English began as a west German language, which was brought to England by the Saxons around 400 AD. From the Norman Conquest until the late 12th century English was the official language used by Norman French, though it was still used by the lower classes.
Today when English is one of the major languages in the world, it’s difficult to believe that this is a recent thing - that in Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, and the language was not so very important to the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to the rest of the world.
What has made English so popular nowadays?
Economic factors are very important. Britain and the US are both major business and financial centers, and many multinational corporations started in these countries.
English became the language for international communications in air and shipping. Now, major computer systems and software developers are based in the US, and English is the common language of the Internet. English is also spread through leisure activities.
Britain and the US have invested a lot of money in English Language teaching (ELT). The British Council has offices worldwide, which promote British culture and support the teaching of English. The United States Information Agency also has libraries and cultural programmes in many countries. English language broadcasts of BBC World Service, Voice of America and other services are widely spread and many people listen to their news broadcasts in order to get informed. They also broadcast study programmes for learners of English.
? Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What do you know about the beginning of English?
2. What has made English so popular nowadays?
3. Name factors that influenced the English language spreading.
4. Which countries have invested money in ELT? In what way?
5. Are you a member of the British Council?
6. What’s English to you personally?
Знйдіть еквівленти слів у тексті англійською
Норманське завоювання, офіційна мова, невідомий решті світу багатонаціональні корпорації, програмне забезпечення,
поширюватся, Британська Рада, транслювати, з метою.
2. Поясніть наступні терміни своїми словами:
International communication, common language, promote, software
Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations
It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa. The number of second-language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers, if it has not done so already.
Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication across frontiers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development of the great manufacturing countries and it is the principal language of international aid. It is the language of automation and computer technology. It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport, it is to a considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the major language of diplomacy and is the most frequently used language both in the debates in the United Nations and in the general conduct of the UN business.
English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the countries of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present status.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Name countries where English is an official language.
2. Why did it acquire an international status?
3. Which spheres of life is English used in?
4. What role do you think English plays in public communication?
5. How has English become a world language?
6. How many of your friends speak English?
1. Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Перевищувати, носій мов, у цьому відношенні, отримав міжнародний статус, кордон, технологічний розвиток, країна-виробник, дипломатія, рідна мова.
2. Поєднайте наступні слова з їхніми дефініціями:
1. mother tongue | a) skill in the management of international relations |
2. frontier | b) the language first learned by a child |
3. debate | c) the region of a country bordering on another or a line, barrier, etc., marking such a boundary |
4. development | d) a formal discussion, as in a legislative body, in which opposing arguments are put forward |
5. diplomacy | e) the act or process of growing, or progressing |
People who speak English as a first or second language have their own variety of the language, each of which is changing independently of other varieties. There are many differences, for instance, between British English and American English, and between Australian, South African, Indian, African and Jamaican English, though all can be understood, more or less, by speakers of other varieties. Foreign learners of English learn one of the major varieties, usually British or American English or some sort of international English. As a global language, English can no longer be thought of as belonging only to British or American people, or to anyone else. This loss ownership is often uncomfortable, especially in Britain. As the number of people using English as their second language increases faster than the number who speak it as a first language, there a lot of drifts away from a British or American standard.
The status of English as a global language has unfortunately tended to mean that American people assume everyone speaks English, so they don’t bother to learn foreign languages.
However, better language teaching and an awareness of the advantages or speaking another language are slowly changing this situation.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. How many varieties of English do you know? Name them.
2. Are there any differences between American English and the British one?
3. Why is the loss of a language ownership considered as disadvantage?
4. How do you understand the phrase “global language”?
5. How can the situation with the drifts away from a British or American standard be changed?
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Мовний варіант, незалежно від, наприклад, світова мова, втрата власності, зростати, відхилення від, на жаль, припускати, не піклуватися про вивчення іноземної мови, однак, усвідомлення переваг.
Поясніть наступні терміни своїми словами:
Second language, global language, ownership, to drift, foreign learner.
