1. The students saw this English film yesterday. 2. He has just finished his report. 3. The Law Institute trains future investigators, detectives for Minsk and Minsk region. 4. He is working at his English successfully. 5. My friend has taken this newspaper.
6. They offered her some interesting work. 7. Someone murdered a man outside his house last night.
Translate into English using the Passive voice.
Переведите на английский язык, используя страдательный залог.
1. Все участники событий были опрошены полицейским. 2. Этот перевод будет закончен через несколько дней. 3. Собор Святого Павла был построен архитектором Реном. 4. Его воспитала сестра. 5. Специальным предметам нас будут обучать на третьем и четвертом курсах. 6. Что ему обещали? 7. Мне посоветовали поступить в юридический институт.
Change into indirect speech.
Замените прямую речь косвенной.
1. Mother said to her son, “A computer will be bought for your birthday.”
Mother promised …
2. He said to his friends, “I am leaving for Great Britain on Monday.”
He informed his friends …
3. “Shall I ever see him again?” she said. She wondered…
4. He said, “Who is playing the piano so well?” He was interested to know …
5. “Don’t drive too fast,” she said to him.. She advised …
6. “Put your pistol on the table,” said the crook. The crook ordered …
7. The detective said, “How many people know the combination of the safe?”
The detective asked …
Underline the verbs in the object clauses, write down the tenses in which they are used and translate the sentences.
Подчеркните глаголы в придаточных предложениях, напишите в каком времени они употреблены и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She asked me where I lived.
2. The guard told him not to worry and go home quietly.
3. Our teacher asked the students why they were not taking the exams.
4. The clerk said that it would take a little time to look up my file.
5. His wife asked him not to do anything dangerous.
6. I asked if I could speak to the dean.
7. He asked me what I should do if I did not find the article I needed.
8. Translate the following sentences into English using the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя правила согласования времен.
1. Он заявил, что оба экземпляра имеют одинаковую юридическую силу.
2. Стороны решили, что внесут эти изменения позднее.
3. Директор сказал, что контракт будет подписан через несколько дней.
4. Я поинтересовался, подготовили ли они протокол.
5. Она сказала, что не знает кто был грабителем.
Match part I and part II.
Соотнесите две части предложения.
1. She asked her | a). his boss had not consulted the lawyer yet |
2. They wondered | b). not to open the bag |
3. I promise you | c). why the child was so noisy |
4. He complained | d). where they could park the car |
Underline the clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian.
Подчеркните придаточное предложение и переведите его на русский язык.
1. When my brother is 17, he will finish school. 2. Will you work here until he comes? 3. If you don’t learn these words, you will not be able to write the test.
4. When I have my holidays in August, I will go to the Caucasus. 5. If he doesn’t go to the cinema, he will ring us up. 6. Please, return my English textbook, if you don’t use it.
11. Choose the right variant.
Выберите правильный вариант глагола в придаточном предложении.
1. If we … out of money, we will get a job.
a). will run
b). run
c). ran
2. When we … to a big city, I will send you a postcard.
a). got
b). will get
c). get
3. If we … afford it, we will buy a new car.
a). will
b). can
c). could
Read the text.
Прочтите текст.
* * *
The guilt or innocence of persons charged with an offence against the criminal law is a matter to be decided in a court of justice. There are two methods of trying persons accused of criminal offences. One is by judge and jury in the Crown Court after committal for trial on an indictment; the other is summarily by a magistrates’ court without a jury. With very few exceptions, all criminal proceedings in the Crown Court begin in a magistrates’ court.
A magistrates’ court is normally composed of two or more justices of the peace, but the number must not exceed seven. Some statutes permit particular offences to be tried by a single justice but such instances are rare. The normal sittings of a magistrates’ court take place in a properly appointed courthouse on appointed days of the week.
In England and Wales the initial decision to begin criminal proceedings normally lies with the police. Once the police have brought a criminal charge, the papers are passed to the Crown Prosecution Service, which decides whether the case should be accepted for prosecution in the courts or whether the proceedings should be discontinued.
In April 1988 the Serious Fraud Office, a government department was established to investigate and prosecute the most serious and complex cases of fraud in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Crown Prosecution Service was established in England and Wales by the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985. The Director of Public Prosecutions is the head of the Service, which is responsible for the prosecution of criminal offences in magistrates’ courts and the Crown Court. The Service is divided into 31 areas with a locally based Chief Crown Prosecutor, heading each. He is appointed by the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Service provides lawyers to prosecute cases in the magistrates’ courts and briefs barristers to appear in the Crown Court.
Discharging his duties through the Crown Office, the Lord Advocate is responsible for prosecutions in the High Court of Judiciary, sheriff courts and district courts in Scotland.
Prosecutions in the High Court are prepared by procurators fiscal and Crown Office officials and prosecuted by the Lord Advocate, the Solicitor-General for Scotland and advocate deputies who are collectively known as Crown Counsel.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 257.