Pete: What are you going to do this week?
Ann.: Well, I don't really know.
Pete: Why not visit the Museum of Fine Arts?
Ann: Well... I've been there. I've done a lot of sightseeing since I came here.
I've also been to the Museum of Local Lore.
Pete: Have you been to the Kursk Bulge Diorama?
Ann: On. yes". I've been there more than once. You know how keen I am on
history. I've heard some good lectures there too.
Pete: Have you seen the Monument to M.Schepkin?
Ann: Yes, I went there a week ago. But I haven't seen Preobrazhensky Cathedral since I was here last time.
Pete: Oh, it is worth seeing.
Ann: But I really ought to think about the business side of my visit now. I haven't been to the cement plant yet. I expert things have changed over the past five years.
Pete: I'm sure they have. Yes, here have been some very big developments since you were here last. Tell me - would you like to go and see the Energomash Plant which manufactures power engineering equipment?
Ann: Yes, I would.
Pete: They have a big modern plant, and I happen to know the Personnel Manager there.
Ann: Thank you. I'd be very grateful to you.
10. Обучение в сотрудничестве. Onion. Класс делится на две равные группы. Учащиеся, образовав круг, становятся лицом друг к другу, беседуют по теме, затем меняются пвртнерами.
What is your favourite place in Belgorod? Why do you like it?
-Victory park is my favourite place in Belgorod. It is a very beautiful park. You can see a lot of wonderful fountains, attractions. I like to spend my free time here. I walk, go boating. There is a zoo in Victory” park. I always enjoy the animals. I have a lot of fun in this park.
-I spend my. spare time in Lenin park. It is the largest park in Belgorod. There are many attractions. I go for a walk, take various rides there. I can see concerts, listen to music, dance .I buy souvenirs and eat Russian traditional food.
-I am a theatre –lover I prefer to visit drama theatre It is my favourite place. I like to sit in the pit, I try to buy a ticket beforehand. I usually look through a playbill before going to theatre. In the foyer I see the photos of the famous and popular actors and actresses on the walls. I like the performance and I applaud the actors. I like to discuss the play if I see it with my friends.
The center of Belgorod is Sobornaya Square. It is the most beautiful place in Belgorod. I usually visit this square. In Sobornaya Square we have meetings, holidays, parades, concerts. Every year there is a very big New Years Tree in the center of Sobornaya Square. I like to come to this square to look at the tree. I like to spend my free time here.
11. Тест Now I see that you are proud od Belgorod and of its sights. I would like to see how well you know the sights of Belgorod. Let’s do the test.
1. What is the main square is?:
a) Sobornaya Sq.
b) Red. Sq.
c)Market Sq.
2. What is the longest street in Belgorod ?
a) Popov Street;
b).Khmelnitsky Street;
c) Phrunse Street.
3. How was Popov Street called before the Revolution ?
a)Old Moscow Street;
b)New Moscow Street;
c)Moscow Street.
.4 What is the largest theatre in Belgorod?
a) Drama theatre
b) Puppet theatre
c) Musical theatre
5. What is Belgorod Drama Theatre named after? :
b) Vatutin
c) Leonov
6. Where can you see the picture of the Battle during the Great
Patriotic War in Belgorod ?
a) in the Natural History Museum;
b)Diorama museum;
c)Picture Gallery.
7. What parks are there in Belgorod?
a)Victory P., Memory P., Lenin P.
b)Hyde Park, National P., Safari Park
c)Gorki P., Sakolniki, Green P
8.What is the biggest park in Belgorod?
a) Gagarin park
b) Victory park
c) Lenin park
9.. How many cinemas are there in Belgorod?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5.
10. How many Sport Palaces are there in Belgorod
a) two
Key: 1- a 2-c 3 –c 4 – a 5- a 6 – b 7 –a 8 – c 9 b 10 - 4
Your time is over. Exchange your sheets of paper and check them. Look at the key and give your mark to your neighbor. Rise hands who has got a five, a four, a three. Your results are great. Very nice.
So children thank you for your participation at the lesson. Your reports, answers were very interesting and exciting. It’s pity but our lesson is over, see you soon.
12. Разноуровневое домашнее задание:
1. Подготовить пересказ текста о достопримечательностях Белгорода
2. Заполните таблицу ……..
3. Подготовить сообщение о том, как сохранить Белгородскую область чистой? Make a story about one of the places of interest in Belgorod
13.Подведение итогов.
