A truly educated person should know at least one foreign language, which will enable him to communicate with foreigners, read books in the original, use a personal computer and take part in cultural and educational exchanges with other countries.
Among a great number of foreign languages I’ve chosen English because it is the world’s most important language in politics, science and culture. Over 330 mln people speak it as the mother tongue and nearly twice as many use it as a second language. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. You will hardly be able to find a good job unless you master the English language.
Furthermore, English is a very melodic language. When I heard English speech for the first time, I was taken with the harmony of its sounds and intonations. Later while studying the English grammar I discovered the other way of reflecting reality. And what I liked most about English, that’s its proverbs and idioms. They are wise, witty and rhymed, many traditions of the English nation are represented in them.
Of course my command of the language is still rather far from being perfect. But I believe that everything depends on myself and I’m determined to achieve the aims I’m pursuing.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Why English is so popular nowadays?
2. Is English important for your future career?
3. What would make learning English more effective?
4. Why do Ukrainian officers need to learn English?
1. Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Іноземна мова, іноземець, політика, наука, культура, інтонація, досягти мети, прислів’я та ідіоми, гармонія, мелодійний, наукова література.
2. Доповніть речення словами з тексту:
1. Among a great number of foreign languages I’ve chosen English because it is the world’s most ………… in politics, science and culture.
2. A truly ………… should know at least one foreign language, which will ………… him to communicate with foreigners, read books in the original, use a personal computer and take part in cultural and ………… with other countries.
3. Over 330 mln people speak it as the ………… and nearly twice as many use it as a …
4. Later while studying the English grammar I discovered the other way of …………..
5. Of course my …………..is still rather far from being perfect. But I believe that everything ………….. myself and I’m determined ………….. I’m …………...
6. “Did you write that letter to Jack?” “Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. it this evening.”
7. “Would you like tea or coffee? coffee, please.”
3. Дайте відповіді на запитання, використовуючи слова в дужках
Example: When do you think he’ll arrive? (expect/tonight) …I expect he’ll arrive tonight….
1. What do you think she’ll say? (probably/nothing) She ....................
2. Where do you think she’ll go? (expect/London) I ............................
3. When do you think she’ll leave? (think/tomorrow) I .......................
4. How do you think she’ll go there? (expect/by train) I .....................
5. When do you think she’ll be back? (think/quite soon) I ..................
6. Do you think you’ll miss her? (I’m sure/very much) Yes, ………………..
Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations
It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa. The number of second-language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers, if it has not done so already.
Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication across frontiers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development of the great manufacturing countries and it is the principal language of international aid. It is the language of automation and computer technology. It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport, it is to a considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the major language of diplomacy and is the most frequently used language both in the debates in the United Nations and in the general conduct of the UN business.
English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the countries of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present status.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Name countries where English is an official language.
2. Why did it acquire an international status?
3. Which spheres of life is English used in?
4. What role do you think English plays in public communication?
5. How has English become a world language?
6. How many of your friends speak English?
1. Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Перевищувати, носій мов, у цьому відношенні, отримав міжнародний статус, кордон, технологічний розвиток, країна-виробник, дипломатія, рідна мова.
2. Поєднайте наступні слова з їхніми дефініціями:
1. mother tongue | a) skill in the management of international relations |
2. frontier | b) the language first learned by a child |
3. debate | c) the region of a country bordering on another or a line, barrier, etc., marking such a boundary |
4. development | d) a formal discussion, as in a legislative body, in which opposing arguments are put forward |
5. diplomacy | e) the act or process of growing, or progressing |
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 329.