Передмова ……………………………………………….………….4
Виконання контрольних робіт та їх оформлення ……….………..5
Варианти контрольних робіт ……………………………….………8
Розмовна тема ……………………………………….…….……….54
Тексти для читання та перекладу …………………..…….………58
Граматичнмй довідник …………………………………….………79
Зразок лексико-граматичного тесту …………………….……..…118
Робоча навчальна програма навчальної дисципліни
«Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» ………………121
Рекомендована література …………………………………………129
Навчально-методичний комплекс призначен для розвитку практичних умінь та навичок використання граматичного матеріалу та навичок читання й перекладу текстів загальної тематики у студентів заочної форми навчання.
Навчально-методичний комплекс містить у собі контрольне завдання № 1, яке складається з 12 варіантів,розмовної теми «Our University», текстів для читання та перекладу та граматичний довідник, укладений згідно із граматичним завданням контрольної роботи, а також робочу програму з дисціплини «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням», навчально-методичну карту, рекомендовану літературу та зразок лексико-граматичного теста.
Перші дві вправи націлени на розвиток навичок самостійного читання та повного розуміння англійського тексту з використання словника, відповідь на запитання, що розвиває у студентів уміння пошукового читання для отримання інформації. Наступні вправи націлені на контроль засвоєння граматичного матеріалу, вивченого на певному етапі оволодіння англійською мовою. Для того, щоб виконати ці вправи, треба самостійно розібрати відповідний граматичний матеріал за граматичним довідником або за рекомендованим підручником.
Виконання контрольних робіт та їх оформлення
Ліва сторінка | Права сторінка | ||
П о л я | Англійський текст | Український текст | П о л я |
Виправлення роботи на основі рецензії
Письмові консультації
Слід повідомити своєму рецензенту про всі труднощі які виникли у вас при самостійному вивченні англійської мови тобто:
- указати ті речення в тексті, в яких виникли труднощі при перекладі;
- указати який розділ граматики незрозумілий;
- указати які правила, пояснення та формуліровки не зрозуміли;
- які вправи викликають труднощі
Контрольне завдання № 1
Для того, щоб вірно виконати завдання № 1 треба засвоїти наступні розділи курсу по граматичному довіднику або по рекомендованому підручнику.
Дієслово « to be »:У теперішньому “ The Present Simple Tense”, минулому” ThePast Simple Tense”, майбутньому” The Future Simple Tense” часах. Питальна форма дієслова «to be» та короткі відповіді. Уживання звороту There is…/ There are …
Дієслово « to have »
Форма теперішнього (The Present Simple Tense), минулого (ThePast Simple Tense) і майбутнього (The Future Simple Tense) часу групи дійсного стану.
Просте поширене речення: прямий порядок слів оповідного та спонукального речення в стверджувальний та заперечний формах, зворотний порядок слів питального речення.
1. Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го
по 7-й абзаци тексту:
Science and Culture
Science and culture are two powerful wings of progress of the youth of a country. The material level can help and influence the cultural conditions of young people.
The might of the country lies in the unity of its people. Special attention is being paid to studying the native Ukrainian culture. Many Ukrainian poets, writers, and scientists are unknown to the wider society.
The primary task of today is to accelerate the cultural development of activities for young people’s aesthetic education. Pupils and students learn to sing and dance, and play musical instruments in circles of amateur art.
Circles of amateur art activities, festivals, holidays of songs and music, days of poetry, library meetings, exhibitions of children’s drawing and painting, school amateur theatres and creative associations of young literature fans testify to the growth of performers’ skill and actively contribute to the development of aesthetic inclinations.
In their leisure time youth participate in sports, go to the libraries, parks, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls. They can visit art exhibitions, the zoo, or the circus. It is possible to see a great progress in the creation of different youth ensembles which are popular among young people.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання:
1. What is the primary task of today?
2. What does lie in the unity of country’s people?
3. Can youth participate in different activities in their leisure time?
4. Where can they go if they have free time?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am, is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову.
1) My trousers … new.
2) My cousins … … workers. They … students.
3) These students … future economists
4) The Great Lakes … in France.
5) Steven Spielberg … a film-star. He … a film-maker.
4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» .
1) I have got a collection of posters.
2) My friend usually has lunch at 8 o’clock in the morning.
3) Rita has got a lot of e-mail penfriends.
4) That black dog has three funny puppies.
5) We have the Internet in our office.
Mass Media
The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.
Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.
It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.
Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is – should this be allowed?
The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.
Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.
Newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.
The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news on TV.
1. Do the media play an important part in your life?
2. If people have died in a plane crash, should their bodies be shown on TV?
3. How do paparazzi earn their living?
4. What is the main advantage of the Internet?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову.
1) Where … London? It … in England.
2) What …her sister’s name? Her name … Svitlana.
3) The children …at school.
4) …there pictures on the walls of your classroom?
5) What … you? I … a first year student of Donbas State Technical University.
1) Americans have got a lot of pets.
2) We never have quarrels.
3) Granny always has a cup of chamomile tea in the evening.
4) My dog always has fun playing football with us.
5) I usually have a shower in the morning.
1) Victor’s sister …( don’t, doesn’t) study at the university.
2) The mass media … (plays, play) an important part in our lives.
3) Last year my elder sister …( talk, talked, talks) on the telephone to her numerous friends very often.
4) There …( won’t, aren’t, were not) tickets for the concert yesterday.
5) He … (come, came, will come) back and we … ( shall listen, listened, listen ) to his funny stories very soon.
1) Сподіваюся, я не загублюся. Я спитаю когось, як дістатися туди.
2) У мене є двоюрідний брат в Австралії.
3) Тато приніс мені нову книгу про комп’ютери.
4) Я повернувся додому о другій годині.
5) Восени часто йде дощ.
1.) They can’t go out because they … rain-coats and umbrellas.
A) have got
B) aren’t have
C) don’t have
2) Don’t give him cigarettes. He (not/smoke).
A) isn’t smoke
B) doesn’t smoke
C) don’t smokes
3) I visited Brazil in April. I (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.
A) stay
B) stayed
C) shall stay
4) There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning.
A) is
B) were
C) was
5) - Do you often see Tom?
- Not often, but I (see) him at the party the other day.
A) saw
B) see
C) sees
6) We haven’t got much time, …?
A) …, do we?
B) …, don’t we?
C) …, haven’t we?
Life in the 21st Century
We’ve entered a new era: the twenty-first century. Of course, it’s exciting and we are trying to predict what our life will be like in the future. It will certainly become better – I’m sure of it.
Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty work for us and our daily life will become easier. They’ll sweep the floor, dust the furniture, wash the dishes and even cook! It doesn’t mean we’ll become lazier, no. When everything is automated, we’ll be able to do more creative jobs.
We’ll be able to call our friends on a videophone and type up homework by talking to a small gadget that understands the human voice.
Scientists (or probably computers?) will find solutions to our most urgent problems. People will stop dying from cancer and AIDS and will live to be 150 years old. There will be no more famine on our planet and no more hungry children.
Our cities will become cleaner, greener and safer. We’ll drive electric cars and live in houses with lots of plants and special air-cleaning gadgets. Atmospheric pollution will be stopped and our planet will be saved.
There will be no more wars, no more criminals and no more terrorists. People will learn to live in peace and understand each other.
We’ll have more free time and longer holidays. We’ll be able to travel in space and – who knows? – one day we’ll be able to spend our holidays on Mars.
I’m really optimistic about the future. After all, we are becoming wiser. The superpowers are disarming; governments are waking up to Green issues…
Anyway, it’s up to us to look after our planet and try to make it a better place to live.
1. Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What will robots do for us?
2) What’s the difference between a telephone and a videophone?
3) Will our planet become cleaner or more polluted?
4) Pessimists say that one day we’ll have to pay for clean air just like we do now for clean water. Do you think it’s possible?
2. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову:
5) The Browns … nice people.
6) There … nothing to be seen.
7) I …trying to choose the topic for my essay.
8) The problem … worth solving.
9) Why … you so rushing about?
1) He has a lot of experience.
2) They had late supper tonight.
3) She usually has a rest after dinner.
4) Helen often has a chat with Robert.
5) We have a lot of fun after work.
1) Tomorrow it … ( will be, was, is) be cold and wet.
2) When …( saw, did see, will see) Ann last?
3) They usually … ( do, did, will do) written exercises in class.
4) The manager …( sign, signed, will sign) contracts tomorrow.
5) They always …(made, will make, make) fun of him.
1) Дівчатка не люблять грати в хокей.
2) Його дядько водить таксі.
3) У них не буде досить часу для цього.
4) Він не зателефонує нам сьогодні ввечері.
5) Кого ви зустріли на концерті?
1) When Jill (finish) school?
A) When does Jill finish
B) When did Jill finish
C) When finished
2) When I was a child, I (always/be) late for school.
A) am late
B) was late
C) were late
3) Mrs. Clay (go) shopping every day.
A) went
B) goes
C) will go
4) Will you be here next weekend?
A) No, I won’t
B) No, I don’t
C) No, I’m not
5) Do you like hot tea?