14. Рефлексия. Раздается лист с этапами урока, за каждый этап ребята ставят себе оценку
В этом задании «зашифровано» слово, чтобы его «расшифровать», нужно внимательно прочитать указание о порядке следования букв в каждом слове.
1. The letter h is on the left of e
T is next to h
R is two letters after e
And t is before r and after a
E is the last letter and after r (theatre)
Do you love your city?
Are you proud of your city?
Education in Russia and Belgorod. Our school.
Цели урока:
Учебная -Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Развивающая –развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Познавательная – знакомство со школами города и расширение сведений о родной школе.
Воспитательная – формирование способности к коллективной работе в группе, воспитание уважения к школе и школьным предметам.
Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал, проектные работы.
Ход урока.
2. Цель урока: Our lesson will be unusual. We are going to have an extramural excursion to schools of Belgorod and our own school. Children will describe educational system of secondary schools in our town and make their own dialogues.
I Фонетическая зарядка. (Лексика по теме «Образование»)
[t] – infant, type, study, system, elementary
[s] – secondary, school, start, student, explain, compulsory
[ai] – high, private, primary, lyceum;
[g] – graduate, grade, get;
[dz] – college, gymnasium, technology, subject;
[d] - education, grades, diploma, children, student
II Речевая зарядка
Today I want you to play the game “Agree or disagree” with me. You will listen to my statements and agree with me if I am right. Repeat my statements if it is true. Disagree with me and correct my statement if it is false.
III. In Belgorod there are 43 secondary schools.
IV. School No 20 is specialized in English.
V. There are no lyceums in Belgorod.
VI. Pupils start going to school at the age of 5 in Russia.
VII. In Russia pupils study in primary school for 4 years.
VIII. School No 20 is situated in Necrasov St.
IX. There are a lot of different clubs in our school
X. Our school was founded in 1961
III Проверка домашнего задания.
Письма зарубежному другу с использованием компьютера
- о школах города Белгорода ( информация из проектов)
Our excursion is devoted to educational system and schools in Belgorod.You know that every citizen in our country has the right to education. This right is guaranted by the Constitution. It is not only a right but a duty, too.Every boy or girl must get secondary education. Schools starts at the age of 6 for Russian children and they must stay there until they are 14 or 17 years old. At all schools pupils study academic subjects such as Russian, Literature, Maths, History, Biology, Geography, foreign language and others. Education in our country is free at most schools, but ther are some private primary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.
Belgorod is one of Russian cities situated in the Central Black Earth region. The first educational institution in Belgorod was sloveno-russian school which was opened in 1722. First school providing general education in Belgorod appeared in the 40-th years of the 19-th century.Training there was not always fulfilled by professional teachers. Students, priests and even people who could write and read worked there. School plays a very important social role. It provides high-quality education for pupils between the ages of 6 and 17. It brings together children with different interests and experience. School offers pupils the opportunities to develop their abilities, satisfy their curiosity, and realise themselves as individuals. At school pupils are taught to be responsible, gallant, and honest.
,- о школе № 20. Now I want to say some words about my school. My school is located in Shershneva Street Set up in 1961, it values its traditions, which, however, have changed in the course of time. Every year on the first of September all the pupils and teachers of our school gather in the forecourt for a meeting at which the beginning of a new academic year is proclaimed. After the meeting the pupils go to their classrooms. The classrooms are very large. In our school there are a lot of specialised classrooms. The Biology classroom is with a lot of flowers. By taking care of the flowers we learn to love and protect nature. The Literature classroom resembles a library with a lot of bookcases around the walls and the portraits of the classics of Russian literature. In the History classroom there are maps and archaeological artefacts. I like history because it tells us about the events of the past. Most of all I like the English classroom. On the wall of the English classroom there are posters with London places of interest: Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, and the Tower of London. Our English teacher teaches us not only the language of the Englishmen but their culture, history and traditions as well. By learning more about the life style of other peoples we start to appreciate customs and traditions of our country. During our English classes we read and translate texts, discuss some English books, and listen to the tape-recorder.
I spend much time at school. But at school we do not only study. We have some extracurricular activities as well. They are part of school life. Our social and cultural life is well organised. We have different clubs. We often go to the museums and theatres. At school I have many interesting subjects and they are all different. My favourite subjects are English, Literature and History. I like to learn new English words, dramatise texts and dialogues. I like to discuss interesting problems in English during our English classes. Everything that is connected with Great Britain is very important to me. I like my classmates, and we always spend our time together. I am sure that eventually they will be ready to enter our society as full-fledged citizens.
IV Физкультминутка.
