American English becomes more and more popular nowadays. There are about twice as many speakers of American English as of other varieties of English and four times as many as speakers of British English. Americanisms have been spread through advertising, tourism, telecommunications and the cinema.
As a result, forms of English used in Britain, Australia, etc. have become less distinct. But there remain many differences in idiom and vocabulary, especially between British and American English. For most people, however, the most distinctive feature of American English is its accent.
In written English, spelling shows whether the writer American or British.
There are various differences in grammar and idiom. For instance, gotten, an old form of the past participle of get, is often used in American English in the sense of “received”, e.g. “I’ve gotten 16 Christmas cards so far”. Americans say: “He is in the hospital” while British people say “He is in hospital”.
American people pronounce the sound ‘r’ in all positions: car, undertake, sort, far.
They do not spell the endings of the words like English people do. For example, in words like honour, favour, labour, colour, etc, there is no letter ‘u’ – ‘honor’. Words that end in ‘re’ (centre, litre, fiber, theatre) ‘-re’changes into ‘-er’ – center, liter, fiber, theater. Letter ‘z’ is used in American language instead of ‘s’ in some words: organization, analyze.
In American English there is no doubling of letter ‘l’ in such words as ‘travelling’, ‘cancelling’, etc.
Some words lose their endings: dialogue - dialog, programme - program, catalogue - catalog, etc.
The ending ‘-ce’ is changing into ‘-se’: defence – defense, licence – license, practice – practise, etc.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What does the term “American English” mean?
2. Why is American English so popular nowadays?
3. Give some examples of Ukrainian americanisms.
4. Which language variant do you think is easier to learn? Why?
5. Name some differences in American and English grammar or spelling.
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Сьогодні, через рекламу, чіткий, залишатися, акцент, правопис дієприкметник, закінчення, замість, подвоєння.
Знайдіть інші приклади, що використовуються в американській англійській і запишіть їх.
Прочитайте та перекладіть текст українською мовою
LANGUAGE LEARNING TIPS Why should I learn a language?
There are many reasons to learn a foreign language, from working in another country to discovering your roots, through intellectual curiosity, romance, travel, and secret communication.
What materials and tools do I need to study a language?
There's a wide range of materials and tools available to help you with your language studies, including language courses, dictionaries, grammar books, phrasebooks, online lessons, mp3 players and electronic translators.
How can I find time to study a language?
Finding time to study a language can be quite a challenge. You may think that you don't really have enough of it, but it's surprising how many spare moments you have during a typical day, and how they can add up to a useful amount of study time.
What's the best way to study?
After choosing a language, you can start thinking about how you're going to study it. For popular languages like French and Spanish, there's a wealth of materials available. For lesser-studied languages, the choice can be more limited. If courses are available in your area, it might help you to attend them, or you may prefer to study on your own, or to have individual lessons.
Learning pronunciation
Learning the pronunciation of a language is a very important part of your studies. It doesn't matter so much if you just want to read and/or write the language, but if you want to speak a language well, as I'm sure you do, pay particular attention to the pronunciation and review it regularly.
Learning vocabulary
Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many years. Learning words in context from written and spoken material is probably the most effective way to do this. You could also try learning words in a more systematic way - perhaps a certain number of words every day.
Learning grammar
Familiarity with the grammar of a language enables you to understand it, and also to construct your own phrases and sentences. It's not essential to know all the grammatical terminology or to understand why words change, as long as you're able to apply to relevant changes when necessary.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What are the reasons to study a foreign language? What’s your personal motivation?
2. What’s the best way to learn grammar?
3. What is the most effective method of learning vocabulary?
4. Is pronunciation important? What techniques do you use to improve your pronunciation?
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Знайте своє коріння, широкий асортимент інструментів, електронні перекладачі, виклик, вільна хвилинка, відвідувати курс, приватні заняття, вимова.
Вставте наступні прийменники з змістом:for(1)in (2)with (3)
There are many advantages to being a fluent English speaker. First, you can meet and converse ____[?] people from different countries. English has become a common language in the world. Even if you meet a Chinese or a European person, you might communicate ____ [?] each other ____ [?] English. Second, do you know that about 85% of the information on the Internet is in English? That's right. A person who cannot use English is very limited in the computer age. That fact alone might be enough to motivate you! Third, many common jobs depend ____ [?] some level of English ability. Computer programmers, business people, and even some musicians have one thing ____[?] common: they need English ____ [?] work.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 276.