A) Yes, I’d like
B) Yes, please
C) Yes, I do
6) My husband (speak) to his boss last week.
A) did speak
B) spoke
C) spoken
1. Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
Protection of Environment
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousand of years people lived in harmony with environment. But with the development of civilization man’s interference with nature began to increase.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. They pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live in.
Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. As s result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
Human activities such as farming and industry create pollution by releasing poisonous chemicals into the atmosphere, soil, and water. Species with little tolerance to such pollutants may be threatened. Sometimes catastrophic accidents that release large amounts of oil, toxic gases, or radioactive waste can have immediate and disastrous effects on wildlife. The burning of wood and fossil fuels to produce energy may have long-term effects on the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere – possibly affecting the climate in an adverse way. Other experiments in climate control might have unpredictable effects on the world’s ecology.
The introduction of species from different parts of the world into ecology can have a disastrous effect on local species and may result in the extinction of those that are unable to compete or those that become predated upon.
Environmental protection is a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries – members of the UNO – nave set up environmental protection agencies.
Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
The Earth is our Home. We must take care of it for ourselves and next generations.
2) Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What kind of human activities creates pollution?
2) Why did man’s interference with nature begin to increase?
3) How many countries have already set up environmental protection agencies?
4) Why must we rake care of the Earth?
3) Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову :
1) I … am against going there.
2) He … starting a cold.
3) They … not interested in politics.
4) A great number of books … in bad condition because the building of the library needs repairing.
5) I can wait, four weeks … not so long.
4) Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» :
1) She has a bath every day.
2) She has got a lot of jewelry.
3) They have a lot of rare plants in their garden.
4) We have got a lot of problems now.
5) The President has a bad cold.
5) Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою :
1) Peter …(speaks, speak) English as well as Ann … (speak, speak).
2) The child … (go, will go, goes) to school every day.
3) Richard’s life in Paris was a bit difficult. He …(speaks, speak, spoke) only English.
4) The building of the trade centre …(begin, began, will begin) a month ago.
5) The postman …(brought, bring, will bring) the morning mail only at 10 o’clock yesterday.
6) Перекладіть наступні речення:
1) Мій батько зазвичай миє нашу машину по неділям.
2) Але минулого тижня він помив нашу машину в п’ятницю.
3) Якщо в мене буде словник, я допоможу тобі перекласти цю статтю про комп’ютери.
4) Коли ти зателефонуєш мені?
5) Ти часто ходиш у кіно?
7) Оберіть правильну відповідь:
1) There’s no doubt that computers have … our lives easier.
A) done
B) got
C) become
D) made
2) You’ll be here tomorrow, …?
A) isn’t it
B) won’t you
C) will you
D) will you be
3) There was … to eat and drink after the party.
A) many
B) lot of
C) a lot
D) lots of
4) …that strange man sitting over there?
A) Whose
B) Which
C) Who’s
D) Who
5) A kangaroo has such strong legs … it can jump over a car.
A) so
B) so as
C) as
D) that
6) Does he know… foreign languages?
A) some
B) some of
C) any
D) the
1.Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
1..Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
The Living Giants
The sequoia trees are the oldest living things in the world/ Millions of years ago, in the age of dinosaurs, they grew in large forests throughout much of the world. There were many kinds of sequoias but most of them disappeared during the Ice Age.
Today, there are only two kinds of the sequoia tree left on our planet, and one of them, the giant sequoia, can be found only in the north of California.
The name sequoia comes from the name of an American Indian, Sequoyah, who invented a written alphabet for his tribe.
No one knows how long a sequoia can live. Many trees in Sequoia National Park, in California, are more than 3,000 years old. Before a law was passed that protected sequoias from being cut, one of the oldest and largest of them was chopped down. The growth ring at the centre of this giant sequoia dated back to 1305 BC. It means that it was more than a thousand years old at the time of the birth of Christ!
One of the biggest sequoias in Sequoia National Park and in the whole world is the General Sherman tree. It is 83.8 metres high, and the diameter of its trunk is 31.4 metres – wider than an average city street. The trunk, scientists say, weighs nearly 1,385 tons!
Sequoias are very durable. None of these trees has died from old age or disease yet. The bark of the tree has a special tannin or juice. This protects the tree from fire and insects. However, lightning often destroys the tops of the largest sequoia trees.
Today, these rare and remarkable trees are protected. It is illegal to cut them down. Great care is taken to avoid any injury to the trees.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What are the oldest living things in the world?
2) How many kinds of the sequoia tree are left on the Earth?
3) What did Sequoyah do for his tribe?
4) Where do the biggest sequoias grow?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову :
1) …your farther a carpenter? – No he …
2) John …(not) a student, he … a doctor.
3) That book …(not) very interesting. Take this one.
4) The best seats … 10 dollars.
5) Kyiv …the capital of Ukraine.
4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» :
1) Granny has a chat with me in the afternoon.
2) I like to have a swim in the sea before breakfast.
3) Have a look at her! She is really beautiful today.
4) Would you like to have a rest?
5) My granddad is unwell. He has a cold.
5. Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою :
1) The Pan-American Highway …( are ,is) the longest road in the world.
2) The Beatles ..(are,were, was) pop group.
3) She … ( meet, met, will meet) them in the Globus theatre last afternoon.
4) You … (arrive, arrived, will arrive ) in Paris tomorrow evening.
5) Diana …( comes, come, will come) to the party tomorrow?
1..Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
The Great Depression
Wall Street is the home of the New York Stock Exchange. Here dealers called stockbrokers buy and sell shares.
Owning shares in a business gives you the right to a share of its profits. But you can make money from share in another way. You can buy them at one price and then, if the company does well, sell them later at a higher one.
More and more people were eager to get some of this easy money. By 1929, buying and selling shares had become almost a national hobby.
Like most other things in the United States in the 1920, you could buy shares on credit. Many people borrowed large sums of money from the banks to buy shares in this way. By the autumn of 1929 the urge to buy shares had become a sort of fever.
Yet some people began to have doubts. The true value of shares in a business firm depends upon its profits. But the profits of many American firms had been falling for some time. If profits were falling, thought more cautious investors, then share prices, too, would soon fall. Slowly such people began to sell their shares. Day by day their number grew. Soon so many people were selling shares that prices did start to fall.
A panic began. On Thursday, October 24, 1929 – Black Thursday – 13 million shares were sold. On the following Tuesday, October 29 – Terrifying Tuesday – 16.5 million were sold.
By the end of the year the value of all shares had dropped by 40,000 million dollars. Thousands of people were ruined. Some committed suicide.
This collapse of American share prices was known as the Wall Street Crash. It marked the end of the prosperity of the 1920s.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What is the home of the New York Stock Exchange?
2) What do dealers do there?
3) How can you make money from shares?
4) What was known as the Wall Street Crash?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову :
1) I … hot. Open the window, please.
2) What … the weather like today?
3) I …(not) interested in football at all.
.4) … Tom and Bob good football players?
5)… you hungry?
4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» :
1) Would you like to have a rest?
2) Taras is very busy at school. He doesn’t have time to write to his pen-friend very often.
3) On Sundays we always have dinner together. Mum usually cooks very tasty food on Sundays.
4) I don’t have time even to have a walk in the evening.
5) Rita has got a terrible headache at the moment.
5. Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою :
1) She …( does help, helps, helped) her mother about the house every Saturday.
2) My grandparents …(has got, have, having) a nice house in a village.
3) She …( caught, catch, catches) a cold last Monday.
4) We … ( read, reads, shall read) a lot of interesting stories last year.
5) They say, it … ( will rains, rain, will rain) heavily next night.
6. Перекладіть наступні речення:
1) Він телефонував тобі минулого тижня?
2) Ви нагодували собаку?
3) Навіщо ти туди підеш?
4) Мені закрити вікно?
5) Улітку ми часто відпочиваємо за містом.
7. Оберіть правильну відповідь:
1) The teacher made me … the exercise again.
A) to do
B) do
C) doing
D) that I’ll do
2) When we arrived in Sochi, it was very hot and the sun …
A) was shining
B) shone
C) shined
D) shining
3) He said that he … to Egypt.
A) never had been
B) never was
C) has never been
D) had never been
4) As far as I know he speaks neither Spanish … Italian.
A) or
B) either
C) not
D) nor
5) Tom Sawyer … by Mark Twain.
A) has written
B) was wrote
C) was written
D) is being written
6) Charles Dickens is still … popular today as when his first work appeared, over 150 years ago.
A) as
B) so
C) such
D) much
1..Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
Australia Today
Australia has a population of about 17,820,000. Approximately 80 per cent of the people live in the south-eastern quarter of the country with most of the remaining population living along the north-east and extreme south-west coast. Canberra, the national capital, and the largest inland city, lays about 130 kilometers from the ocean. More than 80 per cent of Australia’s people live in cities and towns, making it one of the world’s most urbanized countries. About 70 per cent of the population lives in cities of more than 100.000 people. Only about 13 per cent of Australia’s people live in rural areas.