(Проводится дежурным учеником.)
Hands on your hips, hands on your knees
Put them behind you if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four
V Составление диалогов по темам сообщений домашнего задания
А) A new pupil came from another town. He is looking for school to study. Tell him about schools in Belgorod and advise your school.
B) You are speaking with a correspondent of the newspaper “Our Belgorod” about your school and your plans for future.
17. What is one of the greatest problems of school life?
18. One of the greatest problems of school life is connected with communication. There are about 30 boys and girls in a class, and they have to live and learn together for more than a decade. Every person has his own interests and attitudes to everything. It is very important for classmates to become friends. Sometimes some of them become real friends for the rest of their lives. In some cases pupils cannot establish contacts and good relations with their classmates. The pupils who accept all the difficulties of school life and break the wall of misunderstanding with their classmates are happy at school.
19. What can you say about your school building?
20. Our school is a modern three-storied building. On the ground floor one can find administrative offices, a medical room , computer classes and classrooms for pupils of the Primary school. On other floors there are different classrooms.
21. What do you usually do during the breaks?
22. Breaks at school are not very long. They can last from 5 to 15 minutes. Sometimes we hardly have enough time to move from one classroom to another. Usually we talk or play. During one of the longest breaks we have lunch, in early autumn, and late spring we can play in the school yard.
23. What do you talk about with your classmates?
24. Usually we express our views about the books we read, computer games we play or films we have seen or want to see. We discuss our plans for the weekends and decide how to spend our free time.
25. Do you work hard at school?
26. Yes, I do. I work very hard. I never miss classes and I always do my homework. Sometimes it really takes several hours to do it, but I do not complain. I am really interested in what I learn at school. Moreover, I understand perfectly well that in the nearest future this knowledge will help me a lot.
27. Do you have many friends at school?
28. There are …. boys and girls in our class. We are all good friends. Nevertheless, I have a few good friends. There are …of us in our company. We usually spend our free time together. We meet after classes, and go to the museums and cinemas. We have a very good time together, especially at the weekends.
29. Some people when they grow older do not like to speak about their school years. What do you think about it?
30. School years are connected with hard mental activity. That is why some people don't like to speak about them. For self-assured people the recollection of their school years can be very pleasant. All unpleasant moments of their school life they present with humour. And this is the key to their success. This very attitude has been worked out at school and by school.
VI Грамматика. Косвенная речь. Работа в режиме
Teacher > Pupil1; Teacher > Pupil 2
Example: 1.T> N- How many lessons did you have yesterday?
10. > I had 6 lessons yesterday.
T > X - What did he said?
X > He said that he had had 6 lessons the day before
Questions: 1. When was our school founded?
2. How many museums are there in our school?
3. Are there any lyceums in Belgorod?
4. Is education in Russia compulsory?
5. Do we have only state schools in Belgorod?
6. Are Russian schools co-educational?
7. What age do pupils go to school in Russia?
VII. Reading.
Museum of Military glory.
Museum of military glory of school No 20 was founded on February 22, 1969. The aim of foundation was to study the history of native land, to bring up young generation the patriots of their country, to form the skills of searching work.
The first leader of the museum was the teacher Tyuremskih Nina Vasilievna, then were Bazarova Zoya Vasilievna and Chevychelov Victor Mikhailovich and from 1980 the leader of our museum is Romanova Antonina Andreevna. She conducts a lot of excursions for pupils of our school and our guests. Together with pupils she corresponds with veterans of the Great Patriotic war and their relatives.
In the museum we can see the portraits of the heroes of the Soviet Union, a lot of pictures from the war, personal things of the soldiers, archeological finds.
To show all the exhibits the museum organizes different exhibitions devoted to important events.
Find the English equivalents:
11. военная слава
12. навыки поисковой работы
13. руководитель музея
14. переписываться с ветеранами
15. фотографии с войны
16. археологические находки
Answer the questions:
· When was our school museum founded?
· How many leaders were in our school museum?
· What does the museum organize to show all the exhibits?
VII Подведение итогов урока
Тексты для чтения
Cathedrals of Belgorod
By the end of the 19th century, Belgorod had 16 churches, 2 cathedrals, 2 monasteries. The style of cathedrals was simple and called "St. Petersburg baroque"
Today there are a lot of Cathedrals in Belgorod.
Preobrazhensky cathedral
The church of Transfiguration was constructed in 1813 .The architect was - Vasilev E. At the beginning of XX century the church had 186 parishioners and two-classes of church school. At the end of 1920th the Preobrazhensky church received the status of a cathedral. In 1962 the cathedral was closed.
