

    The drilling reached 3 milliards of cubic metres of gas, one million of tones. Farman is the author of fundamental scientific works, devoted to huge oil and gas formations.

    160 scientific articles and 10 studies were published by him. Documentaries and fiction films were made about him. They are “Sibiriada”, “Risk Strategy”. One of his latest books is “Life as a discovery” (2003).

II University life


A university should be a place of light, of liberty and of learning.

Benjamin Disraeli


Exercise 1. Look through the vocabulary. Learn the following words and phrases:

to be established - быть основанным; splendid - прекрасный; supplied - оснащенный; hostel - общежитие; volume - том; publishing - редакционно-издательский; to train - обучать; issue - номер; improve - улучшить; master - овладевать; staff- штат; participation - участие; campus - учебный комплекс; well-equipped-хорошо оборудованный; equipment - оборудование; at the disposal - в распоряжении; chair - кафедра; to be worth reading - стоит почитать; fundamentals - основы; to give (deliver) lectures - читать лекции; term – семестр training appliance – учебное пособие successful– успешный polytechnical - политехнический academic year – учебный год associate professor – доцент to carry out – выполнять, проводить   to design – конструировать dormitory– общежитие education – образование, обучение full-time education – очное обучение extra-mural education – заочное обучение to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение) to equip – оборудовать facilities – благоприятные условия, оборудование to graduate from– оканчивать учебное заведение graduate– выпускник undergraduate – студент последнего курса post-graduate – аспирант humanities– гуманитарные дисциплины to investigate – исследовать necessary – необходимый scholarship – стипендия science – наука society – общество to study – учиться subject – учебный предмет  

For more information about Education vocabulary:


Exercise 2. Read the international words, guess their meaning:

audio-visual; automation; bureau; candidate ; career ; centre ; certificate ; computer; consultation; course; culture; department; diploma; economics; experimental; faculty; final; information ; institute; laboratory; lecture; management; problem; project; qualified; region; seminar; specialist; status; technical


Exercise 3 . Read and translate groups of single-root words:

design – designer – designing;

educate – education – educational;

equip – equipment;

experiment – experimentalize – experimentally – experimentation – experimenter; graduate – graduation;

investigate – investigation – investigator – investigative;

manage – manager – management;

practice – practical – practically – practice;

science – scientific – scientist;

success – successful – succeed;

supervise – supervisor – supervision.


Exercise 4 . Read, translate and retell the Text. Name the Text.

Text I

Yugra State University (YUSU) is one of the largest institutions of higher professional education in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug — Ugra. It was established on the initiative of the Government of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug – Ugra in 2001 and it comprised the local branches of three educational institutions: Nizhnevartovsk State Pedagogical Institute; Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy; Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. At present, our University is one of the youngest state universities in Russia and its mission is to train high-skilled specialists for industrial purposes in the region.

The first academic year began on September 1, 2002.

At present about 2842-day students study at the University. During the period of study, the students master the fundamentals of theoretical and practical disciplines.

The University is housed in 6 buildings. In the main building there are different administrative departments such as accounting, personnel offices for lecturers and students, publishing house and etc. Also, the Students’ Board is located on the 9th floor. If you have some important questions to be answered by the Chancellor or Vice –Chancellors, you can find their offices there.

In 2002 the Students' Board was formed. Its main task is to organize and carry out the students' participation in the social life of the university and the town. The same year the first issue of the newspaper "The Students of Ugra" was published. It is really worth reading.

The students can improve their sports skills in Culture-Sports Complex with up-to-date sports equipment. There they can swim in the swimming pool and play games of volleyball, football and go in for other sports activities.

The Institute of Environmental Management, located in the Building 1, was established on September 1, 2002. The five departments of the Institute offer Bachelors', Masters' and PhD programs. The study process is organized in accordance with the requirements of the state standards, by highly qualified lecturers and specialists, in equipped classrooms.

The Institute of Humanities is situated in the Building 2 and provides education in the following areas: Journalism, Philology, Linguistics, Social work, Psychology and Pedagogics, History, Art, Theory and methodology of TFL and cultures.

IT Scientific and Study Centre of our university, situated in the Building 3, was established on the basis of the Engineering faculty, and it comprises chairs, study and scientific labs. Different departments of the Institute perform training of specialists in accordance with our region's needs in the following areas: qualified specialists in IT, transport and transportation systems, construction, techno sphere safety, physical-chemical studies, materials science, implementation of the system of electronic public and state services (creation and support of the region's information services) and many more.

The Building 4 is occupied by The Institute of Management and Economics and Law. The students have a very interesting extracurricular life and are rewarded for their participation in scientific, social and sports events. The level of education complies with the state standards. The institute provides education for the following majors: Economics, Finance and credit, Taxation, Accounting and auditing, Management, State and municipal administration, Tourism, Economics and management:

Socio-cultural service and tourism;

Economic security (judicial economic examination)

Hotel industry;

The university is staffed by highly qualified lecturers, Associate Professors and Professors. Among them there are Doctors of Science and PhDs as scientific supervisors of post-graduate students. They deliver lectures and practical classes to their students.

Students' work in different labs (motor vehicles, construction, life safety, physic-chemistry of processes and materials, electrical power engineering, physics, electronic engineering, geodesics) is included into the study process in accordance with the programs. The students have an opportunity to take their work experience internship at the industry leaders of the region. The students of the institute are renowned with their active participation in scientific work, conferences and contests.

The course of training includes various activities. During the academic year our students attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and get consultations from the teachers. At the end of each term they take examinations. The students who make good progress in their studies are entitled to scholarships.

    The students study general subjects (mathematics, physics) and some humanities (History, Philosophy, Foreign languages, etc.). It gives a solid basis of general education to future specialists. Much attention is paid to practical instruction. Students gain practical experience at plants, research institutes and design bureaus of the city. During the final term undergraduates carry out their graduation projects. At the end of the university course they receive graduation diplomas and go to work to different branches of industry.

It is interesting but difficult to study at our University, especially for the first-year students as they do not know yet how to organize their work and time.

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 1005.