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states – New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia .Each state has its own government. Australia’s Constitution gives certain powers to the federal government and leaves all others to the states. Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory – that do not have the status of statehood.
In Australia’s parliamentary system of government, the national government is controlled by the political party or combination of parties with a majority or seats in the lower house of parliament. The leader of the majority heads the government as prime minister. The prime minister appoints members, the head of government departments. The prime minister and department heads form the Cabinet, which establishes major government policies.
Today, Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The British monarch is also Australia’s monarch and head of the state. However, the monarch serves mainly as a symbol of the historical ties between the two countries and has little or no power in the Australian government. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, with many others of Britain’s former colonies.
Australia is one of the world’s rich developed countries. Most developed countries have become rich through the production and export of manufactured goods, but Australia’s wealth has come chiefly form farming and mining.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What is the Commonwealth of Australia?
2) How many people live in Australia?
3) Has the British monarch much power in the Australian government?
4) What has Australia’s wealth come from?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову :
1) Hello, I … Kate Kern. And what … your name?
2) There … three big sports centers in my town.
3) What … your favourite books?
4) The news … (not) very bad today.
5) Elephants … big wild animals.
4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» :
1) She has got long dark hair.
2) I have less money than before.
3) Does he have a telephone in his new apartment?
4) My friend usually has lunch at 8 o’clock in the morning.
5) That black dog has three funny puppies.
5. Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою :
1) There … (are, is, were) a few bananas and a lot of apples in the fridge yesterday.
2) Astronomy … ( study, will study, studies) many interesting phenomena.
3) Bill Gates … (earns, earn, earned) a lot of money every day.
4) Ask him to tell you something. He … (has, had, have) a lot of interesting experiences during his traveling.
5) The boss … (give, gave, will give) me plenty of instructions before his leave.
6.Перекладіть наступні речення:
1) У мене є двоюрідний брат в Австралії.
2) Рита приймає душ щоранку.
3) Вони грали в комп’ютерні ігри після роботи.
4) Вона не допомагала мамі вдома вчора ввечері.
5) Чий собака розбудив мене о п’ятій годині ранку?
7..Оберіть правильну відповідь:
1) The police … the criminal yet.
A) have caught
B) didn’t catch
C) didn’t caught
D) haven’t caught
2) …. a post-office near here?
B) Is there
C) Where there
D) There is
3) He has never been to … foreign countries.
A) some
B) any
C) no
D) anywhere
4) I want … me.
A) you to help
B) that you help
C) that you’ll help
D) you helping
5) I was very much surprised when Ann said that she …
A) can’t to swim
B) can’t swim
C) couldn’t swim
D) wasn’t able swim
6) Don’t be angry … me, please.
A) at
B) about
C) with
D) for
1..Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
1..Прочитайте та перекладіть українською мовою весь текст. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту :
Economy of New Zealand
New Zealand has about 71 mln sheep and about 7.5 mln cattle or about 25 times as many farm animals as people. No other country has so many farm animals in relation to its population. Sheep are so numerous that a distant hillside may resemble a field of cotton.
The economy of New Zealand has long depended on farming and foreign trade. Exports of butter, cheese, meat and wool still provide much of the nation’s income. But manufacturing has been increasing rapidly, and about twice as many New Zealanders now work on factories as on farms. Tourism has also become an important source of income.
New Zealand’s economy depends heavily on trade. The countries chief trading partners are Australia, Great Britain, Japan and the United States. Butter, cheese, dried milk products, lamb, and wool make up about half the value of New Zealand’s export. Exports of increasing importance include manufactured goods, fish products. The countries chief imports include iron and steel, machinery, motor vehicles, petroleum, scientific instruments and telecommunication equipment.
New Zealand’s greatest natural resource is its land. About 55 per cent of the land consists of crop land and pastureland, and about 25 per cent is covered with forests. They provide valuable timber as well as protection from land erosion. The remaining 20 per cent of the country is made up of lakes, rivers, and mountain areas.
The country has few minerals. The most important include coal, gold, iron ore, and natural gas. Water power provides about 75 per cent of the nation’s electricity. New Zealand provides enough meat and dairy products to feed millions of people in other countries as well as its own people, thanks to the country’s mild climate, modern machinery and scientific farming methods.
Milk is made in to butter, cheese, and dried milk, while lamb and beef are frozen for exports. Factories also process wool and weaver woolen carpets. Auckland, New Zealand’s most populous city is its largest manufacturing centre with 3350 factories employing nearly 120,000 workers. About a third of New Zealand’s manufacturing industries have their offices in Wellington, the country’s capital and its second largest city.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання :
1) What has the economy of New Zealand long depend on?
2) What does the economy of New Zealand depend now?
3) Where does New Zealand export its goods?
4) What is the capital of New Zealand?
3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am , is або are .Перекладіть речення на українську мову :
1) My cousins … workers.
2) The Nile … in Asia. It … in Africa.
3) …you our new teacher?
4) Sorry, I … very late.
5) … a water melon a fruit or a berry?
4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)» :
1) Those dogs have short tails and long ears.
2) We don’t have English on Fridays.
3) Dan has got a new sport bicycle.
4) My grandmother doesn’t have much time to go for a walk with my dog.
5) Who has got a spare pen?
5. Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою :
1) Yesterday Jim …( asks, will ask, asked) me to repair his car.
2) Cyprus and Malta …(were, is, are) famous tourist centers.
3) Oil …( was, were, is) used for the production of petrol.
4) Goods in this shop …(is, are, will be) not as expensive as in that one.
5) We …( shall discuss, discussed, discuss) this terrific idea at our next meeting.
6. Перекладіть наступні речення:
1) Мої батьки поїдуть до Києва наступного тижня.
2) Бабуся знайшла свої окуляри без моєї допомоги.
3) Яку книгу читала твоя сестра вчора ввечері?
4) Я завжди обідаю після уроків
5) Наш викладач не любить ледачих учнів.
7.. Оберіть правильну відповідь:
1) Harry’s room is (expensive) ….. of all the rooms, but he can afford it.
A) most expensive
B) so expensive
C) expensivest
D) the most expensive
2) The man is … least 70 years old.
A) in the
B) on the
C) in
D) at
3) We were rather surprised … the price of the dress.
A) of
B) about
C) at
D) in
4) I’d like two (dozen) … eggs.
A) dozen
B) dozens
C) dozens of
D) dozen of
5) We need …. .
A) an other chair
B) another chair
C) another chairs
D)one other chair
6) …. first hand news.
A) These are
B) Those are
C) This is
D) They are
department, lecture, experiment, computing centre, qualified, periodicals, instrument, national economy, project, practice, sport-ground, popular, region, discuss, activity.
Lecture room, research laboratory, research work, research Institute, student’s project, student’s club, sport camp, sport team, construction site, and foot-ball field
the teaching staff | експериментальна установка |
the latest instruments | широкі наукові дослідження |
free of charge | художня самодіяльність |
to put into practice | викладацький склад |
extensive researches | нові прилади |
experimental plants | впроваджувати у практику |
scientific library | безкоштовний |
amateur art activities | наукова бібліотека |
Прочтіть числівники
1957; 226; 16.000; 790; 536; 45; 321; 9; 7
Прочтіть слова
Higher, mine, library, site, time
Plant, staff, dance, department, charge, part
Club, discuss, construction, such, study, number, among
Machine, shooting, specialist, automation, shop, national, attention
Charge, research, culture
General, engineering, project
Вірно чи невірно?
Our University was founded in the 20th century, wasn’t it?
The University is one of the biggest higher schools in Ukraine.
Only day-time students study at the University.
There are 7 departments in our University.
Many teachers are former graduates of the University.
The University has everything for successful training of specialists.
The University doesn’t take part in solving national economy problems.
To have a chance to be employed well the students must work hard.
The students do not have every opportunity to spend their leisure in an interesting way.
The concept "society," like the concept "culture," is one of the basic building blocks used by sociology to better understand the world in which we live. We defined society as the interacting people who share a common culture. This is an intentionally broad definition, since the concept of society must encompass virtually all of the organizations and institutions we will encounter from families to nations.
Yet because this definition is so broad, it leaves many questions unanswered. Is the United States one society or many? Is there a middle-class society that is different from working-class society? Is there a society of Italian Americans that is distinct from a society of African Americans? Is there a society of thieves that exists outside the society of law-abiding citizens? If we speak of "American society," are we referring only to people in the United States, or are we including people living in Canada? Do we want to include people from Mexico and Uruguay as part of "American society"?
There are no hard and fast rules that determine what constitutes a "society" and what does not. At one time the notion of shared territory was also a part of the definition of society, restricting the term to people who occupy a fixed geographical space. While such a definition made sense at a time when the vast majority of people had contact primarily with others who lived within a few miles, it no longer makes sense today. Modern communications technology enables us to' interact by telephone, fax machine, and electronic mail with people thousands of miles away.
