Unit 1. Obstetrician and gynecological terminology. Pregnancy
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1. Work in pairs. Decide which pronunciation the bold vowel in each word has.

a e i
/ a / / e / / ɪ /
pathogen     benefits visible
/ eɪ / / iː / / aɪ /
patient     prenatal survive
basal labour national perinatal genitals medical frequency stethoscope dilated umbilical vagina jaundice


2. Translate these words and word combinations from Russian into English.

Беременность, период волнения, период ожидания, будущая мать, изменения, имеют место (происходят), первые три месяца беременности, избегайте лекарства, могут быть вредны, без совета врача, в пределах нормы, недоношенный.

3. Discuss at what stages of pregnancy you think the following events happen. For each one,choose a number of weeks from those below.

Number of weeks: 3  7    12  18   22 34


a. The lowest number of weeks at which a premature baby can survive. _____

b. The fetus’s fine covering of the hair, called lanugo, begins to disappear. _____

c. Arm buds and a tail are visible. _____

d. The embryo measures 30 mm in length._____

e. Male and female genitals appear well differentiated. _____

f. The fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. _____

4. Match each word with its translation.

1. amniotic fluid ____

2. cell division_____

3. embryo_____

4. fertilization_____

5. fetus____

6. ovum_____

7. amniotic sac_____

8. sperm____

9. umbilical cord_____








5. Complete these sentences using should or shouldn’t.

1. You should drink some water before you go running.

2. I’m getting fat. I __________ make more exercises.

3. You ____________ have breakfast – it wakes up the body and provides fuel for the day.

4. People with high blood pressure _____________ put too much salt on their food.

5. You ___________have plenty of vitamin C in your diet.

6. People with diabetes ___________ have large meals.

7. A person with an eating disorder_________ gets help from a psychologist.

8. Children ____________ eat too many sweets.


Ø Go to Grammar reference


6. Read the text. Translate it and answer the questions.

1. Is pregnancy a period of excitement and expectancy?

2. What period is more important for the future mother?

3. Is it harmful to take some pills during the pregnancy?




Pregnancy is a period of excitement, expectancy and a bit of fear and nervousness for the future mother. It should be an exciting experience, and for that, love and consideration of the family as well as knowledge of what changes are taking place in the body and what to expect, is important.

The first three months of pregnancy are important because during this period the baby’s organs like brain, heart, kidneys, limbs, eyes and ears are being formed. Avoid any medicine during this period. Some medicines can be harmful to the growing baby and so no medicines, particularly pills for sickness, headaches and anxiety should be taken without the advice of the doctor.

The normal time the baby is in the mother’s womb is about 40 weeks – 9 months and 1 week, but a few days earlier or later is within the range of normality. A baby who is born earlier than his time is called premature.

Дата: 2019-02-19, просмотров: 2826.