Why do we say that Belgorod is a city of science and it has cultural traditions
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: A lot of a Russian writers, poets, artists, scientists, engineers and doctor live and work in Belgorod.

4. Проверка домашнего задания

. Look at these pictures and say to whom these monuments





Nikolaj Fyodorovich Vatutin is a soviet military leader whose name was an integral part of the Great Patriotic War.
   N.F. Vatutin was born on the 16th of December, 1901in the village Chepukhino, Valujsky district of the Belgorodian During the Kursk battle the commander of Voronezhsky front N.F. Vatutin had to liberate our Belgorodian land. Only a few hours he managed to be in the village Chepuhino where he met with his relatives and friends. It was their last meeting.
On the 29th of February, 1944 N.F. Vatutin was badly wounded and on the 15th of April he died in the hospital in Kiev. Nikolaj Fyodorovich Vatutin was buried in the capital of Ukrain, Kiev. In Belgorod town the Palace of the children`s creation, street and avenue got the name of N.F. Vatutin. On the 4th of August, 1993 at the days of celebration 50-years of Kursk battle the bust of eminent military leader was unveiled. Its creator was V. Chuharkin.

In Belgorod at the Railway Station square there is bronze statue to J.R. Apanasenko Joseph Apanasenko was born in the village of Mitrofanovskoe, Stavropolsky province. J.R. Apanasenko was the commander of the Far East front when the Great Patriotic War began. And on May, 1943 was given new assignment of commander of the Voronezh Front.

On the 5th of August, 1943 J.R. Apanasenko was mortally wounded and he died the same day. He was buried with all military honours at the place near the Sobornaya Square. One of the streets of Belgorod has the name of the General of the Army J.R. Apanasenko.

The bust to the liberator of Belgorod the Major-General M.P. Lebed rises in the square near the stadium Energomash. It was mounted there on the 5th of August, 1957. Moscow sculptor A.I. Teneta and belgorodian architect L.P. Mukhin were its creators.
 At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War M.P. Lebed serviced as a commander of the brigade` staff at the Leningrad front. During the Kursk battle two brigades of corps by command of M.P. Lebed were fighting heavy actions in Oboyansky direction. They also took part in such famous battle as Prokhorovskoe. In the first days of August the soldiers by command of M.P. Lebed breached the enemy`s defenses and marched into the Belgorod town occupied by fascists.
M.P. Lebed was wounded and buried in the center of Belgorod, at the Revolution Square near the common grave.. One of the streets of our town has the name of the Major-General Lebed.


On the 5th of August, 1957 the bust to tankman Andrey Popov was unveiled in the crossing of Popov street and Narodnaya street. It was the work of the sculptor A.I. Teneta and the architect L.P. Muhin.
Being the senior lieutenant Andrey Ivanovich Popov died as a courageous man on the 9th of February, 1943 at the day of the liberation of Belgorod from the first fascist occupation.

Popov was buried in the common grave at the Revolution Square near the place of his death. He was awarded posthumously the Order of the Patriotic War the Second Class for his feat of arms.
On the 23rd of February, 1943 the Pionersky street was renamed into Popov street. The surname of that hero was entered in lists the 192nd tank brigade and the chronicle of Belgorod town. The private things and documents of Andrey Popov are shown in the Museum of Regional Studies


4. Dear friends. Look at these pictures and guess what topic we’ll speak about. 



. What words are associated with the Sights in Belgorod?


5.Совместная постановка цели.

. There are a lot of places of interest in Belgorod, such as Sobornaya Square, the Kursk Bulge Diorama, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Local Lore, the Lenin Park, the monument to M. Schepkin, beautiful churches, cathedrals, cinemas and others. We are going to speak about it. What would you like to know at the lesson? We try to discuss the problem. What’s sights of your native town are of special interest? Why?

Do you want to know what places to visit in Belgorod are?

6.Чтение текста.

Read the text and say what places of interest you can find there.

Belgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia. There are a lot of places of interest connected with the Great Patriotic War both in Belgorod and its suburbs. Tourists are always advised to begin their tour of the city with the Kursk Bulge and Tank field in Prochorovka. There are a lot of museums in Belgorod. You can see the Diorama museum which is situated in the center of Belgorod. It’s devoted to the Battle of Kursk Bulge.. There are a lot of unique collections there such as: collection of awards and medals, collection of technics and weapons of the period of the Second World War. In Belgorod Land Study Museum you can see the exhibition of the historical past and present of the city

In the Exhibition Hall of Fine Art Museum we can see Works of modern art. On visiting the halls you get acquainted with the biography and creativity of Belgorod artists and sculptors

The city has a Drama Theatre, a Puppet Show Theatre, a Philarmonic Society, several concert halls, cinemas, a lot of libraries. Belgorod is a beautiful town with wide streets, green parks and fountains.

Belgorod is also an educational centre of the region. Thousands of students study at Belgorod State University, at the Technological University and other educational establishments.

Why do you think these places are so popular?

7. Imagine that your friend Nick visited an interesting place in Belgorod. Look at the film and say where Nick has just been and what he has seen.

    Nick has just been to Belgorod State museum of folk culture. He has seen Belgorod national collections of furniture, dress, ceramics and glass, musical instruments.He has known about traditions, customs, holidays in our region.


8. Письменная работа. Работа в парах

Your friend from another country wants to visit some places of interest in Belgorod. What would you advice him to visit? Write three places of interest and give arguments, why?

. At first I would advice my friend to visit               because


 At last

9. Работа в парах. Диалогическая речь. Choose a partner and talk about places of Belgorod you would like to visit. Why?

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 300.