Depending on the principle of a ship’s organization and type of power plant, the engine department with the chief engineer at the head can include several engineers, electrical engineers, refrigeration engineer, motormen (oilers and wipers), welder and electricians.
Engine department personnel operate, maintain and repair internal combustion engines, boilers, steam turbines and main propulsion plant, refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Engine department participate in emergency repair.
We call marine engineers according to their rank as Chief Engineer, First Assistant/2nd Engineer and Second Assistant/3rd Engineer. Those who join without experience are Trainee Marine Engineers (TMEs) or Junior Engineers. Those who join without an engineering license are given the rank of Engine Cadet. There are also two ratings such as a wiper and an oiler. Only the latter one keeps watch.
A Chief Engineer is responsible only to the Master and is a licensed mariner. He is in charge of the Engine Department. The Chief is responsible for all ship’s machinery and control systems, most paperwork (ordering spare parts) and directly supervises engine repairs. He determines the fuel, lube oil and other consumables that are required for a voyage and prepares the engine room for inspection by local marine authorities. The Chief Engineer should be in the engine room during maneuvering operations.
The 1st Assistant Engineer or the 2nd Engineer is the next in rank to the chief engineer. He is in charge for daily activities of the engine room personnel. The 2nd engineer supervises maintenance and repair work. He is a watchstanding engineer and is responsible for the main engine, fire main system, water ballast system and refrigeration system.
The 2nd Assistant Engineer or the 3rd Engineer is a watchstanding engineer in an attended engine room or a duty engineer in an unattended machinery space (UMS). He is in charge of bunkering operations and is responsible for auxiliary boilers.
Engine Cadet is a student of some Maritime Academy or University doing a sea apprenticeship to become a Third Assistant Engineer or 4th Engineer. They usually work under the supervision of a watchkeeping engineer. They are mostly only day workers and are usually given one day off per week to study for gaining their licenses.
Because of the large degree of automation in the engine rooms of modern ships, very few crewmen are required for the engine room maintenance.
Key words and expressions to the text:
1. ship’s organization распорядок службы и жизни на судне
2. oilier смазчик, моторист 1 класса
3. wiper обтирщик, моторист 2 класс
4. welder сварщик
5. engineering watch вахта в машинных отделениях
6. internal combustion engine двигатель внутреннего сгорания
7. main propulsion plant силовая установка
8. to supervise наблюдать; осуществлять надзор
9. bunkering operations бункеровочные операции
10. maintenance техническое обслуживание, содержание в
исправном состоянии
11. lube oil смазочное (машинное) масло
12. consumables расходные материалы
13. spare parts запасные детали (части)
14. apprenticeship курс практического обучения
15. to gain the license получить лицензию
Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the chief engineer’s functions? 2. What engineer supervises engine department repair and maintenance work? 3. What are the duties of the 3rd engineer officer? 4. Whom does the engine department consist of? 5. What must the chief engineer ensure first of all? 6. What else is he responsible for? 7. What do you know about the engine cadet, wiper or oiler?
Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. The task of the 2nd Engineer was to prepare the engine room for inspection by local authorities, but he failed to do it in time.
2. He managed to repair the propulsion system of the vessel.
3. While doing a sea apprenticeship he became familiar with new equipment and its maintenance.
4. As a future marine engineer I must learn how to operate the propulsion and other systems onboard the vessel.
5. He has just reported to the Chief that we are short of the necessary spare parts.
6. We used to maintain heavy machinery by hand, but it became easier because of the large degree of automation.
7. He must ensure proper operation, maintenance and repair of the machinery, equipment and control system.
Exercise 8 . Translate into English.
1. Старший механик подчиняется только капитану.
2. Смазчик и обтирщик также входят в состав службы технической эксплуатации.
3. Стармех несет ответственность за безопасное и эффективное управление машинным отделением.
4. Одной из дополнительных обязанностей второго механика является исправная работа системы охлаждения.
5. 3-ий механик отвечает за вспомогательные и утилизационные (waste-heat) котлы.
6. Благодаря высокой степени автоматизации оборудования механикам и мотористом легче работать в машинном отделении.
7. Каждый механик должен уметь управлять силовой установкой.
8. Старший механик не подготовил машинное отделение для проверки местными властями.
9. Кто на судне отвечает за документацию и заказ запасных деталей?
10. Нам приходилось работать в тяжелых условиях, но за эту работу мы получали неплохие деньги.
11. Час назад второй механик доложил о происшествии главному механику.
12. Ремонт нового оборудования проходил под контролем вахтенного механика.
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 307.