Ex. 1. Answer the following questions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. What are PR services? (examples)

2. Due to what the financial shortfall has been exacerbated by?

3. What are the key elements to PR news?

4. What does constitute news?

5. What is the difference between the narrative and the press release? Name several advantages of media releases.

6. What are the drawbacks of press notices?

7. Name the top tips for writing press releases.

8. What are the peculiarities of writing articles for the print media?

9. How can you increase the impact of your story? (Tips)

10. How to win with the media when doing a media interview?

11. Describe the process of selling a story to the media.

12.  How do the media and journalists operate (in terms of public relations)?

13. What does one need to keep up to date on market conditions?

14. What are the methods of dealing with hostile stories?

15. What evidence can you find of PR being used to play down the stories (examine some hostile stories in the media).

Ex. 2. Match the words and word-combinations with definitions:

digital communication a.exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength
Equation b.process of narrating having a powerful and irresistible effect
Prowess c.to manage to make someone understand or believe something
Exacerbate d. a publication or broadcast program that provides news and feature stories to the public through various distribution channels.
advertising revenue e. a plan designed to take account of a possible future event or circumstance
compelling narrative f.Make full use of and derive benefit from smth
pin down g. make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
get message across h.react in an immoderate way
cornerstone of media relations i.a thing that persuades or leads someone to do something
in-house jargon j.the property in your press release that really makes a person read it
blob k.something that seems to have no definite shape
punchy l.to understand or describe something exactly
to be bland m.electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally
rule of thumb n.a fake version of something used to play a trick or lead you into danger
media outlet o.to keep an angry unhappy feeling that you have when you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect
go overboard p. an important article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
to strike a balance q.a small quantity or brief experience of something, intended as a sample
press shots r.to use power or influence to affect the ability to influence what people do
write a caption s.having a strong effect because it expresses something clearly in only a few words
contingency plan t.showing no strong emotions or excitement; not saying anything very interesting
put somebody off u.the ways that newspapers, magazines, websites, radio etc., make money.
news hook v.a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory
the taster w. able to be defended with logic or justification; valid.
to exploit knowledge x. saturation with the news
legitimate y. to take someone's attention away from what they want to be doing or should be doing
a glut of news z.to emerge and develop rapidly:
to sprout z1.the specialized language conducted within, coming from, or being within an organization or group
inducement z2. accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side
valuable commodity z3.a picture taken that could be used in the newspaper, magazine or other type of media to the public.
to exert leverage z4.a situation or problem in which a number of factors need to be considered
decoy z5. write a title, short explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or a photograph
store up resentment z6.an indispensable and fundamental basis


Ex. 3. Complete the words and translate the following sentences into Russian:


1. His fame has nothing whatsoever to do with his p__________ on the football field or in the political arena.

2. His revelations of these falsehoods, fictions, fabrications and fantasies are backed by c____________ evidence and cohesive argument.

3. The first key aspect to effectively g_______ your m_______ a______ is preparation.

4. Under the Government's new licensing act, if a disorder problem can be p_______ d_____ to a particular bar, pub or club, the licensee will be hauled before the council's licensing committee.

5. Despite their adolescence, it is on these countries that the United States depends as a c____________ of its energy policy.

6. The current station is far from perfect, but at least it has character, which this b_____, uninspired new design fails to achieve.

7. I want to suggest that this is in fact a rather useful r_____ of t_______ for linguists and philologists.

8. M_______ o________ is a publication or broadcast program that provides news and feature stories to the public through various distribution channels.

9. So you think the press has g____ o____________ on this story?

10. They didn't have a c___________ p_____ for a major event.

11. She has been choosing her theatre work very carefully, s_________ a b_________ between family and work time.

12. This timeline presents the total global a____________ r_________ from 2007 to 2010 and provides a forecast until 2016.

13. What's led to a g_____ of n_____ sites, in a place where print flourishes and when even foreign sites aren't profitable?

14. We need to g___ the m__________ a_______ that this PR campaign is effective.

15. It was time Johannesburg residents and other key stakeholders looked at waste as an opportunity and a v___________ c_____________.


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