Match the synonyms in columns. Translate the pairs and find
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
them in the text.  
very fast overloaded
overcrowded carapace
highway huge
immediately frequently
people rapidly
shell human beings
very often anger
large clear
common motorway
rage usual
obvious at once


Match the antonyms in columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

urban evil

on the other hand

in particular





slow down fast




Form antonyms using negative prefixes ил-, in-, il-, im-, dis-, mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Translate the pairs.

Pleasant, significant, mature, expensive, predictable, considerable.

on the whole







on one hand


speed up




10. Give plural forms of the following nouns:

Phenomenon, oddity, bus, story, century, law, man, community, line,


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

11. Make a summary of the text.


12. Study the car appearance. Describe the car (at least 12—15 sen­tences).



Rear window Spoiler

/            / Boot (BrE) - Trunk (AmE)


Sid© window

Bonnet (BrE) - Hood Heed {amps (AmE)


Five-spoke cast aluminum wheel

Tyre (BrE) ® Tire (AmE)

Exhaust pipe



Tail lamps (AmE) Number ptete



Match the words with definitions.




Driver or motorist

Hood or bonnet Think or boot


Steering wheel


Accelerator covered space in the back where you put and carry your luggage.

a circular object that turns around on a rod attached to its center, four such things fixed un­derneath the vehicle and actually move it. a metal cover over the engine of the vehicle, the part of the vehicle that produces the power to make it move, a person who drives the vehicle, a pedal in a vehicle which is pressed to make the vehicle go faster.

the circular object held by the driver when driv­ing, used to direct the vehicle's movement, the gauge that shows the speed you are driving at.



Make at least 12—15 sentences about other things necessary for the car. Study the vocabulary.

The Car Vocabulary

windscreen — лобовое стекло

rear window = back window — заднее стекло

side window — боковое стекло

Unit 5. Travelling By Car

windscreen-wiper, steering wiper (AmE) — дворник на лобовом стекле

back wiper — задний дворник

bonnet (BrE) = hood (AmE) — капот

boot(BrE) = trunk (AmE) — багажник

short range light — ближний свет

long-range light — дальний свет

headlights — фары

head lamps (AmE) — передние фары

tail lamps (AmE) — задние фары

indicator — индикатор поворота

spoiler — спойлер

front — передний

rear — задний

steering wheel — руль

backward movement — задний ход

number plate — табличка с номером автомобиля

wing — крыло

bumper — бампер

seatbelt — ремень безопасности

wheel — колесо

five-spoke cast aluminum wheel — литое пятиспицевое алюминиевое колесо

tyre (BrE) = tire (AmE) — шина/покрышка

disk — диск

roof — крыша

door — дверь

handle — ручка двери

exhaust pipe — выхлопная труба

driver's seat — сиденье водителя

bucket seat — переднее пассажирское сиденье, одиночное сиденье

bench seat — сиденье в виде скамьи, лавки

rear seat — заднее сиденье

dashboard — приборная панель

steering wheel — руль

speedometer — спидометр

fuel gauge — индикатор топлива

horn — клаксон/сигнал

glove compartment / glove box — бардачок

ignition — зажигание, замок зажигания

brake pedal — педаль тормоза


accelerator — педаль газа (акселератор)

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

clutch — сцепление, педаль сцепления handbrake — ручной тормоз transmission, gear box — коробка передач gear lever — рычаг переключения скоростей automatic — автоматический manual — ручной

to rev — увеличивать скорость, увеличивать число оборотов двига­теля

Choose the right word from the list below. Translate the article.


Few carmakers offer the range or diversity Honda builds into the Civic ___________ . There are sedans, coupes and a hatchback, with an em­phasis on convenience, performance or fuel efficiency and low

__ of operation. All are notable for their excellent

___ economy, free-rewing engines and solid handling,

including the electrically assisted Hybrid. Up-level Civics come with

powerful VTEC engines that deliver brisk______________________ . The

Si hatchback is the flagship performance model, and a favorite among young enthusiast ______ f°r good reason. All provide su­perb comfort for front-seat passengers.

Three specialized Civics are designed specifically to ___  environmental impact and deliver better fuel econ­omy than all but a few cars currently available. The Civic HX coupe drives on regular unleaded. There's also a Civic GX sedan that ______ natural gas; Honda claims it has the cleanest in­ternal combustion________ in the world.

Subtle styling changes were made for 2004 when bumpers, hoods, headlights and grilles on the coupe and sedan were

___ to emphasize a baby-brother resemblance to the

slick, smooth Honda Accord. The sporty Si hatchback was trimmed with new head— and tail lamps. All Civics were improved with less visible updates that reduced____________________ and vibration inside.

Nearly four decades after its introduction, the Honda Civic can right­fully be called an________________________ icon. It remains one of Ameri­ca's best-selling small_______________ for good reason.

By Mitch McCullough


Acceleration, engine, cars, line, noise, fuel, to redesign, cost, automo­tive, to burn, to minimize, drivers.

Unit 5. Travelling By Car

16. Say if these statements are true of false. Correct the false state­ments.

1. Private car ownership has grown greatly.

2. All the territory of Britain is covered with roads.

3. Britain doesn't build new roads any more.

4. Britain has no problems with traffic.

5. Road rage is an ancient phenomenon.

6. Road accident figures increase with the number of vehicles on the road.

7. In Britain the cars drive on the left.

8. Britain is the only country in the world where car drive on the left.

9. There is no public transport in Britain.

10. There are many cars and drivers in Britain.

17. Say what you think about the following statements. Give your points.


I don't really know, but I think...

To tell the truth I know little about..., but...

I don't actually know much about it, but...

... is something I don't know very much about, but...

1. Britain has a lot of problems with traffic.

2. The more roads people build the more traffic they create.

3. The Tube is modern and extremely efficient.

4. The Channel Tunnel is a high speed road.

5. Drivers create traffic jams themselves.

6. Road rage is a common phenomenon all over the world.

7. British government needs to invest more money into the Channel Tunnel.

8. The British are proud of driving on the left side of the road.

18. Discuss:

1. Road rage phenomenon exists in Russia and in Britain alike.

2. Road rules are respected by almost everybody in Britain. What about Russia?

3. British drivers prefer not to switch to public transport. Why?

4. Cars are the most dangerous means of transport.


5. The Channel Tunnel is a cause of a considerable embarrassment to the British. Will the situation change?

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

19. Speak about... seat belt laws in Russia. Compare them with British ones.

20. Explain why in Britain the cars still drive on the left.



to rent a car — взять автомобиль напрокат

rental agency = rentals — прокат автомобилей

special weekend rate — специальная цена со скидкой на выходные

regular rate — обычная цена

equipment — снаряжение

I'm used to driving... — я привык водить ...

station wagon — автомобиль с кузовом «универсал»; многоместный,

чаще всего пятидверный легковой автомобиль automatic transmissions — автоматическая коробка передач to pick up — забрать to include — включать insurance — страховка

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 691.