Fill in the gaps using words of Adverbial Clauses
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


1. The house stands ___the road turns to the left.

2. ____the treaty had been signed, the delegation left Moscow.

3____you come, they will be ready.

4. Jack will really go to Spain in November ____it is his dream.

5. I gave him the text-book___he might learn his lesson.

4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:


1. If the questions were so easy, all of us (pass )the test.

2. If they have their holidays in winter, they (stay) at home.

3. What would they have done if we (not to help ) them?

4. He (not to go) there unless he is invited.

5. If I (to be) you, I would accept the offer.

6. If there (to be) no such accident with him, he would not have left his native town.

7. I (not to bother) about it if I were you.

8. Hadn`t they helped us, we (to finish) the work in time.

9. If the North Star (to cease) to exist, the Earth would continue to receive light from it for about 44 years.

10. If she (not to fail) in her present job, she would not have thought about another one.

5. Find the odd word:


1. Since that you feel tired, you should rest.

2. If since you are too busy, we’ll leave you alone.

3. I will stay here until whatever you return.

4. He played so well if that everybody admired him.

5. She spoke as though where nothing had happened.



1. State the type of the Abverbial Clause:

1. The dog sleeps where he wants.

2. We haven’t seen our groupmates since we graduated from the university.

3. In spite of having no qualifications, he got the job. 

4. He can not go to the party because he caught cold.

5. She must speak louder so that everybody could hear her.

6. Though it was only eight o’clock, there were few people in the streets.

7. If you find the book I asked, I will fulfill my promise.

8. He came to the conference too early so that he got a good seat.

9. She is looking at her mother as if she doesn’t recognize her.

10. He reads as quickly as he can.


2. Translate № 2, 3, 5 , 6 ,8 , 9 from Task 1:

3. Fill in the gaps using words of Adverbial Clauses:


1. ______the weather was rainy, they didn/t go for a walk.

2. We have not had any news from her ____ she left our town.

3. This old man wanted to live _____ he was born.

4. ___ more time you spend in the Crimea, ___ sooner you will recover.

5. ___Max hadn’t lost Ann's phone number, he would have called her.

4. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:

1. If Max (to be) here we would have met him.

2. If you (to take) a taxi, you’ll be at the office in time.

3. If I ( to be) you I wouldn’t leave the native town.

4. The chief (to be) very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow.

5. My uncle wouldn’t have been so tired this morning if he (to go to bed) earlier last night.

6. If I knew English well I (to be) an interpreter.

7. If our friends (mention) this yesterday, everything would have been done.

8. If my sister had gone with me to London last month, she ( to see) a lot of places of interest too.

9. Mark would be a healthy man if he (not to smoke.)

10. If she (to go) shopping, I will buy a new smartphone.

Find the odd word:

1. If as you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them today.

2. He works as quickly since as I do.

3. Whatever what happens, my friend always will support me.

4. She was so stressed that because nobody could understand her.

5. Unless since you have completed your work, you may go home.

UNIT 16. The most important inventions              of the 20th century in the field of science and technology

One cannot predict the future, but one can invent it.

Dennis Gabor

Fig . 31


Discuss the following with your partner:


1. What the most notable inventions do you know?

2. What are the names of their inventors?


1. Find the appropriate equivalent:


1. to witness 1. заслуживающий внимания
2. literally 2.быть свидетелем,засвидетельствовать
3. noteworthy 3. рассматриваться, считать
4. to rank as 4. буквально, в прямом смысле
5. glider 5.изумлять, поражать
6. to daze 6. телевизионное вещание,телепередача
7. to credit 7. стационарный компьютер
8. television broadcast 8. глайдер (летательный аппарат, скользящий низко над поверхностью
9.  accredited 9. приписывать
10. desktop computer 10. официально признанный, аккредитованный


2. Match the words and their definitions:


1.  to stupefy 1. the quality of being relevant or appropriate
2. brief 2. make (someone) unable to think or feel properly
3. applicability 3. make or become lower, weaker, or less
4. laptop 4. using few words
5. to drop 5. a computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling


3. Complete the sentence with the words and phrases below:

1. witnessed; 2. noteworthy; 3. ranks; 4. applicability;5. stupefied;6. literally;7. television broadcasts;8. dazed;9. accredited;10. will be credited.

