Find the words or phrases (1–7) in the text above (6) which are explained / defined (a–g)? The first and the last letter are given to help you.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
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a----s a get to and enter
i----t b strong impression or effect
a-------e c able to be obtained, taken or used
s------e d programs used by computers for doing particular jobs
a----t e help something/someone
c--------m f temporary cooperation of a number of powers, companies, banks, etc. for a common purpose
c—p g a very small piece of silicon marked with electronic connections that is used in computers and other machines

Test yourself. Cover the dictionary meanings and look at the words. What are the meanings?

Do these statements relate to Turing, Berners-Lee or both?

1. He was born in London.

2. He studied at Cambridge University.

3. He built his first computer being a university student.

4. He has a degree in physics.

5. He is the founder of computer science.

6. He worked only in the United Kingdom.

What events/dates do the following numbers refer to?


Answer the questions about the two scientists.

1. What idea was Alan Turing taken by at the beginning of his career?

2. Why is Turing machine universal?

3. What was Turing’s contribution to a decipherment of German messages?

4. Why did the Bletchley team begin building Colossus?

5. What were advantages of the Colossus computer over the Bombe?

6. How is Colossus compared with a modern PC?

7. Why did Alan Turing die?

8. What does the fame of Tim Berners-Lee come from?

9. What sort of scientist is Berners-Lee?

10. What is a hypertext?

11. What achievements is Berners-Lee most proud of?

HELP box

Grammar review: Gerund and Infinitive

Use the gerund (verb + -ing)  
1 after prepositions and phrasal verbs. 2 as the subject of a sentence. 3 after the following verbs: enjoy, hate, finish, like, love, mind, practise, spend, stop, suggestand phrasal verbs, e.g.: give up, go on, keep on, succeed in, think of, etc. I’m very goodat writing programs. Performingthe first operation made possible further steps. Students likewriting sentences in algebraic way.
Use the infinitive (+ to)  
1 after adjectives. 2 to express a reason or purpose. 3 after the following verbs: (can’t) afford, agree, decide, expect, forget, help, hope, learn, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem, try, want, would like This method is easyto describe. To adjustthe new program we’ll have to do a great deal of work. He didn’t want to reveal his personal information in interviews.
●Gerunds and infinitives form the negative withnot, e.g. not to be, not being ●The common verbs ‘begin/start, continue, prefer’ can take either the gerund or infinitive with no difference in meaning. ●The verbs‘try, remember’ can takea gerund or an infinitive but the meaning is different. Try to be on time in the airport. = make an effort to be on time Try doing yoga. = do it to see if you like it. Remember to phone him. = Don’t forget to do it I remember meeting him a year ago. = I have a memory of it.

A Underline the correct form.

1. He provides an easy way to access/accessing the Internet.

2. He wouldn’t like to reveal/revealing his personal information in interviews.

3. After to graduate/graduating from Queens College he got his first job in a big company.

4. To smoke/Smoking was banned in his college.

5. Were they afraid of to take/taking your Calculus exam?

6. It was difficult to prove/proving this theorem.

7. His colleagues were not interested in to learn/learning that computer language.

8. My friend takes a course in Applied Maths to get/getting a job in Ukrtelecom.

9. Be careful not to make/not making a noise when you come home tonight.

10. He doesn’t mind to invite/inviting my colleague to the party.


B Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the gerund or infinitive.

Ivan So, have you decided 1 ________ (ask) her, Oleg?
Oleg Well, I was planning 2 ________ (do) it yesterday, but then I didn’t. What if she says ‘no’? 3__________(get) engaged is such a big step. She might think it’s too soon. I’m worried about 4 _________ (lose) her.
Ivan You can’t afford 5 ________ (wait) forever. You love her, don’t you?
Oleg Yes, of course. And I love 6 ________ (be) with her, I can’t stop 7 _______ (think) about her.
Ivan Then do it. Phone her now. Invite her out for meal, somewhere very romantic.
Oleg You’re right. I’ll phone her now. … Hi, Ann. I’ve just called 8 _______ (ask) you if you are doing anything on Friday night. Would you like 9________ (go) out for a meal? At the restaurant Golden Lion… OK. Great. I’ll pick you up at 8.00… No, I won’t forget 10 _______ (book) a table…


Group work

Group A. Make a list of the most important events in Alan Turing’s life.

Group B. Make a list of the most important events in Tim Berners-Lee’s life.

