Body bits.
1. Complete the descriptions of vitamins, minerals and oils with the words below. Some words are used more than once.
immune system
cardiovascular system
nervous system
Vitamin A keeps the _____________healthy and is important for good vision. It is found in fatty foods like butter, cheese, whole milk and yoghurt.
The B-vitaminsstrengthen the ___________ and help reduce stress. They are found in foods like wholegrain bread and cereals.
Vitamin C is needed to help the ___________ repair itself when it is cut or damaged. It is found in fruit, especially citrus fruit like oranges and grapefruit.
Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and __________, protects against rickets because it helps the body absorb calcium. Our body makes vitamin D when our __________ is exposed to sunlight.
Calcium is needed for children’s ___________ and teeth to grow. It is found in foods like milk, cheese andyoghurt.
Iron helps you ___________ carry oxygen. If you do not get enough iron, you will be pale and tired and you may get anaemia. Iron is found in red meat, especially liver.
Zinc makes your __________ stronger so that you can fight colds and infections. It is found in shellfish, nuts and seeds.
Omega- 3 is an essential fatty acid which helps your __________ function well. It is found in oily fish like mackerel, sardines, salmon and tuna.
Protein builds up, maintains and replaces the tissues in your body. Your _______, your ___________and your immune system are made up mostly of protein.
Carbohydrates are sugars which are broken down by ___________ then stored in the ___________ as a source of energy. Grain products such as rice, bread and pasta are sources of carbohydrate.
Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones and they insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts, for example, are believed to protect the ____________.
2. Complete the conversation with the words below.
Ø Go to Grammar reference.
Nurse | Any problems, Marian? |
Marian | I had a bit of bleeding after my aerobics class. I thought maybe I’d ___________ stop exercising. |
Nurse | Well, it’s a good idea to exercise, but you __________ to do aerobics if it causes bleeding. You ____________ want to try swimming, or something gentle like that. |
Marian | I know. I ___________ buy myself a swimming costume. Another thing is, I can’t get comfortable at night. |
Nurse | __________ putting a pillow underneath you – that should help. |
Marian | OK – I’ll try that. I’m also a bit worried about these stretch marks on my tummy. |
Nurse | I _________ rub cream or oil into it – that’s very good for stretch marks. |
Marian | Oh, right. I’ll get some today. |
3. Read and translate the dialogue.
A visit to a gynecologist.
Doctor: | What is the matter with you? Do you have any complains? |
Patient: | Yes, there is something wrong with me and I think that I am pregnant. |
Doctor: | Are you married? |
Patient: | Yes, I am. |
Doctor: | Is this your first pregnancy and have you ever performed abortion? |
Patient: | I have never performed abortion and I have a child. My son is 7 years old. |
Doctor: | How did your previous pregnancy proceed? Did you feel well throughout the whole pregnancy? |
Patient: | My previous pregnancy was uneventful. |
Doctor: | How did you feel in the first half of pregnancy? Did you have any toxemia or nausea? |
Patient: | Yes, I had. And I have the same symptoms now. Usually they are the true signs of pregnancy. |
Doctor: | Do you and your husband want to have any more children? |
Patient: | Yes, we dream about daughter. But I am afraid that it can be complicated pregnancy. |
Doctor: | Was your previous delivery premature or at term? |
Patient: | At term, but I was younger then. |
Doctor: | And how old are you now? |
Patient: | I am twenty-nine. |
Doctor: | I think, that you are healthy enough to have the second child and that you will not have a threatened miscarriage. I hope that everything will be all right. |
Signs and symptoms.
Pregnancy and labor
4. A pattern of signs often alerts a woman that she may be pregnant. A different pattern of signs occurs when labor begins at the end of pregnancy. Work in pairs to complete the list of signs using the words below. Decide if each sign indicates pregnancy or labor. Write P (pregnancy) or L (labor)
1. | You will miss a menstrual period. | __P_ |
2. | False ___________ occur. | ____ |
3. | __________ and sleepiness are common. | ____ |
4. | Contractions become more rhythmic and increase in _________. | ____ |
5. | Some women feel abdominal __________. | ____ |
6. | ________ swings and stress are often reported. | ____ |
7. | You notice an increase in pink or white _________. | ____ |
8. | You may experience ________ sickness. | ____ |
9. | Your basal body ________ will be elevated. | ____ |
10. | There may be a “show”, which is the release of a ________ plug from the cervix. | ____ |
11. | You may feel the _________ to urinate frequently. | ____ |
12. | The baby’s head engages – that is, lowers into the _________. | ____ |
13. | It is common for the area around the _________ to darken. | ____ |
14. | Shivering or _________ without reason is common. | ____ |
15. | Your waters break, which is the _________of the amniotic sac. | ____ |
5. Read the essay on the advantages and disadvantages of water birth. Write the letter of the paragraph where the writer makes each point below. Put a cross ( х ) if the point is not included in the essay.
1. | Nurses have a great risk of infection with water birth. | _C_ |
2. | Water birth is becoming more widely available. | ____ |
3. | The mother’s anxiety is reduced in water. | ____ |
4. | Water births cause delays if emergency treatment is needed. | ____ |
5. | Women who have given birth in water often choose to again. | ____ |
6. | There is a risk of the baby breathing water into its lungs. | ____ |
7. | Bleeding is difficult to monitor. | ____ |
8. | The mother can change position more easily in water. | ____ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Despite these disadvantages, both patients and medical staff are very positive about water birth and many women opt to do it again for subsequent children. With more training and facilities, the limitations of water birth could be reduced.
Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 4061.