Ex. 2. Match the words with definitions
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1.to overlap with smth 1.to avoid doing smth in a clever or dishonest way
2.non – partisan 2.loyal and showing strong belief in smth or strong support for smth
3.allegiance 3.special knowledge or skill that you get from experience, training or study
4.to dodge 4.not supporting any political party; staying impartial, fair, even-handed
5.to waylay 5.to continue to cause problems for a person or organization for a long time
6.staunch 6.severe; making difficult demands
7.expertise 7.someone whose job is to give journalists information that makes a politician or organization seem as good as possible
8. to pay heed to smth  8. to examine smth very carefully
9. to haunt smb 9. to make a problem or difficult situation seem less important than it is
10. to shun smb/smth 10. to make smth less clear or noticeable
11. to enshrine 11. to cause trouble for smb over a long period of time
12. to scrutinize 12. to separate into different kinds; to divide smth as a total amount into separate parts
13. to dog smb 13. to understand or describe smth exactly
14. stringent (rules, laws, acts, limits) 14. dealing fairly with all the people involved in a situation
15. to blur (the line, difference, distinction) between smth 15. to try to the like smb or smth else usually because you admire them
16. disrepute (to drag/bring smb into disrepute) 16. to give careful attention to smb’s advice or warning
17. watertight (argument, plan, contract) 17. strong loyalty to a person, group, idea or country
18. die-hard 18. the practice of saying things   publicly that are intended to harm  someone’s reputation
19. to play down a problem 19. to officially record smth as the idea or principle in a document so that it cannot be ignored
20. spin doctor 20. someone who refuses to accept changes or new ideas
21. mudslinging 21. saying what is true or what you think even is this offends or upsets people
22. even-handed 22. done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing smth bad or illegal
23. turn-out 23. a situation in which people have no respect for smb or smth
24. to lump together 24. to appear again after not being seen for a period of time; to start to have an effect again
25. to keep (stay) abreast to smth 25. to put people or things into the same group, although they do not really belong together
26. to abhor smth/smb 26. to deliberately avoid a person, place or activity
27. to pin down 27. to make sure that you know all the most recent and important information about smth
28. blatant 28. produced with great care so that there is no possibility of doubt, mistakes or unintended results
29. to resurface 29. to stop smb who is going somewhere especially to trouble them or to hurt them
30. blunt 30. the number of voters in election; or the number of people who come to the event
31. to break down 31. dislike smth or smb very much, especially when you think it is immoral
32. to emulate 32. to be similar in some ways but not very every way


Ex.3 Complete the words.

1. He was w_____ by a couple of the prisoners.

2. He is a s_______ supporter of the Democratic party.

3. He was a shy man who s_______ all publicity.

4. The newspaper report deliberately b_______ the distinction between the union’s member and its leadership.

5. Legislation is s______ properly from every point of view.

6. These fundamental freedoms are e_______ in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

7. The government had p______ no h______ to agricultural advisers.

8. Government communication is about informing citizens in a n_____- p_____ way about government policy.

9. The White House s______ d______ are hard at work explaining the President’s about face on taxes.

10. They get smart accountants to help them d_______ taxes.

11.  S_______ measures were undertaken to deal with street crime.

12.  The only w______ argument is to prohibit any contact between the two organizations.

13.  He’ll only get the votes of d______ Conservatives.

14.  Such negative campaigns can degenerate into m________

15.  Let it be b________- younger people will not buy this car.

16.  Their marketing manager switched a_______ from the company to their main competitor.

17.  The president b________ the office i_______ d_______ and destroyed the people trust.

18.  Government PR aims to provide citizens with the information they need in an e_______- h_______ way.

19.  The company is known to develop its own e_______ in the view of computer programming.

20.  The committee may find their past errors returning to h________ them.

21.  Economics and politics are best studied together as the two subjects o_______

22.  We were d______ by bad luck throughout the journey.

23.  At first the government p______ d______ the threat to public health.

24.  The cost of these two trips can be l______ t________ for tax purposes.

25.  His ambition was to e_______ his mother and become a member of Parliament as she had been once.

26.  It was a b______ attempt to influence the judge.

27.  The amount doesn’t seem quite, so bad when you b_______ it d______ into monthly payments.

28.  I a_______ cruelty to animals.

29.  Officials are trying to p________ d______ the cause of widespread power cuts.

30.  Read the papers if you want to k_______ a_______ o______ the time of the latest developments in the news.

31.  He r_______ on Thursday and was detained by police at Frankfurt airport.

32.  We are expecting quite a low t_______ for the local elections.


Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 412.