9. стимул
a) increase;
b) incentive;
c) incentivize.
10. спрос
a) demand;
b) demander;
c) demanding.
11. владелец
a) own;
b) owing;
c) owner.
12. снабжать , поставлять ч .- л .
a) to supply;
b) to demand;
c) to exist.
13. характерная черта, характеристика
a) future;
b) feature;
c) featured.
14. качество
a) quantity;
b) quality;
c) quantify.
15. причина, повод
a) reasonable;
b) realize;
c) reason.
Соотнесите слово с его определением.
16. service | a. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something; |
17. price | b. to increase the amount, level, or strength of; |
18. market | c. the action of helping or doing work for someone; |
19. to raise | d. to provide with something needed or wanted; |
20. to supply | e. a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale; |
21. producer | f. an area or arena in which commercial dealings are conducted. |
Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
22. Inflation ….. the standard of living of persons dependent on fixed incomes, as pensioners.
a) reduce;
b) is reduced;
c) reduces.
23. Unemployment ….. its peak last year.
a) reaches;
b) have reached;
c) reached.
24. At this time last year she ….. reemployment.
a) was seeking;
b) will be seeking;
c) seeks.
25. The company ….. considerable efforts to solve economic problems.
a) making;
b) are making;
c) has made.
26. These graphs ….. economists understand and remember some abstract ideas.
a) will help;
b) has helped;
c) is helping.
Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
27. All countries ….. make profits through international trade.
a) are allowed;
b) can;
c) were.
28. Some industries ….. to pay higher wages to attract the extra labour.
a) must;
b) should;
c) have.
29. Any economic system ….. use one or more decision- making rules or methods.
a) must;
b) will be able;
c) were.
30. After the Second World War the amount of currency that any person ….. purchase in the UK was limited.
a) could;
b) must;
c) may.
31. Inflation ….. occur for many different reasons.
a) had;
b) will be able;
c) may.
Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
32. People adopted ….. system of exchange, and various money systems developed, based on goods such as cattle, grain, shells, salt, etc.
a) practical;
b) more practical;
c) most practical.
33. Generally, ….. the price of something, ….. of it will be offered for sale and vice versa.
a) as high, as much;
b) the higher, the more;
c) higher, more.
34. In the ….. future, ecological factors will be included in the indicators of a company’s performance.
a) near;
b) nearer;
c) nearest.
Письменно переведите текст .
Most towns had market days when farmers and manufacturers sold their produce in the town square or marketplace. By 1690, however, most towns also had proper shops. Shopkeepers travelled around the country to buy goods for their shops, which were new and exciting and drew people from the country to see them. Towns which had shops grew larger, while smaller towns without shops remained no more than villages. London remained far larger than any other town, with more than 500,000 people by 1650. It controlled almost all the sea trade with other countries. After the fire of 1666, the richer citizens for the first time had water supplied to their houses through specially made wooden pipes.
From: Маркушевская Л.П. Учебное пособие по страноведению: Великобритания. C. 67.
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
The Planned Economy (I)
In many ways, the planned economy is the direct opposition of the market economy. In the market economy, the forces of supply and demand decide everything: what is produced, how much is produced, the methods of production and the price. In the planned economy, all of this is decided by the government.
Unfortunately, no economic system is perfect. If there was a perfect system, economists wouldn’t have anything to argue about! Market economics have their strengths, but they have their problems, too. Planned economies try to provide solutions to these problems. For example, the free market supplies the things that people want. However, what people want and what they need are not always the same: Fast food is always in demand, but it’s bad for us. In a planned economy, the government could decide to stop fast food restaurants operating in the market.
A second problem with free markets is that the producers always want the highest price. Often the poor can’t afford things. In a planned economy, the government sets prices. They make sure that everyone can afford basic commodities. This is one way that planned economies try to share things equally. Another is to control how much people get paid.
In a planned economy, workers’ wages depend on the service they provide to society. If people can live without your service, you get paid less. This is very different from the free market where someone’s salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work. If people like what you do, you get paid more.
From: Macmillan Guide to Economics, с. 19-20.
2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы по содержанию текста.
1. What kind of economy is entirely controlled by the government?
a) the market economy;
b) the traditional economy;
c) the planned economy.
2. Which word can characterize any economic system?
a) perfect;
b) imperfect;
c) deficient.
3. What influences most of all on the amount of your salary in a planned economy?
a) the service provided to society;
b) the demand for your work;
c) the prices set by the government.
3.Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста.
4. In the planned economy, the forces of supply and demand ….
a) decide everything.
b) are controlled by the government.
c) set the price.
5. Market economies are characterized by …
a) nothing but advantages.
b) nothing but drawbacks.
c) both advantages and drawbacks.
6. Everything that people want is supplied by …
a) the market economy.
b) the planned economy.
c) any kind of economy.
7. In a planned economy, the producers …
a) can set prices.
b) can’t set prices.
c) are dependent of prices.
8. In a planned economy, you get paid more …
a) if people don’t like your service.
b) if people like your service.
c) if people can’t live without your service.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 418.