Transfiguration cathedral is a two-storey stony construction with a bell tower. There are 5 chapels in the cathedral: the main in honour of Transfiguration is on the ground floor; the one in the southern chapel is in the name of St. Elias the Prophet; the one of the upper floor is in honour of Theopany; the one in the southern chapel is in the name of Our Lady of the Sign icon. Transfiguration cathedral became a cathedral church in the late 1920s after St. Trinity church had been closed. The cathedral was subjected to closure in 1962 so it was given to Belgorod regional museum. Service was held at the cathedral on the 19th of August, 1990. The cathedral was partly given to Ecclesia starting the September of 1990. The cathedral was fully given to Eclesia by the September of 1991 because of invention of the relics of Joseph the Sanctifier, bishop of Belgorod. Relics of the Sanctifier were solemnly brought to the cathedral on the 17th of September, 1991.
Nicola- Ioasafovsky cathedral
Nicola- Ioasafovsky cathedral was constructed in 1799. At the beginning of XX century a place of its arrangement was the New city cemetery.[ii] Iconostasis of this cathedral is one of the oldest in Belgorod. There are 4 chapels in the cathedral. It is my favourite cathedral. It is a very beautiful building.
Smolensk у cathedral
I often go to this cathedral, because it is near my house.
The monumental Smolensky Cathedral with a massive bell tower on the two-tiered refectory was built on the east side of the city near a market square. In 1705 the first Smolensk wooden church was constructed.
In XIX century the church had undergone significant changes. After 1917 the church had been plundered. During the Great Patriotic war it was considerably destroyed. In 1958 and 1974 a temple was finally destroyed.
At the end of the 1980th works on its restoration had begun. In 1992 it was transferred to Church. On December, 13th, 1994 after the end of restoration of a ground floor the bottom temple was consecrated by archbishop Kursk and Ryljsk, and on July, 11th, 1996 the restored top temple was consecrated by bishop (nowadays archbishop) Belgorod and Stary Oskol.
In April, 1995 on a belltower of a temple unique works of modern Russian masters of a bell, with a wonderful clear voice are lifted. The Sunday school for children and adults was opened at a cathedral .
Krestovozdvizhensky church
Krestovozdvizhensky church was constructed in 1863.
The main relic of a temple is the wonder-working Cross which is located to the left of an iconostasis. The cross was sent to landowner Jury Vyrodov by his brother. It was dated at first half XVIII century. Jury Vyrodov didn’t account that the cross was saint, that’s why he throw out it. Once the blind found the cross and he gave to the church. Now the big wooden cross is placed in the church.
The cathedral of Matrony Moskovskoi
The cathedral was built in 2004. It is situated near the main hospital. The architect was Busygin V.Ya. As we know Matrona lived in Moscow. She was blind, she helped people to have a good health. Many people go to the church.
The cathedral of Gavriila
E.S. Savchenko is a governor of Belgorod region suggested to built this cathedral. The cathedral was built in 2001. It is situated near Belgorod State University. The architect was Molchanov N.A.
The cathedral of George
The cathedral was built in 2001. The architect was Kolesnikova L.I. It is a wooden church.
Famous people of Belgorod region.
Svetlana Khorkina.
There are many famous people in Belgorod region. Among them you can find the names of politicians and public figures, intellectuals and scientists, heroes of war and labour, sportsmen and artists.
The names of Shchepkin, Vatutin, Shukhov, Degtyarev, Kosenkov, Khorkina are Known all over Russia and abroad.
The contribution of our countrymeninto the Russian culture can hardly be overestimated.
Svetlana Khorkina is a famous Russian gymnasts.She was born in1979 in Belgorod. In 1986 seven-year-old Sveta from Belgorod took part in the Essentuki Competition. At the age of 12 she won the Lenin YCL Prize Junior Competition in the USSR. IN 1992 she took part in the World Stars Championships when she came fourth and got Grand Prix [gra: pri:].
In 1995 Svetlana took part in the Australian World Championships. She returned from Australia as the holder of two silver medals.
In 1996 Svetlana returned from Atlanta, the USA as a Women’s Champion of the 24-th Olympic Games, the winner of one event and the holder of one gold and one silver medals. The same year she entered the physical culture faculty of Belgorod State University.
In 1997 she got two gold and three silver medals and won the title of the All-Round Women’s Champion of the World Championship in Switzerland.