1. Most of the audience with whom I saw the film seemed as … and astonished.

2. Here is , …, a national platform for a politician who aspires to be a national leader

3. It is … that no one at the company has accepted responsibility for the failure.

4. The 1980s … an unprecedented increase in the scope of the electronic media.

5. California … 18th among the states in its tax burden.

6. The development of new technology for this project will have further … across several industries.

7. He was completely … and shocked and felt that he had been hit on the head.

8. Any photos or clips that are selected for the final production … to the sender at the end of the film.

9. Our radio and … have been leaking into space since the 1930s, when the first powerful emitters were constructed.

10. There is no single inventor … with the invention of the computer



The era between 1901-2000, better known as the 20th century, witnessed the birth of some of the most remarkable creations. Right from electronic gadgets, automobiles, to articles of everyday use; these inventions stupefied the world at the time they were made. But, today, they have become a part of our lives, they have made our life easier and comfortable and we literally cannot imagine life without them.

Following is brief information on some of the most important inventions, designed and created in the 20th century, and also a list of other noteworthy innovations.

The Airplane

The airplane ranks as one of the earliest inventions of the 20th century. Wilbur and Orville Wright, through their invention of the airplane in 1903, demonstrated that man could fly; actualizing a concept that was found earlier only in mythological stories. Before the actual airplane was designed, Wright brothers tried various methods like gliders, hot air balloons, etc. for flying. The airplane, although invented earlier, was not taken seriously until Charles Lindberg made a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean. With its unmatchable applicability, the airplane is truly one of the greatest inventions that has changed the world.

The Television

The invention of the television dazed people all over the world. Today, life without the television is literally unimaginable for more than half of the population of the world. This significant invention was made in 1926, by John Logie Baird. He is credited for making the world’s first television broadcast. Soon after the first television broadcast, Baird made the first Trans-Atlantic broadcast as well as the first broadcast with colour images. Philo Farnsworth is credited for making the first complete, functional all-electronic television system. The latest technology in television includes integration of the television and the Internet.

The Computer

The computer is the greatest, incomparable invention belonging to the 20th century. There is no single inventor accredited with the invention of the computer, as it was born out of many scientists’, researchers’ and mathematicians’ contribution. Charles Babbage is credited with the actual concept of the computer, while Konrad Zuse made the first programmable computer. As further inventions took place, desktop computers, Pentium processors and laptop computers soon came into being. The Internet is also one of the most useful and remarkable inventions of the 20th century. Today, computers are used in nearly all fields like in education, defense, robotics, banking, telecommunication, etc.

Cell Phone

The invention of cell phones, also called mobile phones, in 1977, made communication easier, quicker, and more comfortable. Improved versions of cell phones are constantly available in the market due to the advanced technology. Today, cell phones also perform functions of computers, music players, camera, video recorders, and televisions, and hence, are in great demand. The calling rates have also dropped drastically since the time cell phones were first made. Nearly half of the world owns a cell phone today; and it will not be wrong to say that cell phones have replaced telephones or other traditional means of communication.

Apart from these, there were several other inventions made in the 20th century. The following is a list of some other noteworthy ones.

In the Field of Science and Technology




Radio Telescope


Jet Engine

Electron Microscope

Atomic bomb


Space shuttle

Compact Discs

In the Field of Medicine

Polio Vaccine




Other Inventions

Safety Razor

Vacuum Cleaner

Neon Lights



Microwave Oven


Ballpoint Pen

Cellophane and many others

It is important to note that the above list is in no way exhaustive. Throughout history, there have been countless scientists whose contributions, both large and small, have been important to mankind, and in the years to come, we can definitely expect many more names to follow.

Comprehension check:

1. Answer the questions:


1. Is the 20th century rich in the most remarkable inventions in science and technology?

2. What is one of the earliest inventions of the 20th century?

3. Who is credited for making the world’s first television broadcast?

4. Charles Babbage is credited with the actual concept of the computer, isn’t he?

5. When were cell phones invented?

6. Nearly half of the world owns a cell phone today, do they?

7. Why did cell phones replace telephones or other traditional means of communication?

8. What other inventions are noteworthy?

9. What innovations do you consider to be the most important in our daily life?

10. Do some modern inventions have negative sides

2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:


1. The era between 1901-2000, better known as the 20th century, witnessed the birth of some of the most remarkable creations.

