В английском предложении те же самые члены предложения, что и в русском:
Subject подлежащее (S) вопрос: кто/что?
Predicate сказуемое (P) вопрос: что делает/делал/сделал/сделает/будет делать?
Object дополнение: direct - прямое(Obj/dir) вопрос: кого/что? кому/чему?, indirect - косвенное(Obj/ind), prepositional - предложное (Obj/prep) вопросы: все в косвенных падежах - с кем/чем?, о ком/чем?, из кого/чего? и т.п.
Attribute определение(Attr) вопрос: какой/чей?
Adverbial modifier обстоятельство (Adv)
Порядок слов в английском предложении – жесткий, т.е. каждый член предложения всегда стоит на своем месте. В структуру предложения S-P-O могут вставляться Attr и Adv, а также косвенные и предложные Obj.
Запомните следующую схему порядка слов в предложении:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| ||||||
группа подлежащего |
Группа сказуемого |
| |||||||||
| ||||||||||
| Attr | Obj(prep) | Attr | Obj(ind) |
| ||||||
Obj(prep) |
| Obj(ind) | |||||||||
ADV | S | PR | OBJ(dir) | ADV |
| ||||||
| Obj(prep) | ||||||||||
Attr | Attr | ADV | Attr | Attr | |||||||
| ||||||||||
UsersS askedPr librariansObj (ind) questionsObj (dir). Пользователи задавали библиотекарям вопросы. YoungAttr usersS asked Pr professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir) about the Internet Attr. Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете. (In the reading hall) Adv(0) young Attr usersS(1) asked Pr(2) professional Attr librarians Obj (ind) many Attr questions Obj (dir3a) about the Internet Attr in the reading hallAdv(0). Молодые пользователи задавали профессиональным библиотекарям много вопросов об Интернете в читальном зале. |
| ||||||||||
В предложении могут присутствовать два прямых дополнения (Objects) – в этом случае первое будет переводиться дательным падежом, а второе винительным:
- Give the boy this book – Дай мальчику книгу
Первое “дательное” дополнение можно переставить, но тогда в английском предложении появится to:
- Give this book to the boy
Порядок обстоятельств времени и места в предложении – в начале и в конце. Если обстоятельств времени и места в предложении несколько, то их порядок следующий:
(когда?)-(где?) – S-P-O – (как?)-где?-когда?
-Yesterday at the stadium he walked dangerousely along the top of the wall - Around the square they saw nice buildings and the statue of the queen in the middle - A few years ago my research was top of the pops in the world of applied linguistics |
Если в предложении два обстоятельства, одно из которых намного длиннее другого, то оно ставится в конце предложения:
-They left at 3.00 with a great deal of noise
I A-6. Найдите в следующих преложениях Nouns, определите, какими членами предложения они являются и переведите все предложения на русский язык.
1. In this chapter we discuss the factors for the organizations of the book collections.
2. In scientific institutions most technicians have a broad knowledge of organizing principles and methods.
3. Users can find any item with minimum effort and time.
4. The association represents all types of libraries – public, school, academic, state, and special libraries.
5. The South American Industry Association is the oldest and the largest organization.
6. Space requirements are discussed in the 3-d section.
I A-7. Исправьте предложения так, чтобы они имели смысл:
1. The passport examined the customs officer
2. These catalogues don’t like researchers
3. Have the new sales department seen the visitors
4. The breakfast has enjoyed the guests.
5. Give these books engineers on topography.
6. My tutor sent American researchers to his latest achievements.
7. These “interdependence” gave the name this phenomenon of psychologists.
I A-8. Постройте предложения в нужном порядке
in October/my term/begins
from the bank/a loan/you’ll have to get
of the Scottish people /are able to speak /2 percent / Gaelic
from the four /is derived mainly /Germanic dialects /Modern English
rejected / of the pope / Henry VIII / the absolute supremacy
the introduction of/ also saw /the 19th century/ from /sects / the United States
I A-9. Выберите правильный вариант
1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _______.
1) sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery
2) sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully
3) sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week
4) sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers
2. The professor said that _______________.
1) the students their reports can be received on Monday
2) the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him
3) the students could hand in their reports on Monday
4) the students will on Monday the reports hand in
3. The teachers have had some problems deciding ___________.
1) when to the students they shall return the final papers
2) when are they going to return to the students the final papers
3) when they should return the final papers to the students
4) the time when the final papers they should return for the students
4. This year will be difficult for this organization because ____________.
1) they have less money and volunteers than they had last year
2) they have money less and volunteers fewer than last year they had
3) the last year they did not have as few and little volunteers money
4) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were
Vocabulary Practice
1. Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.
2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:
let alone | rejecting | predicting | adolescence |
signify | gain | glowing skin | consume |
nutrients | limit | research | tend to |
a. Vegetables are an essential part of our diet as they contain a lot of ……. (healthy substances)
b. I don't even know what a breadfruit looks like, ................................. what it tastes like! (not to mention)
c. You should ................................... the amount of chocolate you eat if you want to lose weight. (restrict)
d. The stars on the label .......... that the brandy is of the best quality. (mean)
e. Scientific ......... has shown that saturated fats are a major cause of cancer. (investigation)
f. People who eat lots of sweets ………… have dental problems. (are likely to)
g. Jill is overweight because she ate so much junk food during her ……..(teenage years)
h. Her .................. is a result of all the fruit and vegetables she eats. (healthylooking complexion)
i. More and more people are …………meat in favour of more fruit and vegetables. (not accepting)
j. Unless you cut down on junk food and sweets, you will …………. weight! (put on)
k. Nutritionists are ...... that junk food consumption will increase in the near future. (foreseeing)
l. Young people ………… large amounts of carbonated drinks with their meals. (take in)
3.Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.
1) to be popular ..................... sb; 2) to be high …….. calories; 3) to be associated ……. sb/sth; 4) to be aware ……… sth; 5) to suffer ………. sth; 6) to deal sb/sth; 7) to be lacking ………………. sth; 8) the loss …………sb/sth; 9) to miss out ……….. sth; 10) to prefer sb/sth …………… sb/ sth
Сказуемое (Predicate)
Слово не является сказуемым, если
· перед ним стоит частица to
Подчеркните словосочетания, не являющиеся сказуемыми:
II A - 1
II A – 2
II A – 4
II A – 5
Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 319.