1. After landing, you ... stay in your seat until the plain has come to a standstill. 2. I ... hear voices outside. 3. ... you believe her story? It ... be her imagination. 4. Something ... be done to stop the criminal. 5. You ... get her on the phone any time. 6. ... I ask your advice? 7. If your car was broken, you ... borrow mine.
Match part 1 and 2.
Соотнесите английские предложения с русскими.
1. He can read. | a). Ему можно не читать. |
2. He couldn’t read. | b). Ему можно читать. |
3. He must read. | c). Ему не следует читать. |
4. He had to read. | d). Он должен читать. |
5. He shouldn’t read. | e). Он не мог читать. |
6. He will be able to read. | f). Он сможет почитать. |
7. He needn’t read. | g). Ему не разрешают читать. |
8. He is not allowed to read. | h). Ему пришлось читать. |
Choose the proper preposition.
Выберите верный предлог.
1. The movie started ... 7.00 sharp, so we got there just ... time. 2. We are going ... St. Petersburg ... a week. 3. Have you ever been ... Paris? 4. Do you know the man ... this photo? 5. Trafalgar Square is ... London. 6. He will arrive ... our city ... Monday morning.
Find the right order of the sentences. Give the title to the story.
Расставьте последующие предложения в нужном порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ. Озаглавьте рассказ.
1. Captain Jones was pleased but not completely satisfied. So he sailed to the nearby Scottish coast and went to the home of the Earl of Selkirk. Jones and his men put all of the Earl’s silverware onto the “Ranger” to take back to America. The British did not laugh so much about America’s navy after Jon’s visit.
2. In 1778 the British had the strongest navy in the world. They laughed at the small navy of their American colonies who were fighting Britain for their independence.
3. Then they went back to the harbour and began their work. Some of them went to the fort and put the guns out of order, others began burning British ships. The British soldiers finally woke up and put up a good fight, but they lost to Jones and his men.
4. On the night of April 24, 1778 Captain John Paul Jones silently brought the American ship “Ranger” into Whiteheaven harbour on the west coast of England. As soon as he arrived, he took a group of his men to a local inn, broke into it and had a drink with them.
5. An American captain decided to show the British that size was not everything. Here is what happened.
Read the text.
Прочтите текст.
University College Galway.
Galway city, though among the fastest growing cities in Western Europe in recent decades, remains a compact and intimate city of about 55, 000 people, set at mid-point on the western coast of Ireland, facing out onto the Atlantic. Galway is acknowledged – by Irish and overseas commentators alike – as an ideal University city. Its narrow medieval streets combine with dynamic new commercial and service outlets.
Its lively arts scene (the annual Galway Arts Festival being among the most exciting and highly regarded on the European festival calendar) owes much to the intimate and harmonious relationship between town and gown. In the arts, as in the industrial, commercial, social and sporting life of the region, the university has a pivotal role that is recognized and welcomed by civic and community leaders.
The Irish language is widely used with English in the city and, of course, in the predominantly Irish-speaking districts in Galway’s hinterland. But it is not uncommon to hear many languages spoken by visitors in the streets of Galway (including students from over 50 countries who attend courses in the university).
Respect for traditional culture combines with a confident embrace of the new frontiers of science and technology and new ideas in all branches of learning. It is this confident fusion between the old and the new, between the traditional and the radically different, which gives Galway its unique edge as a University city.
Galway has been an internationally renowned centre of higher education since the early 17th century. University College Galway has celebrated its 150th birthday. Its first name was Queen’s College Galway.
And while the College can look back on a history of great achievement by its staff and its students, it must also look forward to the needs of its future students. These will be mobile young Europeans and other citizens of the world who will rightly demand an environment in which their minds can develop and their intellects will be stretched to the full. They will demand that at the end of their period of study the qualifications earned will be recognized as being of high international standard.
These are all factors, which University College Galway bears in mind when recruiting its staff and planning its physical infrastructure. Thus, staff in each of its seven faculties has been expanded in recent years. New physical resources have been provided for the Library, Information Technology, Applied Languages, Business Studies, Marine Science, Clinical Science, Biotechnology and student housing.
University College Galway has a wide range of links with educational institutions throughout the world. Staff members participate in collaborative research and teaching projects and exchanges with colleagues in other countries. Many Galway graduates continue their studies at overseas institutions and each year the College enrols visiting students from many countries.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 201.