Ex. 2. Match the words with definitions
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1. to resurrect 1. to defeat smb in a game or competition
2. to orchestrate 2. to make a bad situation worse
3. to jostle for smth 3. to look at various places one after another on the Internet
4. to wax and wane 4. to avoid smth difficult or unpleasant
5. avid (customer, reader, supporter) 5. negative, unpleasant, harmful
6. narrowcasting 6. a statement showing or saying that smth is not true
7. to thrive 7. to compete for smth
8. to sidestep (a problem, a question, an issue) 8. to become bigger and stronger and then smaller and weaker
9. adverse (comment, information) 9. to be very enthusiastic about smth you do regularly
10. to strike a chord with smb 10. to pass through or spread into every part of a thing, place
11. subterfuge 11. not interesting, exciting or original
12. to get to grips with a problem 12. to make smth exist again or to start to use smth again after it has disappeared, has been forgotten or stopped being used
13. to outgun smb 13. to make smb respond in an emotional way by feeling sympathy/pleasure
14. mainstay 14. the process of programming to a selected, highly defined demographic group
15. to permeate 15. to plan and organize a complicated event or course of action, so that it achieves the result you want
16. to mushroom 16. to gradually change and develop over a period of time
17. to fan the flames 17. to get smth by tricking people
18. detractor 18. the person of thing that smth depends on in order to continue or be successful
19. a rebuttal 19. the use of lies and tricks
20. standalone 20. to be very impressed and slightly confused by smth
21. unwieldy 21. bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible cost
22. to scroll up/down 22. to become very successful, happy or healthy
23. bland 23. having a strong effect because of using clear simple language and not many words
24. platitude 24. a person who pays bad things about smb or smth in order to make him/her it seem less good or valuable
25. to be bedazzled by smth 25. not connected to anything else or depending on anything else
26. punchy 26. awkward to move or handle because it is large and heavy; difficult to use, manage or control
27. to get smth under/by false pretences 27. to start dealing with a problem seriously by getting a proper understanding of it
28. to surf 28. to move information on a screen connected to a computer in a continuous movement from bottom to top
29. to evolve 29. smth that has been said so often that it is no longer interesting and shows a lack o imagination
30. cost-effective 30. to increase or develop very quickly

Ex.3 Complete the words.

1. The evidence is the new media trends w………a………w………much more rapidly than has been the case with traditional media.

2. They t………in the invigorating mountain air.

3. The play is a b………mixture of clichés embedded in a tired plot.

4. Some antiquated low was r………in order to prevent their using the land for grazing.

5. We had to resort to a little harmless s………to organize her birthday trent without her finding out about it.

6. He felt the warmth p………every limb.

7. David remains the m………of the sales force.

8. The huge oil tankers, though economical, often proved u………in the ports they visited.

9. My friend is an a………reader.

10.  New housing estates have m………on the edge of the town.

11.  The whole campaign was carefully o………by the London-based PR firm.

12.  Politicians are good at neatly s………reporters’ questions. 

13.  After a long campaign, the Duke of Wellington’s army o………Napoleon.

14.  It’s a very uninspiring speech, full of p……….

15.  Little wonder that the play s………a c………in the hearts of the both the young and the old.

16.  One way of handling persistent d………is to get them outside.

17.  It’s probably better for an organization not to respond to online complaints and criticism as there is a danger of f………t………f………. 

18.  Some organizations have tried to join the blogosphere in order to post a r………on the offending blog.

19.  It is essential for PR people not to be b………by new media, important though they are.

20.  The text provides p………summaries of the plots of Shakespeare’s plays.

21.  Computer software will continue to e………in response to user’s needs.

22.  Tweeter is used as a part of a multi-media strategy rather than as a s………device.

23.  It’s very hard to manage a large u………bureaucracy.

24.  He obtained money from her u…f…p….

25.  She had pleasant but rather b………features.

26.  The glass industry still t………here.

27.  His a………supporters claim that the charges against him are politically motivated.

28.  Berry had one last chance to r………his international career.

29.  Ten teams will j………f………the trophy.

30.  Online media are good for what is called n……….

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 287.