Write down your house number or your telephone number or the total amount of the coins in your pocket.
Multiplythis by 2.
To this add 5.
Multiplythat by 50.
Then add your age.
Now add 365 (days in year).
Then subtract 615.
The last two numbers will be your age, and the other numbers will be your house address, total amount of coins in your pocket or whatever you decided upon.
IV. The ‘Terribly Stressed’ game
Count from 11 to 31 – but only say every second number (for example 1, 3, 5).
1. Count backwards from 29 to 17.
2. Count backwards from 113 to 91
Practice set 8
Four Basic Operations in Mathematics |
3 + 2 = 5 ADDITION (to add) 1) three plus two is five 2) the sum of three and two equals five 3) three increased by two is equal to five 4) two added to three equals five |
6 – 2 = 4 SUBTRACTION(to subtract from) 1) six minus two is four 2) six decreased by two equals four 3) the difference of six and two equals four 4) two subtracted from six equals four |
3 × 2 = 6 MULTIPLICATION (to multiply by) 1) three multiplied by two is six 2) three times two equals six 3). the product of three and two equals six 4) three times as large as y means multiply three 3 times y |
8 ÷ 2 =4 DIVISION (to divide by) 1) eight divided by two equals four 2) the quotient of eight and two 3) two divided into eight |
Inverse operations |
Inverse operations |
addends minuend
3 + 2 = 5 the sum 6 – 2 = 4 the difference
multiplicand dividend divisor
3 × 2 = 6 the product 7 ÷ 2 = 3 the quotient and the part
Multiplier which is left is a remainder 1
I. Use this mind-map ‘Four basic operations in Mathematics’ as a topic activator to speak about the basic operations in Arithmetic.
II. Complete the crossword with words referring to the basic operations of Arithmetic. The first letter of words is given for you to help.
1M | 2R | |||||||||||||||||
3D | 4 Q | 5A | ||||||||||||||||
6M | ||||||||||||||||||
7A | 8D | 9D | ||||||||||||||||
10S | 11P | |||||||||||||||||
12M | 13D | 14F | ||||||||||||||||
15M | ||||||||||||||||||
16M | ||||||||||||||||||
17S | ||||||||||||||||||
1. The number by which we multiply
2. The result which we obtain in the operation of subtraction
3. The number to be divided
4. The result of division
5. The elementary branch of mathematics
6. The inverse operation of division
7. The number to be added
8. The process of finding how many parts of a number is contained in another one
9. Ten _____ by three is equal to seven
10. The number to be increased
11. The result of multiplication
12. The number from which we subtract
13. The _____ of nine and six is three
14. Numbers to be multiplied
15. The sign of subtraction
16. The number which is multiplied in the operation of multiplication
17 The process of finding the difference of two numbers
III. Read the following numerical expression to your partner. S/he will fill in the blank with the missing operation symbol and says the operation which the given numbers are subjected to. The first example is done for you.
Expression | Operation | |
ten multiplied by six point four | 10 _____ 6.4 | Multiplication |
thirty times seventeen | 30 _____ 17 | |
fifteen point three decreased by point three three | 15.3 _____ 0.33 | |
Eighty-two increased by eleven | 82 _____ 11 | |
the sum of nineteen and twelve | 19 _____ 12 | |
the difference of sixty-five and fifty | 65 _____ 50 | |
twenty-two subtracted from two hundred and two | 202 ____ 22 | |
the quotient of one-tenth and six-fourths | 1/10 ____6/4 | |
sixty-two divided by four | 62 _____ 4 | |
One added to seventeen | 1 _____ 17 | |
The product of twelve and eight | 12 _____ 8 | |
two divided into one thousand | 1000 _____ 2 |
IV. Read the following numerical expressions to your partner. S/he will write down what you say. Check the answers. Then ask to repeat the given expressions. Listen to see if s/he repeats correctly. Correct your partner’s incorrect answers.
1.three times twenty – five plus four
2.eighty-one divided by nine
3.thirty decreased by seventeen
4.two times the sum of fifteen and eight
5.the quotient of negative one hundred and fifty-two
1.nine-fifths minus two-thirds
2.one-sixth subtracted from three-halves
3.the product of four-thirds and eleven-sixths
4.the quotient of one-half and two thirds
5.eleven divided by fifteen-sixteenths
1.point two five times one point six
2.point six plus six point one
3.subtract one point double zeros from six point one
4.the quantity, point five minus point one, times three
5.twice the quotient of one point nine and one point two
V. Look at each numerical expression written in symbols and signs. Then say it in words. Your partner will listen to see if you repeat correctly and correct your incorrect answers.
.01 + .9 – 1.7 | .067 + 3.004 |
2(15 + 8) – 13 | 2(61 – 24) |
3(20 + 3) + 41 | 38.4 ÷ 6.01 |
59.9 ÷ 3.8 – .21 | 2/3 – 1/10 |
(4/3) × (11/6) × (15/16) | (15/32 ) × (6/7) |
√19 – 6 | √75–25 |
√15 + 50 | (93 – 43) ÷ 2 |
(50 +86) 10 | √90 + √144 |
Practice set 9
ALGEBRAcame from the Arab word “aljabr” |
Letters of the Latin alphabet are used to represent numbers |
An algebraic expression is an expression in which several numbers represented by letters or by letters and figures are connected by means of signs |
A. deals with the operations of rational/irrational numbers, equations, logarithms, functions, graphs and complex numbers |
The turning point in the history of algebra was the 16th century |
The French mathematicians Viet and Descartes introduced the systematic use of letters of the Latin alphabet |
The most important new demands in algebra come from topology, analysis and algebraic geometry |
These signs indicate the order of the operations which the numbers must be subjected to |
A. is one of the most rapidly changing areas of Mathematics, because it is sensitive to all the trends, which originate in other areas of Mathematics |
I. Use this mind-map ‘Algebra’ as a topic activator to speak about Algebra (its origin and some facts from its history).
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 309.