Exercise 5. Make the plan of the text in questions and translate it into Russian
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Exercise 6. Do the test

  1. It was announced to us when to expect him.

А) нам объявили, когда ожидать его.

В) Мы объявили, когда ожидать его.

С) Нам это объявили, когда мы ждали его.

2. The questions (to settle) as soon as they arrived.

a) was settled b) were settled c) will be settled d) had been settled

3. We speak very highly of her. (make sentence in Passive)

a) She is very highly spoken of.

b) We are spoken to her very highly.

c) She is spoken of we very highly. 

4. можно вычислить

a) must calculate b) should calculate c) can calculate

5. не нужно создавать

a) may not create b) needn’t create c) should not create

6. необходимо использовать

a) must use b) be allowed to use c) may use

7. Made in Space -

a) with the use of new technology

b) out of the Earth

c) made in orbital station

8. Weightlessness -

a) a condition of materials and objects when their weight is less than it can be

b) without lessness

c) a condition of materials when they weight nothing.

9. Gravitational convection -

a) The convection (carriage) of contents of a fluid, such as mass or heat, by means of currents induced in the fluid by bouyancy forces which are dependent on gravity acting upon density differences within the fluid.

b) is the concerted, collective movement of groups or aggregates of molecules within fluids (e.g., liquids, gases) and rheids, either through advection or through diffusion or as a combination of both of them

c) Transfer of heat from the engine to the automobile radiator occurs by means of forced convection.

10. Semiconductor -

a) is a material which has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor such as copper and that of an insulator such as glass.

b) is a conductor of electrical activity between copper and insulator.

c) Certain pure elements are found in Group XIV of the periodic table; the most commercially important of these elements are silicon and germanium.

11. Many well-known processes go on differently in space due to ……..

a) different density.

b)the presence of weight.

c) the absence of weight.

12. The components of stable-state liquid mixtures would separate on Earth because of ……..

a) high temperature.

b) different density.

c)different conditions.

13. It is well-known that various defects in semiconductors occur because of…..

a) weightlessness.

b) solidification.

c) convection.

14.But in zero-gravity conditions it is possible……..

a) to grow large crystals and to study their structure.

b) to lay on the ground and to study the ground.

c) to make a spacecraft and to study the space creatures.

15. make something new -

a) develop

b) create

c) organize

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Look around you. How much of what you see has been manufactured? Engineers are involved in the design and manufacture of (almost) everything from cars to computers, from web pages to widgets, from microchips to motorways. Many recent medical advances have been made as a result of work done by engineers: from brain scanners to the drug dispensers used by asthma sufferers. Engineers these days are also concerned with many important environmental and social issues: what is the best way to improve transportation and housing? How do you make recycling work efficiently?

The training that engineers receive is scientifically rigorous. The distinctions between mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists and engineers are blurring all the time. Engineers are team players and work closely with professional colleagues from other backgrounds. Very few people describe themselves as physicists or mathematicians on their passports. Nearly all 'scientists' have to apply their science at some stage and that is engineering. Studying Engineering keeps your options open. As well as gaining a broad scientific and engineering background and in-depth knowledge of the subject in which engineers specialize, the training provides with:

· the ability to apply problem-solving strategies

· a creative approach

· team-working skills

· excellent mathematical and computing skills

· the ability to analyse data

· written and oral communication and presentation skills

· research skills

These are all important transferable skills much in demand by employers. According to recent Careers Service statistics, the average starting salary of graduating engineers is higher than for any other subject, and employment prospects are excellent, with 99% finding a job within six months of the end of the course.

Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 402.