In 1998 she took part in the European Championships in St. Petersburg and won the title of the All-Round Champion in Gymnastics in the European Championships. So she brilliantly passed the exam for the title of the best woman gymnasts in the world.
It is interesting to know that Svetlana Khorkina attaches great importance to foreign language studies. She has a very good command of French and is on the point of working on English and German.
Stepan Anikeevich Degtyarev was a famous Russian conductor and composer. He was born in 1766 in Borisovka in the family of serves of a count Sheremetev. In 1773 he went to Moscow with other talented children. The count Sheremetev saw that this boy was very clever and he offered him to learn. Degtyarev learned in Moscow University. He traveled to Italy with his teacher and composer J.Sarty.
Degtyarev took part in the concerts in capella and in the theatre of Sheremetev. He wrote 60 concerts and first Russian oratories. The most famous of all oratories is “Minin and Pozharskiy or liberation of Moscow”. First time it had been fulfilled in Moscow on March 9, 1811. He died on the 23 of April,1813.
Ivan Nikolaevich Shidlovskiy.
I.N.Shidlovskiy, a Russian poet, philosopher and scientist, was born in a village Grushevka of Volokonovskiy district in a nobiliary family. He began to write verses being a student of a grammar school.
In 1833 Shidlovskiy entered juridical faculty of the Kharkov University and then he worked in St. Petersburg.
In 1837 Shidlovskiy met young Dostoevskiy, they became friends.
In1840 Ivan Nikolaevich fell ill and came back to Grushevka. Here he wrote a drama “Maria Simonova”. The scientist frequently came to Belgorod ,visited his brothers in Korocha where they served in the army.
Ivan Nikolaevich died on June 14, 1872.
Nobiliary –дворянская
Juridical -юридический
Frequently –часто
1. When and where was Shidlovskiy born?
2. When did he begin to write verses?
3. Where and when did he meet Dostoevskiy?
4. What drama was written in Grushevka?
5. Where did Shidlovskiy’s brothers serve?
Boris Ivanovich Osykov.
B.I.Osykov was born in 1937 in Voronezh. His father was from peasant’s family from Pavlovka near Ivnya. His mother was a daughter of a famous architect and Russian poet M.A. Yasykov. His grandfather’s hobby was collecting ancient coins. The boy had bright impressions of childhood connected with grandfather’s hobby. The boy met the Great Patriotic War in the aviation military where his father served. The family was evacuated to the East and about half a year they lived in Kuibyshev. After the war the family left for Stariy Oskol where his father began to work as a teacher. They have a lot of books and all members of the family liked to read poems of Russian poets. Boris Ivanovich began to write poems being in the 7-th form. He wrote a lot about war, nature and school life. He has written about 20 books. The most important of them are: “Belgorod – blue distance”, the novel about Gaidar, the book about Shchepkin. He is working hard and very fruitfully and even now he has a lot of articles for magazines and newspapers.
Ancient coin – старинная монета
Impression - впечатление
To be evacuated – быть эвакуированным
1. When was B.I.Osykov born?
2. Whose daughter was his mother?
3. What was his grandfather’s hobby?
4. When did he begin to write poems?
5. How many books has he written?
2. What is interesting about his childhood?
3. In what way was Vatutin characterized in military school?
4. What was Vatutin’s role in the battle of Kursk?
5. How do people honour Vatutin?
6. Why are you proud of N.F. Vatutin?
3. Find the English equivalents:
1. выдающийся военный руководитель
2. учился усердно и получал стипендию
3. смелый и дисциплинированный солдат
4. энергичный, трудолюбивый, стойкий и искусный офицер
5. завершило поворотный момент
6. салютовал в честь
7. продолжил наступление
8. готовность жертвовать собой
4. Agree or disagree:
1. N.F.Vatutin was a famous scientist
2.N.F.Vatutin was born in the family of a peasant
3. He continued his education in Pedagogical Institute
4. Vatutin commanded the Red Army Division of the Belarussian front.
5. The tank battle of Kursk lasted 60 days and nights.
6. Vatutin was buried in Belgorod
5. Сompose the sentences using the following words and word combinations:
1. to be an outstanding military leader
2. to serve somebody’s country the best
3. to be mobilized
4. to be characterized as
5. to be of great importance
6. to fire a salute in honour
7. to be named after
8. to be established
6. Retell the text according to the plan WWW
1. Date and place of birth.
2. Education.
3. The service in the Red Army.
4. Military school.
5. The commander of the Red Army Division.
6. The victory in the battle of Kursk.
7. The death of the great commander.
8. Commemoration of a great military leader.
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 256.