Discuss the following with your partner.
1. Did Information Technologies change your life greatly?
2. What IT do you use in your every-day life?
1. Find the Russian equivalents:
1. to manipulate data | 1. назвать,определять |
2. public intellectual | 2. движущая сила |
3. to be thirst for knowledge | 3. общественный деятель |
4. driving force | 4. жаждущий знаний |
5. to term | 5. управлять данными | terms of smth. | 6. от узкополосной к широкополосной связи |
7. from narrowband to broadband | 7. ручной,физический |
8.manual | 8. в отношении чего-л. |
9. hassle-free | 9. мгновенный |
10. to live in a world of media saturation | 10. жить в мире, перенасыщенном информационными средствами |
11. instantaneous | 11. легкодоступный, простой |
12. to come under | 12. иметь отношение к (чему-л.) | point towards | 13. виртуальное вмешательство, нападение |
14. as a part of routine | 14. как часть заведенного порядка |
15.goal | 15. подсказать,направлять |
16.cyber intrusions | 16. цель |
17. excessive dependence | 17. расширение технологических возможностей |
18. readily | 18. при этом, впрочем |
19.yet | 19. быстро, без труда | excel | 20. быть так или иначе связанным с чем-л. , иметь отношение к чему-л. |
21.technological enhancement | 21. чрезмерная, излишняя зависимость | revolve around smth. | 22. преуспеть, добиться превосходных результатов |
23. proximately | 23. чрезвычайно, в огромной степени | infiltrate | 24. проникать |
25. to fidge | 25.возиться |
26. immensely | 26. очень близко, непосредственно |
27.soaring | 27. обвинять, осуждать | end up | 28. отрицать | blame | 29. растущий стремительными темпами | deny | 30. окончиться, прекратиться |
2. Match the words with their definitions:
1. to retrieve | 1. include comprehensively | encompass | 2.find or extract (information stored in a computer) |
3.drastic | 3.likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme | imply | 4.take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one’s own |
5.confidently | 5.suggest (something) as a logical consequence |
6.conscious | 6.use something in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose | plagiarize | a way that expresses little or no doubt about something |
8.void | advantage or benefit arising from a particular situation |
9.perk | from, lacking | misuse | 10. having knowledge of something |
3. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:
1. drastic;2. enhancements;3. readily;4. hassle-free;5. instantaneous;6. not conscious;7. misused;8. driving force;9. encompass;10. media saturation
1. Life has become much less manual and more … for people all around the world due to IT.
2. Technology must be developed to make the transactions … .
3. In addition the work tends to have a less … effect upon the landscape in winter.
4. This programme of … will improve the daily experience of passengers.
5. Expert advice is … available to any person doing restoration work if needed.
6. No doubt people live in a world of … nowadays.
7. Our awards also … professional areas of life.
8. The director of the factory … the funds intended for the health care of his workers.
9. The majority of us can be misunderstood if we are… of the divisions in our society.
10. Consumer spending was the … behind the economic growth in the summer.
Information technology (also referred to as IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with IT, such as computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, Internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce and computer services. Information technologies are technologies in which both telecommunication and computer technologies work together to provide information.
According to Marshall Mcluhan (1911 –1980, a Canadian professor, philosopher, and public intellectual) «the world is fast becoming a global village» and the thirst for more knowledge and information has been a driving force for the drastic changes in information technology around the world, these changes are what people have termed as the «third industrial revolution». One can see the basic trends in the IT revolution in terms of its structural changes, from telephony to the Internet, fixed to mobile telephone and from narrowband to broadband. IT have completely changed our lives and perhaps our lifestyles. Life has become much less manual and more hassle-free for people all around the globe that have active access to the innovations of information technology. The expanding role of information technologies in our daily lives has allowed each one of us to stay aware and take in as much information as we possibly can and at times much more than required.
It is common place to say that nowadays we live in an information society, that is, a world of media saturation which is heavily influenced by information technology, instantaneous movement of information across time and space, which come under communication in information technology.
One of the key forms of communication in 21st century is the mobile phone. It has infiltrated the world, both young and old now engage in the use of mobile phone on a daily basis. We can reach out to our family and friends residing miles away from us through mobile phone. Without its presence we feel that a significant part of our routine life is lost or we are not in peace with the modern world.
