As you know the language of mathematics uses signs and symbols. In the table below you can find some of them. Study their wording.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Sign Designation Example Wording  
Summation sign (capital sigma) a The sum from (a equals) one to n of x sub a  
Product sign (capital pi [pai]) a The product from (a equals) one to n of x sub a  
Log Logarithm (log) sign log 10 3 The log(arithm) of three to the base ten  
Dash, prime a′ b″ a dash times b double dash = a prime times b double prime  
( ) Parentheses 3 (a+b) Three multiplied by a plus b in parentheses = three times the sum of a and b= three times the quantity, a plus b= three, (initial) parenthesis, a plus b, (final) parenthesis  
  [ ] Brackets Bracket, a+b, bracket, multiplied by c
  { } Braces One third times (initial) brace, a, (initial) bracket, b plus k, (initial) parenthesis, c minus d, (final) parenthesis, (final) bracket, (final) brace
  Identity sign a is identical to/with b
  > Greater than sign a > b a is greater than b
  < Less than sign a < b a is less than b
  Greater than or equal to sign ab a is greater than or equal to b
  Less than or equal to sign ab a is less than or equal to b
  Approximation sign a is approximately(nearly) equal to b
  Infinity sign → ∞ x tends to infinity = x approaches infinity
  Therefore sign Therefore a equals b
  Differential sign Differentialof x
  Derivative ; (The first) derivative of y with respect to x = dy to dx ; the second derivative of y with respect to x
  Integral sign Integral between limits x and y
  sin Sine Sine x
  Cosine Cosine x
  tan Tangent Tan x Tangentx
  cot Cotangent Cot x Cotangent x

In pairs, look at the highlighted words and phrases. Try to guess what they mean from the context. Then check with your dictionary or teacher. Work out the list of the terms involved, make a kind of glossary.

Word these mathematical formulae.






Unit 10


Reading and Vocabulary

1. Match the definitions/explanations in A (1–7) with the words in B (a–g):

  A   B
acceptable, well based, effective a valid
an official counting of a country’s total population b random
to judge how good, useful or successful something is c attempts
that cannot be avoided, that is sure to happen d inevitable
happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim or pattern, that cannot be avoided, that is sure to happen e profound
deep; needing, showing, having great knowledge f to evaluate = to assess
making an effort at; trying to do something, especially without succeeding g census(es)

Read the article below and complete it with a word from the task 1 (column B).


I am a first-year student at the University of Donetsk. I study at the Faculty of Mathematics and take a course in statistics.

When I made up my mind to be a statistician my friends laughed at me. Some of them quoted Mark Twain: ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics’. Others quoted Andrew Lang, ‘He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts – for support rather than illumination’. I’ll try to prove that statistics is used for illumination rather than support.

A lot has changed since the times of Mark Twain. Today statistics is a science, a branch of applied mathematics. It is concerned with scientific methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting and analyzing data, as well as drawing 1_____ conclusions and making reasonable decisions on the basis of that analysis.

It’s being used more and more in various applications. In government many people are involved in collecting data from 2_____ and surveys. Such data are often referred to as ‘official statistics’. They are used to 3_____ and improve current policies. On a smaller scale, statistics is used in medicine, for example, to assess which of two treatments is better or to aid in the diagnosis of a patient. Statisticians are involved in agriculture, with the comparison of different fertilizers; in geology, with the estimation of oil resources; in the analysis of psychological experiments; in the actuarial profession, with the establishment of suitable premiums; in market research, to discover and interpret trends and frequencies; and in industry, in optimization of production and formation of advertising policies.

Statistical procedures can vary from the drawing and assessment of a few simple graphs to carrying out very complex mathematical analysis. There is clearly an 4_____ link between statistics and probability, which provides the mathematical basis for setting up models to describe 5_____ phenomena” .

As you see my profession requires 6_____ knowledge of the theory of probability and calculus, and we study those subjects in our first and second year. In our third year specialization begins. We are given specialized courses in sampling theory, statistical estimation theory, statistical decision theory, correlation theory. Some students begin doing their own research under the supervision of their scientific advisers. So, at the end of our study at the university we are prepared to apply our knowledge to practice.

You may ask me what a statistician actually does. The typical view is that you get data and hand it to a statistician. But this is a misconception. A good statistician will be integrated with projects right from the start, not sitting in a back room churning out numbers. Databases and special programming packages are the tools of the trade, but the main part of the job is the modeling phase where you build a model which 7_____ to describe the process which produces the data. With a model, you can answer questions such as whether a particular cancer treatment works.

I seem to have proved that statistics is very serious. Nevertheless, in conclusion I’d like to offer another joke. Have you heard this definition of a statistician? It’s someone who has his bottom in the oven and his head in the freezer and who says that his body temperature is average.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 279.