Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links
monitor less able learners in group work and give further modelling and drilling support
assess pronunciation of individual sounds and intonation in role play and sentence
cross-curricular links: languages [contrasts with L1]
challenge more able learners to script a role play in which the interactant is reluctant to begin with.
assess learner interactive ability in role play.
Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? | Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. |
Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 4 Lesson 7
Teacher name:
Number present:
C9 R4 W6
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in the text and use information found online to write a paragraph with some correct linking between ideas.
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in the text and use information found online to write a paragraph with mostly correct linking between ideas.
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in the text and use information found online to write a paragraph with mostly correct linking between ideas.
names of animals vocabulary related to animal habitats
Planned activities
To introduce the topic and predict the
Content of the text
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and elicit a
variety of guesses for reasons why these animals
may be endangered from Ss around the class. Write
two on the board.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
their books and check if their guesses were correct.
Class CD
Main Activities
R2 R4
To read for specific information • Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5 and then allow Ss some time to read the text and mark their answers. • Check Ss’ answers. • Go through the Check these words box with Ss. • Read aloud the Famous quotation and explain/ elicit what it means. (It is important to value and conserve wildlife.)
To consolidate information in a Text; to express an opinion Read the rubric aloud and elicit answers from various Ss around the class. |
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To revise material taught in The module; to write a quiz. • Explain the task and allow Ss time to look through the module and think of quiz questions in pairs. • Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as a model. • Ss swap their quizzes with another pair, do the quiz, and then report back to the class. | |||||||||
To collect information about an Endangered animal and present it in the form of a comment posted to a blog • Ask Ss to work in groups and look for information on the Internet, or in encyclopaedias/other reference books and write it under the headings in their notebooks. Tell Ss they may add a picture if they want to. • Ss then use this information to write a short paragraph about the animal to post as a comment on Assel’s blog. Ask various groups to present their animals to the rest of the class.
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Ending the lesson | • Play the video for the Ss and elicit their comments at the end | Video | |||||||
Additional information | |||||||||
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 306. |