It would be a mistake to think that information technologies only add perks to everyday life because it has many downsides as well which can affect our lives immensely, for instance the soaring number of cyber crimes every year. There are over thousands of cyber intrusions each day which affect the lives of people in an unfavorable manner. For example, online banking systems allows hackers to steal money and many awful incidents have taken place because of this technological advancement and facility provided to the people. This implies that with more and more technological advancement and information accessibility, the chances of the exploitation of technology and information expand. Also the constant bombardment of information makes our daily life extremely stressful.Alao lot people suffer from Internet addiction.
No doubt information technologies have given us an opportunity to lead better lives when it comes to the quality but we also realize that we are much more conscious and careful now because of the dangers attached with its expansion. The excessive dependence upon information technologies is making us as individuals less productive when it comes to using our natural strengths and capabilities. For instance, readily available and well organized information on the Internet has allowed people to plagiarize and block their minds when it comes to personal effort and contribution.
Information technologies make us sometimes feel insecure towards our privacy. The problems that IT bring along with it should always be highlighted. With such rapid expansion of information technologies ethics should be implemented upon strictly. However, we cannot always blame the technology for its accessibility because the point of concern should be the people who actually end up misusing this facility being provided to us for a better life.
We cannot deny that information technologies have become the most significant part of our daily lives and it has taken human life to whole new and an intellectual level. All this technology affects us in two ways: both positively and negatively. It is true that the incorporation of new technologies into society and daily life has allowed and allows us to live easier and more comfortable, but we also have to question if it is really so and if we are able to control it without it controlling us
Comprehension Check
1. Answer the following questions:
1. What does the term «information technology» mean?
2. What industries are associated with information technology?
3. How do information technologies change our lifestyle?
4. Do you agree that we live in «a world of media saturation» today? What is meant about this statement?
5. What technological innovations are considered to be the most remarkable ones?
6. What modern information technologies do you know?
7.What are the positive aspects of IT?
8. What are the downsides of IT ?
9. Do you agree with pros and cons of IT listed in the text? What other negative and positive sides of Information technologies can you name?
10. How do you prefer to communicate now?
2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:
1. Information technology is a technology in which both telecommunication and computer technologies work together to provide information.
2. The application of IT in our daily lives has not changed dramatically in the past years.
3. According to Steve Jobs «the world is fast becoming a global village».
4. A lot people suffer from Internet addiction.
5. One of the key forms of communication in 21st century is the mobile phone.
6. Nowadays any information can be exchanged by people in few seconds.
7. The television plays less important role nowadays.
8. With more technological advancement and information accessibility, the chances of the exploitation of technology and information expand.
9. The readily available information which is available on the Internet has allowed people to mind independently.
10. Without mobile phone we feel that a significant part of our routine life is lost.
11. One of the bad sides of IT is expansion of cyber crimes.
Grammar in Focus
1. Translate the sentences with the Adverbial Clause and state the its types:
1. The weather was so bad that the plane could not start.
2. If I were you I would do the same.
3. Since you have finished your work, you may go home.
4. While he was explaining all that, the phone rang.
5. We have not had any news from him since he left Moscow.
6. The house stands where the road turns to the left.
7. He works as quickly as I do.
8. In case you see him tell him to ring me up.
9. You speak so fast that it is difficult to follow you.
10.He went out in spite of the fact that he had a bad cold.
11. Write to him at once so that he may know our plans.
12. I invited him in order (so as) to tell him about it.
13. You answer as if you did not know this rule.
14. Our engineer always took part in the discussions unless he was busy.
15. If this device had been in order the mechanic would have used it.
2. Fill in the suitable connecting words:
1. … he went, he was welcome.
2. … longer we walked … more distant seemed our home.
3. We went early, … we got good seats.
4. … it rains, we will stay at home.
5. You speak so fast … it is difficult to follow you.
6. We talked … we talked in old days.
7. …he had consulted a doctor, he would not have fallen ill.
8. It is so cold … I am simply freezing.
9. Drive slowly … we may admire the beautiful scenery.
10. … there was nobody at home, the room seemed strangely silent.
11. … the new equipment can be used at the plant, the engineers will use the old one as well.
12. I’m late … I was very busy.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 403.