Many sociologists belong to the International Sociological Association, a society of people who share the common culture of sociology yet are dispersed around the world. Television fan clubs, labor unions, and religious organizations are but three of the thousands of societies that enable people who share a common culture to interact with one another, yet which are not bounded by geography. In fact, one of the key aspects of globalization is that it involves vastly increased social relations with people who are geographically distant, and therefore permits the creation of societies that are not territorially bounded.
encompass | охоплювати |
share the same culture | Належати до одн/'ei' культури |
law-abiding | законослухняний |
bounded | обмежений |
Before I start talking about my family let me introduce myself. I am Sveta Petrenko. I am 17. I have left school this year. I was born in Kyyiv, so I have been living in Kyyiv since my childhood.
And now 1 am going to tell you about my family. We are a family of five. We think we are a large and friendly family. So we are happy to be living together and are getting on all right.
To begin with, I am going to talk first about my father. His name is Sergey Petrovich, he is 45. He works as a surgeon in a hospital. He is neither old, nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather thin with dark brown hair just beginning to go grey. He is a very sociable person. What I don't like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. He is fond of going to the country on week-ends, because he enjoys working in the garden.
My mother's name is Galina Nickolayevna. She is three years younger than my father. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart. In short, she is a pleasant-looking woman of about 40. She always has a lot of work to do both at school and about the house. She is fond of her work and spends a lot of time there. But she has to cook the food for all the family at home. Shopping and cooking is nearly half a day's work for her. But my granny and I are in a habit of helping her about the house.
Boris is my elder brother. He is six years senior to me. So he is 23 already. He has graduated from the University and he is an economist by profession now. Boris is married. His wife is a journalist. They are three in the family. They have got a child, my nephew. It is a lovely little boy of two with golden hair and dark brown eyes and a spirit that is always bright and happy, full of joy and gaiety.
And finally a few words about my granny. To tell you the truth, she is my best friend. She always listens to my endless stories about my friends and my school life. She is retired on pension now but in her youth and her older age she worked as a teacher in a school. I must admit, she is a very understanding person.
Put it into a few words, we are a united and friendly family.
The Royal Family
At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was bom on the 21-st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.
As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.
The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in November 1947. She came to the throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.
Among Queen Elizabeth's many duties are the regular visits she makes to foreign countries, and especially those of the Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen has done much to signify the formalities of the monarchy, including allowing the BBC to make a documentary film about the every day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the "walkabout", an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.
The Queen's husband, Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving raise wild animals from extinction.
The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince of Wales is well-known as a keen promoter of British interests.
In recent years he has become outspoken on such controversial topics as modern architecture, violence in films and on television, and standard of English teaching in schools. His wife Diana, Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di), has won the affection of many people by her modesty, shyness and beauty. She is one of the most popular members of the Royal Family, widely admired for her commitment to helping children throughout the charities of which she is patron and her support for the aged and ill, particularly AIDS sufferers.
The Queen's other children are Princess Anne (born in 1950), Prince Andrew (born in I960) and Prince Edward (born in 1964). Anne, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation for being arrogant, but in recent years has become quite popular with the general public.
She is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is now the president of the Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London and carries out many public engagements.
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters. Prince Edward is keen on the theatre. This interest began while he was at university. He quitted the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a theatrical company.
The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her ninety birthday in 1990 and continued to carry out many public engagements every year. The Queen's only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, is one of the most unconventional members of the royal family. She is well-known for her charity work, including her support for Barbados, the Girl Guides Association, and the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
I would like to tell you a few words about my home. To begin with, 1 want to tell you that 1 live in Kyyiv, one of the largest and oldest cities of Europe. It is one of the most ancient cities located on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River.
Our family live in a new flat in one of the largest newly built residential areas. We moved into our flat seven years ago. It is a three-room flat on the fifth floor of an eight-storeyed building. It consists of a living-room, a study, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, two closets and a lavatory. There are two balconies in our flat: the first one is in the living room, and the second — in the bedroom. Our flat has all modern conveniences: central heating, running cold and hot water, electricity, telephone and gas. Besides, there is a lift and a garbage disposal in our building. The layout is very good, 1 must admit. The rooms are light, though not very large. In my opinion, it's quite a modern-looking flat. The windows face the park in front of the buidling and the view is really wonderful.
Our living-room is quite a big room of about 19 square metres. It is the largest room in our flat. As my parents don't like much furniture in the house, so in the living room there are two comfortable armchairs and a sofa, coffee-table and a nice thick carpet on the floor. Opposite the window there is a wall unit, but it doesn't take much space in the room. Of course there is a colour TV set, a stereo cassette-recorder and a record-player in the living-room. A nice chandelier is hanging from the ceiling and there is a standard lamp to the left of the sofa. During the day, the light comes in through the window, but at night when it gets dark, we switch on the light and draw the curtains across the windows. We like to receive our guests in this room.
And now I would like to describe our study. At first it was my daddy's room, but as I grew older, it has become mine. To tell you the truth, I am very happy to have a room for myself, that's why I always try to keep it tidy and cosy. There is a sofa, a writing table, a bookcase, a wardrobe in my room. On the wail there are some shelves full of English, Ukrainian and Russian books. There is a radio set on the shelf and, I must confess, I like to listen to the wireless in the evening. The dressing-table is next to the sofa. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen and handkerchiefs and in the wardrobe I keep my clothes, which I hang on coat-hangers. I have two water-colours on the wall above the sofa. They are nice copies of my favourite paintings by Serov.
Our bedroom is the smallest room in our flat. At night when my parents feel tired and sleepy, they share this room.
But the most popular and favourite place with all of us is the kitchen, as we spend most of our time there. We all are not big-eaters, but use the kitchen as a place where we can have a chat about our problems and life.
In the kitchen there are some stools, a table, a cupboard, a sink with water taps, a fridge and a gas cooker. Of course, we usually have our meals there.
We like our flat very much. It is important that our house is rather close to the underground station and we can easily get to any place we like.
I want to describe you my daily actions which I did, more or less regularly, on weekdays during my final year at school. There was little variation in my life then, all days except weekends looked very much the same.
On weekdays my working day began early in the morning. As a matter of fact, I am not an early-riser, that's why 1 hate getting up early, but 1 got used to it, I usually got up at about 7 o'clock. Then I did my morning exercises and went to the bathroom to wash my face and hands with a soap and clean my teeth with a toothpaste. I didn't take a shower in the morning, I generally did it late in the evening before going to bed. At a quarter past seven I was ready to have my breakfast. As a rule, I had a quick light breakfast which consisted of a cup of coffee or tea, a boiled egg or an omelette and a cheese or sausage sandwich. After breakfast I put on my coat, took my bag and left for school.
As my school is not far from my house, it took me 10 minutes to get there. I never took a bus or a trolley-bus on my way to school, I usually walked there.
Six or seven lessons a day was the ordinary timetable. I seldom had lunch in the canteen, because I usually had packed one in my bag (an apple and a sandwich).
The classes at school were over at about three o'clock. Twice a week I stayed at school later to play table-tennis or was busy with the English language club.
When I came home my mother always had dinner ready just in time. Then I changed my school uniform and had a rest. While resting, I listened to the music or looked through the newspapers or magazines. Then I started doing my home assignments. It took me about five hours to cope with my homework properly. I normally finished doing my homework at 10 o'clock in the evening. So I hadn't much time for television and friends, because I had to work hard at all the subjects during my final year at school. But sometimes I managed to see an interesting film. I did well in most school subjects without any effort. Besides, 1 have managed to help my mother about the house and do our shopping, go to the library and have private lessons in English in order to improve it.
And I must admit, that school life was a very interesting page of my life. I had good friends at school and some lessons were interesting.
After supper I usually relaxed for some time and then went on with my homework.
As a rule, I went to bed at about 11 o'clock or even later.
On weekdays I usually go to school, but on my days off I prefer to rest. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work. That's why our weekends are more attractive than weekdays. At our leisure time we go in for sports, read the books, go to the library, the cinema, the theatre, the park, the museum, the exhibition. Sometimes we go to the zoo or the circus and enjoy ourselves watching animals. As a rule, we try to spend most of time outdoors. Some people prefer to go to the country to see their relatives and friends. In winter we like to go to the winter forest to ski and skate. After having such a pleasant rest in the open air, you are always happy to return home and have a rest sitting near the TV-set and watching an interesting TV programme. In summer and spring picnics are popular with schoolchildren and their parents. They are fond of picnics chiefly because they have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature, to run on the grass and to play interesting games, to have a bite without observing table manners. But the most exciting event is making a fire. The children are fond of collecting wood in the forest and sitting round the fire. And again, they like to return home after a picnic. And now they think that "there is no place like home" as saying goes.
Many people like to go to the cinema and theatre on weekends and holidays and enjoy seeing an interesting film or performance.
As for me, my days off are normally like this. I hate getting up early and on weekends I can afford to wake up later than usual. As a rule, I get up at 8 o'clock. Then I do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After having breakfast I relax a little: listen to a lovely stereo music and try to forget about all my problems. Then I can visit my friends and have a chat with them about our life. Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition. As a rule, my activities on weekends depend on my plans, but in any case I manage to do a lot of things and to have a rest. I always try to do my best to have a really good time. But unfortunately time flies very quickly on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I am looking forward to my next days off.
general pattern | головні засади |
nursery school | ясельні групи |
kindergarten | дитсадок |
grade | ступінь, складова |
Both Ukraine and Great Britain lie in Europe, but Ukraine is situated on the European continent and Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English channel. In fact Britain is a sea country. It lies on the crossways of the sea routes to the different parts of the world. Great Britain is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, by the North Sea in the east, and by the Irish Sea in the west.
