1. From the very beginning of construction in human history lots of architectural skills, systems and theories have been evolved for the construction of the buildings, which have housed nations and generations of people in any kind of their activity.
2. This paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any architectural style.
3. These three factors have been present and are always interrelated in the best constructions till the 21st century.
4. The temple walls were covered with reliefs celebrating the achievements of the kings and the powers of the gods.
5. But without aesthetical quality inherent in its form a building cannot be considered as a work of architecture as well.
6. This paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any architectural style.
7. There are widely known examples of Gothic architecture all around the globe.
8. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in modern terms.
9. Ancient Egyptian architecture was revived under the Ptolemies.
10. During the Old Kingdom, the period when Egypt was ruled by the Kings of the 3rd to 6th Dynasties, artists and craftsmen were drawn to the court to work under the patronage of the king and his great nobles.
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice and translate them into Russian, define the tense
1. Craftsmen worked in the finest materials.
2. Techniques of working in stone, wood, and metal made tremendous progress, demonstrated by surviving large scale monuments, such as the pyramids.
3. Nearly two thousand years ago the Roman architect Vitruvius listed three basic factors in architecture.
4. Architectural design also includes the necessity to keep in mind the constant interaction of these factors.
5. Planning may control the environment by the design of architectural forms that may modify the effects of natural forces.
6. High labor cost influences the choice of techniques.
7. The characteristics of the immediate environment also influence orientation: trees, land formation.
8. The kings gave encouragement to artists and the craftsmen by ordering great temples and palaces to be built throughout Egypt.
9. Craftsmen achieved new levels of excellence.
10.Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.
Exercise 3. Rewrite and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to Modal Verbs
1. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in modern terms.
2. Without consideration of structural principles, materials, social and economic requirements a building cannot take form.
3. The oldest book, which sets forth the principles, upon which buildings should be designed and which aim is to guide the architect, is the work of Markus Vitruvius Pollio written in the first century B.C.
4. When speaking about any truly great building we cannot say that every element in it has a triple implication or significance.
5. The designer must have a good knowledge as of engineering so of building materials.
6. To make buildings habitable and comfortable, he must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood, and disease.
7. Many of the European city problems could be resolved by paying greater attention to the environment.
8. However, this architectural approach need not be a restrictive one for imaginative practitioners.
9. What must the architect control to make buildings habitable and comfortable?
10. It needs some unique type of imagination as well as long years of training and experience to make a designer capable of getting requite in the light of these three factor – use, construction, and aesthetic effect – simultaneously.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 327.