2. The airplane ranks as one of the earliest inventions of the 19th century.

3. Wilbur and Orville Wright made a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean.

4. Philo Farnsworth is credited credited for making the world’s first television broadcast.

5. The first TV set was demonstrated in France.

6. Charles Babbage is credited with the invention of the computer.

7. Konrad Zuse made the first programmable computer.

8. There is a group of inventors accredited with the invention of the cell phone.

9. The cell phone was invented in 1997.

10. There were several other inventions made in the 20th century.

Grammar in Focus

1. Change the imperative sentences into reported speech:

1. “ Speak less emotional! ”. My sister told me _____.

2. “Don’t waste time playing on- line games”. His father told him____

3. “Start doing your project before I come”. Prof. Parker told the students____

4. “Don’t stay outside after the rain starts”. Mother told the son____

5. “Get ready for the march”. The lieutenant ordered to the solders____

6. “Let’s go to the fitness centre!”. My group mate invited me______

7. “Don’t shout at me! ” Mary told her boyfriend _____

8. “Don’t come today.” My friend told us_____

9. “How about calling your colleague?” Annie suggested _____

10. “Look through these documents, please,” Tom asked the lawyer_____

2. Change the affirmative sentences into reported speech:

 1. “I will contact you tomorrow.”

2. “He is planning to go to Australia.”

3. “The Smirnovs have gone on holiday”.

4. “Yesterday I saw Mary in the theatre”

6. “The students will have four examinations next semester”.

7. “I have invented a new computer program.”

8. “We will discuss this subject tomorrow.”

9. “This man is a famous scientist. ”

10. “ She didn’t join us in the park.”

3. Report the questions:

1. “How long have you been away? ”

2. “What impressed you most in England? ”

3. “When did Rick come home yesterday?

4. “Does Megan like travelling? ”

5. “Is it your second visit to England?”

6. “Why have you come to Scotland?”

7. “What will you do in future?”

8. “Why did you come back?”

9. “What are you doing now?”

10. “Have you shown your project to professor?”

4. Translate into Russian using sentences in Subjunctive Mood:

1. I could do nothing. What steps would you have taken in my place?

2. If you were not so absent-minded, you would not make so many mistakes.

3. Could you wake up at 5 a.m. if none woke you up?

4. I wish I spoke Italian.

5. I wish I hadn’t said it.

6. It is suggested that they should start this project in time.

7. If it were not so late, we would go to see them.

8. If only I were here!

9. If America did not happen to be proclaimed a fast food country, it wouldn’t have problem with obesity.

10. Send him out of the room so that he should not hear what we talk about.

5. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1, 2, 3:


1.  If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

2. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

3. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.

4. If we (to get) a telegram from him, we (not to worry).

5. If you (not to work) hard, you (to fail) the exam.

 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the concert.

8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms.

9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) this new film together.

10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

6.Fill in the gaps:

1. He likes to swim. He wishes he ______ near the sea.

a)lived b)lives c)had lived d)would live

2) It's cold today. I wish it ________ warmer.

a) were b) is c) has been d) had been

3) I wish I ______ the answer, but I don't.

a) knew b) know c) had known d) would know

4) She wishes she ______ blue eyes.

a) had b) has c) had had d) would have

5) She wishes she ______ a movie star.

a) were b) is c) will be d) would be

6) I wish you _______ borrow my things without permission.

a) wouldn’t b) shouldn’t c) don’t d) won’t

7) She misses him. She wishes he ______ her a letter.

a) will send b) has sent c) would send d) would have sent

8) I wish you _______ (not talk) badly about me yesterday.

a) wouldn't talk b) didn't talk c) won't talk d) hadn't talked

9) How much I wish Valencia ____________(win) the match yesterday.

a) had won b) will won c) would won d) won

10) We all wish you_________(join) us tomorrow at our wedding party.

a) would join b) will join c) joined d) had joined

Speaking Workshop

Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 589.