Ukraine is a landlocked country. The major water bodies bordering it are the Black Sea and the Azov Sea in the south. It lies on the crossways of the land routes from the east to the west and from the north to the south, though Ukraine is larger than Great Britain. The area of Great Britain is 24,500 square kilometers, and the area of Ukraine is about 604,000 square kilometers. In both countries there are a lot of mountains. In Great Britain there are the Pennines and the Cambrian mountains. In Ukraine we have the Carpathians and the Crimean mountains.
There are a lot of rivers in both countries. In Great Britain they are not very long or deep. The largest rivers in Ukraine are the Dniepro, the Dniester, and the Southern Bug. The Dniper is navigated by large ships. In Great Britain the Thames is wide and deep enough for large ships. The climate in Ukraine is continental. We have frosty winters and sometimes rainy summers. The climate of Great Britain is mild and damp. The winters are not too cold and seldom frosty, and summers are not too hot. The climate is moderated by ocean breezes.
crossways of the sea routes | на перехрестях морських маршрутів |
landlocked | замкнута |
frosty | морозний |
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The British constitution is not a single document. It consists partly of statutes (laws passed by Parliament) and of documents such as the Magna Carta (a charter passed in 1215 to limit the monarch's power). It also includes common law (laws based on custom and supported in the courts). Much of the Constitution is not even written. These unwritten parts include many important ideas and practices that have developed over the years.
Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's head of state. Her powers are largely ceremonial, however, and a Cabinet of ministers actually rules the country. The Cabinet is responsible to Parliament, which makes the laws of GB.
The Parliament consists of the monarch, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords. The queen must approve all bills passed by Parliament before they become laws, but no monarch has rejected a bill since the early 1700's. The prime minister, who is usually the leader of the political party with the most seats in the House of Commons, serves as the head of government. The monarch appoints the prime minister after each general election. The prime minister selects about 100 ministers to head governmental offices and chooses the Cabinet.
GB is a densely populated country, and about 93 per cent of the people live in urban areas. English is the official language, but some people in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland speak their national language.
Most of the British are descendants of the many early people who invaded GB, including the Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Scandinavians, and Normans. However, since the late 1950's, many immigrants from Commonwealth countries have settled in GB. Their arrival has created housing and racial problems in the country's crowded urban areas.
There are many divisions in British life. Scotland and England have their national churches, and there are separate legal and educational systems in England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. For centuries, the British people were also separated by a rigid class system. Most of these class barriers were greatly reduced during World War II.
Northern Ireland consists of the north-eastern section of the island of Ireland. It is often called Ulster. Ulster was the name of a large province of British-controlled Ireland until 1920. In 1920, Great Britain separated Northern Ireland from the rest of Ireland in order to create separate governments for the predominantly Protestant north and the mostly Roman Catholic south. The majority of the Northern Irish people, who are protestants of English or Scottish descent, supported the separation. But many Roman Catholics in both the north and the south refused to accept the division. In 1921, the south became the self-governing Irish Free State, now the independent Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland continues to be united with Great Britain.
Beginning in 1921, militant Irish groups, particularly the Irish Republican Army (IRA), attacked British government army in Northern Ireland, hoping to force the British to give up control. In the 1960's, the Roman Catholic minority held marches demanding an end to economic and political discrimination. The police reacted with violence. In 1972 Britain established direct rule over Northern Ireland. The violence continued until 31 August, 1994 when the IRA declared a stop of war. In February 1995, the British and Irish governments invented a peace plan. But in 1996 IRA exploded a bomb in London. Northern Ireland is a land of rolling plains and low mountains. The fertile plains cover the central part of the country. Green valleys and low mountains lie along the country's coast. The countryside оГNorthern Ireland is dotted with lakes called loughs.
About 20 per cent of the people live in Belfast, the capital and the largest city. Belfast is also the country's manufacturing and trading center, many of mills, shipyards, and aircraft plants are located there. However, the country's economy depends mainly on service industries, which employ about 75 per cent of the workers.
Agriculture is also an important industry. About 30 per cent of the population lives in rural areas. Life in Northern Ireland is more like British life then like life in the Republic of Ireland. Such sports as soccer, cricket, and golf are popular pastimes, and pubs play an important role in social life.
predominantly | переважно |
descent | конфесія |
accept the division | прийняти поділ |
militant | войовничий |
explode a bomb | підірвати міну |
violence | насильство |
shipyard | верф |
pub | паб (їдальня ресторанного типу, де часто можна отримати кімнату для ночівлі) |
challenged | заперечується |
diversity | різноманітність |
alter | змінювати, переробляти |
remote | віддалений |
The United Nations is the preeminent example of an international governmental organization (IGO). It was founded in 1945 with 51 members, a number that has increased to 180 today — including 27 added since 1990 alone, mainly new nations created out of the former Soviet Union and its satellite countries in Eastern Europe. Its members reflect numerous different cultures and societies, speak a bewildering array of different languages, and present an enormous range of interests and concerns. Yet this global organization manages to function effectively in a number of vital areas and has assumed increasing importance in recent years
The United Nations is a formal bureaucratic organization that relies on a large number of specialized agencies to conduct its daily business, reflecting the range of problems and issues that exist in an increasingly interdependent world. Some agencies are concerned with fostering improved global communications in the areas of mail and telecommunications, aviation, weather, and ocean navigation. Others seek to enhance social welfare and promote peace. The latter include agencies concerned with global labor, food and agriculture, refugees, health, education, culture, banking and finance, trade, and economic development.
Although the United Nations has engaged in a small number of peacekeeping and military operations, its major importance has been in other areas. For example, it has enacted a number of arms control treaties that restrict or prohibit the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. It has also adopted a "planetary management" perspective calling for action in areas deemed especially important to the future of the planet. These include the global population explosion and the growth of enormous, impoverished cities; the status of women and human rights; global poverty and hunger; the growth of deserts, and balancing economic development with protection of the planetary environment.
The United Nations, like all IGOs, is ultimately dependent on the goodwill of its member nations. In this it differs from formal organizations that exist within a single country, which (unlike the UN) often possess the means to enforce compliance with their decisions. When the decisions of IGOs such as the UN naf counter to the interests of their most powerful member nations, they are usually powerless to act in an effective manner. Indeed, until the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, the UN was often unable to make decisions at all, particularly when the United States and the Soviet Union were in disagreement. During the 1980s, the United States even refused to pay its full share of membership fees, because it opposed UN policies.
As the nations of the world come to increasingly appreciate the global nature of the problems they confront, the United Nations may become more important as a global organization. While competing interests among powerful member nations make it unlikely that it will become the sort of "world government" some of its founders envisioned, the United Nations may continue to acquire increased authority for making and enforcing decisions in the years to come.
IGOs can wield considerable power, provided that their member nations can agree to take action. Yet since nations ultimately control the use of military force, there are limits to the authority of even the most powerful IGOs, whose strength derives from the voluntary compliance of their member nations. The United Nations, for example, is entirely dependent on its members for finances and military power. Even though the UN has 180 member nations and a large number of important economic, cultural, and social programs, its political power is limited.
prominent | видатний |
bewildering array | дивовижне різноманіття |
fostering | створення |
refugees | біженці |
enacted a number of arms control treaties that restrict or prohibit | створила низку військових підрозділів, які контролюють угоду щодо заборони |
warfare | зброя |
ultimately | зрештою |
goodwill | добра воля |
appreciate | розуміти важливість |
compliance | згода |
wield | володіти |
comprising | включаючи |
disseminating | розповсюдження |
boundary | межа |
secondary | вторинний |
1. Дієслово be
1. Дієслово be може бути повнозначним, дієсловом-зв'язкою, допоміжним, модальним.
2. Як повнозначне дієслово be вживається у значенні знаходитися, бути:
We are at the lesson now. I want to be a teacher. They were at home at that time. | Ми зараз на уроці. Хочу бути вчителем. В цей час вони були вдома. |
3. Як дієслово-зв'язка be у поєднанні з іменником, прикметником, числівником, займенником і дієприкметником утворює складений іменний присудок. У теперішньому часі в цій функції дієслово be не перекладається на українську мову.
