How to make a good presentation
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Some expressions to be used while making a presentation

How to address

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Dear friends!

How to start giving ideas on the topic concerned

The topic of my presentation today is …

The main topic of my presentation is …

I would like to talk about …

I am going to talk about …

Let’s look at some ways of … (at some details).

I will start my presentation by asking you questions …

I’d like to explain …

In the first part of my presentation, I’ll describe …

After that I’ll talk about…

Finally I’ll show you …

How to proceed the main idea

First I’d like to talk about …

I’d like to draw your attention to …

Now, I’d like to move on to …

Next, let me describe …

I’d now like to turn to …

Finally, let me explain …

For example …

First … Second …. Third …

First … Next … Then … After that … Finally.

Connecting words

Consequently … Therefore … However … Because of …

Although … In addition … Since … Also …

Because …. … so … … but … … and …

Ending the presentation

In conclusion let me remind you …

I’m sure you’ll agree that …

In addition to that …

In summary, I’ve explained …

I therefore recommend …

Thank you for your kind attention (for listening).

I ’ll be happy to answer all your questions at the end of my (our) presentation.

Describing Visual Aids

In my first slide I’d like to show you …

If you look at the screen you can see…

The horizontal (vertical) axis is …

The left side shows …

The third row (column) contains …

On the right is …

As you can see …

This is the …

Here is the …

This clearly shows …

This is important because …

Some Dos and Don’ts


Give yourself enough time to plan, edit and rewrite.

Give yourself enough time to practice, practice and practice.

Limit the amount of information you give. A report is a much better place to give a lot of information.

Make sure your script is easy to use. Index cards are better than using notebooks or sheets of paper.

Check before the presentation the transcription of all difficult words in the dictionary.

Check before the presentation that your overhead transparencies, slides or charts are in the correct order.

The first slide should announce the title of your presentation, the event and date, and your name and position. This may seem terribly obvious, but many speakers miss off some of this basic information and then weeks later listeners (or their colleagues back at the organization) are not clear who made the presentation or when.

Each slide should normally contain around 25 – 35 words, unless it is
a quote (when you might use more) or contains an illustration (when you will probably use less). Too many words and your audience will have trouble reading the material; too few words and you're likely to be flashing through the slides and spending too much time clicking the mouse. Remember to speak clearly and not too fast.

Use PowerPoint if the facilities are available. Although some speakers seem to have taken an aversion to PowerPoint, it is so convenient and ensures that your presentation has a clear structure and something for your listeners to take away.

Pause (five to ten seconds) after showing a visual aid. Give the audience time to read before you start speaking again.

Keep to the time. Many people become impatient with the presentations that go on too long. You may be cut off.

Use the question and answer session as an opportunity to give extra information on your subject.


Read the report in bad English.

Memorize your presentation.

Have lots text on each slide.

Use too small font.

Speak more than 10 minutes.

Play with pointers, pens or keys.

Wave your paper or cards around when gesturing.

Look at the ceiling, the floor or out the window.


Supplementary Reading

T o be read after Unit 1

My Biography

My name is Alexander Goncharov. I am eighteen years old. I was born on the 18-th (eighteenth) of January, 1995 in the village of Gubkino, Maloarkhangelsk district, Orel region. My parents are doctors. I am the only child in the family.

I spent my childhood in my native village. In 1999 our family moved to the city of Orel. My parents got the job at the hospital there.

I left secondary school number 22 and after passing entrance exams
I was enrolled into the State University – Education Science and Production Complex. Now I am a first-year student of the Technological Institute.
I wish to be a first-rate engineer.

I attend all lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical classes. My
favourite subjects are higher mathematics and physics. I am good at them.
I also like the Russian History, English and Physical Training.

It is easy and interesting for me to study at the university. I am going to do my best to get high scores and take exams with good and excellent marks. I would like to receive the supplementary scholarship. You see my biography is not long. I hope my dream will come true and I shall graduate from the university and become an engineer.

To be read after Unit 2

My Family


I would like to tell you about my family. It is rather large. We are five: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and I. But I am not the only child in the family. I have an elder brother but he does not live with us. He has
a family of his own.

My father is forty-six. He works at a big joint-stock company as the head of commercial department. He likes his job and spends much time there. My father is a jolly and kind-hearted man. He likes meeting friends and relatives. He is fond of the fishing and hunting.

My mother is forty-five. She works at a hospital as a doctor. She is
a first-rate specialist. My mother is a pleasant-looking woman. She looks young for her age. My mother is fond of music. She plays the piano well.

I have a grandpa and a grandma. They are my mother’s parents. My grandfather is a retired officer. He is seventy-two but he is still full of life and energy. He is fond of gardening and spends much time on it. My grandma is sixty-eight years old. She is a kind-hearted woman and takes care of all of us. My grandmother is a pensioner. She has a lot of work to do about the house and does all the cooking for the family.

My brother’s name is Alex. He is twenty-eight. Alex is a manager at
a private firm. He is a very busy man and spends most of his time at the work. Alex is fond of chess. His wife Ann is a teacher. She works at a secondary school. She teaches biology and chemistry. Alex and Ann have
a little daughter, Kate by name. She is six years old. My niece is a funny
girl but sometimes she is naughty. Kate looks like her father. She has dark
hair and brown eyes.

I can say we are a friendly and happy family. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, play table games, talk about the politics and art. Sometimes our parents do not agree with what we say but they listen to our opinion.

I also have relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are always glad to see each other.

To be read after Unit 3

Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 370.