Определение вида Perfect (совершенного)
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Have, has, had всегда указывают на то, что это -совершенный (законченный) вид, если:

1. этот компонент не является последним компонентом сказуемого

2. после него не идет частица 'to'.

3. этот компонент не является единственным компонентом сказуемого

4. после него стоит глагол в третьей форме (в соотв. с таблицей неправильных глаголов или с окончанием -ed)


1. shall have (-) I shall have breakfast 2. does not have( -) He doesn’t have time      3. has (-) Mary has a lot of friends 4. has not done (+) He has not completed his education yet       5. were having (-) They were having lunch at that time yesterday 6. had to do(-) The engeneer had to check the data once again        7. had been written (+) The program had been written by the time they received the instructions

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Сказуемые has had, have had , had had - всегда Perfect

Переводится Perfect на русский язык глаголом совершенного вида:

We have completed our work = Мы закончили (нельзя: Мы заканчивали)

We will have completed our work by 6= мы закончим


Найдите сказуемое в Perfect  

V A-9.

was having

has not done

have been housed

shall do

have to go

will have

has had


shall have to take

does not have

had to give

Определение вида Continuous (несовершенного/продолженного).

Окончание -ing у глагола является признаком несовершенного (продолженного) вида, если этот глагол:

1. не является 1-ым компонентом

2. впереди него имеется глагол to be в одной из личных форм



1. is being done (+) The program is being written 2. having completed( -) Having completed his work early he didn’t know what to do. 3. shall be reading (+) Tommorrow at six I’ll be reading this lecture at History Dep. 4. being asked (-) He hated being asked 5. are watching(+) We are watching TV at present

На русский язык переводится обычно глаголом несовершенного вида

I will be translating this article at 5 =Я буду переводить (нельзя: Я переведу)


Найдите вид Continuous:  
V A-ll. am doing              being answered were being done       will be writing having passed         having been read asking                 was having V A-12. being stick were being created    will be flying having produced       having been reduced acting                was running am pressing


Определение вида lndefinite(Simple)(простого неопределенного).

Неопределенный (простой) вид определяется методом отрицания: если нет признаков Perfect или Continuous, значит это Indefinite.



were doing -          took+ (He took my book) was done + (The research was done unthoroughly ) have been moved - have taken -      have + (I have a computer)

Indefinite переводится на русский глаголом несовершенного или совершенного вида.

I go to the University every day = Я хожу в Университет

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 1: при переводе сказуемых в Present Continuous и Indefinite на русский язык необходимо в первом случае подчеркивать процесс совершения действия, а во втором - регулярность действия.

I visit my friends very often = Я часто навещаю своих друзей

I’m visiting my friends = Я сейчас у своих друзей

I go to the University every day = Я хожу в Университет

I am going to the University = Я иду в университет

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 2: сказуемое в Past Continuous лучше переводить глаголом несовершенного вида, а сказуемое в Past Indefinite - глаголом совершенного вида:

I was visiting my friends yesterday = Я навещал своих друзей

I visited my friends yesterday = Я навестил своих друзей


V A-14 Выпишите сказуемые только в Indefinite.

shall be doing       has will come            have been translated am doing had had were having          shall have been written does not answer      will be going  
V A-15. Определите время и вид следующих сказуемых: will be moving        had will pass            have been contained am drinking          has had  were watching     shall have created does not resist     will be flowing shall be attached   moved V A-16. is designing had completed works shall accomplish has swept houses will attach am having will be reading reported , has been translated is passing shall be reducing provided had been retracted

V A-15 Определите аспект и время сказуемых:

was taken, will be taken, had taken, would take, is built, have been built, will have built, built, was being felt, are feeling, will have been felt, were writen, has writen, writes, are being writen, have read, will read, shall have been read, were read, is being seen, am seeing, are seen, saw, had done, will be done, were doing, shall do, make, are being made, made, will have been made, should be going, are gone, goes, has gone, will go, will have left, was left, are leaving, leave, were getting, will be got, has got, am getting.

V A-16 Переведите сказуемые:

is eating, will eat, was eating, had eaten, shall begin, will have begun, began, shall begin, have blown, were blowing, is blowing, has chosen, will choose, chose, buys, were buying, were bringing, had brought, has come, came, was coming, will be coming, shall have drawn, has drawn, drew, draws, has found, am finding, have found, knew, will know, gives, gave, is thinking, thought, is keeping


V A-17 Определите сказуемое, его время и аспект, переведите предлжения на русский язык:

1. The most important features specifying the place of articulation of consonants are interior.

2. Chomsky and Halle used the features high/nonhigh and low/nonlow to specify the height of the tongue.

3. The relationship between the two concepts is, however, more complicated.

4. Such widely varying evaluations have influenced different theories concerning the nature of social structure.

5. This phrase expresses the Marxian view that the basic structure of society is economic.

6. In agreement with Jakobson, they had claimed that each feature functions as a binary opposition.

7. For instance, the first segment of the phonological representation of "man" will not include the above-mentioned feature.

8. Linguists are now studying much more intensively than they have in the past the complexities of the interdependence of syntax.

9. Educational psychologists applied themselves to the task of early identification and discovery of talented persons.

10.    And in Italy, the Phenomenology circle has centred around Enzo Paci


Анализ сказуемого с точки зрения категории залога (Voice)

В английском языке, как и в русском, существуют 2 типа залога: Active (активный) и Passive (пассивный) Voice(Залог) - отношение между подлежащим и дополнением  в предложении. Эта взаимообусловленная связь выражается с помощью сказуемого.


Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 290.