Не was a student five years ago. And now he is a qualified manager. | П'ять років тому він був студентом. А зараз він кваліфікований менеджер. |
4. Як допоміжне дієслово be служить для утворення:
а) Усіх форм тривалих часів (Continuous) у поєднанні з дієприкметником активного стану теперішнього часу (Present Participle):
Wait a minute. She is washing her hair now. (Present Continuous) They were working hard when 1 returned home. (Past Continuous) Ring me up after 7 o'clock. I'll be learning English from 2 till 7 o'clock. (Future Continuous) | Зачекай хвилинку. Вона зараз миє голову. Вони наполегливо працювали, коли я повернувся додому. Зателефонуй мені після 7 години. Я буду вчити англійську мову з 2 до 7 години. |
б) Усіх видо-часових форм пасивного стану (Passive Voice) у поєднанні з дієприкметником пасивного стану минулого часу (Past Participle):
Paper is made of wood. (Present Simple Passive) The school was built last year. (Past Simple Passive) Many new houses will be constructed in our area next year. (Future Simple Passive) | Папір виготовляють з деревини. Школу збудовано в минулому році. Багато нових будинків буде споруджено в нашому районі наступного року. |
5. Як модальне дієслово be у поєднанні з інфінітивом повнозначного дієслова виражає обов'язок за домовленістю, наказ, розпорядження, можливість:
We are to meet at 8 o'clock in the evening. | Ми повинні зустрітися о восьмій годині вечора (тому що ми так домовилися). |
6. Форми дієслова be у Present, Past і Future Simple:
Present Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | ||||||
I | am 'm | a student. | I | am not | a student. | What | am | I? |
He She It | is 's | He She It | is not isn't | is | he? she? it? | |||
We You They | are 're | students. | We You They | are not aren't | students. | are | we? you? they? |
Примітка. У неформальному спілкуванні замість am + not іноді вживається скорочена форма ain't /eint/, що означає am +not, are + not чи is + not.
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Are you a student?
Yes? I am. No, I am not.
Is he a student?
Yes, he is. No, he is not/isn't.
Are they students?
Yes, they are. No, they are not/aren't.
Past Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | ||||||
І Не She It | was | a student. | I He She It | was not wasn't | a student. | What | was | I? he? she? it? |
We You They | were | students. | We You They | were not weren't | students. | were | we? you? they? |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Were you a student?
Future Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | |||||||||
I He She It We You They | Will 'll | be | a student. | I He She It We You They | will not won't | be | a student. | What | will | I he she it we you they | be? |
students. | students. |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Will you be a student?
Yes, I will. No, I will not/won't.
Will they be students?
Present Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | |||||||
He She It | has 's | a bath. | He She It | does not doesn't | have a bath. | What | does | he she it | have? |
I We You They | have 've | I We You They | do not don't | do | I we you they |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Do you have a bath?
Yes, I do. No, I do not/don't.
Does he have a bath?
Past Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | ||||||
І Не She It We You They | had a bath | I He She It We You They | did not didn't | have a bath | What | did | I he she it we you they | have? |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Did you have a bath?
Yes, I did. No, I did not/didn't.
Did he have a bath?
Future Simple
Стверджувальна форма | Заперечна форма | Питальна форма | |||||||
I He She It We You They | will '11 | have a bath. | I He She It We You They | will not won't | have a bath. | What | will | I he she it we you they | have? |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Will you have a bath?
Present Simple
Основна формула | V/Vs(es) |
1. Present Simple вживається для вираження дії, яка відбувається постійно, регулярно або має значення загальновідомої істини, постійного обов'язку, певного правила, розпорядку:
My sister plays volley-ball well. And my friends play tennis very well. The earth goes round the sun. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. Lessons at this school start at 8 am. Students of our school wear uniform. | Моя сестра грає добре в волейбол. А мої друзі грають у теніс дуже добре. Земля обертається навколо Сонця. Медсестри доглядають хворих у лікарнях. Уроки в цій школі починаються о восьмій годині ранку. Учні нашої школи носять шкільну форму. |
2. Present Simple вживається для вираження майбутньої дії:
а) Що стосується розкладу руху транспорту, початку кіносеансів, вистав у театрах тощо:
The next train leaves at 13.45. The concert this evening starts at 7.30. Does the film begin at 3.30 or 4.30? | Наступний поїзд відходить о 13.45. Сьогодні увечері концерт починається о 7.30. Фільм розпочинається о 3.30 чи о 4.30? |
б) 3 дієсловами, що означають рух: соте приходити, прибувати; go їхати, іти; leave залишати, від'їжджати та ін.:
Не leaves tomorrow. They come next week. | Він від'їжджає завтра. Вони приїздять наступного тижня. |
в) У підрядних реченнях умови й часу, які вводяться сполучниками if якщо, when коли, after після того, як, before перш ніж, till, until поки не та ін. В українській мові у відповідних підрядних реченнях уживається майбутній час:
If he comes, I shall give him the book. I shall go home when I read the article. He will wait for her until she comes back. | Якщо він прийде, я дам йому книжку. Я піду додому, коли прочитаю цю статтю. Він буде чекати на неї, поки вона не повернеться. |
3. Дієслова у Present Simple вживаються з прислівниками частотності: never ніколи; seldom , rarely рідко; not often не часто; sometimes , occasionally іноді; often , frequently часто; usually звичайно; always завжди. У реченні ці прислівники стоять перед повнозначним дієсловом, але після дієслова be :
І usually go to bed at 11 o'clock. He doesn't often eat meat. He is never late to school. | Я звичайно лягаю спати об одинадцятій годині. Він не часто їсть м'ясо. Він ніколи не запізнюється до школи. |
a) Sometimes і usually можуть уживатися також на початку речення або наприкінці його:
Sometime we play chess. We play chess sometimes. Usually I go shopping with my friends. I go shopping with my friends usually. | Іноді ми граємо у шахи. Я звичайно ходжу за покупками зі своїми друзями. |
б) Дієслова у Present Simple вживаються з обставинними словосполученнями: every day кожного дня; every week кожного тижня; every month кожного місяця; every year кожного року тощо. Ці обставини часу стоять на початку або наприкінці речення:
Every day we go to the shop to buy some bread. We spend our holidays at the seaside every year. | Кожного дня ми ходимо до ма газину, щоб купити хліба. Кожного року ми проводимо свою відпустку біля моря. |
4. Стверджувальна форма Present Simple для всіх осіб, крім третьої особи однини, збігається з основною формою дієслова, яку ми позначаємо буквою V ( verb ). У третій особі однини ( she , he, it ) до основної форми дієслова додається закінчення -s або -es. Закінчення -es додається до дієслів, що закінчуються на приголосні s , ss , ch , sh , tch , x , z:
а) Закінчення -s (-es) вимовляється як:
/s/ — keeps, wants, speaks після глухих приголосних
/z/— reads, lives, sees, plays після дзвінких приголосних і голосних
/iz/— washes, dresses, teaches, watches після свистячих або шиплячих приголосних
б) При додаванні закінчень -s або -es у третій особі однини спостерігаються деякі зміни у правописі дієслів.
• Кінцева у змінюється на і перед -s (-es), якщо їй передує приголосна:
study — studies
try — tries
fly — flies
• Кінцева у не змінюється перед -s, якщо їй передує голосна:
play — plays
stay — stays
pay — pays
• Дієслова go іти і do робити у третій особі однини мають закінчення -es, яке вимовляється як /z/:
do /du|/ — does /dAZ/
go /дзи/ — goes /gauz/
5. Заперечна форма Present Simple утворюється за допомогою дієслова do для всіх осіб і does для третьої особи однини, заперечної частки not та інфінітива повнозначного дієслова без частки to :
І do not play football. My friend does not play tennis. | Я не граю у футбол. Мій друг не грає в теніс. |
В усному мовленні замість do not і does not вживаються скорочені форми відповідно don ' t і doesn ' t :
І don't play football.
My friend doesn't play tennis.
6. Питальна форма Present Simple утворюється за допомогою дієслова do у формах do / does та інфінітива повнозначного дієслова без частки to . Допоміжне дієслово do/does ставиться перед підметом:
Do you play tennis? Does he play football? What do you play? What does he play? | Ти граєш у теніс? Чи грає він у футбол? У що ти граєш? У що він грає? |
7. Форми дієслова у Present Simple.
Стверджувальна форма
І You We They | play |
tennis volleyball football
| every day.
Не She It | plays |
Заперечна форма
I You We They | do not don't | play | tennis volleyball football
| every day.
He She It | does not doesn't |
Питальна форма
Do | І you we they | play | tennis volleyball football
| every day?
Does | he she it |
8. Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Do you / they play tennis every day?
Yes, I / they do.
Past Simple
Основна формула | Ved/V2 |
1. Past Simple вживається для вираження дії, що відбувалася або відбулася у минулому і не пов'язана з теперішнім моментом мовлення.
