1. Harvard University is the oldest and the largest university in the world.
2. It became a chartered university in 1639.
3. Harvard established an elective system for undergraduates during the presidency of Abbott. L. Lowell.
4. The Core Curriculum was designed to prepare well-educated specialists for the needs of the society.
5. All American presidents have graduated from Harvard.
6. Only men can be students of Harvard University.
7. Tutors who provide individual instruction live together with sophomores, juniors and seniors in 12 residences.
8. Harvard’s library contains rare books and manuscripts and is considered to be the largest in the world.
Put all types of questions to the next sentences.
Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям, обозначьте тип вопроса.
1. The college at first lacked substantial endowments and existed on gifts from individuals and the General Court.
2. During their freshman year, students live in halls within Harvard Yard.
Answer the questions on the text.
Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. When was this University founded?
2. Name some of notable alumni of Harvard.
3. Why was it named for John Harvard?
4. Where do the students usually live?
5. When did Harvard become a chartered University?
6. Is there a quota limiting the number of women students in Harvard?
Give a short summary of the text (10 –15 sentences).
Напишите краткую аннотацию текста на английском языке (не более 10 –15 предложений). Соблюдайте правила написания аннотаций, используя необходимые вводные слова и выражения (см. гл. IV).
Курс 3 семестр
Контрольная работа №3
Вариант 4
Put the adverbs and prepositions in the right place.
Поставьте наречия и предлоги в соответствующее место в предложении.
1. (just) The snow has stopped. 2. (never) I have been quite happy with you. 3. (ever) Nobody has had such good luck. 4. (already) Father has gone off. 5. (yet) Have you read the novel in the original? 6. (“for”, “since”) Peter is hungry because he has had nothing to eat ... five hours, ... morning. 7. (“for” or “since”) I have not seen him ... 1987.
Put the verb in brackets using the Present Perfect.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Perfect.
1.I (to learn) the poem. 2. You (to taste) the cake? 3. You ever (to drive) a car? 4. They (to receive) a new flat this year. 5. She never (to be) to England. 6. You (to see) this film yet?
Open the brackets using the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite Tenses.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя формы Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.
1. I can reach my work easily now, as I (to buy) a new car. 2. I (to lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (to see) them last. 3. I (to phone) you twice yesterday and (to get) no answer. 4. I cannot go out because I (not to finish) my work. 5. She (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday. 6. You (to play) the piano today? 7. You ever (to be) to New York?
Put the verb into the most suitable form, the Past Perfect or the Past Indefinite Tense.
Поставьте глагол в Past Perfect или Past Indefinite.
1. The policeman read the suspect his rights after he (to arrest) him. 2. She ran downstairs to open the door, but it (to be) too late. The postman already (to go). 3. There was nobody in the sitting room when I (to get) home. Everybody (to go) to bed. 4. After I (to spend) all the money I turned to my father. 5. She (to understand) the letter after she (to read) it a second time. 6. We went to see the sights after we (to buy) a map of Minsk.
Use the correct tense form (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Tenses).
Используйте нужную видо-временную форму (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect).
1. I (to make) a report at the seminar on Monday. You (to make) your report yet? 2. I (to pass) my English exam last week. 3. When we came the train (to leave) already. 4. He (to read) a lot and (to know) a lot. 5. Normally I (to have breakfast) at 8 in the morning. 6. What you (to speak) about?
Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Когда сломался лифт? 2. Я только что позвонил Анне. 3. Она всегда прекрасно выглядит. 4. Майкл перевел эту интересную статью к 5 часам вчера. 5. Когда вы улетаете в Лондон? 6. В машине никого не было, но мотор работал.
Choose the right variant of the adjective or adverb.
Выберите правильный вариант прилагательного или наречия.
1. This poster is (colourful, more colourful, most colourful) than the one in the hall. 2. The people needed business skills so that they could manage themselves (much, more, most) efficiently. 3. They staged some of his (little, less, least) known operas. 4. Pat’s car is (fast, faster, fastest) than Dan’s. 5. “Take it (easy, easily)”, I said to my friend. 6 He had (regular, regularly) features. 7. Our teacher gives us a test (occasional, occasionally). 8. There was a (terrible, terribly) storm.
Match the opposites.
Составьте пары антонимов.
1. clean 2. complete 3. exciting 4. beautiful 5. interested | a. unfinished b. plain c. dirty d. indifferent e. boring |
Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Его произношение хуже твоего. 2. У них такая же большая семья, как и у нас. 3. Кто из вас самый смелый? 4. Эта девочка – худшая ученица в классе. 5. Январь обычно холоднее февраля. 6. Это самый красивый парк из всех, какие я знаю.
Use the necessary modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, have to, should, need, to be allowed to, to be able to). Use the right tense form.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 211.