A I. Read the instructions and write your answers in the correct place.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

In the star, write your first name.

In circle 1, write the year when you started learning English.

In square 2, write two things you like doing at weekends.

In circle 3, write the number of the month when you were born (e.g. July = 7).

In square 4, write the name of a famous person you admire.

In circle 5, write the name of the last film you saw in the cinema.

In square 6, write the name of the most beautiful city you have ever visited.

In circle 7, write the name of two sports you think are really exciting to watch.

In square 8, write the name of the person you get on with best in your family.

In circle 9, write the name of a famous group or singer you really like (or don’t like).

In square 10, write the name of a TV programme you often watch.

II. Swap charts with B. Ask A to explain the information in his/her chart. Ask for more information.

1. Why did you write ‘11’?

2. When and where were you born?










III. Explain your answers to B.

B I. Read the instructions and write your answers in the correct place.

In the star, write your first name.

In circle 1, write the number of brothers and sisters you have.

In square 2, write two things you don’t like doing at weekends.

In circle 3, write the number of the house or flat where you live.

In square 4, write the name of a really good friend.

In circle 5, write the name of the place where you spent your last holiday.

In square 6, write the name of a magazine or newspaper you often read.

In circle 7, write the name of a subject you really hated at school.

In square 8, write the name of two kinds of music you really like.

In circle 9, write an animal you have or would like to have as a pet.

In square 10, write the name of a TV personality you really like (or don’t like).


II. Swap charts with A. Ask B to explain the information in his/her chart. Ask for more information.

1. What is your mother town?

2. Do you have any sisters or brothers?

3. When did you start learning English?

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

6. _____________________________

7. _____________________________

8. _____________________________

9. _____________________________

10. _____________________________


III. Explain your answers to A.

Practice set 2

loves students
does not loose his/her temper  
inspires students’ enthusiasm for learning
knows the methods of teaching




delivers interesting lectures
is a polite and a punctual person
has a good sense of humor
is a well-educated person



I. Work in pairs. Look at this mind-map and then say what qualities and skills you can add.

A. (Book closed) Tell your partner about an ideal teacher.

B. (Book open) Listen and help your partner.

II. Interview your partner about your favorite teacher (in primary or secondary school).

1. Did you have the teacher you liked best of all?

2. What did he/she teach you?

3. Was he/she an experienced teacher or not?

4. What were his/her good points?

5. Did he/she have any bad points?

6. Did you follow your teacher’s or your parents’ advice to choose Mathematics faculty to study at?

7. Would you like to be a teacher of Mathematics in the future?

8. Name three qualities and skills which are the most important for any teacher.

Practice set 3



I. Look at this graph and then draw your own ‘Mood graph’.

II. Say to your partner what the best (worst) day of the week was and explain the reason for it. Be prepared to ask and answer the questions below. Ask for more information. (Work in pairs)

1. What is your favorite day of the week?

2. When do you have one or two lectures a day at the university?

3. What day is the busiest one at the university?

4. Do you like your university timetable? Why (not)? Would you like to change it?

5. How much time do you have for yourself?


III. How do you feel about living in the hall of residence? Choose the appropriate letter and describe Pros/Cons of living in it.


Practice set 4


You know how many years ago you were born, but do you know your body’s age? According to health experts, we have two ages – a birth age and a biological age that’s affected by how we treat our bodies. Madonna’s 45years old, but her body age is 35.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 304.