Past Simple означає:
а) Одну дію, що відбулася у минулому:
І met him yesterday. | Я зустрів його вчора. |
б) Послідовні дії у минулому:
Не threw down his spade, entered the house and asked for a cup of coffee. | Він кинув заступ, увійшов у будинок і попросив чашку кави. |
в) Повторювані дії у минулому:
Every night he made an entry in his diary. | Кожного вечора він робив запис у своєму щоденнику. |
2. Для вираження минулого часу вживається словосполучення used to + infinitive , що означає:
а) Дії, які відбувалися тривалий час або неодноразово повторювалися в минулому, але не відбуваються зараз:
My uncle used to go to the cinema every Saturday when he was a teenager. We used to live in a small village, but we live in London now. | Мій дядько, бувало, ходив до кінотеатру кожної суботи, коли був юнаком. Ми жили у маленькому селі, а зараз живемо в Лондоні. |
б) Звички у минулому:
He used to smoke a lot when he served in the army. | Він багато палив, коли служив в армії. |
в) Звичайний стан у минулому:
They used to be happy together, but now they quarrel all the time. | Вони були колись щасливими разом, а зараз постійно сперечаються. |
3. Used to має стверджувальну, заперечну і питальну форми.
а) Стверджувальна і заперечна форми:
І Не She It We You They | used to didn't use to used not to | smoke. play tennis. be happy. travel a lot. |
1) Used to часто вживається з прислівником never, який надає реченню заперечного характеру:
Не never used to be happy in his childhood. She never used to drink coffee before. | Він ніколи не був щасливим у дитинстві. Вона ніколи раніше не пила каву. |
2) Used to вимовляється як / 'ju:stu/ або / 'ju:sta/.
б) Питальна форма:
What did I/he/she/it/we/you/they use to do?
в) Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Did you/he/she use to smoke a lot?
Yes, I/he/she did.
No , I / he / she didn ' t .
г) У сучасному англійському мовленні питальна форма used to вживається не часто. Частіше запитання ставиться в Past Simple, a у відповіді вживається used to:
Where did you go on holidays when you were young? We used to go to the sea. | Куди ви їздили під час відпустки, коли були молодими? Ми звичайно їздили до моря. |
4. Для вираження минулого часу може вживатися словосполучення would + infinitive (після would перед інфінітивом повнозначного дієслова частка to не ставиться), що означає повторювані дії уминулому, які характеризують поведінку людини:
My grandfather would sit in his armchair for hours smoking his pipe. My granny would heartily re- ceive many guests. | Мій дідусь, бувало, сидів годинами у своєму кріслі і палив люльку. Моя бабуня колись щиро приймала багато гостей. |
5. Слід відрізняти словосполучення used to + infinitive від be / get used to + gerund or noun. Ці словосполучення мають різні структуру і значення.
• У структурі used to + infinitive слово to — частка, що є компонентом неозначеної форми повнозначного дієслова.
• У структурі be / get used to + gerund or noun слово to — прийменник, що вживається з герундієм або іменником.
• used to + infinitive означає, що дії, ситуації, які неодноразово повторювалися у минулому, зараз вже більше не відбуваються:
І used to live alone. | Я жила сама. (Зараз я вже сама не живу) |
• be/get used to + gerund or noun має значення звикнути/звикати до чогось:
І am used to living alone. І get used to traffic noise | Я звикла жити сама (Зараз я теж живу сама). Я звикаю до шуму транспорту. |
• used to + infinitive вживається тільки у минулому часі й не має еквівалентів у теперішньому часі.
• be / get used to + gerund or noun уживається як у теперішньому, так і минулому часі:
І get used to getting up early. І got used to getting up early when I was in Australia. Jane was used to eating pine- apples when she lived in Spain. John isn't used to cold weather. | Я звикаю вставати рано. Я звикла вставати рано, коли була в Австралії. Джейн звикла їсти ананаси, коли жила в Іспанії. Джон не звик до холодної погоди. |
6. Дієслова у Past Simple часто вживаються з такими обставинними словами і словосполученнями: ago тому; last night минулоговечора; yesterday вчора; last week минулого тижня; last month минулого місяця; last summer / autumn / winter / spring минулого літа/осені/зими/весни; yesterday morning / afternoon / evening вчора вранці/після полудня/ввечері:
І saw him long ago. І did my homework last night. We travelled much last sum те r . | Я бачив його давно. Я виконав домашнє завдання минулого вечора. Минулого літа ми багато подорожували. |
7. Дієслова у Past Simple можуть уживатися з прислівниками частотності: never , seldom , sometimes , often , usually , always тощо:
Greg often went to the stadium last summer. When I was a schoolboy, I never missed my classes and І usually came to school in time. | Грег часто ходив на стадіон минулого літа. Коли я був учнем, я ніколи не пропускав заняття і завжди приходив до школи вчасно. |
8. За способом творення Past Simple дієслова поділяються на правильні і неправильні. Стверджувальна форма правильних дієслів у Past Simple утворюється додаванням закінчення -ed до основи повнозначного дієслова:
play + ed = played
stop + ed = stopped
carry + ed = carried
а) Закінчення -ed вимовляється як:
/t/ — після глухих приголосних:
dance — danced
laugh — laughed
help — helped
/d/ — після голосних та дзвінких приголосних:
play — played
solve — solved
open — opened
/id/ — після приголосних t, d:
greet — greeted
invite — invited
want — wanted
б) При додаванні -ed відбуваються деякі зміни у правописі дієслів у Past Simple:
• Кінцева буква у змінюється на і перед - ed, якщо їй передує приголосна:
carry — carried
reply — replied
• Кінцева буква у не змінюється перед - ed, якщо їй передує голосна:
play — played
enjoy — enjoyed
• Кінцева приголосна подвоюється перед - ed, якщо дієслово закінчується на одну приголосну, якій передує короткий голосний звук під наголосом:
stop — stopped
plan — planned
sob — sobbed
submit — submitted
• Кінцева буква r перед - ed подвоюється, якщо їй передує голосний звук під наголосом:
re'fer — referred
pre'fer — preferred
ос'cur — occurred
• Кінцева буква r не подвоюється перед -ed, якщо їй передує дифтонг:
appear — appeared
• Кінцева буква 1 подвоюється перед - ed, якщо їй передує короткий голосний звук незалежно від того, під наголосом він чи ні:
travel — travelled
compel — compelled
Але в американському варіанті буква 1 у цьому випадку не подвоюється:
travel — traveled
compel — compeled
• Кінцева німа буква e перед - ed випадає:
live — lived
like — liked
9. Неправильні дієслова утворюють Past Simple чергуванням голосних чи приголосних кореня або іншими способами. Форми Past Simple неправильних дієслів слід запам'ятати. (Див. форми неправильних дієслів у розділах 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3):
put — put sleep — slept write — wrote
let — let shoot — shot come — came тощо
10. У стверджувальній формі дієслова у Past Simple мають однакову форму для всіх осіб:
Ved (danced, liked) — для правильних дієслів
V2 = (wore, sat) — для неправильних дієслів
Стверджувальна форма | І Не She It We You They | danced wore | at the ball a hat | yesterday. |
11. Заперечна форма Past Simple утворюється за допомогою дієслова did для всіх осіб однини і множини, частки not і першої форми повнозначного дієслова.
В усному мовленні замість did not уживається скорочена форма didn ' t .
Заперечна форма | І Не She It We You They | did not didn't | dance wear | at the ball a hat | yesterday. |
12. Питальна форма Past Simple утворюється за допомогою дієслова did для всіх осіб однини і множини та першої форми повнозначного дієслова. Допоміжне дієслово did у питальній формі завжди стоїть перед підметом.
Загальне запитання | Did | І he she it we you they | dance wear | at the ball a hat | yesterday? |
Спеціальне запитання | When | did | I he she it we you they | dance wear | at the ball? a hat? |
а) Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання у Past Simple :
Did you/he/she/they dance at the ball yesterday?
Yes, I/he/she/we/they did.
Yes, he/she was.
No, he/she was not/wasn't.
Were you/they at the ball yesterday?
Yes, we/they were.
Future Simple
Основна формула | shall/will V |
1. Future Simple вживається, щоб передати дію, яка відбудеться або відбуватиметься у майбутньому.
Future Simple означає:
а) Одну дію, що має здійснитися у майбутньому:
І shall read these chapters tomorrow. | Я прочитаю ці розділи завтра. |
б) Дію, що охоплює певний період часу в майбутньому:
Vicky will live in America а few years. | Вікі буде жити в Америці декілька років. |
в) Послідовні дії в майбутньому:
First we shall talk a little and then we shall have dinner together. | Спочатку ми трохи поговоримо, а потім пообідаємо разом. |
г) Повторювані дії у майбутньому:
І hope you will attend your classes regularly. | Маю надію, що ти будеш відвідувати заняття регулярно. |
2. Дієслова у Future Simple можуть виражати пропозицію, прохання, обіцянку:
It's cold in here. Shall I turn on the heater? Will you give me a glass of milk? І shall never hurt my sister again. | Тут холодно. Чи не увімкнути мені обігрівач? Ти не даси мені склянку молока? Я більше ніколи не ображу свою сестру. |
3. Для вираження майбутньої дії часто вживаються словосполучення:
be going to be about to | збиратися щось зробити |
I am going to read these chapters tomorrow. Не is about to start reading in a minute. | Я збираюся прочитати ці розділи завтра. Або: Я прочитаю ці розділи завтра. Він розпочне читати через хвилину. |
4. Future Simple не вживається в підрядних реченнях часу й умови. Замість Future Simple у цих випадках вживається Present Simple :
If I have time, I'll write а letter. When he comes, she will give him the book. | Я напишу листа, якщо матиму час. Коли він прийде, вона віддасть йому книгу. |
5. Future Simple вживається часто зі словами та словосполученнями, що
• вказують на майбутній час:
tomorrow завтра
next week наступного тижня
next month/year наступного місяця/року
• на повторювані дії в майбутньому: every day , often , always .
