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1). The Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT II) between the Soviet Union and the United States was signed at Vienna in 1979.
2). It provided that each party limit its strategic delivery vehicles initially to an aggregate number not to exceed 2,400 and, from 1 January 1981, to an aggregate number not to exceed 2,250.
3). The Treaty set an equal aggregate limit of 1,320 on the total number of launchers of MIRVed ballistic missiles (equipped^ with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles) and heavy bombers with long-range cruise missiles.
4). It further established a ceiling of 1,200 on the number of MIRVed ballistic missiles, of which only 820 could be intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
5). MIRVed ICBMs were limited to 10 warheads each, SLBMs to 14 each and heavy bombers to an average of 28 cruise missiles.
6). The Treaty was to remain in force through 1985.
7). A Protocol to the Treaty banned until 31 December 1981 the deployment of mobile ICBMs, of ground— and sea-based cruise missiles with ranges above 600 kilometres and of air-to-surface ballistic missiles.
8). In addition, the parties agreed, in a Joint Statement of Principles, to seek to strengthen strategic stability, to limit the most destabilising strategic defensive arms, to reduce and avert the risk of surprise attack, to seek substantial reductions in the number of strategic offensive arms and to limit qualitative improvements.
9). They also signed a data base agreement in which each party listed its numbers of offensive arms as of June 1979.
(10). Переведите в быстром темпе:
суммарное количество; strategic delivery vehicles; договоренность; aggregate number; Совместное заявление; aggregate limit; дестабилизирующие виды стратегических оборонительных вооружений; total number of launchers; внезапное нападение; multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles; качественное совершенствование; heavy bombers; существенные сокращения; long-range cruise missiles; принимать меры; an average of; договоренность об исходных данных; strategic stability; количественные данные; strategic defensive arms; мобильные крылатые ракеты; surprise attack; баллистические ракеты «воздух — земля»; substantial reductions; боеголовка; data base agreement.
(11). Переведите следующие шаблонные выражения в быстром темпе:
it provided that each party limit its strategic delivery vehicles initially to; уменьшать и предотвращать опасность внезапного нападения; they also signed a data base agreement; стремиться к существенным сокращениям; each party listed its numbers of offensive arms; Договор предусматривал ограничение каждой стороной; the parties agreed to set an equal aggregate limit of; Договор ограничивал равным суммарным количеством в 1320 единиц общее число; the parties agreed to seek to strengthen strategic stability; Договор также устанавливал предельный уровень в; the parties agreed to limit the most destabilising strategic defensive arms; Договор должен был оставаться в силе; the parties agreed to reduce and avert the risk of surprise attack; стороны согласились вести поиски мер по укреплению стратегической стабильности; the parties agreed to seek substantial reductions in the number of strategic offensive arms; стороны подписали договоренность об исходных данных.
Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 557.