Talk on Alan Turing or Tim Berners-Lee using the lists made.

Unit 14


Reading and Vocabulary

1. Match the definitions/explanations in A (1–7) with the words in B (a–g):

  A   B
a person having great and exceptional capacity of the mind, creative or inventive capacity a enormously
greatly, in an immense degree, very much b performance
having much knowledge, well-informed c genius
school achievement d knowledgeable
person who performs music, acts in plays, etc., for the love of it, not for money e extraordinary
wasting disease affecting various parts of body’s tissues, esp. the lungs f tuberculosis
beyond what is usual or ordinary, remarkable g amateur

Read the article below and complete it with a word from the task 1 (column B).


An astrologer in the year 1801 might have read in the stars that a new galaxyof mathematical 1_____ was about to blazeforth the greatest century of mathematical history.

In all that galaxy of talent there was no brighter star that Niels Henric Abel, the man of whom Charles Hermite said, ‘He has left mathematicians enough to keep them busy for five hundred years.’ Abel contributed 2_____ to mathematics inspite of poverty and neglect by other mathematicians. Niels Henrik Abel was born in Nedstrand, Norway,on August 5, 1802. Niels Henrik and his brothers were given their first schooling by their father, a pastor, with handwritten books to read. In 1815, Niels Abel entered the CathedralSchool, aged 13. His elder brother Hans joined him there a year later. They shared rooms, and had classes together. In general, Hans got better grades than Niels; however, a new mathematics teacher, Bernt Michael Holmboe, spotted Niels Henrik’s talent in mathematics and encouraged him to study the subject to an advanced level. He even gave Niels private lessons after school. Niels Henrik did extremely well in mathematics, though he struggledin other subjects. At the age of 16 Abel gave a proof of the binomialtheorem valid for all numbers extending Euler’s result which had only held for rationals. In 1820 Abel’s father died and Bernt Michael Holmboe supported Niels Henrik Abel with a scholarship to remain at the school and raised money from his friends to enable Abel to study at the Royal Frederick University. Holmboe had nothing more he could teach his bright pupil.

Abel entered university in 1821. He was already the most 3_____ mathematician in Norway. He had studied all the latest mathematical literature in the University library. Abel graduated in 1822. His 4_____ was medium, except in mathematics.

When about 20, Abel solved a problem that had confounded mathematicians for centuries: how to find the roots of ax5 + bx4 + cx3+ dx2+ ex + f with a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, and extractions of roots. Abel proved that the task was, in general, impossible! To do this he invented an extremely important branch of mathematics known as group theory independently from Galois. He used what little money he had to print the result himself.

Abel then received a small grant to travel in Europe. He hoped that talking to the great mathematicians would gain him entrance into mathematical circles and provide him with a good position, but he was not received well. Gauss, for example, refused to read Abel’s paper on the impossibility of solving quintic equations, believing Abel to be just another 5_____.

On his two-year trip, Abel did have good fortune to meet the German mathematician A.L.Crelle, who perceived Abel’s greatness. Shortly thereafter, Crelle began publishing the first periodical in the world devoted exclusively to mathematical research, Journal for pure and applied mathematics. The first three volumes contained 22 of Abel’s papers. Crelle showed Abel off and tried to get him a professorship at the University of Berlin, but to no avail, and Abel remained an outsider. His famous paper on transcendental functions, presented to the Paris Academy of Sciences when he was 24, was misplaced by Cauchy, almost lost, and only published 17 years later. Jacobi called it the most important mathematical discovery of the century.

Abel returned home from his trip, poor and sick with 6_____but still doing mathematics. In 1829, at the age of 26, he died. Two days later, a letter arrived from Crelle saying that Berlin was offering him a professorship after all. A year later, the Paris Academy of Sciences made some amends by awarding Abel the Grand Prize in Mathematics. The early death of this talented mathematician, of whom Adrien-Marie Legendre said ‘what a head this young Norwegian has’, cut short a career of 7_____ brilliance and promise. The adjective ‘abelian’, derived from his name, has become so commonplace in mathematical writing that it is conventionally spelled with a lower-case initial ‘a’ (e.g., abelian variety).

Norway honors its famous son. Abel’s portrait appears on Norwegian stamps, banknotes and coins. A statue of Abel stands in Oslo, and crater Abel on the Moon was named after him. In 2002, the Abel Prize for outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics was established in his memory.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 413.