• на послідовні дії у майбутньому: at first спочатку, then потім, after після.
I'll often write letters to you. I'll come home and then I'll write a letter to you. | Я буду часто писати тобі листи. Я приїду додому і тоді напишу тобі листа. |
6. Future Simple часто вживається після таких дієслів і словосполучень: be sure бути впевненим; know знати; expect сподіватися, очікувати; think думати, вважати; suppose гадати, припускати:
I'm sure you will recover soon. І expect he will come in time. І think you will enjoy the party. Do you think she will come back soon? | Я впевнена, що Ви скоро одужаєте. Сподіваюся, що він прийде вчасно. Думаю, що вечірка Вам сподобається. Думаєш, що вона скоро повернеться? |
Якщо необхідно повідомити про своє власне рішення щось зробити чи не зробити у найближчому майбутньому, уживаються такі конструкції:
І think I'll ...
І don't think I'll ...
/ think I'll stay at home this evening. І don't think I'll go shopping today. | Думаю, що сьогодні ввечері я залишуся вдома. Думаю, що не піду сьогодні за покупками. |
7. Стверджувальна форма Future Simple утворюється за допомогою дієслова shall / will для першої особи однини і множини і will для всіх інших осіб у сполученні з першою формою повнозначного дієслова.
У сучасному англійському мовленні з першою особою однини і множини вживається переважно допоміжне дієслово will :
Стверджувальна форма | І We | shall/will '11 | dance play | at the ball tennis | tomorrow. |
You Не She It They | will '11 |
Скорочена форма від shall і will — '11:
'11, we'll, you'll, he'll, she'll, it'll, they'll.
8. Заперечна форма Future Simple утворюється додаванням частки not після допоміжних дієслів shall / will :
Заперечна форма | І We | shall not shan't will not won't | dance play | at the ball tennis | tomorrow. |
You Не She It They | will not won't |
Won ' t /waimt/ — скорочена форма від will + not ;
Shan ' t /Ja:nt/ — скорочена форма від shall + not .
9. У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово shall або will ставиться перед підметом:
Загальне запитання
| Shall/Will | І we | dance play | at the ball tennis | tomorrow? |
Will | you he she it they |
Спеціальне запитання
| When | shall/will | І we | dance play
| at the ball? tennis?
will | you he she it they |
Короткі відповіді на загальні запитання:
Will you/he/she/they play tennis tomorrow?
Yes, he/she/they will.
No, I/we shan't/won't.
No , he / she / they won ' t .
10. Питально-заперечна форма Future Simple утворюється за допомогою частки not , яка ставиться у питальному реченні після підмета перед повнозначним дієсловом:
Will he not stay here till Monday? Will you not read these ten chapters tomorrow? | Хіба він не залишиться тут до понеділка? Хіба ти не прочитаєш ці десять розділів завтра? |
В розмовних формах частка not поєднується з допоміжним дієсловом:
Won't he stay here till Monday?
Won't you read these ten chapters tomorrow?
Практичні заняття І семестр
Тема 1(пр.)
1. Розмовна тема «Життя студентів».
Вивчення фонетичного, лексичного та граматичного мінімуму. Формування навичок читання, перекладу, усного діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
Тема 2 (пр.)
2. Розмовна тема «Наш університет».
Вивчення лексичних одиниць та розмовних зразків за темою, ситуативних особливостей їх вживання та перекладу на рідну мову. Розвиток навичок читання та перекладу текстів загальноосвітнього характеру.
3. Вивчення граматичних структур з дієсловами to be, to have, to do, ознайомлення з правилами їх утворення та вживання. Повторення правил вживання Simple Tenses (Active); переклад речень, що містять ці структури з англійської мови на українську та навпаки. Ступені порівняння прикметників. Вивчення особливостей їх утворення та використання.
Тема 3 (сам. р.)
1. Лексична тема «Сім'я».
Вивчення фонетичних норм англійської мови за темою, лексичних одиниць. Аудіювання текстів за темою, ознайомче та пошукове читання з визначеною кількістю незнайомих слів. Складання діалогів на запропоновані ситуації. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.
2. Читання та переклад тексту “Мій робочий день”.
Вивчення лексичних одиниць. Вивчення мовних моделей повсякденного спілкування. Вивчення мовних моделей звертання, ввічливості, вибачення та погодження.. Ознайомлення з особливостями ситуативного спілкування в усній та письмовій формі.
Тема 4 (сам. р.)
1. Лексична тема «Звички та повсякденна діяльність».
Вивчення лексичних одиниць. Вивчення мовних моделей повсякденного спілкування. Вивчення мовних моделей звертання, ввічливості, вибачення та погодження. Читання текстів з метою ознайомлення та пошуку нової інформації. Ситуативне спілкування в усній та письмовій формі.
2. Граматика. Види питань. Ознайомлення з типами питальних речень та їх структурами. Складання питань 5 типів та використання їх в усному діалогічному мовленні. Займенники some, any, no. Використання займенників some, any, no в реченні.
Тема 5 (сам.р.)
1. Читання та переклад тексту “Квартира”
2. Вивчення лексичних одиниць вивчення граматичного матеріалу за темами: «Оборот There + to be», використання much, many, few, little.
3. Виконання лексико-граматичних вправ, спрямованих на розпізнавання та використання вивчених структур у усному та письмовому мовленні
Рекомендована література
Англійська мова
1. Нормативна література
1. Прискорений курс англійської мови: Підручник/ Л.Ю.Куліш., Є.О.Друянова, В.Л. Мотова та ін.– 3-тє вид., стер. – К.: Вища школа, 1996–303 с.: іл. – Англ., укр.
2. Шевельова С. English on economics. 21 lessons.
3. Данілова З.В., Князевська І.Б. Ділова англійська мова. Основи Бухгалтерського обліку. Фінанси. Навчальний посібник англійською мовою., – М., 1988 – 104 с.
4. Кучин Н.Д., Гусєва Н.Я. Пособие по английскому языку для экономических вузов и факультетов: Учеб. пособие.- М.: "Высшая школа", 1976 – 120 с.
5. Воронцова И.И., Ильина А.К., Момджи Ю.В. Английский язык для студентов экономических факультетов: Учебное пособие. – М.: «Издательство ПРИОР», 2002 – 144 с.
6. О.М. Верховцева. Методично-навчальний посібник з курсу ділової англійської мови для студентів факультету економіки та менеджменту. – Вінниця,: Видавництво "Поділля–2000", 2001–256 с.
7. Гордієнко І.С. МВ з англ мови до вивчення розмовних тем (для студентів І, ІІ курсів економічного факультету усіх спеціальностей). – Алчевськ: ДонДТУ, 2006 - 37 с.
8. Альшаєва О.М., Рибакова Н.С. МР до самостійної роботи над загальними розмовними темами для студентів І курсу денної та заочної форм навчання вищих учбових закладів немовних спеціальностей. – Алчевськ: ДГМІ, 2001. – 42 с. № 1577.
9. Коганов А.Б. Грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами к ним: - К.: Издательство А. С. К., 2003 – 488 с.
10. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений, - 5-е изд., - СПб.: КАРО, 2005. – 544с.
11. English learner’s digest. Дайджест для изучающих английский язык.
Передмова ……………………………………………….………….4
Виконання контрольних робіт та їх оформлення ……….………..5
Варианти контрольних робіт ……………………………….………8
Розмовна тема ……………………………………….…….……….54
Тексти для читання та перекладу …………………..…….………58
Граматичнмй довідник …………………………………….………79
Зразок лексико-граматичного тесту …………………….……..…118
Робоча навчальна програма навчальної дисципліни
«Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» ………………121
Рекомендована література …………………………………………129
Навчально-методичний комплекс призначен для розвитку практичних умінь та навичок використання граматичного матеріалу та навичок читання й перекладу текстів загальної тематики у студентів заочної форми навчання.
Навчально-методичний комплекс містить у собі контрольне завдання № 1, яке складається з 12 варіантів,розмовної теми «Our University», текстів для читання та перекладу та граматичний довідник, укладений згідно із граматичним завданням контрольної роботи, а також робочу програму з дисціплини «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням», навчально-методичну карту, рекомендовану літературу та зразок лексико-граматичного теста.
Перші дві вправи націлени на розвиток навичок самостійного читання та повного розуміння англійського тексту з використання словника, відповідь на запитання, що розвиває у студентів уміння пошукового читання для отримання інформації. Наступні вправи націлені на контроль засвоєння граматичного матеріалу, вивченого на певному етапі оволодіння англійською мовою. Для того, щоб виконати ці вправи, треба самостійно розібрати відповідний граматичний матеріал за граматичним довідником або за рекомендованим підручником.
Виконання контрольних робіт та їх оформлення
Ліва сторінка | Права сторінка | ||
П о л я | Англійський текст | Український текст | П о л я |
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 746.