Наиболее употребительные префиксы
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

n- : common (обыкновенный) – uncommon (необыкновенный), trained (обученный) – untrained (необученный)

dis- : ability (способность) – disability (неспособность) , approval (одобрение) – disapproval (неодобрение)

un-, dis и de- : придают глаголам значения противоположного действия: to join (соединять) – to disjoin (разъединять), to centralize (централизовать) – to decentralize (децентрализовать)

non- : metallic (металлический) – non-metallic (неметаллический)

mis- : придает глаголу значение сделать что-либо неправильно, ошибочно: to apply (применять) – to misapply (неправильно использовать), to calculate (вычислять) – to miscalculate (ошибаться в расчете)

under- имеет значение недостаточно, ниже, под. Противоположен по значению префиксу over-: to estimate (оценивать) – to underestimate (недооценивать), ground (земля) – underground (под землей, подземный)

anti- имеет значение анти-, против-. Часто соответствует русскому противо-: aircraft (самолет) – anti-aircraft (противовоздушный)

co- имеет значение общности действия: to exist (существовать) – to coexist (сосуществовать)

counter- имеет значение против. Соответствует русским приставкам контр-, противо-: action (действие) – counter-action (противодействие)

en- присоединяется к существительным и прилагательным, образуя глагол: circle (круг) – to encircle (окружать), large (большой) – to enlarge (увеличивать)

inter- имеет значение между, взаимно: changeable (заменяемый) –interchangeable (взаимозаменяемый)

over- имеет значение сверх, чрезмерно. Противоположен по значению префиксу under-: to heat (нагревать) – to overheat (перегревать)

post- имеет значение после: war (война) – post-war (послевоенный)

pre- имеет значение до, перед, раньше. Противоположен по значению префиксу post-: war (война) – pre-war (довоенный)

re- имеет значение снова, вновь. Нередко соответствует русской приставке пере-: to collect (собирать) – to re-collect (вновь собрать)



III A-10. Постройте соответствующую форму прилагательных:

  1. I suspect he is not honest. He’s in fact, quite________
  2. This arrangement isn’t strictly legal. Some people would regard it as_____
  3. Sometimes she doesn’t behave in a responsible manner. She’s quite _____
  4. Such a situation is barely imaginable. It’s quite ___________
  5. Bob’s not very capable. Actually he is _______ of making sound decisions.
  6. This fish hasn’t been cooked enough. It’s________
  7. This scheme isn’t very practical, in fact it’s very_________
  8. This dates from the war. It’s _________

III A-11. Постройте существительные, пользуясь суффиксами: -age, -hood, -ation, -ion, -ful, -ence, -ency, -ness, -al, -(er)ly, -ment, -ety, -ism, -ity, -ing


I decided this, This is my_______ Don’t be so anxious. Control your _____ Ann is a socialist, she believes in ______ We all want to be happy. We all seek ______ We all agree. We’re all in _______ Who discovered it? Who made this ____? We arrive soon. We’ll be met on ____ I was a child then. That was in my ______ She is absent. Can you explain her_____? I’ll post this. What’s the ______? Try again. Have another_________ Don’t be so curious, control your_______ Be more efficient, improve your_________ Address this envelope. I’ll give you the _____ I refused their offer. My _______ is final. I warned you. I gave you enough_______ Put it in your mouth. Take one_______ Can you explain it? Is there any ______? Don’t argue. I don’t want any ______here.  

Vocabulary Practice

  1. Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.
  2. Fill in the correct word (s) from the list below:
concentrate on tolerance participate approach
issues abandon merely
motivation concept skills

a. Reading and writing are two of the....................... which are considered to be most important in life. (learnt abilities)

b. The Parent-Teacher Association meets monthly to discuss ……………….concerning the school. (topics)

c. A very complex subject is best taught using a simple……………….(method)

d. When reading a text, language learners need to ......................................... the sentence structure and prepositions, as well as the vocabulary. (pay full attention to)

e. Teaching a subject in a lively, interesting way increases a student's……………..to learn. (willingness)

f. Miss Dean has so much ... that she can handle even the most difficult of students. (patience)

g. Many teachers want to…………continual testing and concentrate more on teaching. (stop doing)

h. If you want to ... in this game, you must listen to the instructions first. (take part)

i. Arithmetic is ….…..the introduction to advanced mathematics, but it must be learnt thoroughly. (just)

j. The…………………………..of formal examinations dates back to ancient China. (idea)

  1. Fill in the correct word's) from the list below. Use the words only once.
education to go on to share to feed
life to tear operating changing
to solve to work mathematics cooperative
      1 …………………..learning 7  ................... ideas
2 ………sb with information 8  ................. in pairs
3 .................... theatre 9 a(n) ........... world
4 .................... skills 10  .......... the problems
5 ………………consultant 11  ............ department
6 …………… to say 12  ............ my hair out


  1. Underline the correct item.

1. A new teacher is joining our English part/department/section this term.

2. Cookery is a useful subject for girls and boys like/alike/ likely.

3. My brother, who speaks fluent French, coached/studied/practised me in the subject before the exam

4. The student paused/stopped/ended before answering the question.

5. Her teaching process/technique/way involves getting to know each student's needs.


  1. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.

1) alien …….sb; 2) to concentrate ……..sth; 3) to feed sb ……sth; 4) to be responsible ……sth/sb; 5) to share sth …… sb; 6) to be the key ……sth; 7) to participate …….sth; 8) to discuss…… sb; 9) to be important ………sb/sth; 10)……….detail; 11) all … ……all; 12) ……. my own; 13) to be suitable ………sb/sth

Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 363.