The term British English is used by linguists to contrast the form of English used in Britain with American English and also with Australian English, Indian English, South African English etc.
From the 15th century standards of pronunciation and vocabulary gradually became established. In the 18th century there was a lot of discussion about correct English, and Samuel Johnson dictionary, published in 1755, came to be considered an authority on the correct use of words.
Today standard English is used by educated speakers and is taught in schools and to foreign students.
If you visit east London (the «East End» as it’s called) you can find some people who speak Cockney, a dialect of English. Even English people may have difficulty understanding a Cockney because of it’s pronunciation. And if he uses a «rhyming slang» and «back slang» they will probably not understand him at all.
In rhyming slang, words are replaced by other words or phrases, which rhyme. For example: dog and bone means ‘phone’; apples and pears means ‘stairs’; plates of meat means ‘feet’.
Sometimes names of places and people are used. For example: Rosie Lee means ‘tea’ (Rosie Lee was a gypsy fortune-teller). Often only the first word is used, so Rosie is used for ‘tea’.
Back slang is sometimes used by Cockney street traders or salesmen at Spitalfield — a fruit and vegetable market in the East End. Words are said back to front. For example: He’s taf means ‘He’s fat’.
The letters are not always changed exactly. For example: a delo namow means ‘an old woman’; Dug yed means ‘Good day’.
Cockneys use back slang to speak to each other when they don’t want other people to understand. For example in the market a salesman may be trying to sell the same thing at different prices to different people. To a Cockney friend he can say: «Right George, you can have it for rouf while he sells to another customer for five pounds.»
Most of the world considers English to be the lingua franca. Perhaps, but not all the world fully grasp it. Here are some examples of «alternative» English, found by the European Community translation service.
Spotted in a Moscow hotel room: «If this is your first visit to Moscow, you are welcome to it.»
Then there is the notice in Paris hotel lift, which reads: «Please, leave your values at the desk», while an Athens hotel might be getting more than it bargain for when it states: «Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9am and 11am daily.» In a Tokyo hotel they warn the visitors: «It’s forbidden to steal hotel towels. If you are not a person to do such thing, please don’t read this notice.»
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What does the term “British English” mean?
2. When did the standards of correct use of English words become established and how?
3. What dialects of English do you know?
4. What is ‘cockney’? Give some examples.
5. What is ‘rhyming slang’?
6. Who uses back slang and what for?
7. What do you know about ‘alternative’ English’?
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Протиставлять, тощо, вимова, словник, поступово, труднощі, римований сленг, ззаду наперед, торговець, ціна, споживач розуміти, цінні речі, Афін, скаржитися, попереджати, заборонено.
Доповніть речення словами з тексту:
1. From the 15th century standards of ………… and vocabulary gradually became ………….
2. Today standard English is used by …………….. and is taught in schools and to foreign students.
3. If you visit east London you can find some people who speak ………, a ………….. of English.
4. Most of the world considers English to be ……………..
American English becomes more and more popular nowadays. There are about twice as many speakers of American English as of other varieties of English and four times as many as speakers of British English. Americanisms have been spread through advertising, tourism, telecommunications and the cinema.
As a result, forms of English used in Britain, Australia, etc. have become less distinct. But there remain many differences in idiom and vocabulary, especially between British and American English. For most people, however, the most distinctive feature of American English is its accent.
In written English, spelling shows whether the writer American or British.
There are various differences in grammar and idiom. For instance, gotten, an old form of the past participle of get, is often used in American English in the sense of “received”, e.g. “I’ve gotten 16 Christmas cards so far”. Americans say: “He is in the hospital” while British people say “He is in hospital”.
American people pronounce the sound ‘r’ in all positions: car, undertake, sort, far.
They do not spell the endings of the words like English people do. For example, in words like honour, favour, labour, colour, etc, there is no letter ‘u’ – ‘honor’. Words that end in ‘re’ (centre, litre, fiber, theatre) ‘-re’changes into ‘-er’ – center, liter, fiber, theater. Letter ‘z’ is used in American language instead of ‘s’ in some words: organization, analyze.
