Read the text and find out the meanings of the underlined
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Words and phrases from the context.


Legend has it, the word "tip" itself came years ago from a pub own­er who used the acronym on a box "To Insure Promptness." In that spirit, tipping should be thought of first and foremost as a reward for prompt and attentive service.

In reality, tipping etiquette has evolved into a secret subculture with hidden expectations that aren't always well understood by travellers. Break the secret code behind tipping etiquette.

Time Your Tipping

Depending on the timing, tipping can be a reward for good service rendered, or a subtle bribe. If you are using the service of one person repeatedly throughout your trip (say, a doorman) feel free to tip all at once at the end of your stay. If, however, you would like to ensure special ser­vice throughout your stay (sav. from the concierge), a larger tip up front is a good idea. Tipping etiquette says either is acceptable.

Keep Bills Handy For Tipping

Keep several one dollar bills handy in an accessible pocket. You don't want to be digging for them when you're juggling luggage. Keep the bills neatly folded in groups of one or two bills.

Don't Ask For Change


According to tipping etiquette, it creates a very awkward situation to ask for change from the person you are tipping. If for some reason you don't have a tip ready, just skip it. You can get change from somewhere else, and return with your tip at some point in the future.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

Know Your Tipping Tendencies

Be aware of your own unconscious tipping tendencies. Studies show women tend to tip men more generously (and men tip women better). Tipping goes up universally when the weather is good, lower when it is not. Attractive women earn higher tips, as do attentive men, so don't make mistakes.

Know the Tipping Policy

Increasingly, higher-end hotels are instituting "no tipping policies" that include gratuities in the price of the room. Some, particularly re­sorts, are charging a daily fee that covers all gratuities. Ask when you book.

Bed and Breakfast Tipping Etiquette

In general, tipping etiquette dictates that business owners are not giv­en tips. Most B&Bs fall under that category, and indeed, most have "no tipping" policies in place. If you are in doubt, ask about their tipping pol­icy when you book your room. (If the housekeeping staff is not part of the family, do tip them as you would in a hotel.)

Tipping Is Never Required

It may be expected in many situations, but tipping is never required. Tipping hotel staff and drivers should be at your discretion, and should be thought of as a reward for excellent service. Don't feel obligated to give a tip if the service given was not very good. On the other hand, con­sider giving a larger tip for those who go out of their way to provide per­sonalized or stand-out service. Although it is not required, tipping eti­quette says that unless service was severely lacking in some way, do give a tip of some sort (or at least a smile and a thank you).

Tipping Etiquette Varies Worldwide

These tipping guidelines are for the United States only. Expectations (and tipping amounts) can be quite a bit different in other countries. Check a travel guide for the particular country you will be visiting for the proper tipping etiquette.

From Charlyn Keating Chisholm


Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if



Etiquette, owner, thought, reward, subtle, throughout, however, con­cierge, acceptable, accessible, awkward, generously, gratuities, increas­ingly, discretion, obligated, required, severely.

Unit 6. Hotels

2. Answer the questions.

1. Where does the word "tip" come from?

2. Why are tips given?

3. Who are tips given to?

4. When and where are tips required?

5. When is better to tip: up front, daily throughout your stay or at the end of your stay?

6. How much tips should you leave to whom?

7. What is inappropriate when tipping?

8. What are the most common unconscious tipping tendencies?

9. What different tipping policies hotels can have?

10. What is peculiar about tipping at Bed & Breakfasts?

11. What special services can you tip for?

12. When can you do without tipping?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the underlined words and word

Combinations in the text.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


Прежде всего; своевременное и внимательное обслуживание; оставить чаевые (2); утонченная взятка; на протяжении всего пу­тешествия; храните банкноты аккуратно сложенными; согласно этикету чаевых; неловкая ситуация; просить сдачу; просто пропу­стите это; более щедро; привлекательные женщины; внимательные мужчины; чаевые включены в стоимость; ежедневная плата; спра­шивайте, когда заказываете номер; если вы сомневаетесь; чаевые не обязательны; по вашему желанию; с одной стороны; с другой стороны; если не; по крайней мере.


5. Make up word combinations, translate and find them in the

pub etiquette
attentive women
tipping bribe
hidden service
subtle amount
accessible tendencies
awkward situation
unconscious staff
attractive owner


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

housekeeping        country

tipping                  pocket

particular              expectations

6. Discuss tipping tendencies in this country.

1. Who do you usually leave tips to?

2. Do you always give tips to people who serve you?

3. How much do you leave in tip at a restaurant? Taxi? Hairdress­er's? Hotel?

7. Write an essay on the topic "Tipping Policies In My Country"

(200 words).

8. Match the word with its definition and compare the meanings.

Maid / housekeeping staff — a person whose job is to bring you some­thing to your room, e.g. your breakfast, or if something is missing or if you just want extra service

Room service — a person who leads the guests to their rooms

and show them around the hotel Maintenance — a person who opens the front door for you Doorman           — a person whose job is to deal with people when

they first arrive, to answer the phone and to arrange reservations or appointments Porter — a person who cuts and dyes your hair, or just

does your hair and helps you to choose the haircut to match you perfectly Bell boy             — a person who does you nails

Concierge         — a person or people who keep the building and

the building's facilities in good working condi­tions, they also do minor repairing FVont desk / receptionist — a person who parks your car when you

arrive at a party or at a hotel Manicurist — a person whose job is to carry things

Hair stylist        — a person whose job is to serve people in a place

Massage therapist — a person whose job is to clean the rooms of the


Swimming pool attendant — a person who does you the massage Parking attendant — a person who keeps the keys from the rooms,


takes and gives messages, deals with incoming and outgoing post

Unit 6. Hotels

9. Choose the right word from the list below. Translate the arti­cle.


As an alternative to a_________________________ we recommend the Spin­drift Inn, a_______________________ hotel with a great___________________ over­looking Monterey Bay. Just down the street from the fabulous Monterey

Bay Aquarium and within__________________ distance of downtown


In the heart of Cannery Row and directly on the____________________________

sits the Spindrift Inn. The Inn's distinctive____________________ — hand

tiled floors, Oriental_______________________ , antiques, original art and wood

burning ______________ — invites you in to this unique property. Each

______________ of the Spindrift has a wood-burning fireplace, goose

down feather__________________ , comforters and pillows and

________________  brass baths. Some rooms have ocean

______________ .All 42 rooms have in-room robes, all cotton pastel

______________ , nightly turn down service,___ tele­phone, in-room CD players, special toiletries, soaps and other

Rooms include: Continental ____________________________ delivered to the

rooms, afternoon___________________ and cheese reception and newspa­per___ .

This is a AAA four diamond and Mobil three_____________________ hotel.

Guestroom, marble, second, wine, bed and breakfast, guestroom, star; lobby, amenities, linens, beds, carpets, lovely, beach, delivery, break­fast, location, walking, fireplace.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 543.