In American English there is no doubling of letter ‘l’ in such words as ‘travelling’, ‘cancelling’, etc.
Some words lose their endings: dialogue - dialog, programme - program, catalogue - catalog, etc.
The ending ‘-ce’ is changing into ‘-se’: defence – defense, licence – license, practice – practise, etc.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What does the term “American English” mean?
2. Why is American English so popular nowadays?
3. Give some examples of Ukrainian americanisms.
4. Which language variant do you think is easier to learn? Why?
5. Name some differences in American and English grammar or spelling.
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Сьогодні, через рекламу, чіткий, залишатися, акцент, правопис дієприкметник, закінчення, замість, подвоєння.
Learning pronunciation
Learning the pronunciation of a language is a very important part of your studies. It doesn't matter so much if you just want to read and/or write the language, but if you want to speak a language well, as I'm sure you do, pay particular attention to the pronunciation and review it regularly.
Learning vocabulary
Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many years. Learning words in context from written and spoken material is probably the most effective way to do this. You could also try learning words in a more systematic way - perhaps a certain number of words every day.
Learning grammar
Familiarity with the grammar of a language enables you to understand it, and also to construct your own phrases and sentences. It's not essential to know all the grammatical terminology or to understand why words change, as long as you're able to apply to relevant changes when necessary.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What are the reasons to study a foreign language? What’s your personal motivation?
2. What’s the best way to learn grammar?
3. What is the most effective method of learning vocabulary?
4. Is pronunciation important? What techniques do you use to improve your pronunciation?
Знайдіть еквіваленти слів у тексті англійською мовою:
Знайте своє коріння, широкий асортимент інструментів, електронні перекладачі, виклик, вільна хвилинка, відвідувати курс, приватні заняття, вимова.
Вставте наступні прийменники з змістом:for(1)in (2)with (3)
There are many advantages to being a fluent English speaker. First, you can meet and converse ____[?] people from different countries. English has become a common language in the world. Even if you meet a Chinese or a European person, you might communicate ____ [?] each other ____ [?] English. Second, do you know that about 85% of the information on the Internet is in English? That's right. A person who cannot use English is very limited in the computer age. That fact alone might be enough to motivate you! Third, many common jobs depend ____ [?] some level of English ability. Computer programmers, business people, and even some musicians have one thing ____[?] common: they need English ____ [?] work.
English began as a west German language, which was brought to England by the Saxons around 400 AD. From the Norman Conquest until the late 12th century English was the official language used by Norman French, though it was still used by the lower classes.
Today when English is one of the major languages in the world, it’s difficult to believe that this is a recent thing - that in Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, and the language was not so very important to the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to the rest of the world.
What has made English so popular nowadays?
Economic factors are very important. Britain and the US are both major business and financial centers, and many multinational corporations started in these countries.
English became the language for international communications in air and shipping. Now, major computer systems and software developers are based in the US, and English is the common language of the Internet. English is also spread through leisure activities.
Britain and the US have invested a lot of money in English Language teaching (ELT). The British Council has offices worldwide, which promote British culture and support the teaching of English. The United States Information Agency also has libraries and cultural programmes in many countries. English language broadcasts of BBC World Service, Voice of America and other services are widely spread and many people listen to their news broadcasts in order to get informed. They also broadcast study programmes for learners of English.
? Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What do you know about the beginning of English?
2. What has made English so popular nowadays?
3. Name factors that influenced the English language spreading.
4. Which countries have invested money in ELT? In what way?
5. Are you a member of the British Council?
6. What’s English to you personally?
Знйдіть еквівленти слів у тексті англійською
Норманське завоювання, офіційна мова, невідомий решті світу багатонаціональні корпорації, програмне забезпечення,
поширюватся, Британська Рада, транслювати, з метою.
2. Поясніть наступні терміни своїми словами:
International communication, common language, promote, software
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 308.